This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 168 What is persecution from peers~ Tactical retreat

The death attendant is here?

In this short moment, Boss Terry fell into deep fear of revealing his identity.

However, in the next second, Boss Taili recalled the identity of the owner of the voice, and the fear immediately intensified several times.

For Boss Terry, who had witnessed the card master kill almost all the pirates in Magic Valley Town, he could never forget the other party's voice, let alone the other party gave him a super powerful thunderbolt before leaving Magic Valley Town bombardment!

Take a deep breath.

Boss Taylor walked from the back kitchen to the front desk with the freshly cooked cherry pie, and immediately saw the card master sitting in front of the bar counter in the bar, and the "strange" figure beside him.

The scene in the tavern in Demon Valley Town was beyond Boss Taylor's expectations. Those pirates who were eating, drinking, and having a good time just now were lying on the floor in disarray, their bodies scorched black, exuding the power of high-energy lightning. Burnt smell after bombardment.

Judging by Boss Taylor's rich experience, none of these guests is still alive!

"Navy undercover?"

Enilu looked at Boss Taili who came out from the back kitchen of the tavern, raised his right palm, and the dazzling lightning flashed between his palms, ready to go.

"Yehahaha! Captain, since he is an undercover navy agent, let's just kill him!"

Lei Guang? Long earlobes?

Boss Taylor's pupils shrank slightly for a moment.

The well-informed tavern owner immediately recognized the identity of Anel, and the supernova whose first bounty was more than 150 million Baileys - the extrajudicial lunatic Thunderbolt Enel!

My mission is not over yet——

Before Boss Terry's mind began to flicker.

The card master suddenly said something that surprised him and the outlaws.

"Why did you kill him?"

Cui Ze looked at Enilo suspiciously.

You must know that Fat Tiger guessed his true identity almost immediately after the fight.

And Cui Ze used the [Yellow Ape] card many times along the way, but he never concealed it from Ainilu.

Facing Enilu's bewildered face.

Cui Ze added another sentence.

"Don't you know? Your captain is also an undercover navy agent."

"Nani???" X2

Ai Nilu directly released the shocking emoji pack of the black history of life.

Boss Taili on the side also showed a sea-style standard shocked face of "protruding eyes, opening mouth, and sticking out tongue".

"Well~ Actually, you can't call it an undercover agent~"

Cui Ze rubbed his chin and began to evaluate himself.

"With my level of strength, the Navy Headquarters should no longer treat me as a real undercover agent. It should be said that I cooperate with the Navy!"

Maybe this is one of the reasons why Boss Huang refused to print the card before...

A few thoughts flashed in Cui Ze's mind inadvertently.

Seeing that Enilo is still the black history emoji, he hasn't recovered for a long time.

Cui Ze simply turned his eyes away from the God of the Second Class, and looked at Boss Taili who was beside him.

"Admiral Admiral Nappa Taili of the Navy Headquarters, according to the order of the Supreme Commander of the SWORD Force, Admiral Kizaru, you are now transferred to my command. Do you have any other opinions?"

Cui Ze once had an agreement with Boss Huang.

As long as the Seven Waters Capital incident can be perfectly resolved.

Cui Ze will be able to take Tai Li, a double (crossed out) senior undercover agent who has been lurking in the pirate town of Gaya Island for many years, under his command!

Even though Cui Ze didn't have time to discuss this matter with Boss Huang before leaving the Capital of Seven Waters...

But thinking about it... Boss Huang probably wouldn't refuse, right?

Boss Terry looked at the card master in surprise.

With limited information, he was completely unable to judge whether the card master's words were true or false.

If it is true, there may be no problem if Boss Taili agrees to the other party.

But if it's fake...

Once he revealed his true identity in front of this big pirate who offered a reward of hundreds of millions of Baileys, Boss Terry would be able to imagine how miserable his ending would be even if he thought about it with his increasingly sparse forehead!

Closing his eyes, Boss Taili calmed down his beating heart.

He couldn't afford to be so big, so he had to decide to play dumb!

"Card master, I don't know what you mean exactly."

Boss Terry played the peak acting skills that he has experienced and studied in his undercover career over the years.

"This is a tavern, I'm just an ordinary tavern owner."

In Boss Taili's honest and thick face, there were three points of bewilderment, three points of doubt, three points of caution, and one part of well-hidden unhappiness.

The fan-shaped statistical chart of pure face belongs to yes!

"It doesn't matter if you don't know."

Cui Ze said with a smile, revealing his true colors.

"As long as you say another word of rejection...

"I'll pull out all your hair, and then find a hemp rope and hang you on the pier of the magic valley town, and hang a [Damn Navy undercover] ID badge around your neck!"


The plan to recruit Boss Taili went very smoothly.

After Cui Ze took the initiative to reveal his identity.

Boss Taili immediately chose to leave the tavern family business that he had been running for many years, and chose to join the card master.

Cui Ze led the dazed Ainil out of the tavern in Demon Valley Town together.

He didn't take Boss Terry aboard【Sailboat A】immediately.

Since it is poaching, at least wait for them to notify and report to the original company, right?

"Captain, are you really a navy?"

On the way to the pier in Magic Valley Town, Enilo finally couldn't help asking this question.

"That's right, I'm not only a navy, but also a high-ranking general of the navy! An imposing brigadier general of the Navy headquarters!"

Speaking of this, Cui Ze felt a little disappointed.

"It's just that the headquarters has never sent me the cloak of justice, and I haven't been able to get enough of it..."


Enilu struggled for a long time, and managed to say a complete sentence.

"But how can the Navy be a pirate?"

"How does the identity of the navy affect being a pirate?"

Cui Ze glanced at Enilo strangely, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Anilu, what do you think a pirate is?"

Enil said without hesitation: "You are free, unrestrained, and you can act at will according to your own will!"

"Yeah, I'm in this state now."

Cui Ze shrugged.

"The identity of the navy is only a 'reminder' to me now."


Ai Nilu didn't understand Cui Ze's words.

"Another word."

Cui Ze gave another example.

"Actually, the most common pirates in the sea are not what you said.

"Those pirates usually burn, kill, loot, and do all kinds of evil. They never take the initiative to challenge the strong, nor openly provoke the Navy Headquarters or the World Government. They only do one thing, which is to bully civilians. Do you like it? Is that so?"

Hearing this, Anilo shook his head directly.

How could a majestic god do such a foolish thing?

"Yes, I also don't like that kind of pirates very much. For those garbage who 'will only draw knives on the weaker', I will only give them death."

Cui Ze said very calmly.

"The identity of the Navy is to always remind me not to become a 'reminder' of that kind of scum."

Enel understood what the captain said.

Cui Ze said again: "For us, or for our entire [Destiny Pirates], the identity of a pirate is just a coat that allows us to freely implement our will. What is the real identity inside? What's important?"

Enel nodded with a relieved expression.

In fact, he didn't quite understand Cui Ze's last rhetoric.

But if I understand roughly, I can still be a pirate like before!


What does it matter?

Arrive at the pier of Magic Valley Town.

Cui Ze released [Sailboat A] from the card, and brought out Xiao Canghe and Qiaoba from the [Pseudospace].

In the short term, Cui Ze has no idea of ​​letting these two cute pets participate in a frontal battle, so let's keep them as logistics pets first.


Cui Ze glanced at Xiao Canghe and Qiaoba who were running happily on [Sailing Boat A], and a thoughtful light flashed in his eyes.

The strength training of these two little ones also needs to be put in the schedule...

Worst of all, you need to have a certain ability to protect yourself.

Especially Chopper.

Its potential is really great!

"Honey, do you want to sail now?"

The figure of Chuanling Xiaocheshire appeared beside Cui Ze.

"Not urgent."

Cui Ze shook his head, and looked into Magic Valley Town.

"There is a reserve crew member coming here."

After a few minutes.

Boss Taili with a complicated complexion walked out of Magic Valley Town.

He just communicated with his immediate superior, Huang Yuan, and learned the truth.

The card master who has risen to fame this year is actually an undercover pirate arranged by the Navy Headquarters!

I'm not the only double agent?

It's not just this that makes Boss Taili feel helpless the most.

Huang Yuan made it clear in the phone bug contact that he has no objection to Taili joining Cui Ze's Destiny Pirates, and is even happy to see it succeed.

The headquarters can feel the crazy improvement of the card master's strength, and can naturally feel the biggest flaw of the undercover plan.

That is the lack of countermeasures against Cui Ze in the headquarters!

One day Cui Ze wants to leave the navy, the headquarters will have nothing to do about it!

That being the case.

Letting Terry, who is originally an undercover agent, join the Destiny Pirates can also relieve the pressure on the headquarters.

No matter what.

It is also convenient for the headquarters to understand the certain action plan of the card master by letting Boss Taili join the Destiny Pirates.

Thoughts on the headquarters.

Cui Ze didn't know.

But when he recruited Boss Taili, he didn't want him to do some big things, but he was just going to let him do some "chores" that the official crew members couldn't do.

"Yo, Boss Terry, are you here?"

Cui Ze waved to Boss Taili with a smile, and then stopped delaying.

"Get on board! We are going to the real lair!"

Boss Taylor was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he would be able to touch such a high-level secret as soon as he joined the Destiny Pirates.

"The real... lair?"

"That's right!"

Cui Ze signaled Xiao Cheshire to sail to the upwelling current area of ​​Gaya Island.

"An empty island above 10,000 meters!"

Thank you "sergyd" for the 100 starting point reward! !

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