This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 201 Lilith’s evil suggestion

It has to be said that in the eyes of normal people, the Flesh God Religion is quite different.

Only those workers at the harbor terminal who relied on their strength to make a living would rush to join in for a full breakfast at the beginning.

As for other people, not to mention the people from the upper city, even the people from the lower city are unlikely to join such a weird-sounding flesh and blood god cult just to become strong.

Wright had a clue of this from the number of new converts after the killing of the Disaster Crocodile.

Everyone has seen with their own eyes that those dock workers have become so powerful, but they still choose to stay away from them.

This shows that the current flesh-and-blood religion model is unable to carry out large-scale preaching.

Its beneficial target group was too precise, so it also suffered backlash and was unable to effectively attract people outside the target group.

Therefore, I want to preach, I want to expand the influence of the church, and I want to let the God of flesh and blood flourish.

You have to take it seriously and find a new approach.

And aerobics is a good way to preach.

No matter where you are in the world, no matter what age you are, women will have body anxiety.

No woman would refuse to make her body more symmetrical and beautiful.

Aerobics, you can dance once you learn it!

There is no need to buy any expensive equipment or take any precious magic potions.

All you need to do is find time to dance for a while every day, and you will have a perfect body.

It also beautifies the skin, prolongs life, tightens the skin, and makes people rejuvenated!

The most important thing is, it doesn’t cost any money!

It’s something that doesn’t require money, so trust me!

Wright could predict that once flesh and blood aerobics spreads, it will quickly become popular throughout the city and develop rapidly.

And these people cannot actually be regarded as believers of the Flesh God Religion.

They just do aerobics, and they may pray to the God of flesh and blood, but that is not a sincere prayer, but more of a plea to lose weight faster.

But this is not important, because even if you are not a believer, you can still contribute the power of faith.

The difference between these gymnasts and real flesh-and-blood believers is probably similar to that between pilgrims and monks.

Pilgrims worshiped and believed in Buddha, but they did not become monks or escape into Buddhism. But the power of their faith can indeed be gathered together.

However, this efficiency is too slow, so few gods do it.

Especially when there is a true God sitting in a world, if you perform this kind of behavior, you must allocate a part of the income from the power of faith and pay it to the true God.

But the true gods of this world are Aphra and Joanna, both inside and out.

As for broadcast gymnastics, that's just for kids.

To develop the user base, we must start from the younger generation, so as to seize the future.

Moreover, the promotion of flesh and blood broadcast gymnastics is simpler than aerobics.

I just need to tell parents that doing radio gymnastics can strengthen your body, reduce illness, and make you taller!

Parents will use rolling pins to force their children to practice, and each child will start at least two and a half years ago!

I believe that it won’t be long before the Flesh God Cult no longer needs to worry about the power of faith.

As for the core members?

Then you just need to choose arbitrarily from the huge number of pilgrims.

Once you have a large base, you don’t need to actively search for them; suitable talents will come to your door on their own.

After dealing with the Flesh Cult, Wright went to Lilith's room.

It turned out that these girls were still playing in the dreamland, and it seemed that they would not come back for a while.

Wright covered Lilith with the quilt and smiled helplessly.

"When did you learn to kick the quilt? I didn't expect that it actually improved. Well, the future is just around the corner!"

Wright turned and left Lilith's room, strolling to his alchemy warehouse.

Because the Little Mermaid lives here, Wright hasn't made a new creation for a long time.

This also caused his grocery store to remain closed.

After pushing open the warehouse door, Wright walked into the warehouse under the moonlight.

The little mermaid heard the footsteps and swam up quickly.

"Your Highness Wright, you are here."

"Gladys, we are already so familiar, just call me Wright."

"Okay then, Wright."

Gladys put her hands on the bank, looked up at him and smiled sweetly.

"Mr. Wright is not as scary as Rosatina said, but he is a gentle and powerful person.

I will definitely tell her when I see her next time. "

"Who is Rosatina? Oh! That crybaby little princess from the elves."

Wright laughed: "Really? I don't think it's necessary. It's quite interesting to be the elf princess's nightmare."

"Mr. Wright is really evil."

"Gladys, there is something I want to tell you."

"Well, that's good."

Looking at the innocent little mermaid, Wright felt a little touched in his heart, but he still chose to speak.

"Probably the day after tomorrow, the Sea Clan will send out a super luxurious team to welcome you back to the ocean.

So, you can finally go home. "

"Really? That's great! Hahaha! I can finally go home!"

The little mermaid happily swam around in the pool, and finally returned to the shore, looking a little lonely.

"Then...can I still come to play in the future?"

"Of course, we will always be your friends, and you will always be welcome here, including the Holy Capital."

Wright pointed to the blackboard beside him: "Look, if we really count, Unica and Emily are both students of You.

As a teacher, isn't it reasonable to come back and check your homework? "

"Yeah, that's great."

Wright looked at the happy little mermaid and hesitated to speak.

Gladys noticed Wright's embarrassment and tilted her head to look at him.

"Mr. Wright, if you have anything to say, just tell me directly. Is it something about my body?"

"You noticed something?"

"Well... well, even though I haven't returned to the sea, it still feels a little different.


Gladys sighed faintly: "Those people caught me, I don't think they helped me put me in a jar as an ornamental fish.

They must have done something, but I... don't know.

But it seems that Mr. Wright should know. "

"Well... I really should tell you this."

Wright took a deep breath and told Gladys about the Poseidon's Blood.

Unexpectedly, the little mermaid was very happy after hearing this.

"Really? No more? That's great!"

"Ah You……"

"Mr. Wright, it turns out you are worried about me because of this matter. You are indeed a kind-hearted and gentle man."

The little mermaid twisted her waist happily and slapped her tail on the water, causing splashes of joy.

"Mr. Wright should know that there are rules for death fights between members of the Sea Tribe's royal family."

"I know that the two sides are divided into superiority and life and death. The winner can get all the blood of the Poseidon who died in battle."

"Yeah, but I'm not good at fighting. But the Poseidon's blood in my body is very strong.

I happen to be coming of age this year, and after the coming-of-age ceremony, I can become the target of other people's fights to the death.

A weak girl like me has a very strong bloodline.

In the eyes of those royal family members who are determined to be heartbroken, they are the most fertile prey.

Even with the protection of my father and brother, it is inevitable that some members of the royal family will take risks.

The Royal Family of the Sea Clan have no friendship with each other at all.

Even if a member of the Sea Royal Family defeats a member of the Sea Royal Family, he can absorb the power of this bloodline and be promoted to the Sea Royal Family.

To me, this Poseidon's blood is actually the curse of death.

I don't have the Poseidon's blood now, but I'm still alive!

Could there be a better ending than this?

Mr. Wright, you should be happy for me! "

Wright looked at the Little Mermaid in surprise: "I didn't expect your perspective on the problem.

Well, it seems that my previous worries were unnecessary.

However, since you no longer have the blood of Poseidon, can you still be a member of the Poseidon Royal Family? "

"Yeah! It's true, I may have to be downgraded to the Sea Royal Family. However, being a Sea Royal Family is actually pretty good.

At least my father and brother will still take care of me. "

Wright reached out and patted the little mermaid on the head: "Don't worry, you are my friend. Not only will they protect you, I will also protect you!

The day after tomorrow, I will prepare a grand and grand return ceremony for you.

Anyone who dares to bully you will be at odds with me, Wright, and all of us. "

Gladys happily circled in the water: "Nah, that! Mr. Wright, and everyone, will you come to the sea to see me?"

"Of course! I will definitely go to your Sea Clan regularly to see if you are doing well and if they are bullying you."

Wright took out the colorful shell that symbolized the status of the distinguished guest: "I am here as a distinguished guest, and I can travel freely in the depths of the sea, so don't worry."


"Okay, Gladys, your injury hasn't healed yet, please rest more these two days.

When you return to the sea the day after tomorrow, you should be able to recover faster. Leave the other things to me, so don't worry. "

"Okay! Wright!"

Wright waved goodbye to the Little Mermaid, turned and left the warehouse.

After the door closed, Wright took a deep breath and looked up at the bright moon.

"There's nothing wrong with helping others and helping yourself at the same time... But why am I feeling a little guilty? Is it because my conscience is aching?"

"That's weird, you don't have that."

Wright looked back and found the little demon Lilith looking at him with her hands folded.

"you're awake?"

"I woke up when someone put the quilt on me. I am a succubus. It is instinctive to sense the changes in the real body in dreams, right?"

"Please use this dual perception where the succubus should use it, thank you."

Lilith glared at Wright fiercely: "I heard the lie demon said that you are planning to create a fairy tale subspace.

That requires a lot of energy.

Have you made your mind up on Dragon Island and the Dragon of Ending? "

"No, no, no, the energy of Dragon Island must be given back to the world."

Wright's eyes flashed sharply: "I want to fight against the autumn wind from the eternal dragon clan and the dragon world!"

"I knew it."

Lilith suddenly laughed: "Did you know that the Dragon Clan has strongholds in the Dream Gap and the Demon Realm?"

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