This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 297 This pea plant is so invincible!

There was a flicker of light, and a peashooter appeared in the shooting range.

But compared with the Peashooter among the magical plants, it is smaller and its shape is more in line with the fairy tale style.

Moreover, it has a pair of big black eyes and watery eyes. Under the big head are two leaves, and the four roots below look like feet.

It seems that compared to the magical plant, the magical plant Peashooter has certain mobility.

Overall, it is difficult to call it a plant, nor can it be counted as an animal.

All I can say is that it is a cute fairy tale creature.

"Because it is in the fairy tale subspace, the part about merging with magical plants is omitted. But in terms of power, there should be no big difference."

Wright clapped his hands: "Then, let's begin! Come on! Peashooter! Use the flying blade!"

The pea shooter suddenly shook two leaves and instantly launched several flying leaf blades, heading straight for Emily.

"Hey hey hey, isn't it the one who shoots energy bombs?"

Emily quickly waved the crowbar in her hand and blocked all the flying leaves.

The pea shooter quickly moved his four funny short legs, adjusted the angle, and puffed out three energy bombs.

"Hmph! Flame barrier!"

Emily was full of confidence, stretched out her hand, and a defensive wall of fire rose in front of her.

However, these fire walls did not stop the energy bombs as she expected. Instead, the energy bomb turned into a fire bomb and continued to fly towards her.

"how so!"

Emily quickly fired three ice picks to detonate the fireball, and took the opportunity to distance herself.

"In order to deal with normal thinking magicians like you, it sprays incapable magic bullets.

When encountering an elemental defense barrier such as a wall of fire and earth, it will swallow the opponent's elemental gift to itself and continue to attack. "

"Hmph! An ordinary magician? I am not an ordinary magician!"

Emily suddenly boosted the power of the wind and rushed towards the pea shooter.

After all, the opponent is a shooter, so as long as he gets close, he will win, right?


Wright drew the second card from the card box and activated it with magic.

"I activate the effect card, Winter's Wrath!"

With a whoosh, a fairy tale light shone on Peashooter. As the cold air spread, Peashooter's body was covered in frost, and his body color turned light blue.


A large area of ​​ice formed under the Ice Shooter's feet, and it slid out very lightly, avoiding Emily's attack, and turned around and spat out several blasts of ice.

Emily swung the crowbar and smashed it into pieces, but the bone-chilling cold air wrapped around it and formed a thick layer of ice on the head of the stick.

"You want to freeze me, you think too much!"

Emily's witch power surged, and Bing Jie quickly disintegrated under the effect of the elemental rampage.

"Sure enough, using elemental cards has no effect against you. So, how about using this one?"

Wright took out another new card and activated it directly.

"Advanced card, upgrade it, pea shooter!"

A ray of light shone on the pea shooter, and its body became stronger, its caliber became larger, and its eyes became sharper.

Poof! Poof!

The upgraded Peashooter fires larger energy bombs and can fire two to three at a time. It is more aggressive and has better maneuverability.

Emily dodged one after another, and from time to time she used a crowbar to knock a few away. The energy bomb landed in the shooting range and immediately set off bursts of explosions, which showed its considerable power.

"Haha, you want to defeat me with a little peashooter? Wright, oh, Wright, you should get a few more. That way, there's really no pressure at all."


Wright suddenly took out several cards and activated them all at once.

Emily panicked immediately: "Hey, hey, hey! Don't, don't, don't, I'm just joking!"

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Several rays of light shone into the shooting range, and peashooters stood up from the ground, forming a small square array.

And from time to time, the light lights up, and these pea shooters advance from their initial form into various forms.

Some can shoot forward and backward, some grow three heads directly, and some even spit out several barrels from their mouths. This one is a Gatling machine gun.

What's even more outrageous is that it turned into a mortar and kept bombing the shooting range.

The firepower suddenly increased rapidly.

"No! We can't go on like this."

Emily was immediately dizzy from the explosion. She roared angrily, wrapped herself in the sanctuary, and headed towards the pea shooter's phalanx.

This time, however, Wright threw out a new card.

A cabbage plant rises from the ground, and its two leaves are rolled up like two arms.

"What's this?"

Emily saw a brand new magical plant for the first time, and what she answered was a fist waving crazily.

Da da da da da!

This punch speed is no worse than that of a pea machine gunner. Emily couldn't resist, so she was beaten back abruptly.

The Caitou did not pursue him, but instead assumed a posture to meet the enemy, as if asking for advice.

"Really! That's too much!"

Emily immediately put her staff in front of her, and several magic circles lit up one after another, and she was ready to clear the place directly.

"Do you think I'll ignore my defenses?"

Wright drew out several cards, activated them and threw them into the field.

In an instant, walls of nuts rose from the ground, blocking other magical plants.

call! Boom boom boom!

Winds, flames and thunder came one after another, attacking the nut wall crazily, but could not get past even half of it.

Upon seeing this, Wright swiped another card. The nut wall that had begun to break began to grow crazily, doubling in height in the blink of an eye, becoming thicker and thicker, giving people a sense of security.

"Damn it!"

Emily was really a little anxious now. She directly started to gather the power of the elements and prepared to complete the elemental armament.

However, the next moment, a piranha flower suddenly emerged from beside her feet, opened its big mouth and swallowed her suddenly.

Emily struggled violently in the piranha's mouth, but the magic power in her body was being devoured rapidly.

Although she caused some damage to the Piranha, her lost magic replenished the Piranha, repairing those damaged parts.

If this continues, the average magician will basically give up.

Emily gritted her teeth and took out her belt: "Don't think you are the only one who has the card! I have it too!"

Insert the card and arm yourself, instantly.

Emily in the form of a flaming gray wolf instantly burned the piranha to ashes, and she escaped.

After the body was reduced to ashes, the piranha re-condensed into a ball of energy. Fortunately, Wright took out a blank card and sealed it again.

"Hey! Don't damage my precious magic plant!"

"In a battle, if I am not allowed to hurt the enemy, how can we fight!"

"Who said it's a battle? You're the target! Just get beaten!"

"You! Don't even think about it!"

However, Emily didn't realize that Wright was just stalling for time by calling her.

At this moment, several bright red cherries the size of a human head rolled to her feet, accompanied by several red peppers of similar size.

In the sky, there seemed to be several oversized corn plants flying towards him.

"Oh no……"

Emily wanted to escape, but felt like she couldn't.

She gathered all her magic power together and blessed herself with several defensive barriers.

boom! ! ! !

The violent explosion blew up the entire shooting range.

Lilith, who was watching the battle from a distance, took a breath: "Hey, are you too harsh? Will Emily be okay?"

Alice also shouted anxiously: "Sister Emily! Are you... still there?"

The Lie Demon rubbed his hands: "These magical plants are really too powerful. With them, the defense problem of the Misty Forest will be more stable!

As expected of a boss, the things he makes are always so heart-wrenching. "

Wright looked at the rising smoke and told everyone with confidence: "It's okay, look at how big the smoke is. As the old saying goes, smoke does no harm."

"Cough cough cough..."

A disgraced Emily walked out of the dust and smoke. The elemental weapons on her body had been blown to pieces, and her whole body was also a little depressed.

At the last moment, she opened her sanctuary to the maximum, using the effect of the Carnival City of Elements to neutralize most of the explosive power of magical elements.

But even so, she was greatly affected.

I can only say that fortunately this is a fairy tale subspace, surrounded by inexhaustible witch power.

Otherwise, she was afraid that she would really be blown to death.

"The nothing to say. But the mobility is really lacking."

"It's a plant after all, thank you for your hard work."

As soon as Wright raised his hand, the rich holy light was injected into Emily's body, immediately healing her injuries.

She wiped the dust off her face again and again while glaring at Wright resentfully.

"I said, are you really planning to kill me?"

"You died so many times during elemental training, so it won't be a problem."

Wright knocked on her head, and several holy light spells suddenly bloomed from Emily's body.

"When I first met you, I set hundreds of holy light spells on you. Do you still want to die? Unless you encounter an attack above the law level like last time on Dragon Island.

Do you really think I'm joking with your life? "

Emily snorted: "That would hurt a lot if it exploded too!"

"You will have to endure hardships, and you will get used to it in the future."

Wright opened the card box and collected all the magical plants on the field: "Mobility is indeed a problem, but it is at most a shortcoming, not a flaw.

I think this thing can be put into actual combat.

Hum hum, the First Empire is going to suffer a lot now. "

Emily dusted her hair, and Alice ran over to help her.

"Wright, don't forget what you just promised me. Upgrade my belt!"

"Don't worry, it's not a difficult thing. Do I need to cheat?"

Wright put the card box away and handed it to the Demon of Lies, and waved to Emily.

"Let's go to the next shooting range."

Emily couldn't help but shudder. It was obvious that she had some stress reaction to the word shooting range.

Fortunately, this time Wright did not intend to continue to use her as a target, but really wanted to help her complete the final improvements.

Under the leadership of the Lie Demon, the group came to a brand new shooting range.

Although not as big as the one just now, fortunately there are ready-made targets in this shooting range.

This made Emily quietly breathe a sigh of relief.

Wright walked up to Emily and stretched out his palm.

Emily looked confused, then put her hand up.

Wright looked confused: "Who told you to let go? Is this a sequelae after you merged with the gray wolf?"

Emily felt aggrieved: "If it's not a hand, it's not a hand. Why are you so cruel?"

As she spoke, she placed her chin on Wright's palm, and then looked at him with her big innocent eyes.

"Then what?"

Wright pinched her cheek: "Give me your belt!"

"I know, I know!"

Emily pulled her face out and rubbed her cheeks with both hands in tears: "Then you should make it clear!"

"Normal people would never do the two actions you just did!"

Emily puffed up her cheeks and handed the belt to Wright. Unexpectedly, after he took it in his hand, he didn't even look at it, and just used his hands hard.


The belt was broken at the waist and turned into two even parts.

"Ah! My belt! You, you, you, what are you doing?"

"Do you know why you can fuse different elemental powers? Why can you fuse elemental powers and beast souls?"

Wright shook the two belts in his hands: "It's not the belt, it's your own witch physique.

The belt is just for you to borrow power and do simple preliminary energy sorting work.

But after your belt is upgraded, too much work is given to the belt.

In this way, the cart is put before the horse.

The root of the fusion is you, not the belt. "

Emily was so distressed that she almost cried: "Then you don't have to break it."

"This is called neither breaking nor establishing...Alice, please help me with the shaping."

Alice stepped forward quickly: "Okay brother!"

Wright has alchemy skills and knowledge reserves, but he does not have the ability to shape at will like the Alchemy Witch duo.

If you really use an alchemy forging table to cast it, you will waste a lot of time and materials.

Fortunately, there is Alice.

With the help of Alice's ability, Wright began to refine two halves of the belt at the same time.

One of the belts was renovated and recast by Wright and turned into a brand new single-card belt.

The other half of the belt, under his shaping, turned into a card-mounted gauntlet mode.

"Okay! It's done."

"So fast?"

"It just splits and refines the original complex functions. Come and try it."

Wright threw the new equipment to Emily and directed her to dress neatly: "Buckle the belt, and then put the gauntlet on her left arm.

Then, insert the Gray Wolf fantasy card into your belt. "

Emily nodded repeatedly and inserted the magic card into her belt. With the flip of the switch, the beast soul arming was completed instantly.

Emily merged with the gray wolf, and her body took on the characteristics of a wolf.

"Then, put a Fire Elemental Lord card into the gauntlet."

"oh oh!"

Emily quickly complied, and as the card was swiped, a blazing flame burned on her body, and crystallized into armor, integrating with the wolf part.

"There is a groove in this place, which is used to swipe cards. Once you conquer the other magic cards in the Gray Wolf Path, you can complete the blessing of special abilities by swiping cards here!

This is the charm of brand new equipment! "

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