This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 312 The Witch Killer’s Invitation

The crisis in the city has been resolved, and the prestigious clergy in the chapel are assisting the city defense forces in guiding the residents back to the city.

Of course, most people are not willing to return to the city at this time.

It's not their fault, after all, everything just happened too fast. The fear that comes from the depths of the soul, the twisted and blasphemous corrupt angel.

That is to say, at the end, the phantom of the Goddess of Holy Light appeared, otherwise this group of people would have run as far away as possible.

But even so, they want to wait and see.

At this time, Wright was in the chapel, listening to the Sin Lights' work report.

"So, you have found evidence that the royal family is behind the scenes?"

"Yes, Patriarch."

Wright lay on the backrest and frowned. Although the situation was similar to what he thought, it still made people a little irritated after he really verified his idea.

"Have everyone been dealt with?"

"In the name of Sin Light, everything has been dealt with. But there is nothing we can do for the time being against those princes and nobles."

Wright nodded slightly. Sin Light's ability only targets the clergy within the Holy Light Church.

If they are fighting against experts from outside the Holy See, their strength is only ordinary second and third level.

Not to mention those princes and ministers, even the guards of ordinary small lords would probably be difficult to deal with.

"Don't worry, just take care of your own work. Others will naturally take care of the rest.

All perpetrators, conspirators and vested interests will eventually be punished by the Holy Light! "

"Praise the Patriarch! Praise the Holy Light!"

The leader of Sin Light took out a ledger from his arms and handed it into Wright's hand.

"Pastor, this is the roster we got from the imperial bishop. It records the names, identities and families of those who committed the crime of blasphemy against the Holy Light.

According to this roster and according to the size of the crimes committed, we will pull out these moths in the Holy Light Church one by one.

But unexpectedly, when we reached this city, we were blocked by this weird church. "

After looking through it for a while, Wright put the roster away.

"Very good, you have already made a contribution by finding this roster."

He looked at everyone in the Sin Light Sect: "Currently, the empire has been involved in a dispute with the Elf Empire. The number of illegal magicians in the country has increased sharply, and there are still remnants of the Tower of Truth operating.

The risk is too high to continue pulling out borers like this. "

As if they had a premonition of what Wright was going to say, the sinners knelt down one after another.

"Ancestor, we are not afraid of danger!"

"But I'm afraid, I'm afraid that you have some strengths and weaknesses, I'm afraid that you will be damaged here for no reason.

You are the treasures of the Holy Light Church and cannot be placed in such a dangerous situation.

What's more, you don't have to be a positive character.

They are a combination of Inquisitor, Observer and Shadow Assassin.

When the enemy is strong and we are weak, we must choose to retreat temporarily to accumulate strength.

Because, you should not participate in the next action.

After the entire empire is conquered, I still need you to continue working according to the names on the roster.

I know you hate evil, but you also have to look for opportunities and find ways. "

Although Wright said so much, the leading members of Sin Light were still hesitant and seemed to want to fight for it.

"This is an order, do you understand?"

The Sinful Lights sighed helplessly: "Yes, Ancestor."

"Okay, let's go and deliver the message. All members of the Sinful Light Sect will evacuate from the borders of the First Empire within three days, and must report back to the Holy Capital within ten days."

"Yes, Ancestor."

The members of Singuang Sect began to take action one after another, and the originally lively chapel suddenly became quiet.

Wright took Emily to visit here for a while and was filled with emotion.

This building looks like an ordinary shop. After being transformed and renovated, it became a small church where believers can pray and worship.

This church can be said to be as small as a sparrow but has a lot of heart and guts. It has everything from the statue of the goddess to the holy pool.

And judging from the level of cleanliness, it should be carefully cleaned and wiped every day.

Although it is small, shabby and simple, it is more likable than the splendid church.

"Light, what do we do next?"

Emily was obviously not in such a good mood as him: "If there are other rotten lairs in the empire and such monsters are hiding, something big will happen sooner or later."

“Whether it’s fruit trees or crops, they need fertile soil to thrive.”

Wright stood in front of the Twin Goddess of Holy Light statues with his hands behind his back and smiled.

This goddess statue is very interesting. The original statue of the goddess Aphra is quite old at first glance, but the statue of Joanna was newly made later.

It seems that because the relationship between the empire and the church became tense after Advent, the church here did not receive the standard twin goddess icon issued by the Holy City.

Therefore, the statue of Joanna was modified from the statue of Aphra.

It can be regarded as a special product under special circumstances in a special period.

Emily stood in front of Wright: "What do you mean?"

Wright sighed: "Is this difficult to understand? The rotten nest cannot grow so big out of thin air.

If you just find a place to place a nest, you can breed such a terrifying monster.

Then this corrupt lady no longer has to be a lackey apostle for the Gate of Truth.

The reason why the monsters in this glorious cathedral are so strong is because those in the cathedral desecrated the Holy Light, which is an external manifestation of corruption.

Don’t forget, Madam Corruption is the God of Concepts.

Not to mention the material corruption of the body, the corruption of the soul, mind, and heart is also corruption.

Therefore, those Holy Light priests who are supposed to advocate truth, goodness and beauty, and those churches that are supposed to be holy places of Holy Light, have become no longer sacred and pure due to some external reasons.

This is also a kind of corruption.

And these corruption phenomena are the nutrients that the corruption nest relies on for its survival.

The city's cathedral and the clergy inside were severely and completely corrupted, so the situation was quite serious.

But I just looked at the roster. If what is recorded above is correct, there are only five cities in the entire empire that are more serious than this city.

Three of them have been solved by the Sinful Lights, and they did not feel anything strange in the process.

I can't say for the time being about the other two.

There are four others as bad as the city, and the rest are much less rotten.

Even if a Corruption Nest is planted, there won't be a big problem.

We have plenty of time. "

Emily had a strange expression: "But if we clean up one by one like this, I don't know how much time it will take.

Do we really have so much time and energy to stay in the empire?

Don’t forget, there’s still a war going on on the front lines.

What's more, our identities are very sensitive.

It's okay to appear in the empire once or twice, but if he keeps showing his whereabouts, it will definitely cause trouble. "

Wright didn't speak this time, just stared at the statue of the goddess motionlessly.

Just when Emily was about to ask again, a girl's voice suddenly sounded behind them.

"How about you let me help you?"

Emily looked back, her expression suddenly changed, and she pulled out the crowbar and stood ready.

The person who came was none other than the witch killer whom we met once before, the witch who corresponded to the fairy tale of the little match girl.

Wright asked without looking back: "What, are you willing to come out and have a chat?"

"Have you discovered me a long time ago?"

"That's wrong. You should have discovered me a long time ago and have been following us."

The Witch Killer smiled and shook her head: "No, no, no, you should be the one fishing for me.

Knowing that as a witch killer, I have the ability to detect the whereabouts of witches, I still arrogantly wander around the empire with a witch by my side.

How could I not find you in such an obvious situation? "

Emily was stunned for a moment, then angrily grabbed Wright's arm.

"You, you, you! You use me as bait."

"I would like to use you as dog food, bird food, and pig food, but you don't have that quality."

Wright reached out and rubbed Emily's head: "Look, you are a successful bait!"


Emily opened Wright's hand and hid aside to sulk. Wright smiled and ignored her, but turned around and walked to the Witch Killer.

"It's true that I'm trying to catch you, but what do you mean by cooperation? not my original intention."

"I can help you investigate these churches."

"Without you, I can still ask people from the Sinful Light Sect to help me."

"They can feel the strangeness of the church, but the monsters hidden under the church can also sense them."

The little match girl was very calm: "The more they appear, the people behind the monsters will inevitably be on guard.

With their fighting power, danger is very likely to occur.

But I'm different. I can feel the other person's presence like them, but I can't be noticed by the other person.

The most important thing is that as long as I have enough witch power, I can become strong and not be caught by the enemy. "

Emily turned her head and stared at her: "Why can you feel it? I am an elemental witch and I can't feel it! Even my beast intuition is not noticed."

"There are specialties in the art industry. I can feel this unknown strange power, and it is also because of the ability of the Blood Witch."

The Witch Killer spread her hands: "I dare to say this because I have been exposed to similar Holy Light Cathedral before.

That disgusting feeling is still fresh in my memory.

I noticed it just now when His Highness Wright was fighting that four-winged monster.

Therefore, I have 100% confidence that I can discover the other party without being discovered by the other party! "

Wright rubbed his chin: "The blood element is indeed special. The blood witch is indeed weird.

But...does the Blood Witch really have this ability? "

"I can't explain the power of my wish to you, I just say that I can do it."

The Witch Killer said while wiping her neck: "If you can give me the power to destroy these monsters, I can even help you get rid of them."

Wright's eyes narrowed slightly: "You are a bit arrogant. With your ability, can you do it?

You haven't even reached the holy level yet, have you? "

Emily waved her little fist: "That's right!"

“I don’t know why, but the blood witch’s power has a strong ability to restrain those monsters and their power.

Unless you can find the Blood Witch Scarlett now and make her obey your orders.


I'm definitely your best choice. "

The Witch Killer stretched out her hand: "Give me the power of the witch, and I will help you solve these problems. How about it, isn't this very profitable for you?"

"Can't give it to her!"

Emily quickly stood in front of Wright: "I don't know if this guy is a friend or an enemy yet!"

"We may not be friends, but as long as you are willing to provide me with witch power in the future, we will definitely not be enemies."

The Witch Killer is very honest: "If there is a stable supply of all types of witch power, I don't want to take huge risks to attack other witches and seize their power!

If he doesn't do it well, he might even end up risking his life. "

"No one wants to be the little match girl."

Wright did not directly answer the other party's request, but suddenly said such a sentence for no reason.

Emily looked confused: "You...what did you say all of a sudden?"

"Wish power is an important part of the witch's power and the source of the special effects of the witch's power.

But like I said, no one wants to be the little match girl, you probably don't have much willpower.

With the establishment of the fairy tale town, people's yearning for the fairy tale world will become an important supplementary source of willingness.

Therefore, even many unflattering fairy tale images can benefit from the group effect and gradually materialize their own ideals.

For example, Emily uses the gray wolf.

No one wants to be the Big Bad Wolf, but it's because of Once Upon a Time that he can transform.

But, what happened to you?

You can't get powers from Once Upon a Time, even before Once Upon a Time was created, you had the powers of the little match girl.

So I'm curious, what is the source of your ability. "

The Witch Killer fell silent, and then slowly spoke after a long time.

"Sorry, I don't know."

Emily frowned: "Lying, how could you not know?"

"Then do you know? Do you know why you are a witch?"

The Witch Killer suddenly lost her temper and roared angrily: "It's not that I want to become a witch, and it's not that I want to bear this damn curse!

Why should I know? I also want to know! But who can tell me! ?

I also want to know why it is me and why I am so unlucky!

But who, has anyone asked me for my opinion? "

After the Witch Killer finished shouting, she gasped for breath.

Emily was startled at first, then walked up to her with red eyes and grabbed both of her hands.

"Wright has found a way to end the witch's curse, and we will become the last witch. The tragedy will end here."

Witch Bane took a few deep breaths to calm down her emotions, and then looked at Wright.

"So, do you want to make this deal? Even if you don't know the principle of my power."

"Okay, but we have to agree on the specific details."

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