This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 368 I want to bet with you (please subscribe)

In front of the Mushroom of Life, Wright stretched out his hand and pressed it on it.

"Then I..."

Lilith let go of Wright's hand: "I won't go with you."

"Then I won't go either. I'm upset when I see the hateful faces of those people from the Life God Department."

Joanna took Lilith's arm and said, "The two of us are going to go shopping in the elves' market."

Lilith was surprised: "You actually bother them? Then these life gods must be really annoying. Wright, don't let them go."

"Okay, okay!"

Wright just wanted to go to the sky, but then turned around and said: "Speaking of which, the elves' clothes are quite good, you can buy more.

I really like their hollow designs and their tradition of sparing fabrics. "

Lilith gave him a roll of her eyes: "I know, I know, go ahead."

Wright smiled slightly, his body turned into light, and with the blessing of the Mushroom of Life, he left the Holy Light World and came to the Holy Light Temple in the God Realm.

Seeing Wright's arrival, the Archangel of Judgment who was guarding the door immediately came to greet him.

"Boss, you are finally here."

"Is there someone from the Life God Department again?"

"More than that, this time it's not just the Life God Department, there are other God Departments, and even people from the Dragon Clan are here."

Wright frowned: "What do you mean, the people calling for friends are trying to put pressure on us?"

"No, they came to redeem people, and they have already paid off the divine coins."


Wright was a little surprised. He originally thought that the other party would bargain. Unexpectedly, the other party actually paid the money directly.

You know, the price he offered was as big as a lion's mouth, even if he asked for a high price, he would not give up.

Could it be that I have underestimated the foundation of the Life God System and that the other party is actually a big dog?

Or maybe the so-called special envoy who was captured by him actually had a special status that made the other party willing to spend such an astronomical amount?

No, no, if that was the case, they wouldn't have the trouble to invite so many people from other gods to participate.

After all, the death of King Lieyang back then was unclear. The two little princesses ran away from the Life God System and were homeless, and were finally taken in by themselves.

It doesn't sound good to say this kind of thing.

It was too late for the Life God System to hide it, so how could it be possible to take the initiative to reveal its own embarrassment?

"It seems that they came with bad intentions."

Wright waved his hand: "Let's go, I want to see what these gods want to do."

Under the leadership of the archangel, Wright walked into the reception room.

Unexpectedly, the reception hall of Holy Light Divine Courtyard, which used to be deserted in the past, was overcrowded today.

In addition to the five powerful gods sitting at the guest's end, there were also many gods standing behind him. The host's house on the other side looked deserted.

Joanna was not here, the Nolanoy sisters had been well protected, and Aphra was sitting there alone, looking a little weak.

When she saw Wright arriving, she suddenly beamed.

Then the next second, Wright grabbed her by the back of the neck, lifted her up, and placed her on the second seat.

"Don't you know your position clearly?"

"I am also a goddess after all! I am also the main god of the Holy Light World and the Divine Lord of the Holy Light Court!"


After Wright dismissed it with a calm word, he turned to look at the other side of the table.

"Everyone, now you can introduce yourselves."

He stretched out his hand and said, "Let's start with... the guy on the left."

Wright's arrogant attitude naturally aroused public outrage. One of the gods, who was full of muscles but shorter in stature, smashed his lava hammer on the table angrily.

"Hey! Boy, are you too arrogant?"

Wright also pulled out his Dragon Slayer's Lament and threw it directly on the table.

"I've always been so arrogant, why not!"

The special envoy of the dragon clan is an elf dragon god, and he almost cried when he saw the dragon-slaying knife.

"Mr. Wright! First of all! Our Dragon Clan didn't offend you! Secondly, our Dragon Clan didn't offend any of you!

You, you, you, what are you doing? "

"Sorry, I picked the wrong one."

Wright nailed Sin Guang to the table with a clang: "Everyone, this is the territory of our Holy Light Divine Court.

You came here uninvited, swarmed here, stared at each other with eager eyes, and looked like you would fight if you disagreed.

He also asked me if I was too arrogant?

What's the point?

Friends are here and we have wine!

The enemy is coming, we have swords!

So what about God? It’s not like he hasn’t been killed before! "

Buzz! ! !

The Great Sword of Sinful Light instantly burst out with terrifying energy fluctuations, and the dazzling light made many gods present afraid to look directly at it.

That terrifying pressure, coupled with Wright's murderous eyes, made all the gods present wake up.

The other party is not a nice gentleman.

As he said, God is nothing to him, so he can just kill him if he wants to.

For a moment, the aggressive momentum of this rabble softened for the most part.

The Dragon Clan representative looked even more fearful. He had already tried to persuade these pig teammates before he came.

He even tactfully stated the great losses suffered by the Dragon Clan, but as a result, these gods thought too highly of themselves and still went their own way.

I really feel that there is nothing to be afraid of in a small divine court that has just been established.

They don't know that the man in front of them will really kill him when he is in a bad mood!

"Who is the messenger of the Life God System?"

"it's me."

One of the gods in green robes stood up and bowed deeply towards Wright: "Natural side of the Life God System, Rafdel, I have met Mr. Wright.

We came today with the purpose of peace talks. And, I apologize to you and the Holy Light Holy Court for what the previous messenger did.

And I hope that I can sit down and have a good chat with you to resolve the conflicts between the two parties. "

"What about this ragtag bunch of cows, ghosts, and snakes?"

"These friends are all the witnesses I invited."

The gods of the life system spoke very appropriately: "It is also to make the conversation between us more formal."

"Are you afraid that I will take the opportunity to beat you up and ask for another fee?"


Unexpectedly, Rafdel did not play tricks and agreed directly.

"I know Mr. Wright's intention, but I have a better proposal. I wonder if Mr. Wright can give me a chance?"

Wright raised his eyebrows: "But there's no harm in talking."

"Mr. Wright, the conflict between us cannot be reconciled for the time being.

The two artifacts in your hands are really important to our life system.

Their meaning is far greater than their function!

Their position in our pantheon is a symbol of orthodoxy.

Therefore, no matter what, we cannot allow us to not take back these two artifacts when we know that they are in the hands of others. "

Wright laughed and said, "When it was in the hands of Mrs. Corruption, I didn't see you asking for it."

"Mr. Wright, we really don't know that Mrs. Corruption is the former Ms. Moon. The Life God System has suffered heavy losses, and many ancient things are no longer testable."

Rafdel said sincerely: "As for the Crown of the Sun King, I think you also know that we have tried to search for it, but in the end we have no results.

Now that these two artifacts are in your hands, we just want to welcome them back to the life system through reasonable means.

Just ask for anything you need, as long as it's not too much, we will do our best! "

After hearing this, Wright laughed loudly: "It sounds so nice, but I still want these two artifacts.

My meaning has not changed from beginning to end, no.

Because this thing is mine. "

Rafdel frowned: "It's inappropriate for you to say that. Everyone in the divine world knows that these two artifacts belong to the life divine system."

The mob behind him started to boo again, and the momentum was very enthusiastic for a time.


Wright picked up the sin light and smashed it on the dragon-slaying knife next to him. It made a crisp sound and the living room suddenly became quiet.

"That's true. But that's not how I understand it."

Wright spread his hands: "Look, the crown of the Sun King and the laurel crown of the Moon God are symbols of the life system.

Well, since you don’t have these two artifacts, it proves that you are not from the life system!

The orthodoxy of the life divine system should be in our Holy Light Court! "

Such a counter-thinking statement made the gods feel ridiculous. But when I think about it carefully, there seems to be no problem.

Rafdel was even more shocked - no, we are on the sidelines!

"You! How can you say such irresponsible things?"

Wright laughed loudly: "Gods, listen carefully, I now hold two orthodox God-King-level artifacts from the Life God System.

The biological blood of King Lieyang and Lady Moon is also here with us.

If the orthodoxy of the life divine system is not in our Holy Light Palace, where is it?

On the contrary, this person is swindling here in the name of the God of Life.

Tell me, why do you call yourself the God of Life? "

Rafdel was so angry that he wanted to defend his divine system, but after thinking for a long time, he couldn't say a word.

For a moment, his face turned red from holding back, his eyes bulged out, and he looked like a frog.

"You are a bunch of rebellious officials and villains who deceive the world and steal your reputation. We did not hold you accountable for your misdeeds under the banner of the Life God System. Instead, you came to us and asked us to return the artifact?

It is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world!

I have never seen such a shameless person! "

Although the gods present did not understand everything, they could understand what Wright wanted to express based on the general meaning.

For a moment, the gods' minds were a bit lost.

We seem to be righteous people who follow others to find trouble. Why are we now becoming accomplices of rebellious officials and traitors?

This, this, this, how could things become like this!

It's so magical!

"You, you, you! How could you do this! Things shouldn't be like this!"

Rafdel was suddenly confused, his mind was in a mess, and his speech became difficult to understand.

Fortunately, the Elf Dragon God next to him was still awake and held down Rafdel.

"Hey! Have you forgotten that you have other things to do here?"

"Others, others...oh! Yes!"

The Elf Dragon God's words brought Rafdel back from the edge of rational collapse.

He took several deep breaths and adjusted his rhythm.

"Mr. Wright, it is very meaningless to show your power of words."

"Really? I think it's fun."

Seeing Wright's smiling face, Rafdel's heart, which had just calmed down, suddenly became violent.

He cast several divine spells and breaths of nature on himself before he calmed down again.

"That's right, Mr. Wright, the conflict is here, and we have to resolve it eventually.

Since we haven't been able to reach an agreement at the negotiating table before, I don't think it's better than this.

Let's try another method. "

When Wright heard this, he immediately asked, "Oh? What can I do?"

"Betting fight."

"Betting fight?"

Before Wright could say anything, Aphra became excited first.

She grabbed Wright and whispered, "Don't agree to them!"

"What do you mean? Is there something fishy about this gambling fight?"

"Betting is a method often used by gods to resolve problems."

Aphra took advantage of this opportunity and quickly explained to Wright.

"After all, everyone has reached the level of gods, and it is impossible for a conflict to break out directly over something.

For example, the Dragon God Emperor who ran directly to hunt down the Dragon Clan like you did. "

Wright spread his hands: "I don't think there's anything wrong with it."

“That would easily lead to a blood feud between the two gods, causing the death of a large number of gods.

There was often friction between the gods over things like grazing the lower realms.

If the gods were to die directly every time, then no pantheon of gods would be able to withstand such high and frequent falling events.

Therefore, in order to solve the problem and avoid direct conflict between gods.

The behavior of gambling and fighting was born.

The gods will select their favorite heroic spirits and let the two sides fight in a gladiatorial arena.

The victory of heroic spirits is the victory of gods.

Everyone abides by this agreement, and it is supervised by all the gods in the divine world. "

Wright frowned slightly: "The Arena of Heroes? This kind of thing is really..."

"That was an ancient way of gambling. Later, as time progressed, most gods felt that this kind of duel between a few elite individuals could not reflect the true power of a god and the foundation of the entire pantheon.

Therefore, they carried out reforms and eventually produced two methods of gambling. "

Wright laughed: "This little trick actually has a history of changes. You guys are really free to be gods."

Aphra stamped her feet anxiously: "Listen carefully to me, these two gambling methods are the extermination mode and the shepherding mode.

The extermination mode is relatively simple, that is, find a plane that has been invaded by demons, and then both parties in the bet send their own army of priests into this world to completely eliminate the demons and enemies on it.

In the end, whoever finally captures this lost plane wins. "

Wright thought thoughtfully: "This is good. While the gambling battle was going on, a plane was also cleared, which can be regarded as a contribution.

That pastoral model will not be..."

"Yes, the pastoral model is to find a world to simulate the grazing of the gods, and both parties will eventually occupy the entire world through missionary preaching!"

Wright raised his hand: "No, how long will the fight last?"

"The small world used for gambling and pastoral care is generally not big. It is the kind of world bubble that has just been born."

Aphra lowered her voice: "Don't you also know that in a pastoral world, in the process of growing up, you will experience multiple herdings.

Generally, when grazing for the first time, the profit is small, the area is small, and the resources are scarce. It is like a sour little fruit. Everyone does not like it very much, and is more willing to wait until the world becomes bigger and fatter before starting.

Therefore, when the world was young, it was often used as a venue for gambling and fighting. "

After hearing this, Wright's eyes lit up: "Isn't this gambling game fun?"

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