This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 576 The True Face of Light

Today is a holy day.

Today is also a special day.

Today is a day worth remembering.

The messenger from the Holy Mountain will complete his baptism in the Great Temple of Light today.

He will be given a holy name, wear a holy robe, wear a holy crown, and receive holy anointing!

Under the witness of thousands of believers, he will become a saint of the Temple of Light, above the three bishops and second only to the Pope.

This is the compromise of the Court of Light to the Holy Mountain faction.

Rather than saying it is a peace order, it is better to say that it is a conspiracy after shaking hands and making peace.

The Court of Light knows its own weight, and it has long been eager for the messenger played by Wright.

After all, once the Court of God accepts the Holy Mountain, the unity of politics and religion will reach its peak at this moment.

This is a beautiful thing that the authorities of the Holy See have never dreamed of in these years.

God no longer responds to their prayers, how long can the lies of the sin of dark erosion be concealed?

The Church, which lost the protection of the gods, has gradually declined and become a vassal of various imperial dynasties.

The last bit of afterglow of promotion will be completely extinguished in a short time.

At that time, the Church will completely lose its divinity and become a tool for rulers to strengthen their rule.

It is the shackles and shackles that fool the people and the prison of souls and thoughts.

Whenever Wright deduced to this point, he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Unexpectedly, Vanessa's original idea was realized in such a world in an extremely distorted manner and realized in the future.

Even the high-level officials of the Church, who are now obsessed with luxury, are unwilling to see such a future.

Therefore, the cooperation between the two sides is not even half-hearted, but a kind of affection like going along with the flow.

What's more, Wright's indifference and disdain for power are exactly what the other party wants.

The two sides are simply a match made in heaven.

And now, a series of light arc magic arrays slowly light up, and the sky-high light pillars go straight into the sky!

Wright stood in front of the altar, watching the prayer ceremony finally completed.

And he was finally able to pass through the passage of the Holy See and enter the Temple of the Holy God of Light!

"The answer to all the mysteries is there."

Wright narrowed his eyes and looked up at the temple at the end of the light beam.

After the interrogation of the bandits last night, coupled with the news that Emily conveyed to him in his dream, he has restored the truth of this world to almost the same level.

And now, he will also put a perfect end to his final inference.

"I hope that the two of them can catch up."

In the light, Wright suddenly turned around and smiled at everyone.

"Everyone, thank you. Now, I have something to talk to our God about!"

Then, under the horrified gaze of the Pope and other high-ranking officials of the Holy See, he followed the light and rushed directly into the illusory phantom of the temple.

In an instant, both the man and the light disappeared together.

Even the phantom of the temple in the sky dissipated.

Over the years, the Holy See has held more than one such so-called ceremony that is so realistic that no one is there.

But it is the first time that it is so magnificent that no one is there at the end.

Or maybe the Pope is quick-witted.

Although he is nearly a hundred years old, he is calm in the face of danger and immediately stands up to take charge of the situation.

"Everyone! The saint has been seen by the Lord God and has been taken to the temple.

I believe that it will not be long before he will return to us with God's approval and grace.

I now declare that the ceremony ends here!

Praise the light!"

The dignitaries and believers who came to watch the ceremony were very excited. They shouted praises to the light and were reluctant to leave for a long time.

The Pope hurriedly left with the remaining high-level officials of the Holy See and began to discuss the aftermath.

After all, the saint ascended to the temple in full view of the public.

The meaning behind this is completely different.

If this person suddenly seizes power after returning, the entire Holy See will fall into a completely passive position.

The Pope regretted it so much at this time. He asked Wright to hold a ceremony to fool everyone. Unexpectedly, the other party actually made a big one!

However, their worries were unnecessary. Wright had no interest in their power from beginning to end.

He had already arrived at the dead Temple of Light and searched everywhere.

This Temple of the Holy God of Light was not dilapidated, but there was indeed no trace of the activities of the gods.

The mortal worlds are all single worlds, but after the nomadic gods arrived in the pastoral world, it was impossible for them to live with the natives there.

Gods still have to be high above and remain mysterious.

But since they are here to graze and harvest the faith of believers, they have to stay in the current world before the grazing is over to deal with various emergencies.

After all, there are struggles and calculations between the grazing gods.

If you stay in the divine world for a long time, it will be difficult to take care of the grazing world.

Therefore, these shepherding gods developed a magic that could create a temporary residence in the shepherding world, similar to the division and folding of space.

Such a separately divided area is the residence of God and the divine realm in the eyes of believers.

But in fact, the gods call it the divine domain.

This place is more like a temporary office for these shepherding gods, which is very different from the divine realm where the real gods are.

Afra had been living in the God's Domain of the Holy Light World. Later, she defeated other gods, completed the unification of the Holy Light World, and became the main god before moving back to the God's Realm.

After all, if you become the main god, you don't have to worry about other gods interfering with the world.

Then there is no need to stay in the bitter cold God's Domain. It is more comfortable to return to the God's Realm.

Therefore, Wright did not find it strange that the God's Domain in front of him was suspected to be abandoned by the gods.

After all, the Holy God of Light has also completed the occupation of this world. If nothing unexpected happens, he is already the main god of the world.

In this case, it is normal for him to leave this small God's Domain and return to the God's Realm.

But what puzzled Wright was that he was connected to this place with the magic circle of the Holy See of Light.

In other words, the place where everyone's faith power gathers is in this small God's Domain.

That is inconsistent with the previous inference.

If the Holy God of Light has returned to the God's Realm to settle down, then he will not be able to harvest the faith power here.

"It seems that this is really the case."

Wright was not panicked or confused at this time, but looked clear.

He gathered the power of light in his hands and suddenly blasted towards the hall of the temple.

The strong light instantly illuminated the entire divine domain and directly shattered the temple in front of him.

When the temple of light was defeated, endless darkness surged from it and instantly filled the entire divine domain.

The original scenery also changed, as if it had changed to another place.

"Sure enough."

Wright watched the darkness swallow everything and finally smiled.

"Sure enough, this is your true face."

"... Hum!"

In the darkness, a human figure slowly condensed and stood in front of Wright.

If you look carefully, you will find that this dark human figure is exactly the same as the statue of the Holy God of Light.

It's just that the Holy God of Light is pure white light, while he is endless darkness.

"You shouldn't be here. This is my territory!"

"Sorry, I'm here to look for something too. It's really an accident that I ruined your good deeds."

"I've been tolerant again and again, not because I'm afraid of you, but because I don't want to cause trouble."

The black shadow came in front of Wright and glared at him fiercely: "Don't go too far!"

"I'm actually a very simple person. I only have one principle in doing things."

Wright raised a finger with light gathered on it: "My principle is to follow my mood."

With a buzz, the light on the fingertips suddenly bloomed, instantly dispelling the darkness of the black shadow.

The power of light and shadow collided in the divine domain. Neither side gave in to the other, almost confronting each other, as if tearing the entire divine domain into two parts.

Wright stood in the light with his hands behind his back, looking at the black shadow in the darkness and grinning.

"What should I call you?

The Holy Spirit of Light?

The Lord of Dark Eclipse?

Or, one of the many apostles of the Blasphemy Monarch, the Dark Emperor?"

The Dark Emperor stared at Wright, full of murderous intent: "Since you know my identity as an apostle, you should understand.

You are no match for me!"

"I am curious. The Blasphemy Monarch has been dead for so long. How can you still maintain the combat power of an apostle?

You can still hold his blessing?

You are really not simple, Lord of Dark Eclipse.

If I hadn't asked someone to go to the northwest of this continent to take a look, I would have been fooled by you.

You are very cruel to yourself."

When Wright mentioned the northwest of the continent, the black fog around the Lord of Dark Eclipse suddenly became restless.

"What do you want to do? I have no grudges against you in the past or in the present.

What does this world have to do with you?

Since you have found what you want, just leave!

As the main god of this world, I can help you open the barrier and let you leave safely!"

Wright shook his head without hesitation after hearing this.

"No, no, no, things are not so easy to deal with now.

I don't care who you are or what your background is.

You can be the Lord of Dark Eclipse or the Apostle of Blasphemy.

Today, you have to die here."

Wright grabbed with one hand, and countless lights gathered in his hand, and the Holy Sword Sin Light appeared.

"Because of you, it's out of line."

Wright, who revealed the truth and found the mastermind behind it, was extremely angry.

Before meeting the other party, Wright was only guessing about all this.

But now, he is basically sure.

The Lord of Dark Eclipse is the cause of the tragedy of this world.

"You transformed yourself into two independent individuals, one symbolizing light, and the other a darker darkness.

What a good trick. To be able to do this is not the power of the law of darkness itself.

I think this has a lot to do with the tombstone of blasphemy against the monarch at the northwest end, right?

Your apostle power comes from it.

You blasphemed the darkness and extracted the light from it.

Therefore, there is no holiness and love in your light, and there is no intersection with truth, goodness and beauty.

So, your light cannot heal the dark erosion.

Because the dark erosion is the product of darkness being blasphemed and stripped of light.

It is very complicated, because its production process is very complicated.

And you, because of this series of operations, have fallen into weakness.

But fortunately, your layout has been completed.

This world, and the creatures in it, will completely become your meal. "

Wright raised his hand slightly, and pointed his sword directly at the other party.

"I hate the gods' herding. Their herding method is an exploitation of the world.

But even so, I will not stop them.

Because the gods' herding behavior is also part of the operation of this world.

Just like jackals hunting antelopes, it is a natural phenomenon in nature.

I don't accept it, but I understand it.

But you, the method you use is inhumane and cruel!

You let the people believe in light, and thus harvest faith like an ordinary herding god.

At the same time, you also create a tide of dark erosion beasts, allowing the spread of dark erosion disease, and plundering the soul power of the people in a simple and crude way.

With two-pronged approach, the soul power you took away from this world is enough to equal the output of three or four pasture worlds.

Good means, really good means, you really have a way to make money!

This is much better than working hard to herd and scheming with other gods.

But all this comes at a price.

That is the suffering of the people and the disintegration of the world.

Such a practice of draining the pond to catch fish, such a plundering and oppression that will kill off the descendants!

This world will be sucked up by you in no time.

Although other herding gods also harvest faith from the shepherding world, their impact on the development of the world is not great.

And you, you are a borer, a pest that will bore the fruit and cause it to die and rot completely!

When I first came to this world, I felt the fragility of this world.

Such a weird situation was not completely understood until last night.

But even though it was eroded and bitten by you, the borer, this world is still trying to save its people and trying to save everything.

Even the will of the world is sacrificing itself to let the creatures regain vitality.

It's a pity that this intention will squeeze more soul power for you.

Tell me, should you die! "

The Dark Emperor heard this, not only did he not feel the slightest bit of regret, but he laughed triumphantly.

"Hahahaha, you want to do justice for this world? You're thinking too much!

So what if it's the will of the world? We are the gods above the world! We are the makers of rules and the holders of concepts!

Our existence itself is plunder, but some people are more beautiful when eating, and I don't care so much about those faces and images.

Everything I did was to fulfill the will of the Blasphemy Monarch!

All these sacrifices are necessary and glorious!

They should thank me for tying their lives, which are no different from mine, to a great cause. "

Wright narrowed his eyes slightly: "With an apostle like you, it is not unjust that the Blasphemy Monarch fell that year.

Since you miss him so much...

Today, I will send you to see him. "

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