This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 261 Malice, all learned

The dragon's horns, wings, and tail were all cut off, and Furious Red fled toward the Eternal Dragon Realm miserably.

Behind him, Wright followed unhurriedly, like a god of murder.

He is determined to use the Dragon Clan to establish its prestige, and to use the tragic experience of the Dragon World to make the many guys who covet the fairy tale subspace become more honest.

At least, it can intimidate ordinary cats and dogs.

Originally, he was worried that the deterrent effect would not be enough after killing the Dragon Clan's entire organized army.

Unexpectedly, a concept-level strongman emerged from the Dragon Clan.

Although he is a idiot at the conceptual level, he is still the Dragon God Emperor, so he can be used to bluff people.

In this case, you must borrow his faucet.

Lilith followed closely, while Pinocchio stayed behind to guard against anyone taking the opportunity to invade.

Traveling through many world bubbles, Furious Red found that he could not escape the enemy's pursuit. It seems that the coming of death is just a matter of time.

He had never regretted it before. Why did he want to be the first person?

The Red Dragon of Fury was originally an ordinary red dragon. It was only through a series of hard work and chance that it reached its current height.

When it thinks that it will perish for this reason, its heart is full of unwillingness.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and his two front paws kept groping on his body.

"Looking for it! Found it!"

He took out a dragon scale from the root of his wing. The color of this dragon scale obviously did not match his red body color. It was a brilliant and nameless color.

"Please! Help me! The great Kerke Thor!"

As the strange dragon scales dissipated, a powerful force field appeared out of thin air, enveloping the angry red.

When Wright came to this force field, he frowned and stopped.

"Oh? There are also masters!"

Lilith also stopped behind him: "Wright, what's wrong?"

"This Dragon God Emperor seems to have summoned a more powerful existence from the Dragon Clan. Be careful, this enemy is not comparable to this idiot."

Lilith nodded slightly, and in a daze, she saw a dragon-shaped creature that was even bigger than the Furious Red slowly appear in the seemingly invisible force field.

The Dragon God Emperor was as insignificant in front of him as the ordinary dragons were in front of the Dragon God Emperor.

"Force field dragon..."

Wright recognized it at a glance. This huge dragon individual was none other than the force field dragon, one of the three legendary dragon species of the dragon clan.

"Powerful human being, can you stop me?"

"Give me a reason."

"The Dragon Clan is willing to pay the price for this recklessness and offense. I would like to express my highest apology to you.

I hope that the grudge between the Dragon Clan and Your Excellency will be settled. "

"Haha, you made a mistake, just say I'm sorry? I think the sincerity of your dragon clan is very average."

"The Dragon Clan is willing to provide you with satisfactory compensation."

"No, you don't need to compensate me for what I want. I will get it myself."

Wright pointed at the furious red who was trembling in the force field: "I will treat this head as the interest collected first.

I will naturally go to the Dragon Realm of the Dragon Clan to get the rest back. "

"Humans, you were the one who wantonly attacked the dragons' dreams in their dreams some time ago, right?"

"'s me."

Wright didn't expect that his old accounts would also be uncovered.

"Are you sure you want to start a full-scale war with the Dragon Clan? After all, you are only one person. Are you confident that you can protect everything you want to protect from all channels?"

Wright's eyes narrowed slightly: "Are you threatening me?"

"No, I just made a proposal to prevent both parties from losing. The Dragon Clan doesn't want to provoke you, but if you insist on killing everything, the Dragon Clan will not let you slaughter it.

When the time comes, the Dragon Clan will use all its means to fight you to the death.

Is this what you want to see? "

"Huh, what's wrong with fighting destruction with destruction?"

The force field dragon was silent for a while and then spoke again.

"Since Your Excellency doesn't like this proposal, then... what about a temporary truce?"

Wright raised his eyebrows: "Truce?"

"Yes, truce."

Wright licked his lips. There was really no need to start a full-scale war with the Dragon Clan now.

Besides, the world he is in now is too fragile.

Once a full-scale war breaks out with the opponent, they will not only have to face the dragons, but also their allies, and more guys who want to fish in troubled waters.

Whether it is protecting the world or protecting the fairy tale subspace, it is very detrimental.

Although he knew that this was a delaying strategy of the Dragon Clan, after weighing the pros and cons, Wright finally agreed.

"Yes, but there is one condition."

"What conditions."

"You guys want to take a stab at me."

The force field dragon fell silent again, and after thinking for a moment, he nodded slowly: "Okay, I also want to experience how powerful you are.

bring it on. "

Seeing that his companion agreed, Furious Red became extremely anxious.

"Keke Thor! No! This human being is very evil!"

Wright took a step back, took Lilith's hand, and suddenly laughed.

"Keke Thor, the force field dragon of the three legendary dragon species. Are you ready?"

"bring it on."

Force fields opened in front of the dragon, surging with strange energy fluctuations.

At this moment, Lilith also turned into a ball of pure energy, wrapped around Wright's body, and turned into squirming tattoos.

The concept of surge merges with the concept of malevolence, entwining itself in Dragon Blade Requiem.

Malice makes the Dragon Slayer even more powerful, while Surge takes it to a conceptual level.

Wright raised his long sword high, took a step forward, and suddenly cut into the position in front of him.

Buzz buzz... click!

One force field shattered, and another force field shattered!

Wright's blade pressed down bit by bit, and the positions were broken one after another.

Angry Red's face became increasingly ugly, but the force field dragon only frowned slightly.

However, just when Wright defeated the last force field, he suddenly turned around and drew his sword, looking at the seemingly absent stance dragon with a smile.

Angry Red's face was filled with confusion. He could not understand why Wright suddenly drew his knife when he was about to win.

In this case, wouldn't it be a tie?


Wright freed Lilith, who was exhausted. After recovering, she held onto Wright's shoulders and breathed heavily.

He pointed the tip of the knife directly at the huge force field dragon, and his eyes gradually became sharp.

"You are meme-level."

As soon as these words came out, both Lilith and the Dragon God Emperor's eyes widened.

"Light, are you sure?"

The force field dragon frowned: "Then, what are you?"

"I'm at the concept level."

"No, you're not."

"Whatever you say."

The force field dragon was a little depressed. During the offensive and defensive battle between the two sides, Wright found out his true identity, but he failed to see through Wright.

"I took the knife, can we go now?"

"I won't send it."

Along with the strange fluctuations of energy, the two dragons disappeared from the place without any warning, as if they had never appeared.

Wright put away the dragon-slaying blade, reached out and picked up Lilith, turned around and flew towards the world bubble in his own world.

On the way, Lilith held onto Wright's sleeve tightly.

"Does the memetic level really exist? I thought it was just a legend."

"I'm not sure either, but after I broke the last force field, the force field dragon's mood finally showed a slight fluctuation.

I also used this to see his flaws. "

Lilith was very excited after hearing this: "Great! Meme level really exists. In other words, there is more than one indescribable way to advance to concept level!"

Wright pouted: "There is more than one road. In other words, the road itself is a false proposition.

As people walk more, it becomes a road.

What really exists is not the road, but the destination.

However, the meme level is a very tricky existence.

Because they keep themselves to themselves, they are more difficult to deal with than the indescribable ones.

Um... no, that's not an accurate description.

Sometimes, being indescribable without self makes it more difficult to deal with.

Therefore, let’s analyze the specific situation in detail. "

Lilith thought thoughtfully: "How many meme-level experts do you think the Dragon Clan has?"

"I don't know, and I can't know. If the Meme Level wants to, it can easily disguise itself as an ordinary Concept Level.

He can even change your perception of things unintentionally.

At this level, once you come into contact with him in any form, you have already begun to be affected by him. "

Lilith suddenly panicked: "Then us!"

"Don't worry, I just integrated you just in case. I have already done some psychological construction, so his memes can't contaminate me.

Since you are protected inside by me, there will naturally be no problem. "

"I'm at a conceptual level, and I'm actually affected invisibly."

Lilith couldn't help but gasp, and Wright hugged her tighter.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing will happen."

"The heritage of the dragon clan cannot be underestimated. I originally thought that the dragon of destruction, which was about to be promoted to the indescribable, would be the highest combat power of the dragon clan.

Unexpectedly... there are actually masters. "

Wright nodded slightly: "I'm afraid, there is more than one. In addition to memes, maybe the Dragon Clan has other promotion methods."

"Then it seems that it was right not to go into full-scale war with them."

"But what are they afraid of?"

Wright looked back at the direction the dragons left: "Including destroying worlds one after another and committing heinous crimes, we must also help the Dragon of Destruction complete its promotion.

The Dragon Clan seems to have its own troubles. "

"Yeah...I feel a little flustered when you say that."

Wright laughed loudly: "I told you, it's okay, I'll take care of everything. Besides, what does the Dragon Clan's crisis have to do with us?"

While talking, the two of them had returned to the world before the bubble.

The Demon of Lies saw them and immediately came to greet them.

"How is it? Have you killed it?"

"Another stronger one appeared, but he ran away."

The Lie Demon breathed a sigh of relief: "In this case, it won't turn into a full-scale war, right?"

"Are you scared?"

"Am I afraid of them? As long as you give me some time, I am confident that the fairy tale subspace will be upgraded to the same level as the Eternal Dragon Realm!

By then, it will be his dragon clan that is afraid of us!

However, it does take some time. "

Wright laughed loudly: "Then you are lucky, the Dragon Clan has expressed its willingness to temporarily cease the war."

"They actually chose to cease the war? I thought that after suffering such a big loss, these dragons would choose to come for revenge.

Even if they don't take revenge, they will still find some cats and dogs to throw troubles at, which will make us uneasy anyway.

Unexpectedly, they actually chose to cease the war?

Is this, are you scared?

My boss! You are too fierce! how did you do it? "

"Stop flattering, time is fair. We have time, and the Dragon Clan also has time.

A truce is a tacit agreement on both sides not to cause trouble for each other.

But if one party has a change of heart, the armistice agreement may not be as useful as a wipe.

If you ask me, you should seize the time to improve the strength of Fairy Tale Subspace. "

The Lie Demon clapped his hands: "Don't worry, boss, I will never let you down.

In addition, now that you have formed a divine court in this world.

It's better to recruit more powerful gods to join.

After this world's divine court becomes stronger and stronger, even if the Dragon Clan wants to start a war again, they will have to weigh it. "

"You don't have to worry about the affairs of the Divine Court."

Wright looked at the Wilderness Demon with his hands behind his back: "Take care of your own branch and don't point fingers at other brother companies.

In addition, what about the dragon tail and horns that just fell? "

The fallen dragon wings were collected by Wright with his flesh and blood. After the battle became fierce, he was no longer so leisurely.

But now that he came back, those things were missing. Of course, he had to ask this devil of a chicken thief.

"Ahem, cough, cough, I put it away."

As expected, the Lie Demon smiled awkwardly: "I'm helping the boss, please put it away. After all, these are your trophies!"

"Cut the nonsense, what do you want to do, tell the truth!"

"I...I just want to take something and make a gift for Alice. Look at me, a teacher, who can't even get a decent gift. It's really embarrassing.

Boss, just be gentle with me, okay? "

Wright didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he could only wave his hand: "You have used it so much! I'll give you two dragon horns, and give me back the dragon tail!"


The Demon of Lies thought that he would have some dragon meat and dragon bones left in the end, but he didn't expect that his boss would be so generous and leave the precious dragon horns to himself.

If these were made as a gift for Alice, how happy would the little girl be?

"To give you a hint, Alice's teddy bear is not simple. You have been paying more attention to it recently. If you find anything, tell me as soon as possible."

"Isn't the teddy bear a protective nightmare?"

"If only it were that simple."

The Lie Demon nodded in understanding and took out the dragon tail the size of a mountain peak.

Wright gave Lilith a look, and the latter quickly opened the space crack and put away the huge dragon tail.

"Boss, such a big dragon tail is still the body of the Dragon God Emperor. What are you going to do?"

Wright smiled slightly: "Of course it is a handicraft."

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