This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 275 Who do you think is the prize? (Additional update 33)

Chapter 275 Who do you think is the prize? (Additional update 3/3)

(Okay, the alliance leader’s bonus has been paid off. But it seems that the monthly ticket is not enough for 500...

How about we change it to 100 monthly tickets plus one update? )

"Put it in the sun?"

Wright couldn't help but look outside the temple: "Are you sure?"

"That's what my father told us back then."

Aphra on the side couldn't help but intervene in the topic.

"Even in the sun, other gods should have tried their best to search for it. After all, this possibility is not difficult to infer.

With God's power, it wouldn't be difficult to search the sun, right? "

Nora also nodded and said: "Yes, before the gods of the life system left, they once turned over the entire continent, even the sun was not spared.

But they have never been recognized by the sun, so naturally they cannot find the divine crown of King Lieyang. "

When she talked about this matter, her expression was very pious.

"Father said that when someone who is truly qualified to wear this divine crown appears, the sun will rain down supreme praise.

At that time, he will personally crown him. "

Wright rubbed his chin: "So, becoming a qualified person is the key to finding the Divine Crown?

The two of you insist on coming to this world to succeed the God of Life. I'm afraid it's for this reason, right? "

The two sisters nodded repeatedly, and the younger sister was even more blunt.

"We believe that our father means that we can guide the elves well and let them prosper again, which is declining day by day.

When we fulfill our responsibilities as God's Mansion, God's Crown will recognize our efforts.

At that time, we will be able to obtain the artifacts and power left by our father, and return to the Life God System to take back everything that belongs to us! "

"A test..."

Wright paced back and forth in the hall with his hands behind his back. If this was the case, it would actually fit in with his plan.

After all, he was planning to let the Elf Empire act as the white glove of the Holy Light Church and ruthlessly defeat the First Empire with the hands of foreigners.

Then, complete a major shakeup at the top without shaking the foundation of belief at the bottom.

It seems that everyone's goal is the same.

“So, one last question.

Now, the Ancient Tree of Life has begun to bloom, if you two sisters succeed and become the new God of Life.

When the final crisis is not resolved, death devours life, and the laws of the world begin to collapse.

You two are the first to bear the brunt.

I won’t hide it from you, if something like that happens, I may still be sure to save Joanna and Aphra.

But as the god of life, you are deeply bound to the law of life.

I am not 100% sure that I can rescue you.

Therefore, this is not only a search for the artifact left behind by your father, but also the possibility of death.

I've always been like this, I like to say ugly things first.

If you feel the risk is too great and are unwilling to take a trip into this muddy water, I completely understand and I will never force you to do so.

But if you choose to enter the game with your own body, there will be no chance of regretting the rest of your life. "

Wright's expression had never been more serious. The twin goddesses of life looked at each other and answered in unison.

"We are willing."

"Okay! From today on, we are our own people. I will do my best to help you revitalize the elves and complete the so-called trial.

Rest assured, as long as the world gets better and better, you will also be the direct beneficiaries.

From now on, you are no longer employees of Shenting, but partners. "

Wright stretched out his hand and shook it with the two goddesses.

“If there are no other issues, you can proceed with your succession ceremony.

I think it would be good for everyone to become the goddess of life one day early. "

"Mr. Wright, I have a request."

Nora suddenly said: "Can you also let me see the magic circle that interferes with the normal operation of the Ancient Tree of Life?

Since its effect is related to the ancient tree of life, it should be within the law of life.

Maybe, we two sisters can find some clues from it? "

"Okay, I also want to keep this thing in the divine court."

Wright waved his hand, and a sacred law ring and a holy wisdom cloud library appeared on the left and right sides of his body.

Following the pull of Wright's fingers, the Holy Principle Ring and the Holy Wisdom Cloud Library came together. The two are compatible and connected, and they are in harmony with each other.

Wright took out the dragon skin of the Dragon God Emperor that contained the strange magic circle, and then gently placed it in the sacred magic ring.

“If you two want to study, just do it here.

At the same time, Shengli Dharma Ring and Shengzhi Cloud Library will also conduct non-simple analysis and mapping of this array based on their own information.

I believe there will be progress soon.

After all, the initiator of this magic circle is the Tower of Truth, and using their own wisdom to crack it can be considered a professional counterpart. "

Noi blinked his big, watery eyes: "Is this, is this the dragon skin of the Dragon God Emperor?"

"Yeah, do you want it? I have a lot more here."

"No, no, no, this is too expensive."

"Hahaha, what's so valuable about this?"

As he spoke, Wright directly tore apart the space barrier, and then took out the skin, flesh, blood and bones of the Dragon God Emperor.

"I still have a lot here. If it's useful to you, just use it as much as possible. If it's not enough, just tell me. At worst, I'll find the Dragon God Emperor when I have time to cut some more."

The twin sisters of the goddess were so frightened that they were trembling. What kind of outrageous remarks were these? Don't hunt the Dragon God Emperor for such a thing.

They looked at the man in front of them, and for some reason, they felt an indescribable sense of security in their hearts.

Aphra next to her suddenly became unhappy: "Why don't you give such a good thing to me? I want it too, I want it too!"

Wright glanced at her: "For you? You will definitely use it to exchange for divine coins as soon as possible, and then use it to buy weird artifacts and materials for making them.

It's okay if you want it, just listen to Joanna. If one day Joanna tells me that you have been very good recently, have not caused trouble, and have behaved well, I might consider it. "

Aphra choked her mouth: "I'm not a child! I protest! The Divine Court should treat everyone equally!"

"Oh, by the way. Let me tell you something."

Wright didn't pay attention to Aphra's noise, but suddenly lowered his voice mysteriously: "Although there is no salary, benefits, bonuses or anything written in the contract between you two.

But in fact, you two still get part of your post allowance.

In fact, it is equivalent to salary. Or pocket money...

You two must remember, never, never lend it to any goddess present.

Otherwise, it will definitely be wasted and there will be no return. "

Aphra stomped her feet angrily: "Hey, hey, hey, do you need to lower your voice? I heard everything! If you're a goddess, just say my name!"

Wright smiled happily: "Then, let's let this be the case for now. Joanna, please tell the Holy City and inform the teachers and others of our decision.

Let them issue documents as soon as possible and tell the world.

This thing needs time to ferment.

Nolan Noi, you two prepare for the succession ceremony as soon as possible. The Elf Empire needs you to stabilize the situation and at the same time delay the flowering process of the Tree of Life."

Aphra's face drooped: "If you really can't remember what you asked me to do, don't bother."

"That's it, bye."

After saying that, Wright's mind body disintegrated into countless shimmers of light, and Aphra's unwilling roar echoed in the divine court.

"You really don't want to think about it anymore! Try a little harder! Damn it!"

Wright opened his eyes, and his consciousness returned to his body. He sat up in bed and looked around.

At this time, everyone had left, but Lilith was still by his side.

Seeing him getting up, Lilith quickly asked: "How's it going?"

"Well, everything above has been arranged. According to what they two said, King Lieyang's divine crown is actually in the sun.

However, there are still ways to recover.

Is Lao Pi back? "

"No, he went to the Fairy Tale Subspace and hasn't come back yet. Alice was a little uneasy, so I asked her to find Lies.

Maybe being in the fairy tale subspace would make her feel more comfortable.

Unica was a guest in Gladys' palace and had just returned from sending a message. They also wanted to go to Poseidon Island for a visit and help expand and improve the Poseidon Temple on Poseidon Island.

I guess I won’t be able to come back for these two or three days. "

"Where's that girl Emily?"

"She went to the nightmare abyss in the dreamland to exercise her mental strength. Since the last time she started her feast, she has worked very hard.

It seems that the witch's feast is also a kind of exercise for the state of mind. "

Wright smiled bitterly: "It seems that everyone has something to do. I originally thought that the crisis was over and everyone could rest and take a long vacation.

did not expect……"

Lilith put her arms around Wright's neck: "Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault.

It’s all that damn Tower of Truth, he’s really everywhere! "

"I have to say that this organization is a qualified troublemaker, and the participation rate is almost 100%."

Wright slammed his fist on the edge of the bed: "This time, with the advancement of the Magician Association and the White Magician System.

Almost all the black magicians and remnants of truth gathered in the First Empire to participate in the grand event.

Hum, the garbage is gathered together, which makes it easier for me to completely destroy it.

Once the Elf Empire goes to war with the First Empire, these so-called Truth Workshops, black magician groups, and the cats and dogs hidden behind them will definitely help the First Empire overtly or covertly.

Because as long as the First Empire wins, they can prove that humans can defeat aliens without relying on gods.

In this way, the authority of the Holy Light Church can be greatly weakened and even threaten the belief in the goddess.

I just want to deliver this meal that they can't refuse directly to their mouths!

As long as they dare to open their mouths, I can make them walk around without food!

This battle! I will drive them out completely! Not a single one left! "

Lilith stretched out her hand and stroked Wright's hair: "Pay attention to your expression, pay attention to your expression. If you act like this now, you will scare the demon child."

"Haha! I'm done!"

The door to the room was kicked open from the outside, and Emily jumped in with a proud face.

Just as she was about to speak, she was startled by Wright.

"Wow... Wright, what's wrong with you? Your expression is so scary."

"Ahem, it's nothing, I remembered something happy."

"What makes you happy is how many children are you going to eat tonight?"

"Okay, okay, you don't need to be so clear about the Holy Light Knight."

Wright confused him vaguely: "What did you scream in fear just now? What have you become?"

Emily immediately ran to the bedside and puffed up her chest proudly: "I have good news for you, I have a breakthrough!

I have realized the dual weapon blessing of beast soul and elements! "

This time, Lilith did not cast envious glances at Emily. After all, she has completely recovered her strength, and her body is naturally in full strength.

If you were to compete in figure, you would definitely be better.

"You haven't gotten the Druid's Wild Soul, and you can complete the fusion of the beast soul and the elements?"

Wright shook his head: "Really? I don't believe it!"

"Don't believe it? Then let me see!"

Emily reached out and took out a new belt, then took out a purple and gold card from her waist, and took out a brand new card that she had never seen before with her other hand.

Wright had sharp eyes and grabbed Emily's wrist: "Wait a minute! Wait a minute! What is this? I don't remember doing this belt and these cards!"

"Hmph, this is the new equipment I asked Unika to make for me! It's a brand new upgrade on the elemental belt you gave me!

I also asked Alice to help me imprint the beast soul on Noah's Ark onto a new magic crystal card through the power of the witch!

Didn't you expect that?

I am indeed a genius! "

It turns out that it borrowed the power of the Alchemy Witch and the Dream Witch, no wonder.

If the three of them join forces, they can indeed make many impossible things possible, which is a rare combination skill among witches.

If that's the case, you can really look forward to it.

Seeing Emily's triumphant look, Wright rolled his eyes.

"Miss Emily, the unstoppable genius girl, can you please come to the courtyard and show me your skills?

Don't accidentally blow my room away! "

"Since you have made your request sincerely, I will mercifully agree to it."

Emily waved and held up a card, strode towards the door, and quickly came to the courtyard.

Lilith reached out and pulled Wright up: "Let's go and see what she has figured out on her own.

Now she doesn't need you to take care of her and has learned to improve herself. Isn't it a good thing? "

"...Do you feel a strange sense of relief?"

Although the two of them do not have the title of master and apprentice, Emily's current strength was basically trained by Wright.

Although Lilith also contributed, she basically just checked for omissions and filled in the gaps.

In less than a few months, Emily has grown from a small third-level magician to the legendary realm, becoming a powerful person in the first echelon of the world.

This achievement is something to be proud of.

Wright shook his head and followed Lilith to the courtyard.

"Okay, it's time to go."

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