This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 592: No! The Holy Sin is back

"Holy City, I'm back!"

Wright stood at the gate of the Holy City, his heart surged for a moment.

Although I left for less than three years, only about a year, so many things happened in the meantime that it felt like I hadn't seen them for a long time.

"I don't know how the teachers are doing, I hope they are all right."

Wright walked happily to the East Main Gate. From a distance, I saw a group of people queuing up to draw their swords at the Holy Sword Ruins not far from the gate.

This is already a star project of the Holy City. Every tourist who comes to the Holy City for pilgrimage, if he doesn't come to draw the Holy Sword, it's like he hasn't been here.

After drawing the sword, buy one or two souvenirs according to your purchasing power, which can be regarded as a perfect end to the entire pilgrimage.

In general, after the baptism of the last disaster, the Holy City not only did not fall into despair, but instead was full of vitality.

Of course, all this is inseparable from the Holy New City next to it.

It can be said that the Holy New City has played a good role in helping the Holy City share the pressure.

A large number of migrant workers and idlers were settled in the larger Holy New City, making the ancient and solemn Holy City a simple and pure ancient tourist pilgrimage site.

With such a clear division of labor, the two majestic cities complement each other and their status has been improved compared to before.

As the creator of all this, Wright is naturally full of pride.

He strode towards the gate, and the guards saw him from a distance.

After all, other travelers came here, either with excitement on their faces or full of reverence.

Only Wright walked straight in, and it felt like going home.

"Is it...him?"

"Is it? He looks like him! But why did he come back alone?"

"The archbishop said that he can't be judged by common sense. I think it's probably him!"

"What should we do?"

"What else can we do? Go and inform the archbishop and the pope! I'll inform the top leaders of the Holy New Army!"

After Wright walked into the city quickly, the soldiers who were guarding the city finally reacted.

They immediately split into several groups and rushed to the location of the top leaders of the Holy Light Church.

Not long after, the top leaders of the entire Holy City received a terrible news.

The holy evil is back.

For this news, the top leaders of the Holy See were both sad and happy.

From an emotional point of view, everyone certainly hopes that Wright can come home often.

But if we consider other issues, these people have mixed feelings about Wright's return.

After all, every time this gentleman comes back, he can always stir up waves.

Although the final result is always good, the ups and downs of the process are enough to make everyone terrified.

Therefore, these high-level officials adopted a similar response to Wright's return.


Hide for a while, and everything will be calm!

Let Wright go and cause trouble to others first, and wait and see what happens.

Although there is a high probability that he cannot escape, at least, don't be the first one to stand out.

It is also better not to run into the muzzle of the gun when he is most excited.

In this regard, it can be seen that Taylor is a real brother.

As soon as he got Wright's return, he hurriedly put down everything in his hands, rushed to the door of Wright's courtyard, and waited for him excitedly.



The two brothers hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they first gave each other a big bear hug.

Then Wright took advantage of the momentum to throw Taylor to the ground, and then locked him with a cross armbar.

"Asshole! Brat! How dare you lie to me!"

"Ah! It hurts! Boss! Big brother! My brother-in-law! What are you doing? I have never lied to you!"

"You still want to deny it?"

Wright twisted Taylor's arm: "I later found a chance to ask your sister, and she said that it was you who helped her to decorate my house as a wedding room!

She also said that those four cribs! They were made by you!

You promised me so solemnly at the beginning!

Evil beast! I will get rid of you today!"

"Brother-in-law! It's broken, it's broken, it's broken!"

"Stop talking nonsense! If it's broken, I will treat you! I must deal with you today!"

Taylor grimaced in pain: " No, big brother, listen to my explanation.

What I said at that time was that I didn't arrange it! This is absolutely true, I dare to swear to the Goddess of Holy Light! "

"Bullshit! The Goddess of Holy Light is now Joanna, what's the use of your swearing?"

"It's really not me who arranged it, I'm just a coolie! I arrange it as my sister said!"


Wright was so angry that his teeth itched: "Good boy, you are playing this trick with me, right? Word game, right? Today, I will kill you!"

"Ouch! It hurts! It's broken, broken, broken!"

"Stop! You are not allowed to hurt my dad!"

Suddenly, a baby voice sounded from the alley next to him.

Then, a little girl with long red hair ran out, reaching out to pull Wright's arm with tears in her eyes: "Let go of my dad!"

"Huh! ?"

Wright quickly let go of Taylor, and the two grown men turned over and stood up.

Wright frowned as he looked at the little girl, feeling that her aura was familiar.

"This is..."

"Ahem, Vivian, who told you to run away?"


The little girl grabbed Taylor's trouser leg tightly, hid behind him, and looked at Wright timidly.

"Okay, Taylor, I underestimated you. It's been less than a year since I last saw you, and you even have a daughter, and she's so big?

Does your sister know? Do your parents know? Does the whole Saint know?"

"No, no... Brother, don't tease me. You should be able to see where she came from, right?"

Wright nodded slightly, he really saw it.

This little girl exudes a strong vitality all over her body. Wright feels the power of Phoenix, dragon and holy light from her.

But this girl is a complete individual. Both physically and spiritually, this is true.

"This is the dragon egg that was hatched back then, right? I didn't expect it to be this big.

But why did she call you dad?"

Taylor didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Don't mention it, this is what happened.

Since you left, the teacher has been taking good care of the dragon egg.

It may be because during the turmoil, the dragon egg released too much light power, and its energy fluctuations have been weak since then.

The Holy See considered that the dragon egg played a significant role in the Holy Light Church's ability to survive that crisis.

So it was immersed in the holy water of the altar and nourished with the power of the holy light every day.

At the same time, people were sent out to collect as much blood of the Phoenix and dragon power as possible.

After bringing it back, I injected it into it.

I just hope that it will break out of its shell one day and become the new generation of Holy Light Dragon of the Holy Light Church.

Coincidentally, on that day, it was my turn to deliver the power of Holy Light to the dragon egg.

As a result, it hatched without any signs, and the little guy broke out of the shell directly, and then recognized me as his father.

I really am..."

"Hahahahaha... This is how egg-laying creatures are. Most of them will regard the first creature they see after breaking out of the shell as their parents.

Your relationship can only be said to be really destined.

Come on, come on, little girl, come here. "

Vivian was very resistant at first, but with Taylor's encouragement, she still walked in front of Wright.

Wright stretched out his hand and pressed on Vivian's head, and gave her a full-scale examination.

"Complete body, brand new soul. I'm afraid no one would have thought that this child was a man-made chimera in her previous life.

Well, at least she will have a brand new life.

Train her well, Taylor.

She will be the next powerful force of the Holy Light Church."

Taylor didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "How can I raise a child? Usually the teacher helps to take care of the child...

Because this child recognized me as her father, the teacher was furious and almost killed me.

My father and mother also like her very much and love her as their own granddaughter.

The key is that they keep urging me to get married quickly and have more children!

What's going on here!"

"Hahahaha, I don't sympathize with you at all!"

Taylor squatted down and rubbed Vivian's head: "Vivian, I have something to talk to this uncle, can you go back to your grandfather first?"

"Yeah! Okay!"

Vivian left the alley every three steps, and Wright gave Taylor a look, and the two turned around and entered the courtyard.

"Brother, why did you come back so suddenly this time without telling me anything in advance?"

"I'm in a hurry, and besides, it's not an important matter."

"Oh, just come back to take a look?"

"That's not the case..."

Wright roughly told Taylor what he was going to do, and the latter stood there in a daze after hearing it.

"My brother! Isn't this an important matter? Then what is important in your eyes?

The world's upgrade?

Sorry, please let me digest it first."

Wright laughed, pushed Taylor to sit on the sofa, and sat opposite him.

"I said it's not an important matter because you don't need to do anything and can't help in this matter.

It's like you are just passengers in a carriage, just sit in it safely, and don't need to consider other things.

I came back this time, firstly to see the development of the two powerful cities, to experience the concentration of faith here, and to have a clear mind.

Secondly, to remind you and inform you.

After all, the whole world will have many changes by then, and the Holy Light Church will still need to come forward to appease.

Otherwise, there is really nothing."

Taylor wanted to say something, but a deep sense of powerlessness rose in his heart.

He always knew that there was a big gap between his strength and Wright, but he didn't expect it to be so big, so big that he couldn't even see the edge.

"Brother, according to you, the Holy City is the key to this upgrade?"

Wright nodded slightly after hearing this: "Yes, but it's not just the Holy City.

This time, the Holy Light World needs to upgrade twice. From the primary world, to the intermediate world, and then to the final high-level world.

The key points of these two upgrades are actually different.

When upgrading from the primary to the intermediate level, the Holy City serves as the main anchor point.

After all, this is a thousand-year-old holy city, which has accumulated a lot of energy.

In fact, if it weren't for the previous accidents and man-made destruction, the Holy Light World would have already met the conditions for upgrading to the intermediate world.

Nowadays, we just let what should happen continue to happen.

Just in case, Holy New City will serve as the second anchor point to help Holy City complete its mission.

After the first round of promotion, the holy city's foundation will probably be exhausted.

Even if there is some surplus, it is not enough to support the promotion of the intermediate world to the high-level world. "

Taylor was a little worried when he heard this: "Ah? Then... what should we do?"

"Don't worry, I chose the Elf Kingdom as the anchor point for my second upgrade."

"Why did you choose that side?"

Taylor has not yet adjusted his mentality. In his mind, he is still human-centered.

For aliens like elves, he can live in peace with them, but he will not truly regard them as one of his own.

“If possible, I would also like the Holy City to take on the task of this anchor point all the way.

But everything must be based on reality.

The Mushroom of Life in the Elf Kingdom contains the world origin power of nearly five major worlds.

Once this energy is fed back to the world, it is more than enough to promote an intermediate world to a high-level world.

Moreover, there is still a lot of risk involved in upgrading the world. We cannot put all our eggs in the same basket.

If there is a problem with the Holy City as an anchor when we upgrade for the first time, we at least have alternatives. "

Taylor heard this half-understood, and couldn't help scratching his head and laughing: "This... boss, you think more comprehensively.

Boss, what benefits will we get after the world is upgraded? "

"There are so many benefits. First of all, the world will become broader and the energy concentration will be denser.

The creatures in the world will become stronger and their starting point will be higher.

Just like some humans in the high-level world, children may have the physical fitness of a junior warrior when they are born.

Without training anything, you will be strong enough to be a Silver Warrior by the time you reach adulthood.

As for you, you'll probably get stronger.

By that time, there will really be as many saints as dogs, and legends will be everywhere! "

"Wow! It can still be like this?"

"A rising tide lifts all boats! But..."

When Wright said this, he patted Taylor on the shoulder: "Everything is too simple, which is not a good thing.

What is easy to obtain will not be cherished, and will breed arrogance and arrogance.

Therefore, this time the world is upgraded, I have prepared a triple world.

From beginner to intermediate to advanced.

I will send all unsuitable people to the elementary world. Only after reaching a certain level of strength in the elementary world can they go to the intermediate world, and the same goes for the high-level world.

In this way, we can avoid the adverse changes brought about by upgrading the world to the greatest extent. "

Taylor nodded as if he understood: "Although I don't understand very well, brother must be right."

"It means that if you don't improve your cultivation, I will kick you to the lower world to suffer. Do you understand me now?"

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