This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 342 Nasal Brook! Musicians meet musicians! Devil fruit immune to lightning!

Just when Cui Ze and his party arrived at the terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

On the other side, Enilo was still galloping recklessly in the mist of the Devil's Triangle sea area, discharging random discharges.

"Smile! Deputy captain! Why is this guy so strong!"

Enilo casually summoned a terrifying and boundless ball of lightning and light, and blasted it into the uninhabited sea below. There was an ear-piercing roar, and a large amount of seawater mixed with many sea fish was blown up together.

"Forget about the ability of the devil fruit... The color of knowledge is so strong! And the color of armament!"

"Although I have a domineering look, it is far from being able to entangle attacks at will like the captain... Often it can only be used to clean up miscellaneous soldiers, which is not as easy as the thunder fruit."

"If this is the case, when will I be able to defeat Yixiao?"

"When my [Ark Proverbs] is finished, I must give Yixiao some color!"

"Obviously I boarded the ship first! Deputy captain!"

When Anilu was frantically frying fish, his [Heart Outline] suddenly sensed a strange sound that did not belong to the huge movement he made.

Tinkling, like a piano piece.

Enilo stopped the thunder and lightning blasting the sea, and when the sea wave subsided, the piano sound became clearer and clearer.

Hanging out at sea for so long.

Ai Nilu is no longer the native aunt of Sky Island who didn't understand anything.

He directly heard that this piano tune was the most widely circulated piece of music in the sea - "Binks' Wine"!


The former musician of the Destiny Pirates——Mr. Enel's eyes lit up, his whole body turned into lightning, and he flew towards the direction of the sound of the piano music at high speed.

"... YOHO HOHO...

"Bring the fine wine of Binks to your side;

"Like the sea breeze doing whatever it wants, riding the wind and breaking the waves..."

As Anilu approached, the sound of human singing mixed in the piano music became more and more clear.


Enel turned into a thunderbolt that fell from the sky, and landed on the deck of the dilapidated ship.

The white skeleton who was sitting next to the piano on the deck and playing "Binks' Wine" stood up in fright after hearing such a movement.

"It's thundering! It's raining! Go home and collect your clothes! Although I don't have any other clothes, yo ho ho ho ho!"

This is a very amazing white skull stand.

Above the thick black afro head, there is a pitch-black old top hat. The skeleton is slender and slender. It is wrapped in a very worn-out black orange-collared suit. There are many holes on the surface of the clothing.

On the side of the skeleton stand, there is also an old purple crutch with a curved handle.

"You were playing the piano just now, right?"

Enel's figure appeared from a mass of thunder. He looked at the strange skull with mandibular bones interlaced and making human voices, and became more interested in the opponent's devil fruit ability.

According to the captain.

Because of the ability of that [Superman-type · Underworld Fruit].

After the body of Nose Brooke died, his soul was able to return to the world from the underworld.

Although at that time, Brooke's body had completely rotted away, leaving only an extremely dry skeleton.

But because of this, this skeleton also acquired a lot of strange abilities.

"Thunder and lightning have spoken! My heart is about to fall out of fright! Although I don't have a heart."

Since he hadn't seen a living person for many years, Brook didn't care about Enilu's pure face, so he directly leaned forward, and his hollow face made other breathing sounds.

"Hiss~ It's really a human being! A living human being!"

Anilu frowned in disgust.

Although he was also moved by the story of the island whale and the skull.

But that doesn't mean he'll accept the casual approach of a dirty skeleton rack.

"Go away, skeleton shelf!"

Enilo raised his palm, and a group of dazzling thunder burst out from his palm, which hit Brook's body in an instant.

"Discharge one hundred thousand volts!"

The thin and tall skeleton frame was immediately bathed in a dazzling thunder.


Brook raised his hands high and made a French military salute, but his voice didn't sound weak at all.

"I'm going to die—huh? I don't seem to feel anything? By the way, I'm just a skeleton. How can I feel when I'm hit by lightning? Yohohohoho!"

Ben was unhappy because Fat Tiger discovered the terrifying three-masted sailing ship first.

At this time, I heard Brooke's sarcastic words again.

Enilo only felt that Thor's majesty had been violated.

"Discharge million volts!"

The thunder light in Anilu's palm became more intense.

Incomparably powerful electric currents were released irregularly around, bombarding the old sailboat with scorched black marks all over, and many ship boards were even directly blasted through by this powerful electric current.

"Hey! It's too rude to call someone directly when we first meet!"

Brook was immersed in the thunder, without any feeling of being hit by lightning. He just waved the axe in his hand and shouted angrily at Enil.

Anilu frowned, and once again increased the power of Thunder.

"Ten million volts!"

Brooke still didn't feel anything, just...

Afro heads seem to be a bit more "explosive".

Brooke stroked his extremely fluffy afro, and his anger faded away.

"What a thunderbolt, my hair has become fluffy and soft like a living person again!"

"I'm afraid I ate a fake Thunderbolt fruit!"

Enilu raised his casserole-sized fist, and the jet-black armed domineering gushed out of his body, completely staining the face of his fist.


Enelu punched a bulging meat bag on Brook's head, and fell to the deck of the ship smoking.

Armed with color and domineering, restrain all crooked ways!

"Yohohoho! It hurts! It's really not a dream this time! But it still hurts!"

Brooke was lying on the deck of the ship, using his extremely slender hand bones in disbelief, gently touching the meat bun growing on the bones.

"But this gentleman, it's really rude to hit someone when you meet him for the first time!"


Enel blew his fist.

A positive fist blasted out.

Enilo only felt that the skeleton in front of him was not as annoying as it looked before.

But then again.

Nasal song Brooke.

Apart from the captain, this is the first non-natural ability user Enilo has encountered who can completely ignore his own lightning attacks.

Superman series · Huangquan fruit...

It's weird!

"By the way, Skull, your name is Nose Brook, right? The musician of the Rumba Pirates."

Enilu waved towards Brook.

"There is a big whale waiting for you, come with me now."

Brook stopped playing tricks, staring in disbelief at the stranger in front of him who could discharge electricity, with hollow skull eye sockets.

"Big whale?"

Fourth update.

The fifth will be past 12 o'clock.

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