This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 400 This is retribution

Pushing open the door of the parliament chamber, Wright saw a long table placed in the hall.

One side of the table was full, while the other side was empty. Obviously, this was prepared for their group.

The two sisters Noi and Nora seemed a little scared when they saw someone they knew.

But under Joanna's encouraging eyes, they quickly adjusted their posture and stood behind Wright with their heads held high.

Wright looked at this posture and smiled slightly: "The person who came here is not a good person."

Aphra whispered in his ear: "You are the one who came."

"Come on, let's go sit down."

Wright showed no signs of restraint. He led Joanna and others into the hall carelessly and sat on the other side of the long table.

After everyone sat down, Rafdel, the god headed by the Life God System, stood up and bowed deeply to Wright.

"Ravdel, on behalf of the entire Life God System, welcomes all friends from the Holy Light Divine Court. Your coming here really makes us shine."

Wright held his cheek and looked at him, and suddenly laughed: "I said, Rafdel, you were so seriously injured, why did you have to run out if you couldn't just soak in the juice of the World Tree to recuperate?

Wouldn't it be better to leave such trivial matters as discussing things to others? "

Rafdel laughed, then coughed. He calmed down for a while, then looked at Wright with lingering fear.

"Mr. Wright is joking, if I lie down in bed and rest and let others take over this matter. What if they accidentally offend you and cause the Life God System to be at odds with the Holy Light Divine Court, that would be bad.

Although our Life God Department is quite wealthy, we really can’t afford as generous compensation as before. "


Wright was very unhappy. His idea of ​​​​killing the opponent again was actually seen through.

It seems that I am still too murderous and my disguise is not good enough.

"Okay, no need to say any polite words. You have to let us come in person to do the handover, and you said that you have something to ask for.

What on earth is going on? "

The gods of the life system looked at each other for a few times, and finally turned their attention to Rafdel.

The latter sighed and stood up shakily with the help of his companions.

Then, under the shocked gazes of Aphra and others, they bowed deeply to the two Nora sisters.

"Princess Noi, Princess Nora, I'm sorry."

"Mr. Rafdell, what are you..."

"You guys, listen to what I have to say."

Rafdel lamented: “At first, there was a dispute within the Life God System over the issue of grazing by the gods.

The tipping point is that the first generation Ancient Tree of Life has fatal flaws.

This flaw will cause the world where the Life God System grazes, and the law of life will be distorted and affected by the Ancient Tree of Life, ultimately causing the tragedy of the world's fall.

Within the pantheon at that time, many gods advocated reforms to eliminate this hidden danger.

But most gods think it's not a big deal, so they take a negative attitude.

Your father, Lord Lieyang King, for the sake of the long-term development of the divine system, made a resolute decision to develop the second generation of the Divine Tree of Life.

He promised the gods in the Life God System that the newly developed second generation of the Ancient Tree of Life would be more effective and have more functions than the first generation, and would also eliminate all hidden dangers.

In this way, the Life God System not only gets rid of the shadow of destroying the world, but can also be further strengthened.

Everyone is very confident in your father's plan, and the entire divine system has devoted all its resources to the plan for the second generation of the Divine Tree of Life..."

When Rafdel said this, Wright suddenly raised his hand.

“Wait a minute, let me guess what happened next.

The huge investment of the Life God System, which was like gambling on the fate of the country, finally achieved results.

The second generation of the Divine Tree of Life was successfully developed! This is an exciting thing.

But soon, after preliminary experiments, you discovered that this so-called second-generation sacred tree is not as good as you imagined.

Although it eliminates some of the shortcomings of the first-generation sacred tree, it will no longer affect the life laws of the herding world, let alone destroy the herding world.

However, its function and efficiency are lower than those of the first generation Divine Tree of Life.

No, it should be much lower.

Therefore, there are disagreements within your pantheon about whether to replace the first generation with the second generation Divine Tree of Life.

Am i right? "

Rafdel nodded slightly: "You are absolutely right in your guess.

The entire project went very smoothly, and we successfully developed the second generation Ancient Tree of Life.

It's perfect, but it's nowhere near as effective as the first generation.

We initially thought it was a design flaw or the workmanship needed to be upgraded.

But after careful investigation, we came to a depressing conclusion.

The efficiency of the second generation Divine Tree of Life is truly normal.

On the contrary, the reason why the first generation is more efficient than the second generation is that it is based on the distortion of the laws of the world.

In other words, the high productivity of the first generation came at the cost of destroying the world.

Even if the second generation is optimized to absolute perfection, it will not be able to exceed the production capacity of the first generation.

As a result, there was a conflict between the two sides, whether to continue to promote the second generation or to continue using the first generation for production capacity, and a fierce conflict broke out.

His Majesty, King Lieyang, who advocates renewal, in order to prove his point, personally participated in the herding behavior, and went to... the world you now rule, preparing to upgrade the Divine Tree of Life there to the second generation.

As it turned out, this was a trap carefully set up by the opposition in order to lure King Lieyang into taking the bait and then surround and kill him.

The unsuspecting Majesty the Lieyang King died in hatred under the ambush of the opposition party...

I think you already know what happens next. "

When the matter came to this point, Nora and Noi had already burst into tears and couldn't hold back their voices.

Wright tapped his fingers on the table, his eyes scanning back and forth on the faces of the life gods opposite.

"Then you came to us today probably because of the matter about the Divine Tree of Life. Otherwise, you wouldn't take the initiative to bring this shameful matter to the table.

Okay, I don't have time to see you acting pretentious.

Let’s just talk about it. "

"Mr. Wright, can the Sun King's divine crown?"


Wright rejected the other party without hesitation: "There is no door.

Don't look at the Nola sisters. I'm not just saying this for them.

Because I want to see you in bad luck.

This is the retribution you deserve for destroying so many worlds.

Especially you, knowing that the first generation of the Divine Tree of Life will destroy the grazing world, you still continue to use them.

This kind of deliberate evil behavior cannot be forgiven, let alone tolerated.

You should be lucky that I didn't know about this three years ago.

Otherwise, with my character at that time... hum! "

Rafdel hid his face and cried: "Mr. Wright, our Life God System has suffered the retribution you said.

We are disgusted by the World Tree. "

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