This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 562: The Vatican’s Concession

The Holy Mountain completely wiped out the tide of eclipse beasts, which shocked the whole world.

Although most civilians know little about beast tides, after all, they are consumables, and not many people can survive several beast tides.

Therefore, the information that can be passed down is limited.

But those nobles, those royal families, and those high-level officials of the church were actually hiding behind high walls and fortified cities.

Not only did they have complete records of the beast tide, they were also bystanders.

The tide of beasts is a kind of harvest for ordinary civilians, and it is also a warning to the privileged classes such as those in power.

Let these vested interests understand that their status, their right to survive and reproduce, and their glory and wealth are all given by God.

Without God's protection, they would be like the poor people outside the city walls, living a life of today and no tomorrow.

And not only themselves, but their descendants will also be treated the same way.

Therefore, although the gods in this world do not show many miracles, they are not like Aphra, the goddess of holy light, who comes every once in a while to stabilize their basic belief base.

The powerful classes in this world still maintain unimaginable and die-hard beliefs.

But now, as the beast tide was wiped out by the Holy Mountain, everything began to look different.

The meaning behind this phenomenon has become something that almost every privileged class in the world must think clearly about.

Does the occurrence of this incident mean that the order of the world has quietly changed, or that the gods are tired of the past model and are ready to start a new chapter.

There are too many possibilities and they are too complicated, but no matter which one they are, there are at least two things that no one can ignore.

First, the old order is about to be rewritten.

Second, as the person who writes on behalf of the gods, the divine envoy of the Holy Mountain has completely become a climate change.

He completely completed the transformation of his identity and rank, and by annihilating the beast tide, he completely became the new spokesperson of light in the world.

People worshiped him to the point where he was even on par with God.

At this time, the Holy See and the nobles discovered a problem that they had always ignored.

The so-called right to speak is naturally in the hands of these power classes.

But the right to identity is still in the hands of the working people.

The current situation is very typical, and perhaps part of the right to speak is still in the hands of people like them.

But no matter what they say, as long as people don't buy it, it's just like fart.

Even if the divine envoy of the Holy Mountain has not yet fully mastered the right to speak, as long as the public buys into it, he basically does not need any right to speak.

His word is truth. Everyone just wants to believe what he says.

This is not a seizure of authority, but the covering of lower authority by higher authority.

This is the authority that they personally handed over, or in other words, it is the authority that they do not care about.

The Holy See is also very aware of this.

As soon as they got the news, they sent an invitation to Wright through Saint Aurora's communication magic device.

I hope that the great divine envoy can visit his divine capital.

As a witness to this incident, Saint Ai Luo felt waves of nausea and could not physically accept the request to stop this arrogant and respectful behavior.

She grew up in the holy capital of the Holy See, and was most familiar with the faces of those people.

Although she felt very uncomfortable, she still chose to convey the attitude of the Holy See to the divine envoy.

After drinking two glasses of warm water to suppress the discomfort in his stomach, Ai Luo let out a sigh of relief.

"Master God Envoy is really full of wisdom. As expected, drinking more hot water is good for your health.

Why hasn't anyone discovered such a simple thing before?

I really hope that this habit can spread in the Holy Mountain under the call of the Divine Envoy.

By then, people across the continent will probably rush to follow suit. "

Placing the empty cup on the table, Ai Luo stood up and walked towards the village halfway up the mountain.

When she arrived at Wright's residence, she found that Wright was standing at the door of the courtyard, as if waiting for her arrival.

"Lord God Envoy."

"Ailuo, you're here."

"Lord God Envoy, did you know I was coming?"

"I've got it."

Wright reached out and pushed open the wooden door of the small courtyard, and led Ai Luo into the courtyard.

"Look, the vegetables I planted have sprouted. I believe it won't be long before they become green."

"Why do you need to grow these things yourself, Lord God Envoy? If you want, I..."

Ai Luo had just said a few words before he stopped awkwardly: "I'm sorry, my old habit happened again."

"It doesn't matter, people's habits are not so easy to change.

Just like a stone rolling down from a high mountain, it is not easy to stop it.

Don't be discouraged, at least you have recognized your problem.

This is the beginning of change.

Some people may never realize their mistakes throughout their lives. Only when his life was about to burn out did he suddenly wake up.

But by that time, it was too late to say anything.

He has neither time nor ability to change.

You can only hold on to regrets and move towards your own end.

This is the greatest sadness.

How lucky you are compared to them. "

Ai Luo felt a lot after hearing this, and seemed to have some enlightenment.

She was very happy. Although she had been with the envoy for less than a month, she had learned more and more profoundly than she had in the first half of her life.

"Oh, by the way, what is the matter that brought you to me?"

"Ah! Lord envoy, there is a message from the Holy City."

Ai Luo quickly reported the invitation of the Church of Light to Wright and attached her own inference.

"Lord envoy, I think we should not go this time.

I always feel that those people have bad intentions.

Maybe they have set some traps in the Holy City, waiting for you to jump in."

After listening, Wright laughed: "Your idea is very constructive, but this time, I must go.

A Church of Light actually has two authorities. Isn't this a betrayal of light?

In order to let the way of light spread throughout the world, I must solve this problem myself!"

Ai Luo was deeply moved at this moment. She looked at Wright as if she saw the light itself.

This spirit of devoting oneself to the believers and the faith is the spirit of the defenders that has not appeared in the Church for many years!

Those things that only exist in legends and beautified picture books, those spiritual totems that are made up to earn the tears and taxes of the general public, are standing in front of me so realistically today. How happy is this?

"Lord God, if you want to go anyway, please take me with you!"

Ailuo volunteered: "I was born in the Holy City since I was a child, and I know everything there. Please let me be your guide and contribute to your glorious cause!"

Wright nodded with satisfaction after hearing this, and smiled and agreed: "Good!"

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