This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 533 The Terrible Cinderella

The Lie Demon was very surprised by this statement.

When the two sides were still on opposite sides, the Lie Demon tried every means to investigate Wright's past deeds.

He is relatively clear about what Wright went through during those two years in the Holy City.

After all, this is not a confidential matter.

Especially after the advent of the Bloody Saint, Saint Evil Wright's name is known to everyone within the Holy See. It is really easy to find out about his past.

As for the tidbits about him and holy Joanna, they are rich enough to be published in a book.

So when Wright revealed the conditions for Cinderella's feast, the Lie Demon instinctively felt something was wrong.

"The grand dance is understandable. After all, for high-level people like you in the Holy Light Church, the dance is a normal social activity.

Prince, I can understand.

If the Pope is the king of the Kingdom of Holy Light, then the Holy Son, who is the future Pope's Crown Prince, can also be considered a prince.

But does a love that ends in vain suit you well? "

Wright spread his hands: "I felt at the time that Joanna's feelings for me were self-righteous salvation and self-righteous charity.

So he got angry and did not further establish a relationship with her.

You all know what happened later. After the Bloody Holy Advent incident, in order to prevent those who were interested in taking the opportunity to slander the Holy See and cause trouble, it was also for the sake of the Holy Light's face.

I, in self-exile.

After not seeing each other for three years, the relationship between us became very delicate.

Therefore, it must be said that it will end without any disease..."

When Wright said this, he suddenly slapped his forehead: "Oh! I understand now!"

The Lie Demon was startled by him: "You, you, you, what do you understand?"

"I understand why, after that banquet, Joanna suddenly ran to find me in the Black Iron Prison, insisting on confirming my relationship with me, and saying that she wanted to rescue me.

She may have realized something at that time, feeling that the power of the witch in her body was awakening, and the conditions for the feast were about to be met.

If at that time, I agreed to her request and formed a relationship with her, then the feast would have failed! "

Wright grabbed his hair: "Oh, I made a miscalculation!"

Pinocchio patted Wright on the shoulder: "Okay, okay, the final result will be good, don't worry...

wrong! Still not right!

If we follow the development of the fairy tale "Cinderella", the prince and Cinderella should get married and become a couple that everyone would envy.

Then why, when the conditions for Cinderella's feast were fulfilled, the relationship between Cinderella and the prince ended without any problems? "

Wright spread his hands: "At this time, you have to sigh at the thought of the Sages of Wisdom and others when they designed the humanoid restraint weapon of the Witch of Light.

You know, the mission of the Witch of Light is to destroy the Holy Light Temple. And her special ability is to disable the power of light.

Haven't you noticed that in the Cinderella story, there are no elements related to the Holy Light at all? "

Pinocchio pondered for a moment: "That's true, it's even hard for me to connect Cinderella with the Witch of Light.

So, what is the principle? "

Wright suddenly grinned: "Because, the story of "Cinderella" has a hidden element, and that is the light of hope.

Poor Cinderella lived a life of being squeezed and bullied by her stepmother and stepsisters, and her life was miserable.

The ball held by the prince is her only hope.

In the story, with the help of her fairy godmother, she successfully seized this opportunity and finally reached the pinnacle of her life.

Cinderella's story is a story of hope.

This story, as well as the image of Cinderella, and her happy ending, are the light in the hearts of many poor people.

It is the pursuit and yearning for beauty, which is actually the same as their expectation for the Holy Light. "

At this point, the lie demon has figured out the key.

"I see, so the love that ends in vain actually rewrites the ending of Cinderella.

This was originally a fairy tale full of light, just like Joanna was also a saint of the Holy Light Church at the beginning and was a symbol of light.

Then because of the fruitless love, Cinderella failed to become the prince's wife.

Then she will return to a dark life, even more miserable than before.

Therefore, the light of hope was extinguished, and the original Witch of Light transformed into the Witch of Light after the feast. "

The Demon of Lies couldn't help but applaud: "Although it is a pheasant organization that has not been recognized by the Gate of Truth, there is a saying that these lunatics from the Tower of Truth really have two tricks up their sleeves.

Not only were they able to harness the power of fairy tales, they actually thought of harnessing the power generated by destroying fairy tales.

Indeed, very interesting. "

Wright rubbed his chin: "Don't underestimate the Tower of Truth, even though they have nothing to do with the Gate of Truth.

But their research and enthusiasm for the truth are no worse than the genuine products.

If you think about it carefully, the Gate of Truth probably developed step by step from an organization like the Tower of Truth. "

Pinocchio, the devil of lies, looked at Wright with a teasing look on his face: "Then you go to this world and look for this new Saint of Light who is inhabited by the power of the witch.

When the time comes, will we have a love affair with her that ends in nothing?

It is not difficult to find someone, but it is not easy to achieve the feast.

After all, love is the most elusive thing.

If it works, everything works!

If it doesn't work, no matter what you do, it won't work. "

Wright raised his eyebrows: "You, you know a lot?"

"Hahaha, of course I understand, I am a devil of lies."

Pinocchio flicked his nose: "Whether it is lies or devils, they are closely related to love, aren't they?"

Wright spread his hands helplessly: "Although I don't want to admit it, you are right.

But no matter how difficult it is, I have to find this girl first.

Whether the feast can be opened depends on the situation.

The most important thing is to prevent her from deviating from "Cinderella" to "Sleeping Beauty".

Or... other more troublesome fairy tale witches. "

Pinocchio widened his eyes: "Can she become other witches?"

"Of course, Cinderella has the potential to become other witches, even some witches we don't know.

Just like the meta-demon in the demon world can evolve into any other kind of demon.

This is the most troublesome problem.

At this point, Wright waved his hand: "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you.

Since I have locked the target world, I will rush over directly.

The lying demon was stunned: "Aren't you waiting for the witch killer?"

"No, if she wants to teleport across the world, she needs me to bury the anchor point in the target world first, and Alice needs to send her with Utopia.

And Utopia has just sent people to Lilith, and it needs to cool down and rest for a while.

I can't wait, I'll go ahead and explore the way first. ”

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