This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 299 The remnants of truth appear (please vote for me)

"Private soldiers?"

Wright's eyes widened after hearing the Elf Queen's report: "I didn't expect that Prince Michaelser would have such a skill.

Judging from the results of yesterday's interrogation, his son didn't even know about it.

Okay, this old boy even kept it a secret from his own son.

If you want to say that he doesn't have any small thoughts, you won't even believe it. "

"At present, the number of these private soldiers is not too large, but they are all elites. They are well-equipped, determined, and powerful. They can be called dead soldiers, and they have strong individual combat capabilities.

It is said that Prince Michaelser also hired a large number of mercenary groups to prepare to enter the jungle to search and rescue his son.

If this group of people enters the forest, it may be difficult to deal with them. "

The Elf Queen handed the information to Wright: "This is the news from the leader of the frontline mercenary group."

"Dead soldiers, we must kill them. These guys are die-hards who cannot unite in the battle. Keeping them will only increase the burden.

As for mercenaries, let the mercenary groups on the front line convey the news of the Elf Empire through the Mercenary Association.

The Elf Empire only wanted to take back the homeland that was forcibly occupied by the First Empire, and had no intention of starting a war with the humans.

If they don't interfere in this matter, then they will gain the friendship of the elves.

If they choose to accept this mission, then they will be the enemies of the elves. On the battlefield, the sword has no eyes, and you are responsible for life and death. "

The Elf Queen also agreed with Wright's decision. As the leader of the Elf clan, she did not want to ruin the relationship with the entire human clan.

Because she knew very well, not to mention the Goddess of Holy Light and Shenting. Even if the man in front of him is still there, it is impossible for the elves to defeat humans and regain the dominance of the world.

Peaceful coexistence is the best vision.

"Then... what to do with those dead soldiers?"

Wright smiled slightly: "Don't we have a precious prisoner? Bring him here, and I can find a way to make his father, who is eager to save his son, obedient."

"Okay! Go and bring that man up!"

Wright turned aside: "Lilith, call the succubus from last time."

Lilith didn't know what Wright was going to do, but she still stretched out her hand to draw a magic circle, then reached into it with one hand and grabbed out a high-level succubus with a frightened face.

"Big, big, big! Sir! I, I, I, I..."

The succubus was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she was trembling so hard that she couldn't say a complete sentence.

"What are you afraid of?"

Wright frowned: "You just need to control the target's mind for a while and let him do what I say."


After a while, Bender, who had been detained for a day, was brought up. Before he could even curse, the high-level succubus took control of his mind.

Wright took the small book and pen from the elf princess's hand and started writing something.

"Let this guy use that magic item to contact his father."

The succubus nodded repeatedly and quickly controlled him to activate his magic device. After a burst of sizzling sounds, a middle-aged man's voice came from among them.

"Bender, is that you?"

Upon seeing this, Wright opened the first page of the small cup, which read [Let him talk normally]

The succubus understood and manipulated Bender.

"It's me, father!"

"What's your situation now? Are you okay? Where are you?"

As if he had expected it in advance, Wright turned to the second page and asked the succubus to control Bender to read what was written on it.

"Father, our team was broken up. Those damn Pointy Ears set up a trap in the jungle, just waiting for us to take the bait.

Fortunately, the guards around me fought bravely and saved me from escaping. "

"Then since you escaped, why haven't you come back?"

Wright turned to the third page, and the succubus continued to cooperate.

"Father, I am a blessing in disguise. I will be able to find the enemy's base camp right away. As long as I can take this place in one fell swoop, I will not only defeat the elven army, but also free other prisoners of war!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime fighter plane!

But I don't have enough troops on hand right now. I hope you can send me some more troops. "

McElser on the opposite side was very angry: "What nonsense are you talking about? Come back now! This is an order!"

"Father, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Shut up! Follow the order!"

“But we have gone deep into the dense forest, and even if we go back, we are likely to encounter other elves or encounter traps on the way.

Why don't you send more troops to support me and let me destroy their base camp in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, even if I go back now, the road will be more dangerous. "

The magic guide fell into silence, and finally the other party seemed to compromise.

"Okay, I'll send a team to the forest to meet you. Where are you now?"

Wright's finger slid across the map and finally stopped at a place called Maple Leaf Valley. The succubus quickly gave a hint, and Bender said to the magic device.

"My subordinates and I are hiding in Maple Leaf Valley."

"Okay, just stay here and don't move around. We'll wait until the rescue team arrives!"

With a click, the magic guide lost its response.

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, Emily couldn't help but mutter.

"Do you believe it now? Isn't the general afraid of deception? Doesn't he suspect that the person speaking here is not his son?"

Unexpectedly, Bender, who was half asleep, spoke: "Only I can use this magic device, it is soul-bound."

Emily was shocked: "Why did he say it now? Why didn't you ask yesterday! What if..."

Halfway through her words, Emily saw Wright looking at her speechlessly.

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

Wright looked like he hated iron and said: "Is he bound to the soul of this magic weapon? You are a legendary powerhouse, can't you sense it?

If you can't sense it, then your sister Lilith and I can't sense it either, right?

Why didn't you ask? Because we've seen it.

Just like, we won't ask you what color your clothes are today.

After all, he is a magician, so why would he ignore the most basic questions? Make me stand outside the classroom! "

Emily's pretty face suddenly turned red with embarrassment: "That's it...even his son himself may have been controlled by his mind! He's such a big general, don't you doubt it?"

Wright snapped his fingers at the controlled Bender: "You, explain to her."

"My magic device has a detection function. Illusion, mind control, hypnosis, body manipulation and other methods will all be detected, and if found, a warning will be issued.

Only words spoken by the user, that is, myself, in accordance with my own will can be passed on. "

Emily's eyes widened: "Can this be done?"

"Yes, that's why soul binding is needed. Because it can detect it from the soul level."

"Well, then, didn't those words just leak out? I understand, Wright, you are specifically here to deliver false information!"

Wright covered his face: "Let me give you a hint... why I asked Lilith to find a high-level succubus.

After all, it seems that a low-level little succubus can do this. "


"Because the methods of low-level succubi are so common that human mages can basically detect them. The methods of high-level succubi cannot be detected by magic devices made by humans."

Wright reached out and pointed at the location of Maple Leaf Valley on the map: "As punishment, you must rush to Maple Leaf Valley to set up defenses now.

This time it was not easy to cover them directly with firepower. We had to let these dead soldiers die quietly.

Can it be done? "

"Of course it's no problem!"

Emily agreed without hesitation. She also wanted to leave this place that made her feel so stressed as soon as possible.

What's more, she just got a new power and just wanted to find someone to try it out.

Emily turned around and left the elf war room, setting up the breeze and flying towards the target direction.

At the same time, in the border city of the First Empire, Prince Michaelser assembled his private army.

"Now, go to Maple Leaf Valley. You must keep your whereabouts secret on the way and don't alert others.

When you meet that brat Bender, don't listen to any of his orders.

Remember, your mission is to bring him back to me safely! "

"Yes! Master!"

After arranging his private soldiers, the prince turned around and looked at the two people in the shadows.

"Two of you, please lend a helping hand to capture my useless son. He is the foundation of the future of the empire, so we must not let anything go wrong."

Two magicians in black robes, a man and a woman, came out. The older male magician smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, we will definitely bring His Highness Bande back safely."

"Then I'll thank you both for your hard work! I'll give you a big thank you when it's done!"

The two magicians nodded and followed the private soldiers out of the gate of the border city and headed deep into the dense forest.

This rescue force almost moved forward along the route that Band led the army. Because the trap was destroyed in the early stage, it was relatively smooth in the early stage.

But in the second half, I was also invaded by some magical plants.

However, as shown in the intelligence, these private soldiers are well-equipped, have a higher overall combat level, and have two powerful magicians holding the battle.

Although the journey was hard, we finally arrived at the outskirts of Maple Leaf Valley after overcoming obstacles.

However, what they didn't know was that from the moment they entered the dense forest, their every move was within the scope of surveillance by Wright and others.

Because all his armies had been captured, the battlefield transcription magic devices he had prepared were no longer working.

Wright left a few to monitor the prisoner camp, and basically flew the rest to monitor this private army.

There were even two times when the private group went the wrong way, but it was Wright who deliberately set off traps to guide them to the right path.

In order to send these people to the West quietly, Wright took great pains.

And during the observation, Wright could see at a glance that the robes of the two magicians accompanying the army were embroidered with the logo of the Tower of Truth.

Although they cleverly used other patterns to confuse the past, Wright, who had dealt with the Tower of Truth so many times, still recognized it at a glance.

"This little bait really caught two big fish."

Wright connected to the magic intercom with Emily: "Emily, Emily, please reply if you hear me."

"Emily heard, Wright please speak."

"Among the enemy team, there are two remnants from the Tower of Truth. Capture them both so that we can interrogate some details about the remnants of Truth in the empire."

"There are actually remnants of the truth showing up? OK, OK, I will definitely catch them, don't worry."

After Emily cut off the contact, she quietly dormant in Maple Leaf Valley, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

Sure enough, after a while, a group of private soldiers quietly approached Maple Leaf Valley.

They acted very cautiously, and even when they reached outside Maple Leaf Valley, they did not enter hastily.

Although these people are private soldiers, they are not fools.

The general leading the team was a confidant general entrusted with important tasks by the prince. After he arrived here, he noticed something was wrong.

Since there were personal guards to protect His Highness Bande from escaping, there should be a small force stationed here.

Although personal soldiers are one level lower than private soldiers. But these soldiers can also be regarded as the best under McElser's command.

So deep into a war zone, even if there were no hidden sentry posts due to lack of manpower, why was there not even an open sentry post?

Moreover, there were no signs of crowd activity around these areas. The instinct of a professional soldier told him that this was suspicious.

"Let's go, keep moving forward."

Unfortunately, the two magicians accompanying him were not professional soldiers. They are arrogant by nature and don't bother to think about these things like weak people do.

"Yeah, why don't you go in?"

"You two, something is wrong here, I'm afraid there is an ambush."

After hearing this, the male magician burst into laughter.

"Looking at how scared you are, what could be wrong? It's just a group of elves, looking at you, it scares you.

Even if there is an ambush, we are not afraid.

Unless the elf queen comes in person, there may be some trouble. "


"Stop talking nonsense. Our time is precious. We have wasted so long on the road. We have already reached our destination. What are you doing?"

The male magician was very arrogant: "Do you know that our time is precious? I have no interest in playing house games with your precious Highness here.

Take the person back quickly, do you understand? "

"But what if this is a trap set by elves, and His Highness is not in it..."

"Then capture the ambushing elves and interrogate the whereabouts of your Highness. Are you waiting here to see which tree will bear your Highness?"

Although the leader of the private soldiers felt unhappy, there was nothing he could do.

What's more, what the other party said is right. Even if he knows that this is a trap, he can only test it out.

Otherwise, you won't be able to do it yourself.

"Everyone! Get ready for battle! Enter Maple Leaf Valley in defensive formation!"

Under the urging of the two magicians, the private soldiers formed a battle formation and moved into Maple Leaf Valley bit by bit.

However, after entering it, there was not even a ghost in the huge valley.

Just as they were looking around, the water pool in the valley began to fill with water.

Immediately afterwards, Emily, armed with flowing water, came out with a crowbar.

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