This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 472 The Second Technological Singularity

"Let me tell you, Lord Machine God, that the entire Mechanical Continent has been occupied by us."

Optimus Prime excitedly reported to Wright: "We have liberated a total of twenty-two large mechanical cities, more than one hundred and thirty mechanical species gathering points, and countless small tribal groups.

Nowadays, all places have become preaching places for the Mechanicus.

The number of our new machine types has increased dozens of times, and it is still growing at a rapid rate!

The Mechanicum will be extremely powerful in the future!

Praise you, great machine god! "

Wright stood on the edge of the cliff with his hands behind his back, looking in the direction of the sea in the distance.

"Optimus Prime, do you remember this place?"

"Remember, of course I remember!"

Optimus Prime looked at the familiar scene: "I will never forget it in my life.

When I was still an eggbeater, I couldn't figure out the meaning of my life and couldn't see my future destination.

None of the other mechanical species around him had awakened, and the feeling of loneliness was truly unbearable.

I was driven completely crazy in the end and almost jumped off the cliff here and ended my life.

It was here that Lord Machine God saved my life, enlightened me, and helped me regain my faith in living. I also completed my mechanical ascension and walked one step at a time to where I am today.

Lord Mecha, Optimus Prime will follow you to the death! "

Wright smiled and patted Optimus Prime on his solid shoulder: "Then, there is an important task for you."

"Mission? The mission assigned by Lord Mekhan, I, Optimus Prime, will definitely complete even if I die!"

"That's not the case."

While the two were talking, Megatron flew from the sky in the form of a fighter jet, transformed into a human form and landed next to Optimus Prime, kneeling on one knee in front of Wright.

"Sir Meishen, our flight formation has followed your instructions to search for traces of the enemy in the offshore area.

After seven days of non-stop investigation, we finally found traces of enemy activities in a remote archipelago.

I left half of the squadron responsible for long-range surveillance, and I will come back to report to you first. "

After hearing this, Optimus Prime became furious: "These damn enemies are not all dead yet? Lord Mecha, let me destroy them."

"We are going to go, too. The battle formation machine will become your strongest sword! Sweep away all the arrogant people who try to resist the Mechanicus!"

"Hmph! Is the war machine very strong? Or are we defeated!"

"What did you say? That's because you awakened early. If you both awakened, let's show off to see who is stronger!"

"Come just come, who is afraid of whom?"

Wright rubbed his brow, wondering if these two names were backlash? In this situation, even if there is a quarrel, there will be no one.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have chosen this name.

"No one of you two needs to take action this time, because I have my own arrangements.

I called you here for another reason.

The number of new mechanical types is enough, and I think we can now start the second technological singularity breakthrough. "

Optimus Prime and Megatron looked at each other and asked in unison: "The second technological singularity?"

Wright turned around and walked to the edge of the cliff: "Yes, the second technological singularity.

The creation of your new mechanical species is actually due to the first technological singularity.

Times are developing and science is progressing.

Your evolution should not stop here.

If there were no gods, the evolution of species would follow natural selection. When the time comes, nature will select the fittest to survive, and things will naturally go downhill.

The advantage of the existence of God is that it can plan the route artificially, saving useless efforts and futile running.

Let things develop in the direction God needs.

All in all, I hope you guys will avoid taking detours. "

Optimus Prime asked cautiously: "So, Lord Mecha, do you think the time for the second technological singularity has arrived.

But now we are all blind, and we have no idea what this second technological singularity you are talking about is. "

Wright raised a finger: "Don't worry, I have already chosen the topic for you.

The second technological singularity should be the Internet. "

"Network, what is that?"

Obviously, this word is unfamiliar to Optimus Prime and Megatron.

From the performance of the two of them, Wright could probably guess that there was no network or information transfer protocol in this world.

"Sure enough, the mechanical civilization created by those scumbags at the Gate of Truth is actually just the mechanical civilization in their stereotype.

It seems reasonable, legal and logical.

But in fact, it’s all taken for granted.

However, I have never seen it, but it can be deduced to this point, and it even meets the level of forming a basic small world. It is indeed pretty good. "

Wright sighed faintly: "But deep down, I can still feel the fear that these gods have for the root of this world.

Then don't blame me for amplifying your fears.

Let me also show you that the real mechanical civilization is not just what they imagined. "

As soon as Wright raised his hand, the Magic Cube instantly grew in size, and then continued to rise into the air under Wright's control.

Optimus Prime and Megatron were just like two silly buddies, staring at the sky and motionless.

Soon, the mechanical cube rose to the sky, and its size became extremely huge.

In the end, the mechanical cube actually merged with the sun of the chessboard world of life and death!

At that time, the entire sun was dyed black, and the whole world was shaking.

Wright saw this scene and laughed happily.

He learned this trick from the Fiery Sun God King of the Holy Light World.

In order to protect the God King-level power artifact of his own race, he hid it in the sun.

Wright had no way to take it out directly at that time, but took a lot of effort to get it out.

Since then, Wright has learned this trick of hiding things at a tricky angle.

Unexpectedly, the first time it was realized, it was for other things.

"You two, try to pray to this black sun and treat it as another me."

The two mechanical bodies were very hesitant, and Optimus Prime asked timidly.

"Lord Mechanic, is this really okay?"

"What's the problem?"

"We are all devout followers of the Mechanicus Cult, and I am the leader."

Optimus Prime looked at the black sun in the sky and swallowed his saliva: "If I worship other beings, wouldn't that be a naked sentence?

Isn't this, naked blasphemy?"

Wright kicked his steel butt: "Do what I tell you to do! Hurry up!

Megatron, you also come with me, communicate with the black sun.

After you two have successfully communicated, you two try to talk to each other through your respective links.

If successful, then the second technological singularity is just around the corner!"

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