This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 116 The taste of lies (please subscribe)

"Concept...Concept God?"

"Not a god, but still a conceptual level of trouble."

Flandre swallowed her saliva. After Wright's explanation just now, she had fully realized how troublesome this lying demon would be.

The Goddess of Holy Light is also the God of Laws and is about to advance to the God of Rules.

This demon named Lie is already at the conceptual level.

Lilith took a deep breath: "Actually, there is no need to be too nervous. Even if you get out of trouble with lies, it has nothing to do with us.

He should seek revenge from those devils. "

Wright glanced at her: "When did you become so optimistic? Lies are sealed in this world.

After he escapes from trouble, he will definitely not let go of the devils, nor will he let Aphra go. "

Flandre couldn't understand: "Why did she have a problem with the goddess?"

"He was sealed this time during the battle of the gods a thousand years ago. At that time, Aphra was the final winner and sealed him forever in the depths of the sea."

"The God of Laws can actually seal the God of Concepts?"

"The more powerful the power, the more double-edged sword it is. The Demon of Lies is so powerful that even many unspeakable gods dare not offend him.

For example, you cut him with a knife. He could turn the fact that he was injured into a lie, and then it would be equivalent to not being injured. "

Flandre's eyebrows knitted together after hearing this: "Isn't that invincible?"

Lilith talked about the past: "But if the lie is exposed, he will be counterattacked by the lie and become extremely weak.

The war between the gods back then was instigated by his conspiracy weaved with countless lies.

But because of the devil's calculations, his lie was finally exposed.

Aphra sealed him in his weak state, and the devils took away a lot of his power.

After all, it has been a thousand years.

If he escapes this time, he will definitely come to trouble Aphra.

Wright, do you think the return of lies has anything to do with this incident?

Could it be that the Tower of Truth hooked up with this demon of lies?

If that’s the case, then…”

Wright pondered for a moment: "Let's leave the dreamland first. If anything happens, let's talk about it back to the real world."

"All right."

The shapes of the three people gradually blurred, and then they left the gap in the dream and returned to their respective bodies.

Wright opened his eyes and was immediately startled. There is a person lying on top of his protective light shield!

Emily was wearing thin pajamas at the moment, lying on the light shield directly above him, staring at him with her eyes.

"You want to scare me to death!"

"Why did you set up a defensive barrier when you were sleeping!"

"Nonsense, I was attacked last time! Of course I have to be on defense! What are you doing? Night attack!"

"I...I originally planned to tease you severely! Damn it!"

"...Be happy. I just set up a defensive barrier. If I had set up a light barrier to automatically counterattack, you would probably be out of sorts now!"

Get off! "

Emily slapped the light barrier: "No! You remove the barrier! I want revenge! I want to vent! At least let me take a bite!

Otherwise, I won't come down! "

Wright took a deep breath: "Okay, let me remind you in a friendly way. You are now lying on this barrier that is as transparent as glass and gleaming at the same time!

Plus you were only wearing pajamas!

So, if you are happy to lie down, just keep lying down. I don't mind admiring it for a while longer. "

Emily didn't react at first, but soon she screamed, jumped out of bed, and ran away.

Wright laughed loudly, got out of bed and started washing and changing clothes.

But not long after, Lilith and Flandre appeared in Wright's room.

"What happened! What happened?"

"That idiot Emily actually came here to carry out a night attack. Ha! I didn't expect that I had a plan in advance!"

Lilith raised an eyebrow: "So she has been in your bed since she woke up until now?"

"No, she was guarded by the barrier!"

"Where's the barrier?"

"...I got up, and of course it was lifted."

"Then how do you prove that she was protected by the barrier?"

Wright was asked on the spot, and then waved his hand angrily.

"I'm a victim! Why should I prove it? Start driving! I'm going to have breakfast!"

Wright pushed the two of them away and walked downstairs, leaving the two girls looking thoughtfully at Wright's room.

While waiting for breakfast, I don’t know why, but the atmosphere at the dinner table was a little strange.

Wright chewed a pancake and looked around: "Why, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"Okay! Then I'll ask!"

Flandre immediately raised her hand: "Your Highness, you said that since the Goddess of Holy Light is the God of Law, she is the weakest among all the gods.

So why did she have the last laugh in the battle between the gods? "

Emily looked confused when she heard this, and Lilith felt helpless after hearing this.

Wright took a sip of the porridge and gave a thumbs up: "This is a good question."

Lilith sneered twice: "Haha, the topic has changed, right?"

"Ahem, first of all, you think the law is weak because of the comparison with the four levels above.

But you have to know that among the gods, 80% are law gods, and rule gods account for 15%. The remaining half are concept gods.

As for being indescribable, there are only a handful of them.

Therefore, with Aphra's ability, she is already very strong and can even be promoted to a stronger Ruler God.

Secondly, there is something wrong with your understanding of the world.

Do you think that all gods are staring at this world?

Actually, no.

This world is just one of many material worlds.

It was like one of the many pastures of the gods. And in terms of resources and size, it's not outstanding.

The gods will travel in groups to several worlds to preach and gain faith.

When the harvest is almost done, they will abandon these worlds and find another group of worlds to continue grazing.

When the original ranch world is almost restored, they will come back.

This is one of the reasons why world history is always discontinuous.

After all, when God is around, religion will be extremely powerful. Races favored by God will naturally prosper.

But after God left, their glory suddenly collapsed.

For example, the elves, the trolls...

Their sudden decline was all due to the fact that after reaching their peak, the gods went to the next batch of pasture worlds. "

Now even Emily's curiosity was piqued: "Wait a minute, it's obviously prosperous! Shouldn't it be better to gather faith?"

Wright shook his head: "You are wrong. Helping a weak race grow into a world hegemon, the faith generated by this rising process will be richer and better!

When this race truly reaches the level of world hegemony, its faith will not only be as weak as water in the future, but will also gradually decrease. In the end, it will even mutate and produce a poison powerful enough to obliterate the gods.

Therefore, this is the fate of these races in the ranch world.

Go to glory with the help of God, but be abandoned by God for a certain reason. Destroyed amidst the cries and lamentations, it became the nourishment for the next ethnic group to thrive.

When the animals are almost fed, the gods will return again and start a new round of grazing.

This is the truth of the world. "

After listening to Wright's words, the two human girls fell into silence.

The truth is often like this, and it hurts the most.

Seeing this, Lilith said jokingly: "Looking at it this way, do you think we demons are better?"

Flandre took a small bite of the pancake: "Then... So, the Goddess of Holy Light is still very powerful!"

"Things like the war of gods are sometimes not just a game between gods, but also an attack between church believers.

But one thing is, no matter how much people desire destruction, violence, and war, their desire for happiness and beauty is always a little higher.

So no matter how powerful the gods like the God of War and the Lord of Destruction are, the Goddess of Holy Light will always be a little stronger than them.

This is the unique charm of the holy light that represents truth, goodness and beauty. "

After listening to Wright's words, Flandre was thoughtful, and her understanding of the Holy Light became deeper.

Emily was obviously more interested in God's Ranch: "Wait, as you just said, humans have been dominant for a thousand years, shouldn't the goddess have left long ago?"

Wright nodded repeatedly: "She didn't leave for two reasons.

First, after she won the War of the Gods, she was about to be promoted to the God of Rules.

At this critical time, the risk is too high if we go to other gods to snatch the next batch of ranch worlds.

It is better to stay and concentrate on breakthrough.

Another reason is that each god has one or two private ranch worlds.

That is similar to their foundation. It is their private land and their trump card.

After all, if a god does not have a private pasture, he will not rob it if he goes out to rob it.

That long period of lack of faith would put her at risk of falling.

So, why does she have a divine advent every three years?

It is to better maintain ownership of this world.

Normal gods would not come so frequently. "

Emily covered her head: "How do you know this knowledge?"

"Well... I found out from Aphra. She is very talkative, and her mouth is faster than her brain. She also likes to chat with people.

With a little guidance, she said it all. "

"...Why don't you always bully the goddess?"

Wright was a little unhappy: "I bullied her? Do you know how much I did for her and how many hidden dangers I eliminated?

She should give me up! "

Lilith was convinced: "As you said, it's true. In fact, Aphra herself knows it, but she relies on the dignity of God and is embarrassed to say it."

Emily stuck out her tongue: "But you guys are fine, why did you suddenly start talking about this topic?"

Flandre looked at Wright, and after seeing the latter nodding, she mentioned the reminder from the devil in the dream.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Emily's face changed drastically.

"It's not good, it's not good!"

"What's wrong?"

"Think about it! Cinderella itself is a story full of lies and deceit!"

Emily danced excitedly: "Her clothes and accessories were all fake! Later, when the prince used the glass slippers to find someone, her two sisters also lied to the prince.

Could this, this, this... have anything to do with the lies you told the devil about escaping from trouble? "

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