This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 269 The Elf Princess is broken (Thanks to the leader of GameRedust)

Chapter 269 The Elf Princess is broken (Thanks to the leader of Game_Redust)

Elf Princess Rosatina, the only daughter of the contemporary Elf Queen.

In order to promote friendly diplomatic relations, I participated in the last Advent Ceremony with the Elf Mission.

It was originally a job similar to traveling. The Elf Queen's original intention was also to let her daughter gain experience and broaden her horizons.

But she never expected that this opening would be such a blessing.

It can be said that the little girl witnessed the whole process of the arrival of the Bloody Saint with her own eyes, and she became seriously ill after returning.

And from then on, I had nightmares every day.

The Elf Queen was extremely distressed, and sent her to the Emerald Dream for treatment three times, and then placed her in the Ancient Tree of Life to nourish her for several months, but none of them had any effect.

However, as time went by, Her Royal Highness the Elf Princess gradually recovered on her own.

Everyone felt that it was time that gradually healed the psychological trauma of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

But things don't seem to be that simple.

The princess has become mysterious since then, and there are even rumors that she is secretly cultivating her own power, recruiting a large number of subordinates and staff, and intends to rebel.

But basically everyone didn't take it seriously, because as the queen's only daughter, she was the first in line to succeed.

Moreover, Her Royal Highness the Queen is in ill health and has expressed her desire to take a Zen position many times.

If Rosatina hadn't suddenly fallen ill, she might have assumed the position of Princess Supervisor.

Create your own rebellion? It's not necessary!

The subjects still couldn't figure out the reason for the princess's strange behavior, but she was much better now than she was before.

Although I don’t know what she is doing so energetically every day, but fortunately she is always very energetic!

Until today, in front of all the top leaders of the Elf Empire.

Her Royal Highness, the only princess of the Elf Empire, knelt humbly in front of Wright and touched his shoes with her forehead.

That is the most humble and loyal way of saluting, representing absolute submission and humility.

This kind of etiquette usually appears in the ceremony when a slave meets his slave master for the first time and declares the master-slave relationship between the two.

Wright looked at the elf princess with a flattering smile on her face, and her mind was a bit lost.

The puppet Pinocchio next to him was full of admiration and said quietly in a low voice.

"Boss! That's awesome! I didn't expect you to play so excitingly!"

"Get out of here!"

"Although I have heard that you humans have a sweet love for elves, I never thought that you would become the princess of the elves as soon as you take action!

A master is a master!

Wow, look at this level of compliance, it’s amazing!

Moreover, judging from the behavior of other individual elves, they do not know about this.


It was actually done in secret! God is unaware of it!

Suddenly the relationship was announced in public!

It has simply elevated technology to the level of art!

you! Is he the legendary slave training master? "

Wright glanced at him and stretched out his finger to draw down. Pinocchio's limbs and body seemed to be controlled by countless threads, and he was slapped to the ground with a click.

The Demon of Lies broke out in a cold sweat. Wright hadn't taken action against him for so long that he had almost forgotten that his body was just a marionette in the hands of his boss.

He immediately restrained himself a lot, turned his head and gave a flattering smile.

"Boss, am I not complimenting you?"

"You are the devil of lies. Don't you know that I didn't say anything? Don't you know that I don't know that you know?"

The Lie Demon smiled awkwardly and muttered involuntarily: "That's strange, you didn't do anything, why is this little Elf girl like this?

With all due respect, boss.

This level of domestication is not something that ordinary trainers can achieve.

And I also know something about the elves.

Arrogant, stubborn, self-reliant and aloof.

Compared to elves, female orcs from certain orc tribes are more cost-effective.

But there are indeed many people who just like this tune.

But there are very few elves who have actually completed the training.

Or, his mind was controlled by soul-destroying magic.

Or, the spiritual consciousness collapsed during the high-intensity torture.

Or, they are not pure-blood elves at all. "

Wright turned to look at him and said with a smile: "Thank you, I have added more unnecessary knowledge."

"Ahem, boss, please continue, I won't say any more."

The Demon of Lies turned around and couldn't help but mutter: "I asked you why the boss came here by himself without any of the women around him.

It turns out that this is what happened. "

Unable to bear it, Wright kicked Pinocchio straight away.

He turned to look at the elf princess whose eyes were full of shining stars, trying to keep her expression calm and kind.

"Your Highness, I haven't seen you for more than three years..."

"Three years, two months and five days, noble master."

"Master, please don't make such a joke, Princess. I am the trainee Holy Son of the Holy Light Church, and you are the Princess of the Elf Empire.

We can't call each other random names, otherwise it will cause friction between the two major forces.

You think so? "

The elf princess suddenly covered her heart: "Ah! The Lord actually called me "you", what a courtesy, what a gift!

I can't stand it anymore! I feel like my heart is going to beat out! "

Wright opened his mouth and finally looked at the dense crowd: "Is there anyone? Your princess seems to be broken! Hey! Find an elf who can talk to me normally!"

Under the continuous high-energy bombardment from the Elf Princess, the elves in the audience were all dumbfounded and stood there blankly.

It wasn't until Wright shouted for the third time that another female elf came out of the crowd.

She was none other than Sophia, the head of the elf mission who had breakfast with Wright in the Holy City of the Holy Light Church two months ago and reached a preliminary cooperation intention.

"Your Highness Wright, I'm really sorry..."

"It's okay. Let's deal with your affairs first."

Sophia's pretty face turned red, feeling a little ashamed. She didn't understand what was wrong with the princess.

Although the other elves must be doubting now, Wright must have done something unforgivable or unspeakable to their princess, which led to this result.

But Sophia, who had dealt with Wright many times, knew that the man in front of her didn't bother to do such cheap and useless tricks.

Especially after the elves have signed a contract with the Holy Light Church and become an important member of the country's trade strategy.

Although His Highness Sheng Ni behaves perversely and has a ruthless personality, he really does protect his shortcomings.

At Sofia's call, the Royal Guards swarmed up, restrained the Elf Princess Rosaltina, and quickly took her away.

Wright winked at Pinocchio and motioned for him to follow him to investigate.

The latter understood and quietly stepped aside.

The scene was too chaotic, and in the country of elves, no elves would pay attention to an inconspicuous wooden man.

"Your Majesty Wright, your visit is a long way off.

How could you... come out of the Emerald Dream of our elves? "

Wright looked around and saw all the elves looking at him with big eyes and small eyes, and he suddenly smiled awkwardly.

"This is a very important matter. I think we should talk about it after meeting your queen."

"Okay, okay, let's get out of here first."

Sophia wished she could understand it in private. After all, as long as it involved the Holy Sinful Highness in front of her, there would be no trouble.

In public, if he said something shocking, the consequences would be disastrous.

So, before the situation worsened further, Sophia took Wright and left the scene. Under the escort of the royal guards, he left the outskirts of the Emerald Dream and arrived at Sophia's residence.

The population of the elves is sparse, and Sophia's official position in the palace is not too high, but she still has a large manor in the imperial city.

After Sofia brought him to the reception room, she hurried to the palace to report.

Although the elves are now in decline, the tiger cannot be defeated, and the necessary procedures are still in place.

Although Wright was annoyed by these procedures, he felt a little unsure after what happened with the princess, so he simply sat down and waited to see the results of the investigation from the Demon of Lies.

As a result, not long after he sat down, he saw Pinocchio sneaking into the living room.

"Lao Pi, you guy, didn't I ask you to investigate the princess's affairs?"

"Ah, yes, boss! I've finished the investigation!"

"so fast?"

"Boss, I am also a conceptual level expert after all. If I want to investigate the memory of an individual elf, that is not something I can easily capture.

If I can't figure this out, I'll just find a place and kill myself. "

Wright waved his hand: "Okay, tell me, what's going on?"

Pinocchio's wooden face now showed an extremely weird and complex expression.

"Boss, do you know?

When you just asked me to investigate this matter, I was still thinking about it.

What outrageous things have I never seen from the lying devil?

But after investigating, I discovered that I had never seen such an outrageous thing.

Don't say you've never seen it, I've never heard of it. "

"That shows that you are ignorant. Stop being pretentious and tell me the results of the investigation quickly. I want to hear how outrageous this thing is."

Pinocchio first sighed, and then, while suppressing a smile, he told the whole story the results of his investigation.

It turns out that the Elf Princess has been having nightmares since she was frightened by the Bloody Saint three years ago.

He was sluggish all day long, and his whole body was startled, and he was about to collapse completely.

It can be said that the Elf Empire tried every means to treat her. The effect cannot be said to be insignificant. It can be said that it is basically ineffective.

When Princess Rosatina's spirit was about to collapse, perhaps it was the reflection of her soul, or perhaps the self-circuit protection mechanism was triggered.

All in all, Rosatina actually began to save herself unconsciously.

She began to think about how she had ended up in this situation.

There is only one answer, and that is Saint Evil Wright.

After finding the root cause, the Elf Princess did not feel any hatred.

Because her fear of Wright has penetrated deep into her soul, and she doesn't dare to hate him at all.

This road is blocked, and those extreme emotions have to find another place.

The elf princess began to resent herself, her cowardice and weakness.

If I were stronger, if I were braver, I wouldn't be in such a mess.

Corresponding to the cowardice, Wright's image in her heart actually began to look tall and majestic.

Driven by Mu Qiang's emotions, the Elf Princess completed her own enlightenment!

If you can't beat it, then join!

As long as you follow Lord Saint Sin, don't you have to be afraid?

Ever since, the elf princess' extreme fear of Wright turned into a pathological extreme worship!

She began to imagine that she was the most devout slave of Lord Saint Sin, and those nightmares and tortures before were just the experience and spurs given by Lord Saint Sin to hone herself!

Thinking of this, all the fears in my heart suddenly disappeared.

And for some reason, Rosatina found that endless confidence and courage emerged from her heart out of thin air!

She changed her past behavior style and seemed to be a different person!

When the Lie Demon said this, Wright's expression was wonderful.

"Is this okay? I didn't do anything, why did this elf princess kill herself!

What kind of thing can give you the encouragement and training? Is she delusional?

No, this is more like Stockholm syndrome! It’s still the more powerful version! "

The Demon of Lies laughed and said: "Boss, I'm not trying to flatter you. I can only say that you are worthy of being able to do things that others cannot do easily.

If those slave traders knew about your deeds, they would probably hang you up and worship you as a god.

The point is, the victim has hung you up to worship like a god.

Because I feel like I am your slave, I have endless confidence and courage in my heart.

Boss, this can be said to be the most original worship belief. "

"If you laugh again, I will transform you into a wooden toilet."

"Ahem, cough, dare, don't dare, boss, please don't be impulsive, because this matter is not over yet."

"Isn't it over yet?"

The Demon of Lies nodded awkwardly: "Yes, after enjoying the benefits, Her Royal Highness, based on the principle that happiness alone is not as good as happiness for everyone, she can be said to have racked her brains to strengthen her own group.

She formed an organization called the Saints Support Association and began to secretly spread pagan beliefs in the Elf Empire.

At first, no one participated in this organization.

After all, the elves don’t know you and don’t know much about you.

But Her Royal Highness the Princess is very loyal and has been secretly spreading your faith.

It was fine originally, and she couldn't develop many people.

But I didn’t expect that during this Holy Advent Ceremony, you would do many outstanding things.

The most important thing is to sign a treaty with the elves, allowing them to restore their national strength and be respected and needed again.

All of a sudden, Saint Evil Wright's name was known to everyone in the Elf Empire.

Some elves even hailed him as the savior of elves.

At the same time, this also led to a surge in the number of members of Her Royal Highness the Princess’ Saint Evil Support Club!

After all, the goddess of life has been gone for so long, and the elves urgently need a new faith to fill their emptiness.

By the way, boss, your popular base in the Elf Empire may be much larger than you think. "

Just as Wright's brain was shutting down, Sophia hurriedly walked in.

"Your Highness Wright, Your Highness Wright, the Queen has agreed to receive you. The carriage is ready. Is it convenient for you to follow me into the palace now?"

Your Highness Wright, Your Highness? Can you say something? "

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