This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 453 Thirteen Mushroom Cards

The Boneyard is the place where the Headless Horseman is produced. The bones here pile up like mountains, and various bone elemental undead are born here every day.

At the same time, this place is also rich in Nether Bone Horses, which are the most common mounts in the underworld.

Of course, if you want to find a bone dragon as a mount, you can also come here to find it. It's just that you have to risk being ravaged by the bone dragon group.

Under the leadership of Wright, three thousand magic armor troops came to the Bone Burial Ground and secretly lurked in the outer areas.

"Soldiers are expensive and quick!"

Leta stood in front of everyone and began to instill his war thoughts into the demon armored troops.

“Mobility is the lifeblood of an army at all times.

As long as we have full mobility, we can hold the initiative in our own hands, and by then, many problems will be solved.

Therefore, we are bound to get these Nether Bone Horses! "

One of the demons raised his hand, Wright reached out and tapped it, and it stood up in a panic.

"Master God Envoy, why don't we directly summon the bicorns? They are very powerful and have good range.

It can immediately improve our combat effectiveness! Why do you have to catch the Nether Bone Horse here? "

The demon leader was furious: "Asshole, how dare you question the decision of the God Envoy?"

Wright waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, it's good to ask if you have questions. Let me tell you this, I know the bicorn you are talking about is a very practical mount in the demon world.

Indeed, if you are in the mortal world, obtaining a two-horned beast mount through summoning is the best option.

After all, the contract binding that comes with the summoning circle can make the two-horned beast 100% obedient.

And as demons, you ride a two-horned beast of the same demon species, so your compatibility is more perfect, and you can better utilize your strengths, achieving the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

But you must understand that this is the underworld, and our location is the depths of the underworld.

The reason why you can move freely is entirely because of the mushroom armor on your body.

This stuff is good, but the quantity is limited.

We have no choice but to equip three thousand bicorn beasts with three thousand sets of mushroom armor.

If there are really three thousand more pairs of mushroom armors, we can definitely recruit three thousand more flesh and blood brothers.

Isn’t it beautiful? "

The demons were very convinced by Wright's words, and he took this opportunity to continue.

"We are now a lone star deep behind enemy lines! Forget about any rigid support, we can only solve it ourselves.

I hope you come here with the mentality of living a hard life and fighting a tough battle.

All needs are solved by ourselves. If you can't solve it yourself, then find the enemy to solve it!

For example, now, since we can't summon the two-horned beast, we can simply use local materials and bring back three thousand Nether Bone Horses! "

"We understand, Lord Envoy!"

After explaining, another demon suddenly raised his hand, and Wright tapped it affectionately.

"anymore question?"

"Master God Envoy, we... don't know how to train horses. If we catch it, what should we do?"

When Wright heard this, he immediately became energetic and his chest was high.

"I'm not bragging to you, I am also a man who has conquered the Unicorn King!"


The three thousand demon armored troops immediately cast their admiring glances, and the demon leader was even more amazed!

"The Unicorn King! According to legend, unicorns are holy and proud beings, and the Unicorn King has the temperament of a divine king!

Even the king of elves may not be favored by the Unicorn King! Not to mention surrender!

It is said that even some gods of the life system may not be able to subdue the Unicorn King!

Unexpectedly, the Lord God Envoy could actually subdue the Unicorn King!

How amazing!

He is worthy of being chosen by God! "

Wright frowned and thought for a long time: "Well... is it that difficult?"

It seemed that I had beaten the opponent so hard that he almost drove the Unicorn King crazy, and then it succumbed.

The whole process went smoothly and smoothly, and there didn't seem to be any difficulties!

It seems that not all legends can be believed.

"Ahem, regarding the question that this brother just asked about how to tame the Nether Bone Horse, I... I tell you, Lord God has already thought of it in advance.

The secret lies in the mushroom armor you are wearing. "

After Wright finished speaking, he felt something was wrong with the atmosphere at the scene, so he looked at the demon leader beside him with a blank expression.

"What's wrong? Why are everyone so dumbfounded? Did I just say something wrong?"

"Ah... no, I didn't expect that the God Envoy would treat us as brothers."

The demon leader also seemed very excited. The three thousand magic armored troops looked at Wright with piercing eyes, feeling an indescribable feeling.

Wright smiled when he heard this, and then waved his hand: "Hey! Isn't this normal?

Have you forgotten that the teachings of the Flesh God Cult have already been mentioned.

As long as you believe in the flesh and blood Poseidon, we will be good brothers regardless of each other!

Every flesh and blood believer is our brother and sister!

And why do we come to this ghost place of the underworld to fight these enemies?


It's because our enemies are hiding in the underworld and trying to subvert our world!

If we don't stop them!

It won't be long before they enter our world, trample on our land, destroy our faith, and slaughter our brothers and sisters!

They are trying to spread destruction and war on the land blessed by God!

We must not let them act recklessly! "

After Wright finished speaking, the three thousand magic armored troops became excited: "Kill them! Destroy them!

No one can hurt our brothers and sisters! No one can trample on our faith and destroy the land blessed by God!

grown ups! Please lead us and fight to the end! "

Wright clenched his fist and hit his chest hard: "Yes, we will fight to the end!"


"Speaking of battle, let's talk about how to tame a ghost war horse. Everyone, please touch your hands to your belt.

You will find that there is a card box on the left side of the mushroom armor belt. In the card box is a stack of specially made cards, thirteen in total, and they are also numbered.

Every piece here is a strengthening of the mushroom armor.

The first one is the sublimation card, which can improve your strength in all aspects and enter the state of fighting ghosts.

The second and third cards are weapon cards and armor cards. You can use these two cards to summon weapons and defense.

By the way, after using these two cards, you can use the paladin combat skills I taught you.

From the fourth to the tenth card, there are blank cards! Also called a sealed card!

You can find the undead species that suits your needs, and after defeating the opponent, seal it in the card.

When you want to use their power, just swipe the card.

These seal cards are reusable, so don't be afraid to seal targets you don't like.

The eleventh card is the guard card, which allows you to complete a promotion and become a golden species.

The twelfth card is the queen card. After using it, you can enter a fusion state. In this state, all the power of the first ten cards is integrated into yourself.

The prerequisite for use is that no blank cards are allowed in the first ten, and they are already in guard card status.

The thirteenth card is the king card. After using it, you can be promoted to the Holy Spirit!

However, the prerequisite for using the King Card is to use the Queen Card first and the fusion degree reaches 100%.

The ninth among them is a mount card.

All you need to do next is find your favorite Nether Bone Horse and then defeat the opponent.

While it is weak, just use the ninth card in your hand to seal it. "

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