This Option is Fantastic

Chapter 60: It's on, it's definitely on

"The storm hasn't come yet?"

Looking out the window, Chen Luo stared at the figures on the barren slope, motionless, and couldn't help but be curious.

"Choice 1: Survive in a stable manner, and hold on to Bielang! Keeping the dog's head as the first priority, in the face of aliens, obey the arrangement and guidance, and after safety, you will receive a reward "a random type of devil fruit"!"

"Choice 2: I'm invincible, whoever dares to point fingers and beats to death, one person singles out an alien, kills all these bastards, and you will get the reward "The Emperor's Breathing Technique"!"

"Choice 3: Jump out of the car and run away immediately to avoid being chased by aliens. After you are safe, you will receive the reward "Three Swords of Abi Dao"!"

The pale golden font suddenly appeared in his eyes, and Chen Luo was slightly stunned.

He was a little surprised when a choice appeared at this time.

I tried hard to trigger it, but I couldn't touch it. I didn't expect it would appear at this time.

What a *surprise! This is!

Looking at the three choices, Chen Luo watched carefully.

Especially the reward, that's the point.

The first one, a random devil fruit!

In an instant, three words popped up in his mind.

One Piece!

He had read some of the world-class comics in his previous life.

Devil Fruit!

This is the fruit of a thief!

Eating it is superman!

The super power bull fork is not ordinary.

The Son of Heaven's Qi Technique!

Chen Luo vaguely felt that this was martial arts in a novel, but unfortunately, he didn't know the specifics.

Ah Noi Road Three Swords!

He does have an impression of this, the sword technique in a certain novel.

The devil has three swords, one strike, and the wind and clouds fuse, which belongs to the type of lethality that explodes the table.

Very strong!

After reading the reward, Chen Luo cut to the chase.

Three choices can be scanned at a glance, and the normal brain circuits are clear.

The second and third are totally courting death.

Singled out an alien, jumped out of the car and drove away...

"I choose one!"

With a thought, Chen Luo quickly made a choice.

From the three choices, the first choice is the most sensible choice.

Two and three, that's definitely not appropriate.

Jumping out of the car and slipping away is equivalent to giving the target, sticking out your neck and rushing to death.

To single out an alien race, he thought, unfortunately, his strength would not allow it!

"Successful selection! Rewards will be issued after completion!"

The golden hint font appeared and then disappeared.

Seeing the prompt disappear, Chen Luo's mood also rose to the top.

On the surface, he looks calm, but in fact, he has secretly accumulated strength to prepare for everything.

He was sure that the alien creatures must have discovered the convoy. On this wilderness road, there are ten big trucks, unless the aliens are almost blind.

If he didn't act immediately, there must be a conspiracy.

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

There must be something weird in this.

"Boss, what should I do?"

A martial artist from Fengfeng Logistics came to Captain Feng's side. His expression was extremely solemn. Through the military telescope in his hand, he had already discovered the place where the aliens lurked.

"Be careful, be vigilant, and act according to the original plan. If the aliens attack, then kill all these bastards."

Looking at the hillside in the distance, Captain Feng said coldly.


Nodding his head, he followed the player and left.

The other Martial Artists from the headwind logistics were also busy quickly, and one by one, the most lethal hot weapons were transported out of the car.

Ten headwind logistics warriors shouldered the hot weapon device similar to a bazooka.

"Good guy, is this a carry-on arsenal? This is it!!"

Looking at the extremely lethal hot weapons, Chen Luo and the other classmates' eyes were about to widen.

Not only firearms, but also cannons.

But it's normal to think about it. In the wilderness, aliens are rampant, and they don't carry advanced weapons. If they meet, they will basically end in death.

Ordinary firearms have the most lethality to inflict heavy damage on aliens. If they are powerful aliens, they will not even be able to inflict heavy damage, and can only cause a slight amount of damage.

Many weapons were displayed, and the warriors of the Adverse Wind Logistics Team also increased their confidence a lot.

As soon as the aliens moved, they immediately shot, killing a piece of armor.

"When you enter the attack range, hit Lao Tzu hard! Do you hear me!"

Glancing at all the warriors in the field, Captain Feng said in a loud voice.

"Don't worry, boss, we know that as long as you dare to come, you will definitely have a big meal!"

A headwind logistics warrior grinned.

"It shouldn't be underestimated, cheer up Lao Tzu, don't have an accident!"

With a straight face, Captain Feng said loudly.


A group of headwind logistics warriors responded in unison, all of them staring at the direction where the alien race was lurking with high vigilance.

On the hillside in the wilderness, several leaders of alien races watched this scene, and all looked at the team leader in the middle.

An alien looked at him and said, "Team leader, it should be almost the same, right?"

"Wait a minute, the inscription hasn't lighted up yet."

Looking at the human figures on the abandoned road, the team leader said lightly.


As soon as the voice fell, a white light suddenly appeared on the team leader's chest, accompanied by a sound of vibration.

The white light rose, and the vibration came. The team leader stretched out his slender hand and took out a white stone from his chest.

The stone is not big, only the size of a palm, very thin, like a piece of jade. There is a non-human font engraved on it. At first glance, it looks like a wild cursive font, but also like a ghost painting. The light is flowing. This magical text seems to glow with vitality, and an invisible light wave is emitted from the inscription stone.

Several aliens were covered by light waves, including the dozens of ferocious and huge aliens behind them.

The naked eye can't see it, but if you can look into it, you can find that there is a layer of stratum corneum-like existence on the skin of the alien body covering the whole body.

"The secret technique is done! Kill me!"

Put away the inscription stone, and with a squeak, the team leader directly ordered, and in an instant, dozens of alien beasts lurking on the ground stood up directly, and a terrifyingly huge body appeared.




The earth-shattering roar suddenly rang out in the wilderness, like thunder tearing apart the sky, shaking the wilderness, and even the clouds in the sky were shattered by a roar.

Dozens of huge alien beasts appeared directly, jumping, and frantically heading towards the human convoy.

Damn it!

So big!

Seeing the size of the alien life, almost everyone was shocked.

The warriors of Adverse Wind Logistics are quite calm. After all, they are considered to be traveling from south to north, and they are well-informed, but the students are panicked.

One by one, their faces turned pale with fright, and their little faces suddenly turned pale.

Looking at the giant beast as tall as the sky, everyone was stunned.


too big!

This is alien life!

Seeing those dozens of giant beasts attacking the sky, Teacher Wang became a little restless.

There are so many lurking alien life, which is really beyond expectations.

These alien races are all kinds of strange, shaped like giant mountains, some like mutated giant wolves, some like mutated chimpanzees, and some like mutated monitor lizards. They are not only big, but also more fierce.

The kilometer distance is almost a moment of effort for these tall and mighty aliens.

After a few jumps and dashes, they were already less than 500 meters away.

"Open fire, and I will kill these bastards!"

Seeing the alien beasts attack, Captain Feng instantly ordered.





Ten headwind logistics warriors with shoulder-resistant bazooka instantly fired artillery shells, dragging their long flame tails, and blasting directly towards the alien beast.

"Da da da da da..."

The remaining warriors holding hot weapons were not idle either, blue flames emitting from their muzzles, and countless bullets swept away frantically.

A hail of bullets, the attack started instantly!

Boom boom boom! !

The explosion sounded suddenly, the plains of the wilderness exploded, and the dust stirred up the sky.

A round of crazy output, with almost no pause.

Knowing the power of alien beasts, no one relaxes and never stops dying!

But the next scene made everyone feel chills from head to toe.

A chill swept over everyone.

When the dust settled, these alien beasts were not damaged at all. The bullets that were swept away were just about to land on them, but it seemed that there was an invisible force blocking them. As soon as they got close, they landed directly.

The thermal weapon attack was completely ineffective, and even the bazooka couldn't hurt these aliens, just suffered some fur damage.

"This... how is this possible!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

Stepping on the horse, what's the situation?


Even Captain Feng's expression changed at this moment.

The thermal weapon attack turned out to be ineffective.

How to fight TMD?

Paralyzed, cheating, this is it!

It's off!


mmp, let no one live...



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