This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 618 The Kingdom of Truth

This is the realm of truth, a suffocating world.

Everything that happens in this world was destined from the beginning.

Life here is alive, but not alive.

Perhaps to outsiders, it seems very novel and interesting.

But if you survive here, it will be endless torture, torture that even death cannot end.

Because even death is on an established track.

Just standing here, Wright felt cold all over his body, and there was an unspeakable anger in his heart.

He suddenly understood why the Gate of Truth hid such a world so deeply.

First, the world is fragile.

Its entire interior is composed of the single element "Truth". If it is exposed to the boundary sea for a long time, it will definitely interact with other material laws and pollute the world.

His kingdom of truth is like a dust-free laboratory.

If he wants to get the experimental results he dreams of, he must ensure that external influencing factors are reduced to a minimum.

This second point is because I am afraid that other strong people will find out.

I'm afraid he also knows how bad the experimental world he set up is.

Once it is announced, it will inevitably trigger a siege by the gods.

Its scale can even exceed the scale of the original encirclement and suppression of the treasonous monarch.

When the time comes, the door to truth will be like a rat crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats it.

And now, the culprit of all this has appeared in the air not far in front of Wright.

It was a human figure, wearing a robe woven from the stars and the Milky Way.

And he himself was made of countless threads and symbols, with just a human-shaped outline.

Wright narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the Door of Truth quietly.

He could feel that this was the other person's true nature.

With the holy sword in his hand raised, a sword light capable of tearing the heaven and the earth apart rose from bottom to top and went straight towards the opponent.

However, the sword energy, which was enough to split the world into two, immediately disappeared without a trace after it came into contact with the opponent's star robe, like a mud cow entering the sea.

"Mr. Wright is not impatient. Why did he take action as soon as he came up?"

Wright didn't answer, but looked at the other person up and down, and suddenly laughed.

"You are very capable. Generally speaking, nameless people are blind and stupid, and their self-will is mostly scattered or they fall into a deep sleep.

Unexpectedly, you evolved yourself into the world and then used the world's great will to reunite your own will.

What a good idea. "

"As expected, you can see that my appreciation for you has increased."

Door of Truth put his hands behind his back: "How about it, are you interested in this approach? If you are willing to cooperate with me, I can share it with you for free."

"No need, this kind of poor quality and sloppy way is ridiculous like a circus clown learning to walk as a duck."

Wright stood the holy sword Sin Guang in front of him, and the energy fluctuations in his body increased rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, a certain limit has been reached.

The coercion it exudes is no less powerful than the Gate of Truth that combines memes and indescribables, and even has a vague remaining power.

Now, even the Gate of Truth could not conceal his surprise.

" did you do it?"

"This world's method of pursuing power is very unique. I have also wondered why your pursuit of the path to becoming a god has developed into such a twisted form.

Later, I met [Hai] and the Titan clan, and then I gradually figured it out.

What you call the path to becoming a god is actually a parody of the God of Nature and the Titans.

Whether it’s wanting to become nameless, integrating yourself into the world.

Still want to become a meme and replace the world with myself.

This is true. "

Wright's sword pointed directly at the door of truth: "And you are the master of it.

But from beginning to end, you have ignored the most important issue.

The Boundary Sea has evolved into such a colorful world and so many ethnic groups.

It is not for you to become part of the will of the world.

This is not the purpose at the beginning of the creation of the world.

From the very beginning, you have been running counter to the meaning of your existence.

I am me and the world is the world.

The way of humanity is the way of humanity, and the way of heaven is the way of heaven.

The way of humanity cannot replace the way of heaven, nor can the way of heaven destroy the way of humanity.

You are fundamentally wrong, and no matter how hard you struggle, you are only making the mistake bigger. "

The Door of Truth has no facial features, so naturally it has no expression.

But it can also be seen from the ever-changing vast galaxy on his star robe that Wright's words just now made him feel a little shaken.

But after all, he was a strong man who had reached the pinnacle on this path, and he quickly stabilized his violent thoughts.

"A very good theory, but it is just a theory after all. Everyone has their own understanding of the nature of the world.

Everyone also has their own views on power and ways to advance.

But these are not the truth.

In this world, only truth is the pillar that builds the world! "

Wright rolled his eyes: "You are right, if the world is a three-bedroom house, then truth is the load-bearing wall.

If there are no load-bearing walls, the house will collapse and be destroyed.

However, Mr. Door of Truth.

If I sell you a house, it only has load-bearing walls.

Do you think such a house is habitable?

Or, when you renovated your rough house, did you only install the load-bearing walls and ignore the other walls?

Truth is important, but truth should not be the only thing!

A world with only truth and a house with only load-bearing walls cannot be inhabited.

Your theory was wrong from the beginning.

The world you built according to this theory is even more wrong!

If your world is really powerful, you shouldn't hide it in such an isolated and absolutely pure world.

It's because it's too fragile! So fragile that it can't exist without this environment!

In my opinion, you are a pitiful obsessive-compulsive disorder paranoid.

In your eyes, everything except truth is filthy and should be completely annihilated.

So you created a world of pure truth in this pure environment.

You want to replace the entire sea of ​​​​worlds once and for all.

You think that pursuing truth is right, just like it is right to be hygienic and clean.

Your kingdom of truth cannot even exist alone, it is just your own pitiful delusion. "

Wright's words were like a knife, tearing off the fig leaf of the Kingdom of Truth.

This made the Gate of Truth extremely angry.

"Ha, your nonsense can't shake the truth in the slightest! The Kingdom of Truth will definitely be completed!

All falsehoods and redundancies will no longer exist!

An efficient! Pure! Streamlined world! Will eventually be born!

And you! Will be completely wiped out! "

Wright snorted coldly when he heard this, and took out the second card from his arms.

"Then, let's try it!"

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