This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 305 Since Lightning Can't Solve Flash, Use Flash to Solve Flash!

"The ability of the card fruit is as strong as a monster~"

Huang Yuan, who has rich experience in (being) printed cards, immediately judged the source of the ability of the thunder fruit displayed by Cui Ze-the Thunderbolt Enel of the Destiny Pirates!

"Lightning, ice, fire, and other unknown's really scary~"

Huang Yuan's eyes kept wandering over Cui Ze, Jinping Ice Sculpture, and [Flowing Blade Like Fire], only feeling that the other party's Devil Fruit ability was really useless.

Don't say anything else.

Now that there is a card for Thunderbolt Enel.

So are the cards of other members of the Destiny Pirates also in Cui Ze's hands?

Could their devil fruit abilities also be used by Cui Ze?

In this way, does fighting the card master mean fighting the entire Destiny Pirates?

For many years across the sea, the yellow ape who has solved countless troublesome ability users, when facing the "card fruit" at this moment, has a feeling that "this fruit is the real ultimate fruit".

"Actually, your shiny fruit is the truly terrifying ability, right?"

Facing Boss Huang's complaints, Cui Ze couldn't help but respond.

As we all know, people with natural abilities are by no means truly invincible.

In addition to conventional abilities such as sea water, sea tower stone, and domineering.

The most effective way to target people with natural abilities is to use other types of abilities that can restrain their own elemental abilities.

For example, lightning and rubber...

Another example is Freeze and Fire.

But what is the restraint ability of "Flash"?

Forgive Cui Ze for his shallow knowledge, he can't imagine it.


Huang Yuan pulled his hands out of his pockets, with his left hand at the bottom and his right hand at the top, and put them in front of his lower abdomen. Bright and dazzling yellow flashes condensed between his palms, turning into a yellow light mirror.

"Eight-foot mirror!"

A strong flash of light burst out from the mirror surface of the yellow light mirror, and shot straight towards Cui Ze's direction, the speed was so fast that it was difficult for ordinary people to reflect.

At the same time, the figure of the yellow ape that released this light path disappeared into the original place, but merged into this flashing channel, using this light track to move at the speed of light.

"Speed ​​is power. Have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"

The figure of the yellow ape suddenly appeared at the end of the track of light. He lifted his right leg and instantly photonized it. A large amount of yellow flash energy rendered this thigh into a golden thigh of light.


A strange light effect sounded.

The flashing kick of the yellow ape approached Cui Ze's body in an instant with lightning speed, as if he wanted to kick this king Shichibukai who had offered a reward of more than one billion Baileys away.

"Actually, most of the time, I kick people with flash kicks~"

A gleam of red light flashed in Cui Ze's eyes, and incandescent thunder and lightning rushed endlessly in his body, and an extremely terrifying reaction speed erupted instantly.

His domineering right hand covered with jet-black armor suddenly raised, as if traveling through space, and intercepted the attack line of the yellow monkey's flash kick.


Huang Yuan's kick collided violently with Cui Ze's right arm, and there was a dull impact sound, and there was even a burst of cracking and cracking sounds on the Jinping ice sculpture that was regarded as a foothold.

Rao is so.

Cui Ze's right arm still didn't tremble in the slightest, and it firmly supported the flashing kick of Huang Yuan.

Often use the [Yellow Ape] card.

Cui Ze may be more aware of his physical strength than Boss Huang himself.

After obtaining the information entry bonus of [Qi Wu Hai under the King], Cui Ze's three main battle attributes, muscle strength, durability, and agility, were all upgraded to A-level.

Agility attributes, domineering levels and so on, of course they can't compare with Boss Huangyuan.

It can be strong and durable, not inferior to Boss Huang!

It is really easy to withstand a flash kick.

A fist and a leg are deadlocked in mid-air.

Cui Ze's voice reached Huang Yuan's ears from under the flash kick.

"I often use flashlight to fight against the enemy. Have you ever felt the feeling of being illuminated by the sun?"

I saw Cui Ze supporting Boss Huang's kicking right fist, and a burst of intense light suddenly burst out, like the sun in the sky, extremely bright.

[Hundred Times Sun Fist]!

Facing the sudden burst of strong light that was so close at hand, Huang Yuan was caught off guard, and his eyes were illuminated with double images.

But even so, Huang Yuan still gave the second stage of the flash kick to Cui Ze who fought back.


A large amount of flash energy contained in the golden thigh turned into a solid and mighty laser beam, which poured out towards Cui Ze who was one step away. The branches of the red tree seemed to be piercing through the latter's body on the spot.

Just at this critical moment, a small and exquisite card emerged from Cui Ze's body, resisting in front of the laser beam.

The card is like a bottomless black hole in the starry sky, pulling this beam of bright laser beams into it, making it impossible to escape.

[Engraving... Successful engraving! 】

[You get an A-level card! 】

[A-level card: Tianyanto]

[Card Type: Normal Trap Card]

[Card effect: releases a solid light beam with extremely powerful impact and penetrating power. After hitting the target, a chain explosion reaction will occur, which is powerful enough to destroy the surface environment of a small island]

Facing the A-level card gifted by Huang Yuan's boss.

Cui Ze immediately sent the other party a powerful energy beam, the energy beam shone with scorching light, surrounded by strange spiral energy, and hit the yellow monkey directly.

【Magic Penetration Light Killing Cannon】!

This B-level ability, which was fished before leaving the empty island, has become a second-shot ability similar to [Dongdong Bo], which should have taken a long time to accumulate energy to activate after a journey of sailing around the world.

Even though he hadn't recovered from being stimulated by the strong light of [Hundred Times Sun Fist], Huang Yuan's top-notch domineering spirit still sensed this dangerous and powerful spiral energy beam, directly entered the photon form, and dodged to avoid it.


[Magic Penetration Light Killing Cannon] pierced through the afterimage of the yellow ape, flew all the way over the land of Forchat Island, and came to the surrounding sea area of ​​this island, directly hitting a huge sea water on the sea level In the deep pit, white waves rose into the sky.

Even the Sun Pirate murlocs who were fighting with the navy fleet and staying on the sea were affected by the attack power of this sudden energy beam.

The White Star Snapper, which was not originally made of precious wood, was damaged again by a small level.

"Damn it! What happened on the island! Jinbe, if I don't bring Brother Fisher back, I won't spare you!"

Holding the odd-shaped sickle weapon, Aaron shouted at the crew of the surrounding Sun Pirates.

"Everyone abandon ship! Grab a warship from the Navy! Brother Fisher will be back later, so we can't do without a ship!"

Just when the intensity of sea battles continued to rise.

The battlefield on land fell into a strange calm.

Looking at the alternate admirals and Shichibukai, who are constantly colliding and intersecting in the sky, whether it is a member of the navy or the Sun Pirates, they all showed expressions of bewilderment.

The yellow light bullets or thunder beams that would fall from the sky from time to time could always easily bombard the ground of Forchart Island with huge potholes.

This situation exacerbated the bewildered mentality of the onlookers.

who are we?

where are we

Can we move out of this battlefield where gods fight?

Until the battle on the sea was coming to an end, the murlocs forcibly took away a naval warship and were struggling to break through.

The battlefield in the sky finally stopped.

Huang Yuan held the [Tiancongyun Sword] in his hand, and looked at Cui Ze who was using the [Dancing Sky Technique] to float into the sky with a frivolous expression.

"It seems that your 'Thunderbolt Fruit' hasn't been fully developed yet~"


Cui Ze shook his head regretfully while holding [Flowing Blade Like Fire], and a new A-level card suddenly appeared between his fingers.

"I didn't plan to use this trick to deal with you, Boss Huangyuan, but he has already played to this level. This card is useless."


Hearing Cui Ze's words, Huang Yuan's eyes widened instantly, and an unbelievable thought emerged in his heart.

Cui Ze, you bastard, do you want to use this old man...

"As the saying goes, use magic against magic."

Cui Ze threw out the A-level effect monster card in his hand and blessed himself with it.

"Since thunder and lightning can't solve the flash, let's use the flash to solve the flash!"

[You used the A-level card [Yellow Ape]! 】

[You used the C-level card [Ernest]! 】

[You gain the strength attribute bonus of the enemy monster! 】

[Current muscle strength attribute: A+! 】

Cui Ze's own muscle strength attribute has already reached the A-level level. After the blessing of the [Yellow Ape] and [Ernest] cards, his muscle strength attribute has skyrocketed again.

But what Cui Ze did was not just that.

After two light attribute cards are used.

The [Flowing Blade Like Fire] in Cui Ze's hand burst out with extremely hot flame light again.

"Everything is ashes, and the blade is like fire!"

After uttering the words of Shi Jie, Cui Ze lightly waved the [Flowing Blade Like Fire] in his hand, and a fiery slash that seemed to be able to tear apart the sky, slashed straight to the position of the yellow ape.

"Boss Huang, now... I should be stronger!"

Second update.

Continue to five more today.

I feel like I have to adjust the update time...

It's getting later and later every day...

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