This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 416 The infrastructure maniac comes online

Breed! spread! corrosion!

The Lava Skeleton King feels that his divinity is being eroded bit by bit!

He never expected that this gadget would be effective on him!

After all, he is also a divine being. Although he is only the lowest god, no one has told him that he can't resist divinity!

The Skeleton King quickly raised his giant sword and kept cutting off the mushroom hyphae on his leg bones. But it hasn't been completely eliminated on his side, and the leg bone of the other leg has also begun to wrap around.

Even the great sword, an artifact of authority that he forged with his own spine, began to become entangled with mycelium.

"What is this, what is this! Ahhhh!"

The underworld fire in the eyes of the Lava Skeleton King is burning, and the power of the lava spurts out, trying to burn all the hyphae on his body!

However, these hyphae are like a big tonic, growing faster and crazier.

In the blink of an eye, the entire body of the Skeleton King was enveloped.

In an instant, the Lava Skeleton King froze on the spot.

This, what does this feel like, so comfortable!

I have been a skeleton for so long that I have forgotten the feeling of having a body!

Forgot what breathing is!

Forgot what a heartbeat is!

Forgot what touch is!

Forgot all the beauty of being born!

But at this moment, all of that came to mind!

The Skeleton King is silent! Skeleton King is confused! The Skeleton King hesitated!

Isn't this good?

No! Can't!

I am the great Lava Skeleton King! I am proud to be a king! I have more dignity as a god!

Not even death can conquer me! How could I give in here!

Skeleton King's originally distracted eyes gradually became focused again, but some voices he had never heard before began to appear in his mind.

It seems like thousands of people are singing in unison, sacred and solemn! Full of all the truths in the world! Constantly echoing between soul and body!

Among the millions of Sanskrit tones, the Skeleton King seemed to hear a voice whispering in his ear.

"Join, Glorious Evolution...Follow, Tai Sui Tian!"

The Skeleton King tried to break free, but was trapped deeper and deeper. His feeble struggle gradually subsided.

Finally, the proud Lava Skeleton King inserted the divine sword in his hand into the ground.

He knelt down on one knee, lowered his head in the direction of Holy Flame Bone City, and prayed devoutly.

"Follow, Tai Sui Tian!"

The large number of lava skeletons on the hillside seemed to have been pressed on the pause button, and they all froze in place.

They all knelt down on one knee, and then countless sulfur mushrooms directly submerged the skeleton army.

When the mushrooms disappeared, the mountains and plains were filled with new lava zombies. As their former king, the Lava Skeleton King was also promoted to the Lava Zombie King.

Wright clapped his hands in the Holy Flame Bone City and laughed loudly: "Okay, take it!

After taking this step safely, the next plan will be extremely smooth! "

Lilith was very surprised: "I really didn't know that this sulfur mountain range was so important to your future plans!"

"of course!"

Wright pointed to the map and explained to Lilith: "This place is a treasure.

After occupying the Sulfur Mountains, the mushroom beasts explored and sorted out the local geographical conditions.

As far as the findings are concerned.

This place contains almost endless energy, rich stones and minerals!

You know, what does that mean? "

Lilith blinked her blank eyes: "It means...what?"

"So, you don't understand this kind of romance!"

Wright raised his hands, looking very excited.

“Of course it’s infrastructure!

We will build a complete manufacturing industry chain here in the Sulfur Mountains!

This will become a tipping point!

It's like, a fire!

It will soon turn into a blazing fire and sweep across the entire Hades Beach! "

Lilith looked at the craters one after another on the screen, frowning.

To be honest, no matter how beautiful the future blueprint drawn by Wright was, it was difficult for her to take a high look at this place.

From her perspective, this Sulfur Mountain area is very barren.

Even if there are undead creatures produced, they are all lava skeletons, they just have more lava attributes than ordinary skeleton soldiers.

That's all!

Otherwise, there wouldn't be such a large area, and as a result there wouldn't be a single big boss willing to conquer it.

In the end, it was just a small lava skeleton king who evolved from the local skeleton soldiers and gained the right to rule this area.

To put it nicely, it has no strategic value.

To put it mildly, it is a place where birds do not poop.

And Mingtan itself is a place where birds don't shit, which shows how messed up this place is.

Lilith initially thought that Wright chose such a force as his first opponent to try his hand at training.

In fact, not only she thinks so, but other big guys who have been paying attention to Wright's power also think so.

Of course I beat the Lava Skeleton King because he is easy to bully.

Don't worry about losing the first battle and losing face.

No way, he really loves that bad place where a volcano erupts whenever nothing happens!

Even in Mingtan, a volcanic eruption is a real disaster.

Who likes to put their power on the volcanoes for fun?

It is precisely because of this that only one kind of local family member, the Lava Skeleton, can survive in the entire Sulfur Mountains.

A place like this that would be despised by other forces if it was left at their doorstep.

Wright actually regarded it as a treasure?

Lilith was confused.

As for the other big guys in Mingtan, there is no time to be confused.

They knew that after Wright's small test of his skills, he would definitely build up a large-scale army and start attacking everywhere to carve out a large territory for his own power.

There is no need to think about this. Every new force that emerges will go through a similar process.

The sea of ​​darkness will last forever, and the beach of darkness will never be destroyed. This is an eternal stage. After you sing, we will appear on the stage, rising and falling in the past until now.

After all, judging from the combat power Wright showed when attacking the Skeleton King, this is an extremely difficult opponent!

But just as everyone was actively preparing for the battle, they discovered that Wright had made no move.

In other words, there is no intention to continue attacking.

The roar of the waves in his four cities was still there, and the Sulfur Mountains that he had just occupied showed no intention of sending troops.

The only thing worth worrying about is that since the mushroom army completely occupied the Sulfur Mountains, there have been fewer and fewer volcanic eruptions.

After a few days, any eruptions even stopped.

The bosses of Mingtan were very surprised, and they sent their own scouts to investigate the situation.

The strange thing is that no one came back!

There are so many forces, so many scouts and spies in front and behind, but not a single one...

Just when all the forces in Mingtan looked confused.

The legion that had been burning came out of the Sulfur Mountains mightily!

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