This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 213 This all makes sense (please vote)

When he heard the words Tower of Truth and Witch, Wright immediately stepped forward and grabbed the eldest prince's shoulders.

"Hey! Are you telling the truth?"

"I don't know about this or this. My mother has never mentioned this to me."

The eldest prince seemed a little scared, and he still had a big psychological shadow on Wright.

"But since my mother dares to say such things, she must really know something. Since there is no information about my sister's disappearance here...

I think it's better for everyone to go to my father's palace. "

Wright patted his shoulder: "Okay, lead the way."

Wright and his group left Gladys's palace in a grand manner, and followed the prince and the guards to the Neptune Emperor's palace.

When everyone came to the most glorious and spacious palace in the Undersea Palace, the guards guarding the door seemed to have been informed and quickly opened the door.

Wright and his party entered the palace unimpeded and met the long-rumored Emperor and Queen of the Sea.


The eldest prince quickly stepped forward to salute his biological mother, then turned around and introduced her to everyone.

"Your Highness Wright, this is my mother, the Queen of the Sea Clan."

The relationship between the Hai Clan and the Holy Light Church was fairly good. Wright also bowed and saluted the Hai Queen, who also stood up and returned the salute.

"This must be His Royal Highness Wright, he is really impressive."

"Thank you, Empress Hai, for the compliment. I really don't deserve it."

"You saved Gladys and returned her to the sea. You are a great benefactor to our entire sea clan."

"You're too kind, but I didn't expect that Gladys would disappear again so soon after returning to the sea.

It seems that the sea is really a magical place. "

After hearing this, Hai Hou had nothing to say and could only smile awkwardly.

Wright looked at the big bed made of colorful shells next to Hai Hou: "His Majesty Hai Huang, he seems to be ill.

I don’t know, can you let me take a look? "


The eldest prince suddenly became excited: "It would be great if you could cure my father!"

Hai Hou was stunned for a moment. She looked embarrassed at first, but then she calmed down.

"Okay, then I'll thank you, Your Majesty the Saint."

Wright came to the bedside in a few steps, stretched out his hand to hold Poseidon's wrist, and immediately frowned.

He thought for a moment and put his hand on the other person's forehead.

"Huh? Hmm... ha."

Wright then took his hand back with a playful expression: "I'm sorry, it seems I'm arrogant.

The body structure of the mermaid clan is still very different from that of humans. It seems that I can't cure His Majesty the Poseidon. "

The eldest prince was very disappointed after hearing this, and the Queen also pretended to be sad.

"Hey, it would be great if he could wake up."

Wright retreated in front of everyone: "Your Highness Haihou, I just heard that you came to us. You want to tell us some information about something...

The Tower of Truth and the Witch?

You're not kidding us, are you? "

"How could such an important thing be a joke?"

After saying this, Hai Hou waved her hand and signaled the other people to retreat.

Even if the eldest prince wanted to stay, the queen of the sea drove him out with sharp eyes.

Wright could understand that the fewer people knew about the Tower of Truth, the better.

As for the eldest prince, these things are very dangerous for him. Not knowing is much better than knowing.

After everyone was gone, Hai Hou still felt uneasy and reached out to set up restrictions and barriers in the palace.

After doing all this, she reached out and patted Poseidon on the shoulder.

Haihuang, who had been lying on the big bed, slowly opened his eyes, turned over and sat up.

Everyone present, except for Wright and Lilith, were shocked.

Emily, in particular, was even ready to fight immediately, protecting Unica and Alice behind her.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Poseidon."

"Hello, His Highness the Saint."

"Isn't it hard to live a life of pretending to be in a coma?"

"Well, it's actually not bad. After all, I eat and sleep every day. Although the bloodline of the Sea Clan Royal Family is not as powerful as the Dragon Clan.

But I have experienced their happiness.

That is, I am suffering from you, my dear. "

As he spoke, Haihuang took Haihou's hand and looked into her eyes affectionately: "Thank you for your hard work, my dear."

The Queen of the Sea, who had been dignified and elegant just now, suddenly fell into it and fell softly into the arms of the Emperor of the Sea.

"I will do anything for Your Majesty."

Wright couldn't help but widen his eyes and gave a thumbs up: "The Emperor of the Sea, the Emperor of the Sea, is well-deserved."

"Young man, do you want to learn? I'll teach you."

Lilith immediately took Wright's hand, and Wright also smiled slightly.

"Forget it, we are not from the same school. Your Majesty the Poseidon, I think we should discuss the issue of your daughter's disappearance, right?

I think you have a lot to tell me, right? "

Poseidon sighed: "Gladys, it's not that she disappeared or was kidnapped.

She is the Sea Palace that she left.

In other words, it was another woman who successfully awakened her consciousness and gained control of her body after returning to the sea. "

Wright's eyes narrowed slightly: "Another her?"

Poseidon sat up straight, with a serious expression and firm eyes.

"The ancient ocean god has resurrected in her soul."

"Ancient, God of the Ocean?"

Poseidon spread his arms: "His Royal Highness Wright must have heard that the blood of Poseidon flows in the bodies of the royal family among us.

So the question is, which Poseidon’s bloodline is it?

Poseidon is a position. There have been three Poseidons in this world.

And the ancient god of the sea that I am talking about is the first god. "

As Poseidon narrated, a rather epic story slowly unfolded in front of everyone in Wright.

After the birth of this world, creatures gradually appeared in the world.

After a long evolution, these creatures gradually became conscious, and they began to worship all things in nature.

As time passed, the first gods were born in this world.

That is, native gods.

These gods are gathered based on belief, the most powerful of which are the god of the earth, the god of the sky, the god of the sea, as well as the god of the sun and the moon.

With the protection of the gods, various ethnic groups began to flourish.

But the space in the world is limited, and every god wants to expand his influence and have more believers and authority.

As time went by, the advantages of the Ocean God began to become prominent.

She doesn't need to compete with other gods for the creatures on earth. She is already invincible just for the individual life forms in the sea.

Gradually, she became the most powerful god in the world, and was the first to complete the accumulation of being the God of Law.

But not surprisingly, something went wrong.

When she was promoted to the God of Rules, she was besieged by other gods and eventually died unfortunately.

But she still saved her hand in the end and completely integrated her body into the sea.

I hope that one day, she can be resurrected with the backhand she left behind.

At this point, Wright couldn't help but interject a word.

"The back-up method of resurrection you mentioned could not be the blood of the gods of your Sea Royal Family."

Poseidon sighed: "Yes, as you think, the blood of Poseidon is powerful power and supreme glory.

But at the same time, it is also the shackles of fate.

The richer the blood of the Poseidon, the more powerful its holder will be.

At the same time, the possibility of the ancient Poseidon reviving in his body becomes greater.

Of course, there are exceptions, and that is the second generation Poseidon.

He was once an ordinary member of the Sea Royal Family, but due to a series of reasons, he was involved in many disputes.

In the end, by chance, he successfully accumulated the power of his bloodline to 100%.

And before the ancient sea god resurrected, he ascended the throne of the sea god and opened a new era.

The third Poseidon is the son of the second.

Although not as powerful as his father, he is indeed a good and dedicated sea god. "

"Your Majesty the Poseidon, I think you are going astray."

"No, no, no, I didn't go astray. Please listen to me and continue."

Poseidon paused for a moment and continued to explain: "First of all, what I mean when I say this is that even if the Poseidon's blood is rich to a certain extent, it can suppress the resurrection of the ancient Poseidon's will.

The way is to use other divinities.

Mr. Wright, you should know that there is an artifact containing the divinity of light stored in the forbidden area of ​​our Sea Royal Family. "

Wright was stunned for a moment: "You are talking about the staring eyes of Poseidon Brosti, right?"

Emily was also startled when she heard the name: "Litelight, isn't this the artifact that the goddess asked you to bring back?"

"Yes, although it is called the Eye of Poseidon, this artifact contains the Law of Holy Light for Aphra's promotion."

After Wright explained, he looked at Poseidon again: "Could it be that the method you mentioned is to use other divinities to interfere with Poseidon's divinity so that she cannot recover?"

Poseidon nodded repeatedly: "Yes, most of the ancient gods were born from great and strange things.

Their divinity is particularly pure compared to later gods.

This is an advantage. After all, pure divinity represents the strength of power and the stability of divine power.

At the same time, they have no way to integrate other divine powers that do not belong to them.

Let alone fusion, even if they appear together, they will be very disgusted.

So when the second-generation Poseidon realized that something was wrong within his body, he immediately found the God of Holy Light at that time and borrowed a trace of her divinity.

It is precisely because of this that the second-generation Poseidon successfully avoided the possibility of the ancient Ocean God resurrecting, became a god himself, and completely escaped his fate.

The one who fights the Gods War with the Holy Light Goddess is actually the third-generation Poseidon, that is, the child of the second-generation Poseidon who married other forces.

The third-generation Poseidon was kind-hearted. During the battle of the gods, in order to repay his kindness, he chose to lose to the Goddess of Holy Light and left this world.

Although the Holy Light Goddess at that time had completed her occupation of the land, she was actually helpless against the ocean.

If the third generation Poseidon fights to the end, who might lose and who wins now.

But it was Lord Poseidon's temporary withdrawal that caused flaws in the lies of the Demon of Lies, which were then exposed and finally sealed. "

Wright looked at Poseidon: "So... what does this have to do with Gladys running away from home?"

Poseidon showed a mysterious smile: "Mr. Wright, the witch's power is essentially similar to divinity, isn't it?"

After hearing this, Wright suddenly realized: "That's it, then everything will be explained."

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