This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 425: Be possessed by a demon and cannot turn into bones


Cracks appeared in the huge blood cocoon, which made the two bored people on the side suddenly become energetic.

Immediately afterwards, countless black auras spurted out from the cracks, sweeping across the entire Holy Flame Bone City.

The holy flame in the center of the dungeon began to sway. Wright frowned and quickly kicked the blood cocoon away.

This huge blood cocoon drew an arc in the sky, pulled a plume of black smoke, and hit a mountain outside the city heavily.

With a loud bang, the blood cocoon exploded instantly. A black shadow flew out and landed in front of Wright and Lilith.

"See Master!"

Wright lowered his head and saw that Fu Hua Gu's appearance had changed drastically.

I don't know if Lilith did it deliberately, but a pair of curved devil horns sprouted from her forehead that was not transformed into bones. There were magic patterns engraved all over her body, exuding an ominous aura.

"Lilith, did you forget to remove the devil part?"

"Yeah, it seems so!"

Lilith smiled awkwardly: "Just thinking about extracting the power of blasphemy from malice, maybe I forgot about the power of demons."

"It's okay, this is actually better."

Wright seemed to be very satisfied with Fugu's transformation: "In this case, it would be regarded as Fugu becoming a demon.

Therefore, we can’t call him Invincible Bones anymore, he has to be called Corpse Demon.

Well, that's not quite right. Look up! "

The corpse demon quickly raised his head, but he didn't expect that there was an eye on his forehead.

Wright looked at it carefully and suddenly realized.

This third heavenly eye was transformed from the remains of the magic crystal given by Lilith.

"I didn't expect that you would have such an adventure. In that case, from now on, you will be called Sanmu."

The corpse demon quickly knelt down again: "Praise you, great master! Sanmu will always be your most devout servant!"

"Very good, then..."

Wright pointed his hand towards the Bone Plains in the distance: "Go and solve all the problems for me."

"Yes! Master!"

The three-eyed corpse demon immediately took two steps back, and then, wrapped in demonic aura, it rose directly into the sky and headed towards the Bone Plains.

Lilith looked at the corpse demon's leaving figure and couldn't help but sigh: "It's so powerful. I feel that his strength is comparable to some superior gods!"

"Not only that, with the blessing of your blasphemous power and the power of demons. In addition, he originally advanced without turning into bones, so he can deal with those five unlucky guys at the same time with ease.

This time, the five of them will inevitably become three-eyed living sacrifices.

Let's just wait for him to bring back the good news of victory. "

Lilith held Wright's arm: "Remember, if you find the desecrated temple, you must compensate me."

"Don't worry, but don't eat too much."

The two of them were chatting and laughing in the Holy Flame Bone City with great ease, but the mentality of the five powerful people on the Plain of Bones was on the verge of collapse at this moment.

Fight, can't beat.

Development cannot be achieved.

In less than two days after the war, all the infrastructure in the Bone Plains had been built at the doorstep of the four families.

Knight leader, that was repaired directly to the gate of the capital.

The Cangyan Knight looked at the towering arrow tower, the towering city wall, and the dark cannon holes, and his soul fire trembled.

Compared with the opponent's frontier fortress, his own capital city is like a three-year-old child's happy sand building on the beach.

Let alone a serious battle, it feels like a toy car can be run over by a remote control car.

The other four were no better.

The defense facilities built right in front of their home are more exaggerated than the last.

And it seems that because there were too many prisoners in the last war, their powerful troops have been clearly understood by the fierce zombies.

The army gathered in front of their door was all targeted.

In the past two days, the five big guys have been a little cautious.

Because they could see that this gang of gangsters seemed to be taking some time off.

They had been working in full swing, as if there was endless work and endless energy every day.

But now, most of them are free, standing on the wall and looking down, looking a little impatient.

What's going on? Are you addicted to infrastructure construction or farming?

Can't you take a break? Not happy to take a break?

Among the gods, there has always been a saying that the dependents will be particularly like their gods.

Because of the relationship between the two, the god's extremely powerful soul will gradually infect and assimilate his followers.

The more fanatical the believers are and the firmer their beliefs, the more completely they will be assimilated!

Some gods are more rigid and serious, and their followers will also be unsmiling.

Some gods are more lively and humorous, so their followers will also be eloquent.

Some gods believe that this is a phenomenon similar to how yellow lights attract moths that like yellow lights.

But most gods still firmly believe that the influence of gods on believers is profound and subtle.

From the believers of a god, one can see the personality and preferences of the god, and even the god himself cannot get used to it.

The five bosses were very surprised. Could it be that the crazy Saint Wright was actually an honest man who liked farming and construction?


This is absolutely impossible!

But the facts are right in front of us!

These fierce zombies are not the believers who follow him because of his teachings, but the followers he created with his own hands.

No one would be more affected by the background of his soul than these family members.

Is it possible that that man really loves peace?

Just after the five big guys came to such an unrealistic conclusion in their minds, something dangerous finally broke out.

It seemed that the emotions had reached the critical point of detonation. A large number of fierce zombies suddenly came out of the city walls they had built and began to attack their respective territories crazily.

The five bosses were very panicked. They never expected that the fierce zombies of the Bone Plains would be so arrogant that they would start a war with the five families at the same time?

No matter how powerful you are, you can't do this!

But they soon discovered that this did not seem to be an offense, but a way of venting!

Yes, there is no place to cultivate land and buildings, which leads to emotional loss.

After repelling the defensive forces of each force, these fierce zombies immediately stopped attacking and began to cultivate and build on the newly occupied territory with peace of mind.

It was as if the crazy attack just now didn't exist.

Is it really an illusion?

If it was an illusion, why did my own territory become their occupied territory?

In the blink of an eye, the new city wall has been built two to three meters. Are you guys too fast?

Unfortunately, the place we just occupied is too small and cannot satisfy so many out-of-control fierce zombies.

The zombie tide broke out again, and the five families once again lost a lot of territory.

It’s okay to keep going like this!

The five bosses were very shocked. If they retreat again and again like this, sooner or later they will be cannibalized.

But just as they were preparing to unite again, a piece of news came out.

The Cangyan Knight was killed.

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