This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 345 City of the Queen of Spring! Queen of Joy Street! A wandering fruit capable user!

San Pobla Island.

This is a small island located at the end of the park. The climate on the island is warm like spring all year round.

In addition, it is also the last island on the [Beauty and the Hunter route].

After sailing through San Pobla Island, it will merge with the other six routes in the paradise stage to the Chambord Islands, thus ending the entire journey of the first half of the great route.

The most famous place of San Pobla Island is not its special geographical location that is extremely close to the Bubble Islands, but that it is almost completely integrated with the island - the city of the Queen of Spring!

Especially in the City of Queens of Spring, the famous street that makes the men of the sea linger and forget to return - Happy Street!

Sailing ship A sailed all the way from the Devil's Triangle sea area without any setbacks. After solving a few small pirates without eyes along the way, it arrived in the waters near San Pobla Island.

The men of the Destiny Pirates stood on the deck of the ship, looking at the island on the sea not far away.

After leaving Peachy Island, Miss Hunzi, who quickly revived with full blood, perfectly blended into the group of men, and was also looking at the exterior of San Pobla Island.

This is a small island city with a very exquisite and gorgeous appearance. From a distance, various buildings are lined up and arranged neatly. There are also colorful fresh flowers dotted all over the island, as if the goddess of spring has always stayed on this spring island. superior.

This is the city of the Queen of Spring!

Cui Ze was quite impressed with the City of the Queen of Spring.

It's not mainly because of that "joy street" in Spring Queen's City.

Or the Queen of Joy Street with blond hair, blue eyes, bob head, white skin and red skirt and long legs.

What makes Cui Ze retain his impression of Spring Queen City is the group of CP9 agents under Pride (?) who have not yet grown up.

on the normal timeline.

After the Judiciary Island chapter ended, due to the bombardment of the Demon Slaying Order, the island that symbolized the majesty of justice of the world government was completely destroyed in the attack.

Spandam, who was the top officer of CP9 at the time, was proficient in the skill of throwing blame, and pushed all the faults for the failure of the Judiciary Island operation to his subordinates—that is, all other members of CP9.

Because of this, the CP9 members, including Rob Lucci, who "bleeded and sweated" for the world government, just escaped from the scope of Judicial Island, and they were blamed and even hunted down by the world government.

In a hasty escape, the members of CP9 left Judiciary Island and came to San Pobla Island.

In order to pay for the treatment of the terrible injuries suffered by Rob Lucci and other members because of their superstitious belief in iron.

A few healthy members of CP9 began to make a living in the City of the Queen of performing arts.

It's really a show!

Including but not limited to (male) geisha performances, wild wolves jumping through fire hoops, giraffes on slides, ventriloquism, even city cleaning and more.

These members of CP9 have fully demonstrated the strong adaptability and versatility of devil fruit ability users...

Of course, those things haven't happened yet.

Mr. Tom is still conscientiously building the sea train, Rob Lucci is still exercising crazily on the secret island of the world government, and the rest of the CP9 members have not yet entered the capital of seven waters undercover.

As for the real culprit Spandam, I don't know where he died...

However, Cui Ze chose to come to San Pobla Island not for the group of CP9 members who have not yet arrived here.

At first, it was in the Twin Gorges of Upside Down Mountain.

Cui Ze decided to roughly follow the route of the "Beauty and the Hunter Route" to sail in the paradise stage, which is still the Happy Street in the City of Queens in Spring!

Do not misunderstand.

Cui Ze is not just for that worldly desire.

He just heard that one of the kings of the dark world, the Queen of Happy Street, Stuci, also shoulders the identity of CP0's top agent.

For such an existence that belongs to the "undercover camp".

Cui Ze naturally wanted the softness and hardness of Kangkang's "Tianlongren's strongest shield".


With the help of the CP0 agent status of the Queen of Joy Street Stussy.

Cui Ze can also successfully insert Pride's "clone" into the CP0 organization, thereby completing a higher level of penetration into the world government and preparing for the plundering of the world government's wealth.

It's just that Cui Ze didn't expect it.

As early as when the Destiny Pirates sailed to Alabasta.

The world government personally "sent" a top CP0 agent to the door.

Pride has already used the identity of the "black and white eyed agent" to go undercover within the World Government for a while.

If so.

In Cui Ze's eyes, the status and value of the Queen of Happy Street, Stucey, is undoubtedly greatly discounted!

This trip, the Destiny Pirates came to Happy Street, it seems that they really just want to have fun...

‘But having said that, Rob Lucci and Khalifa, members of the CP9 agents, accidentally wandered into the territory of the queen of Happy Street, Stuci, and their immediate boss of CP9, during their hasty escape. '

"This is probably the main reason why Rob Lucci and others, after two years, jumped from the world government's pursuit of prisoners and became CP0 agents..."

Cui Ze stared at the direction of the Spring Queen's City in disbelief, and didn't notice how "longing and longing" his expression seemed at this moment.


Robin crossed his arms, looked at the line of crew members neatly arranged on the deck, and shook his head silently.

"Even the captain is no exception."

"But if that's the case..."

Yao Guang, the housekeeper of the dragon, put her hands in front of her lower abdomen, with a slightly puzzled expression.

"Then why was my previous request to be a bed attendant rejected by the master? Obviously taking care of the master's daily life is also the maid's job."

"Sister Dici, what are Sister Robin and the butler talking about?"

Xiao Canghe raised his face and looked at Yuyinglongnu strangely.

"Why can't I understand wow?"

"This is the world of grown-ups."

Di Ci covered Xiao Lan's ears with his hand, and rua her dragon horn.

"Xiaolan will understand when she grows up."

Just when several female crew members were whispering in the rear.

As sailing ship A approached the city of spring queen.

Pride walked to Cui Ze's side and reported softly.

"Captain, the Gilder Tezzolo you drew my attention to is currently in the Queen of Spring City, do you need me to bring him to the pier?"

Gilder Tezzolo?

Cui Ze squinted his eyes. He thought it would take some time for Pride to find the whereabouts of the other party, but he didn't expect that he was in the city of Queen of Spring!

"There is no need for this yet. Keep paying attention to him first, and bring him to see me when you are about to leave the City of Spring Queen."

Cui Ze shook his head and asked Pride again.

"Anyone of note on San Pobla?"

Pride nodded.

"There is indeed a prodigal son wandering in Happy Street, a natural-type Sensen fruit capable person."

Second update.

Continue to five more today.

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