This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 434: Artifact Malicious Slander

Chapter 434 Artifact·Malicious Slander

"Get rich, get rich!"

As the saying goes, a man cannot be rich without external wealth, and a horse cannot be fat without night food!

Windfall is the real way to make a fortune!

Wright stood in front of the stone pillar, rubbing his hands excitedly.

He is no more handsome now than before.

At that time, he was alone, with Lilith, traveling around the world while tinkering, having fun and doing things that he thought were meaningful.

Happy and happy.

But now, I have more and more things on my back. Although my sense of accomplishment has also increased, fame, fortune, and fortune also come uninvited.

But the effort required also becomes more.

Especially the grass-roots team under him is full of loopholes.

They can't even think about the division of labor and clear division of labor, and even the most basic combat effectiveness and deterrence cannot be formed.

That is to say, you have to work hard to hold on, otherwise the end will be miserable.

But as the old saying goes, a tree cannot stand alone.

Even if he can hold on now, if this deformed power structure continues to develop, big problems will inevitably arise.

This is also the reason why Wright chose to help Nolan Noi to fight against the Life God System.

One is to focus on training, hoping that their sisters will become powerful gods in the future and support the Holy Light Divine Court.

After all, the father of these two little girls is the King of the Fierce Sun, and his status and qualifications are the best.

The second is to make the two of them completely break up with the Life God System and cut off the possibility of them returning to the Life God System.

In this way, they can stay in the Holy Light Divine Court safely and make their due contribution to the development of the Holy Light Court.

But still, too little!

There are too few SSR-level gods like Noynola!

Because the Gate of Truth has always been in the dark and has many minions, Wright has been unable to get more help from recruitment channels and can only grit his teeth and cultivate it on his own.

The flesh and blood sea god, plus the three gods of corruption, and even the devil, the three-eyed corpse demon and Taisui Tian...

Wright worked hard to create the trumpet in order to use this method to supplement the lack of combat power in the Divine Court.

But continuing like this is not an option.

But now, all we have to do is seize the divinity trapped in this stone pillar!

Then Wright was confident and summoned a group of powerful gods to come out in a short time.

In this way, at least the central combat force will be solved!

When the Fairy Tale Subspace completely whitewashes the Demon of Lies into the Lord of Fairy Tales, he will also have helpers in terms of high-end combat power.

Coupled with the three attacks of the Dragon Clan and the desperate protection of the Life God System.

The issue of Shenting’s self-protection can be regarded as having a proper solution.

However, looking at this stone pillar mixed with divinity, Wright felt a little embarrassed.

Logically speaking, most of the divinity contained in this may not be suitable for normal gods, but is more suitable for demon gods.

This can be seen from the last time the Temple of Profanity collapsed.

But it is also easy to understand, after all, what kind of bait and what kind of fish are caught.

A god who desires to pursue blasphemous concepts is certainly not a positive person.

Most of their divinities are similar to Lilith's malice and lust. Otherwise, even if they obtain blasphemous divine power, they will not be able to absorb and devour it if it is too poorly adapted to their own laws or rules.

Therefore, it can be predicted that although there are many gods in the stone pillars and the levels are high, there will not be too many that can be used in the creation of gods in the divine court.

"We can only hope that the normal ones will have more power. If that doesn't work, we can make do with both good and evil ones."

Wright patted his cheek, minimizing his anticipation.

Just when he was about to seize divinity from the stone pillar, Lilith, who had been standing in front of the desecrated throne, suddenly stretched out her hand towards the throne.

Wright frowned. Could it be that she still couldn't withstand the temptation?

Just when he was about to take action, Lilith's hand did not touch the Throne of Desecration, but instead grabbed it from the air.

A strong suction force came from the palm of the hand, and the Throne of Profanity, along with the power of blasphemy it carried, began to be pulled away, forming a viscous substance in front of Lilith's palm.

"My name is Lilith, and I am the master of malice! Why don't you surrender to the mere power of blasphemy?"

As Lilith drank, the mass twisted and deformed, and finally turned into a weird weapon.

It looks like a crossbow integrated into the arm, and it can also transform into a sword.

Lilith fired a few test shots first, and the power was amazing!

Then the bow arm retracted, the sharp blade popped out, and Lilith danced like a tiger, making Wright's scalp numb.

I have to say that this transformable weapon is very suitable for Lilith.

Especially the arm sword shape, it looks more like the back stinger of a poisonous bee or the stinger of a scorpion than a sword!

While attacking the opponent, it can inject the power of malice and blasphemy into the opponent's body, destroying the opponent's ability to resist.

As soon as Lilith let go, the artifact turned into an exquisite arm guard.

Anyone who doesn't know about it will definitely not know how deadly this arm guard is.

Seeing this scene, Wright couldn't help but applaud: "Okay, okay, Lilith, you really didn't disappoint me.

After conquering the power of blasphemy, you can take it away no matter how many temples are blasphemed in the future. "

Lilith was as happy as a child, running quickly and throwing herself into Wright's arms.

"Light, thank you."

"Why are you thanking me? It's your own fault!"

Lilith raised her arms in front of Wright's eyes: "Then, are you willing to give me a name for my new artifact?"

"my pleasure."

Wright held Lilith's hand and looked at this magical artifact.

"Contains the power of blasphemy and surrenders to the lord of malice. I think let's call it slander."

"This name is not bad!"

Lilith stood on tiptoes and kissed Wright on the face: "I like all the names you chose."

"Hehe, that's good."

Wright stretched out his hand and pressed it on the stone pillar next to him: "Then let's destroy this stone pillar, take away the remaining divinity, and then go home, shall we?"

Lilith blinked her big eyes: "Why destroy it? If you destroy this stone pillar, the entire temple will be destroyed.

I don't think so!

I extracted all the divinity from it, and then kept this temple as a trap.

I don't think it will be long before there is a lot of divinity in it again.

We only need to leak the news that there is a desecration of the temple here from time to time, and then we can come over every now and then to collect the divinity. Why not? "

Wright's eyes widened immediately and he gave a thumbs up: "Wonderful, wonderful, this is indeed much better than destroying it directly.

However, can you absorb the divinity from it without destroying the stone pillar? "

"I can't, but..."

Lilith revealed her malicious slander and switched to sword form.

"It can."

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