This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 211 What, the fish is lost again? (Please subscribe)

"It's not good! It's not good! That man is here!"

In the palace of the Hai Clan, everyone was in chaos, as if it was the end of the world.

The eldest prince of the Sea Clan was sitting on the throne of the Sea Emperor, his eyes were blank and he kept mumbling.

"It's over, it's over. I shouldn't have agreed to come back in the first place, and I shouldn't have acted as the emperor.

Now I'm fine, my life is gone. "

Seeing his blabbering expression, the surrounding nobles and royal family who were counting on him to make decisions didn't know what to say.

At this moment, the door of the Sea Clan Royal Palace was kicked open.

Wright was wearing Shengyao Douqi. Although he was at the bottom of the sea, he strode in like a normal person.

Behind him were a group of beauties and a puppet.

As a demon, Lilith naturally has no problem. She walks on flat ground in the sea and is still in the mood to look at the decoration of the underwater palace.

As a eldest lady, Emily still has the etiquette and cultivation that she should have.

The most important thing is that, as a full-scale mage, she turns on the water element shield after entering overclocking mode, and perfectly blends into the ocean.

It seems that she is more calm than Wright.

As for Unica and Alice, they are relatively cute.

Unica used alchemy to create two sets of diving suits that allow people to move freely under the sea, with powerful functions and unlimited battery life.

But one thing is that it is rather bloated.

But how could those sea people have time to appreciate this? They looked at Wright who was pressing closer and closer, and they all wanted to cry without tears.

"Wait! Please wait!"

Faced with such a crisis, the eldest prince quickly stood in front of Wright and protected everyone behind him.

The nobles and royal family were shocked!

They never expected that the eldest prince, who had always liked to wander around and ignore the internal disputes of the sea clan, would now be willing to stand up and resist this evil spirit.

who! Who was saying yesterday that the eldest prince was not suitable to be the Emperor of the Sea?

have a look! So brave! Such courage!

Who else is more worthy of the title of Poseidon than him?

"Mr. Wright, long time no see. I didn't expect you to come to the Sea Palace in person! It's such a rare visitor!"

Wright frowned: "Do we know each other?"

"Of course, three years ago, during the last Holy Arrival Ceremony! After you killed someone, I helped you wash the floor!

me! That sea tribe! The one who knows how to control water! "

Wright suddenly realized: "Oh oh oh! It's you! Yes, yes! I remember you, your floor is very clean!"

"It really warms my heart that Your Highness Sheng Ni can remember me. Since we are acquaintances, can you give me a chance to explain in one sentence?"

Wright looked at the other person: "Okay! You can say it, but only one sentence."

The ministers and nobles behind the eldest prince were so excited that they cried. Is this the eldest prince we looked down upon before?

It's really, really powerful!

Under this situation, not only did he rely on his vast network of contacts and good experience to establish a relationship with the Holy Evil.

Moreover, he successfully obtained a sentence of explanation space for himself!

It also won a glimmer of hope for the Hai Clan!

The eldest prince!

powerful! Invincible!

Under the ardent expectations and gazes of all the sea clans, the eldest prince of the sea clan, Gladys' brother, took a deep breath.

Then he opened his eyes angrily and shouted loudly.

“The sea monster’s attack on Harbor City has nothing to do with me personally, and I don’t know who did it!

If His Majesty the Saint wants to find out, I will never stop him!

But please, don’t involve me!

please! I haven’t traveled all over the world yet! There are still so many beautiful scenery that I haven’t seen yet!

I'm still young and I don't want to die because of such boring things!

Please, please let me go, even just let me alone! "

After hearing what the eldest prince said, the ministers behind were stunned.

You can still do it, right?

All the dignity of the royal family is gone, right?

Just now, I thought you were a talented person with a kind and kind face. Why are you so sinister and vicious now?

First Prince, is this the First Prince of our Hai Clan?

The eldest prince!

Pooh! Haha!

Wright looked at him and suddenly laughed: "When did I say that I would kill all of you and leave no one behind?

Although they look similar, I'm not the kind of guy who kills when he's unhappy.

At least, my thirst for the truth is greater than your life.

Of course, if you cannot satisfy my thirst for the truth, then I will have to quench my thirst with your lives. "

Faced with the naked threat of death, all the sea people present remained silent, hesitating and not daring to speak out.

As if he had expected this situation, Wright waved to Emily.

The latter understood the idea and immediately made a chair for Wright using water elements.

Wright sat carelessly on the water chair, looking at the eldest prince and the core senior officials of the Sea Tribe.

"Since you are unwilling to take the initiative to explain, let me ask you a few questions that you know.

If you answer well, I can also consider giving you an appropriate reduction in sentence.

Okay, first question!

What was the name of the monster that attacked Harbor City yesterday? Start answering! "

One of the sea tribe reacted very quickly and quickly raised his hand.

"I, I, I know."

"Okay, you say it."

"Your Highness Saint, when an unknown monster attacked Harbor City yesterday, we paid close attention to the development of the situation.

We can tell you with confidence that the attacking monster is a strange creature called a deep-sea fishman. "

Wright looked at the eldest prince: "Mermaids, fishmen, it seems they have something to do with you!"

"No, no, no, we are the mermaid tribe. The fish-men tribe is not the same thing as us."

The eldest prince suddenly pointed at a Crab Sea Clan behind him: "If I have to say it, the fishmen are actually the same as them."

The big crab suddenly became anxious: "Hey, hey, hey! What did you say! You can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense!"

"This is really not nonsense."

A member of the Sea Royal Family next to the big crab suddenly began to add leisurely: "Whether we are the Sea Royal Family or the Sea Royal Family, we are actually the same ethnic group.

The difference is whether we have the blood of Poseidon in our body.

But you are different. You have been living in the sea before we appeared.

You and those fishmen are indeed of the same type.

But don't worry, this doesn't mean that you are in the same group as them. "

Wright nodded slightly, obviously quite satisfied with the answer to this question.

He looked at the eldest prince and spoke again: "Will the deep-sea murlocs turn into sea water after they are killed?"

"Theoretically, no."

The Sea King who just spoke stood up again and helped his prince through the difficulties.

“Real deep-sea fishmen, like the third-class members of the sea tribe, are creatures of flesh and blood.

Only we, the mermaid clan, will turn our bodies into foam after death and flow to all parts of the ocean along with the ocean currents.

So, those guys you encounter, they just look similar and are not Abyssal Murlocs at all. "

Wright looked at the Sea King who replied: "It seems that you understand very well, even more than your prince."

"Of course, our family has been accumulating and collecting historical events for generations.

There are some things that I will never remember wrong! "

Seeing the other party's confident expression, Wright did not ask too much, but immediately changed the question to the third one.

"Have you, the Poseidon and the Poseidon clan, felt the Poseidon's resurgence?"

Now not only the eldest prince, but also the other core senior officials of the Sea Tribe were all confused.

"Your Majesty the Saint, do you suspect that Poseidon was responsible for yesterday's attack?"

"Any questions?"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! Poseidon has left this world! Moreover, he told us clearly when he left.

Unlike those poor abandoned elves, we have a certain connection with the Poseidon.

We have also provided him with a large amount of faith over the years, and when he comes here next time, he will take the power of faith with him.

Mr. Wright, His Majesty the Saint, if it was really Poseidon who appeared last night, we wouldn't be so scared today, right? "

After hearing this, Wright felt that this was indeed the case.

Except for these people close to them, most people in this world still have an impression of themselves that can rival the gods.

For the Sea Tribe, if Poseidon returns, they really don't have to be afraid of a Paladin like themselves.

With the support of gods, you will naturally become more forceful when speaking.

Of course, what they don't know is that the Poseidon they worship is not on the same level as Wright.

But this does prove from the side that Poseidon has not returned.

However, the Sea King who was responsible for recording history just raised his hand again.

"Your Highness Saint Sin, I have an immature guess. I wonder if you are interested in knowing about it?"

Wright glanced at him: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Yes, Your Highness, I think what happened yesterday may really have something to do with Poseidon."

Feeling the gathered and unfriendly gazes of his companions around him, the Sea King shuddered all over, but he continued to speak without hesitation.

"I think it is possible that an ancient sea god from the past has resurrected."

"A certain Poseidon from the past?"

"Yes, Poseidon is just a position. There have been more than one Poseidon in this world. This is recorded in the history of the Sea Clan.

Among so many generations of Poseidon, there was one Poseidon who participated in the war of the gods in their time in ancient times.

The most important thing is that the Poseidon was very powerful at that time, and he wanted to go one step further through the war between the gods.

But unfortunately, he failed in the end.

Not only did he fail, but his divine personality collapsed and the divine fire was extinguished. His soul also collapsed, and his self-consciousness merged into the sea.

According to legend, the sea god was very unwilling when he fell, and wailed and swore a poisonous oath to come back and take back everything that belonged to him. "

Wright raised his eyebrows and said, "Does this Ancient Poseidon have little to do with you?"

Historian Hai Clan sighed: “It’s not big, but he is still the former god of the Hai Clan.

We also hope that he can come back, reunite his soul, condense his divinity again, and ignite the divine fire. "

The eldest prince pondered for a moment: "When I was a child, I heard my father talk about something similar, but I didn't expect it to actually exist?

I thought it was a bedtime horror story!

But even if he recovered, why would he attack land?

ah! He, he still feels that the war is not over yet! "

Wright was thoughtful after hearing this, and he prayed again to contact Joanna.

"Hey, it's so strange today that you are willing to contact me?"

Wright was startled: "Aphra? Wasn't I praying to Joanna just now?

Why did you run out? "

"It's boring. I heard that you have subdued all the demons of lies. It's really amazing. Now that's it, I can sit back and relax from now on!"

"Sit back and relax, why do you just sit back and relax?!"

Wright scratched his hair unhappily: "Your current position as Lord of the World has been challenged.

What are you saying to me here to sit back and relax?

Are you kidding me?

Call Joanna quickly! I have something I need to confirm with her. "

"No, no, no, it's okay if I'm wrong? If you have any questions, you can ask me!

Don't look at me like this, I am also the Goddess of Holy Light after all! "

"Okay then, let me ask you, Aphra, is there any record about the Sea God of the Sea Tribe in the God Realm? It would be best if it should be the origin and whereabouts of each one."

"Ah? How could something like that exist? Even if you are the Lord of the World, there are some things you can't do.

Unless he became the Lord of the World, there would be no record. "

Wright calmed down: "That's right, it's really hard to do."

Although it is impossible to confirm with the Holy Light Goddess that it is the immortal ancient sea god who is causing trouble.

Did this guy really win the resurrection match? ?

Wright turned his attention to the eldest prince again: "Now that you know what happened, is there any way to prevent this kind of thing from happening next time?"

"Your Highness, we are ordinary people of God. Maybe you don't understand. Let me explain in detail.

That is, no god’s people would think about how to retaliate and punish the gods all day long!

There is still a big difference between us and you. "

After hearing this, Wright sighed: "Okay, I won't embarrass you anymore. It seems that this matter really doesn't have much to do with you.

Anyway, you provided a bit of useful knowledge.

Although there are not many, mosquitoes are still flesh no matter how small they are.

Let's do this, you hand over the little princess Gladys to me, and I won't cause any more trouble to your Sea Clan. "

After hearing this, the eldest prince hesitated and hesitated, and the expressions of the other senior officials of the Sea Tribe changed drastically. None of them dared to look into Wright's eyes.

"What do you mean! All of you, look into my eyes! What's wrong with Gladys?"

Hearing Wright's question, the girls behind him immediately came up and stared at the opposite side, feeling a sense of oppression.

"That, that, my sister...she lost it."

"Lost? Lost again?"


"You just picked her up yesterday!"

The eldest prince thought of those invoices, gritted his teeth and nodded: "Yes, we know, we know it forever!

But this morning, we went to Gladys to ask for her help and intercede.

As a result, the person has disappeared!

We searched the entire palace but couldn't find it! "

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