"Open the bronze treasure chest..."

"Get the Space Folding Ninja Kit X1..."

Qing Yu, who stayed at home, looked at the things that came out this time, and was quite satisfied.

If you only look at the appearance, this black space folding ninja bag is no different from the ordinary ninja bag.

However, it contains a one-cubic-sized folding space, which immediately greatly increases the value of this small ninja kit!

How many detonating talismans can fit in a cubic meter of space!

Cough cough!

With this thing, it is better for him to hide anything that he cannot see the light, and he will not have to think about how to destroy the evidence at any time.

In addition, this space folding ninja bag also has another function, that is, as long as his mind moves, the things he wants to take will appear in the outermost, the most convenient place, which is extremely convenient!

There will be no embarrassing things like he wants to take out a handful of Kunwu but can't find it for a long time, or grabs a detonating talisman.

However, the disadvantage is that it cannot hold living creatures and items that exceed the size of the built-in space.

In general, the quest reward obtained this time is very practical, and it is not worth the risk that he has taken the risk of "committing crimes" many times and has done so many things.

As for the two primary skill cards accumulated from these two missions, after careful consideration, he chose to use them directly, and directly upgraded the [Hardening] from LV1 to LV3.

With his current stamina level 1 [Hardening] can no longer meet his needs.

And when the [Hardening] ability was upgraded to LV3, he could already wrap his whole body under the cover of hard **** with a single thought!

Then he experimented with the Kunai he bought, and it took 80% of his strength to just draw a white mark on his arm, and it disappeared quickly.

This means that the physical attacks that Genin can use are already difficult to cause damage to him!

As for ninjutsu, there is no good reference example.

The only time he encountered aggressive ninjutsu was that Uchiha Han chased and killed him in anger.

This time, his survival and defense ability has been greatly enhanced!

However, it was followed by a double consumption of physical strength. It was nothing to use it for a short time, but after maintaining this state for more than half an hour, he felt a little unsustainable.

But, it's still a long time!

He was no longer the panting chomper who was tired after only covering his two arms with [hardening].

I believe that with the help of [The Basics of the Naval Body Forging Method] and the medicated bath, his physique will be improved by leaps and bounds in the future!

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Time flies, and before you know it, another month has passed.

The popularity of "urban legends" about mysterious teenagers has not diminished in the slightest, but has become more and more intense. Now many parents use this story to scare those disobedient bear children.

There are even many children who have personally experienced the 'catastrophe' and formed a backup team spontaneously. They usually wear ill-fitting funny black robes and wear weird smiling face masks. They walk around the streets and play.' Playing house wine', arguing endlessly over who will be the 'protagonist' every time.

And the head of this support group is none other than the fat tiger who had been ruthlessly repaired by Qingyu twice, but now he has changed his mind!

Of course, Qing Yu was completely unaware of what happened, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

It's just that the outfit that was used for disguise at that time probably won't reappear in the arena in a short time.

What's also strange is that it has been so long, but Mikawa Shangren has never come to him again, which makes Qingyu a little anxious, worried that Mikawa Shangren's mission is not going well, or that he has encountered some danger.

But the world of Shangnin is still too far away from him, so that he can't even ask for relevant information, let alone help.

The only good news is that, fortunately, he learned how to extract Chakra and how to open the scroll in advance.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even be able to get the supplies he receives every month.

Because of the space folding ninja kit he obtained in the last mission, he did not replace all the materials received this time with detonating charms, but on this basis, he exchanged some more kunai.

In addition, he also put the [Kunai-Desert Eagle] that had not been used for a long time into the ninja bag, and loaded it in case of emergency!

Although the power of this thing is not as great as imagined, but for him at this stage, it can still provide a certain lethality, and it is concealed enough, it is the best choice for sneak attacks!

If it is used well, the general Chunin will be planted in his hands. For details, please refer to the specific scene where he fought against Uchiha Han.

Unconsciously, he gradually accumulated more and more hole cards, but this did not make him feel any sense of security.

Because with the passage of time, the major disaster that will happen to Konoha is getting closer and closer. If the power of his wings is not so great~www.readwn.com~ On this day, Qing Yu is still as usual, two points and one line from home to his exclusive training ground.

But the moment he pushed open the door, he saw a guy standing outside hesitantly.

Seeing this, Qing Yu couldn't help showing a smile on his face, "Come here?"

Seeing Qing Yu's attitude towards him still in the past, Itachi couldn't help but relax a little, then nodded, "Yeah."

Then, as if thinking of something, Itachi went on to say: "Zhishui told me the words, and the grounding time has just ended today."

"I see, let's go."


"A place, where Zhishui and I first met."

Itachi looked at Qingyu's back with hesitant words, obviously there were a lot of things to say whether or not to say it now, but in the end, it turned into a sigh and silently followed.

Soon, the two came to the training ground one after the other.

This place is remote and quiet, but it is not difficult for Itachi, who observed carefully, to see from the traces on the ground and the training equipment such as the wooden doll piles erected on the field, that the other party must come here often.

"This is where I usually train, how is it? Is it too simple?"

As Aoba said, he put the water and lunch he brought on the ground, and then started to warm up.

"It's okay." Itachi replied seriously, but compared to the training ground in the Uchiha station, it couldn't be simpler, but he didn't show any disdain for it.

"It seems that Shishui's renovation plan should have failed, you are still so boring."

Qing Yu didn't know what to think, and suddenly laughed.

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