This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 371 The Correct Usage of the Demon of Lies (Please subscribe)

Having achieved their goals, these gods left the Holy Light Temple in droves.

The originally lively living room also became quiet.

Wright put away both weapons and turned around to leave, but was blocked by Aphra.

"What are you going to do?"

"Let's live my wonderful life of three."

"Wow, you can say this."

"what is the relationship?"

Aphra pointed at Wright: "Don't we need to think about countermeasures? What if the other party plays tricks?"

"They will definitely be playing tricks, but currently we don't know what tricks they are. Since we don't know, how should we think of countermeasures?"

Wright spread his hands: "We can only analyze the specific situation at that time.

So now, there is no need to rush or think wildly.

Just take a good rest and wait for tomorrow's gambling battle. "

Aphra approached Wright: "Aren't you a famous name in the demon world that everyone knows? When the time comes..."

"Hmph, my name in the demon world is known to everyone.

But they even know what artifacts you are missing, how could they not know what happened to me? "

Wright picked his ears and said, "They chose the first fight, and it was one day later.

It means that they must have prepared for me, and they are afraid that we will notice it as time goes by.

In one day, even if you notice it, you probably won't have time to make up for it. "

"What should we do?"

Wright didn't show any signs of nervousness, but instead burst into laughter.

"How do you know that the methods they prepared are really effective?

Gods are often arrogant and arrogant. If they think they are ready, wouldn't it be more beneficial to us? "

Wright reached out and put his hand on Aphra's head: "Don't worry, even if I don't care about your artifact, don't I still care about Joanna?"

Aphra blinked and asked, "Then, will you win?"

"It will win."

After Wright finished speaking, his figure disappeared. When he opened his eyes again, he was back next to the Mushroom of Life.

After returning to the Holy Light World, the gentle smile on Wright's face gradually disappeared, replaced by a solemn face.

Yes, he was deliberately pretending to be arrogant and underestimating the enemy before.

With such an important bet and the other party's blatant tactics, Wright naturally would not take it lightly.

He just did that just to give Aphra a false impression.

Wright is not doubting Aphra's position, she is definitely her own person, there is no doubt about it.

But Wright knew a truth when he was very young, which is that if the king is not secretive, his ministers will be lost, if the minister is not secretive, he will lose himself, and if a few things are not secretive, it will cause harm.

The less people know about important things, the better. Even if you have to choose to collude with someone, choose someone who is reliable and trustworthy.

Aphra, although she is one of our own, is really unreliable.

If some confidential operations were told to her, she would probably be tricked by someone with ulterior motives.

Or, she would do some unnecessary things that she was not even aware of, and then accidentally leak the information.

But this guy has a very strong self-esteem!

If these words are stated clearly, she will definitely lose her temper and act mischievous.

Simply, give her a frivolous image of winning, and let her calm down for a while so that she can do the intelligence work she really needs.

Wright returned to his manor from the Mushroom of Life. When he saw that Lilith and Joanna were still playing outside and had not returned, he lay alone on the special three-person bed.

As soon as his eyes were closed, Wright fell into sleep.

Immediately afterwards, he used his secret method and came to the gap in the dream.

Wright did not stop for a moment in the gap of dreams, and went directly to the old site of Fairy Tale Town, and entered the Fairy Tale subspace from here.

"Lao Pi! Lao Pi! Take me to the fairy tale kingdom quickly!"

Wright stood there and shouted several times, but there was no response.

In desperation, he had no choice but to head towards the fairy tale kingdom.

Fortunately, the entrance was not too far from the Fairy Tale Kingdom, and he arrived there in a short time.

"Old Pi, what are you doing? Didn't you feel that I was here? What do you, the master of the fairy tale world, do for a living?"

Wright angrily pushed open the door of the Fairy Tale King's palace and was immediately startled.

Pinocchio, the devil of lies and the master of fairy tales, is slumped in his chair at the moment, his eyes are blank, and the red wine bottle is still in his hand.

"You, you, you, how are you? Why have you become so decadent after not seeing each other for a while?"

Pinocchio glanced at Wright and lowered his head: "Alice is gone and I don't know when she will come back. I am so useless as a teacher that I can't even escort her all the way.

What if she is in danger? What if she gets lost? just in case……"

"Wow, why are you acting like an empty-nest old devil?"

Wright walked up to the throne speechlessly and lifted him up: "Wake up! You are also a conceptual powerhouse after all. See what you look like now?

If I had known you were like this, I should have stuffed you back into the sea. "

Seeing Pinocchio's appearance, Wright suddenly regretted it. He felt that this guy was terribly weak now, not even as reliable as Aphra.

"If you keep doing this, I'll take a photo of you and show it to Alice when she comes back!"

"No! Don't!"

The lie demon suddenly became angry: "You are destroying the image of me as a teacher in Alice's heart."

"If you really want to maintain your high image as a teacher in Alice's mind, please do something great while your disciple is away!

Only then will Alice be amazed when she comes back.

Wow, it turns out that the teacher is such a powerful person. Before, he had been doing nothing but distracting himself from teaching me.

Once you devote yourself to your career wholeheartedly, you will achieve such great results!

What a teacher! So great!

some type of! "

After hearing this, the Lie Demon jumped up from the throne and grabbed Wright's hand.

"Boss! I understand! Please give me a big project! Let me shine! Let me be hot! Let me fight until death for a great cause!"

"Now there is indeed something that needs you to do, and only if you do it, I will feel more at ease... Where did you get all this wine?"

"Oh, the power of my ability to make lies come true!"

"Don't use your precious power of lies on things like this!"

Wright grabbed the bottle and took a few sips: "It tastes pretty good! Give me two bottles. I'll have a candlelight dinner later tonight to help."

"No problem! By the way, boss, why did you come to see me?"

"Oh, I was so angry with you that I almost forgot about the real thing! Old Pi, I need you to go to the devils and get some information.

You also know that they are most afraid of you. "

"Boss, I think they are more afraid of you?"

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