This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 557 Respectfully invited! The charmed mushroom ancestor!

Compared to the excitement on the ground, the space underground is relatively narrow.

But the intensity of the battle was no less intense.

A large number of dark beasts used various methods to open up their way in the underground world and rushed towards the holy mountain.

Most of the soil has been fixed by the interlaced root system of the magic plant phalanx, and the enemy had to dive to a certain depth.

But this place has been emptied by the Mushroom Clan, leaving enough fighting space.

It's like a huge trap waiting for the enemy to get in.

When the Erosion Beasts came here, they saw a uniform array of mushrooms and the Charm Mushroom Shooters who were waiting for them.

At that moment, the Corruption Beasts knew that their plan had been seen through by the opponent, and they defended themselves in advance.

But now, they have no way out.

The advancement on the ground was blocked, and the sky was still unable to break through.

In desperation, they only hope to open up some situations from the underground world.

At least, these strange plants can distract the firepower.

The higher-ups of the Eclipse Beasts are not stupid, they are endowed with higher IQ than humans.

They knew very well, although they couldn't figure out where these strange plants came from. But their attack will inevitably consume energy.

No energy can be infinite. Ordinary magic crystal cannons require cannons. These magic plants must also have their own ammunition depot.

Just spread out the battlefield and put pressure on the opponent's ammunition supply.

Then, their offense will definitely be affected!

This is the reason why the waves of attacks in the sky and on the ground are getting higher and higher.

Because for the necrotic beasts, these cheap cannon fodder are the best consumables. They can be used to kill the opponent's cannonballs, which is also profitable.

What they want more is to push forward the front line of the position.

You know, the beast of darkness also has long-range attack methods.

But because of the distance, it was impossible to take action.

They can only be beaten passively and become targets one by one.

But no matter how many casualties they paid, they could not hurt the enemy in the slightest.

This fight is very frustrating.

The fact that range is justice is most vividly reflected at this moment.

So what they have to do is to do everything possible to open up the battlefield and dilute the opponent's firepower so that they can continue to push forward.

They don't need to rush to the enemy's position and fight with their bayonets.

As long as they reach a certain distance, their long-range attacks can touch the enemy's position.

Even if they injure the enemy by 1,000 and injure themselves by 10,000, the Undertide Beast Herd is confident that it can break through the enemy's defense line.

The reason is simple, they have too many cannon fodder.

In terms of consumption, even if the casualty ratio is exaggerated, they can still directly crush the opponent with their huge base.

But the premise is that the casualty ratio changes from zero to one.

Unfortunately, this time they made the wrong decision again.

It is indeed a wise move to open up the underground battlefield, but in the face of absolute strength, all struggles seem futile and even a little pitiful.

The mushroom tribe occupies almost half of the entire magical plant population.

Due to various reasons, the Mushroom Clan is divided into several branches.

Otherwise, the Bean tribe would never be able to qualify as the ethnic group with the largest variety of magical plants.

The Mushroom Clan's Sun Magic Mushroom can extract sunlight from the dark underground.

The members of the Mushroom Clan's Spray Mushroom series have penetrating power that is not inferior to that of the Cactus type, as well as the offensive power of the Shooter type.

But their reproduction speed is more than twice that of other ethnic groups.

Other magic plants need to be planted and grown, but the mushroom tribe can directly divide itself and achieve exponential explosive growth in quantity in a short period of time.

And in terms of tricks, the Mushroom Clan has it all, whether it's shooting, penetration, or control and clamping.


These undertide beasts will face several times the number of magic plants they face on the ground!

There are so many mushrooms!

"Leave no one behind! Kill them all!"

The Charm Mushroom Shooter gave an order, and countless spray mushrooms began to shoot wildly.

The beast of darkness that had just been used suffered heavy damage immediately.

Those foam bullets, though, are not as good as the bullets of a pea shooter or a cactus shooter.

But every time the spray mushrooms spray, it is a foam ball that covers the sky.

The entire underground cavity was filled with foam.

When these bubbles explode, they are called air bombs, a flash of fireworks.

The entire underground seemed to be lit with ten truckloads of red earth lights, and the crackling sound was even more lively than welcoming the God of Wealth during the New Year.

Amidst the roar, those beasts of darkness that wanted to attack from underground channels were blown to pieces. Their deaths were ten times more miserable than those pitiful cannon fodder on the ground!

With just one salvo, the mushroom army had already wiped out all the enemies.

However, this was not the end. Following the charm mushroom shooter's order, countless mycelium spread from the mushroom army and quickly wrapped around the bodies of the dark beasts.

"Want to spread our firepower, want to drain our energy?"

The charm mushroom shooter had obviously seen the opponent's little trick, and couldn't help but smile disdainfully.

"You idiots, you still want to play tactics with us? It's so funny!

We, the Mushroom Tribe, are a tribe that has made great achievements in the underworld and the demon world. How can we still be tricked by your ridiculously simple poisonous plan?

Be good and turn into our food! "

In the underground world, the corpses of the Dark Erosion Beasts quickly shrank, and the energy and essence in them were being quickly decomposed and extracted by the hyphae.

The remaining parts were also eaten crazily by the fungus, and in the end, not even a bit of bone residue was left, and all fell into the mouths of the mushrooms.

The Charming Mushroom Shooter explored it and couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect the enemy's energy storage to be so rich.

This energy is enough for me to summon the supreme existence of the mushrooms!

Humph, let this world witness the great art!

All mushrooms! Rapidly proliferate! Occupy the enemy's entrance and open the passage for me! "

Under the command of the Charm Mushroom, the mushrooms began to multiply rapidly, and soon the entire underground cavity was covered, and then spread out from the enemy's entrance.

The place where they came out was the enemy's hinterland.

The Dark Erosion Beasts were shocked to see the magic plants emerge.

Originally, they wanted to fight on two fronts to drag down the opponent, but they didn't expect that they were beaten at home first.

They immediately organized an attack to recapture the entrance.

Unfortunately, under the powerful firepower suppression of the Spray Mushrooms, they had no way to get any advantage.

The leader of the dark beasts was furious, and when he was about to gather more troops to crush them directly, he heard the voice of the Charm Mushroom Shooter representing death from the tunnel.

"The great and supreme mushroom ancestor! I devoutly summon you to come to the world and destroy everything.

Give the enemy the final judgment!

Respectfully invite! Charm Destroyer Mushroom Ancestor!"

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