This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 481 Cui Ze VS Kaido! When enemies meet, they are extremely jealous! (A monthly ticket is req

The invisible gust of wind, following Cui Ze's exhaling movements, formed a towering hurricane barrier in front of him.

The overly dense winds flowed endlessly in the barrier, rendering the barrier, which should not have a color, into a light blue color.


The breath of flames falling from the sky bombarded the wind barrier with precision, and the contact between the two suddenly burst into a thunderous roar, and the extremely violent shock wave turned into a rolling wave that swept across the island of ghosts in an instant. The whole territory.


The scorching hot breath that can evaporate a mountain in an instant, bombards the protective barrier of the wind barrier, as if encountering an insurmountable wall of sighs, unable to shake the opponent even a little bit.

Even under the rebounding effect of the [Wind Barrier], the front part of the flame stream's breath flows backwards, colliding with the fiery flame stream behind.

The fiery stream of flames that spread for several kilometers exploded directly from the middle into two parts, the front and the back, and then exploded again, covering the land of Guidao like a shower of flame meteors, and the sky was reflected red.

Such a scene full of sense of sight made Cui Ze involuntarily recall the moment when he struggled to survive on Zaomen Island, and he clenched his fists even more involuntarily.

The ferocious green dragon soared and circled in the mid-air, as if it suddenly discovered something, it landed on the ground of Guidao with a bang, knocking out a cloud of diffused smoke and dust.

After the smoke cleared, Kaido returned to his human form and stood proudly on the ground of Ghost Island.

"You are the Qi Wuhai who defeated Lingling..."

Kaido's cowbell-like eyes pretended to pass behind the opponent inadvertently, and stayed for a moment on the thin figure wearing shackles, falling to the ground, and unconscious.

"A card master?"

It was Runti's crisp voice that answered Kaido's question.

"Stupid Kaido!"

With the support of the Rilun Saber, Runti resisted her weak legs and shouted loudly at her former boss.

"I'm no longer a member of the Beasts Pirates!"

"me too!"

Peggy Wan stood beside his elder sister. Under Kaido's deterrent force, he unconsciously showed the power of the Dragon Fruit Spinosaurus form.

"Runti, Peggy Wan..."

Kaido directly recognized the identities of these two little ghost heads.

Not to mention the identity of the other party's "son of a good friend", just that Runti sneakily "sneaked" away one of his ancient dragon fruit, which was enough to impress him!

Immediately afterwards.

Kaido looked at Cui Ze who was standing in front of Runti and Peggy Wan, a mixture of surprise and excitement flashed across his rough face.

"Are you the brat in that cave back then? Hehehe! Didn't you die there?"

"Kaido, did you finally recognize me?"

Cui Ze's fingers refreshed two cards as if by magic, which instantly acted on him.

[Red Dog] card!

[Plasma Spark Tower] card!

With the power of the [Red Dog] card, Cui Ze's strength, agility, durability and other attributes have been directly promoted to A-level level, and he has obtained the light of the [Plasma Spark Tower], and his three attributes have been directly doubled , reached the A+ level!


Cui Ze's figure flashed in front of Kaido, his heart beating as violently as a drum.

He raised his right fist high, concentrated the [Nail Dragon] armed color on the face of the fist, and at the same time he swung the fist, it also triggered a burst of terrifying black and red arcs, and the space could not bear this peak power and directly distortion.


Cui Ze's fist hit Kaido's chest and abdomen accurately, and there was a dull sound like a heavy object hitting the leather.

Originally relying on the strong resistance of his own [Phantom Beast - Blue Dragon Fruit] and looking relaxed, Kaido's face suddenly changed wildly after feeling the huge power transmitted from the fist.

The peak power of a volcanic eruption unreservedly vented on Kaido's body.

His tall, strong, muscular body was directly blasted away by this powerful force, turning into a shooting star from the sky, flying straight to the outside of Ghost Island.

See this scenario.

Whether it was the brothers Runti and Peggy Wan who were watching the battle in place.

Still heard the movement, the big cadres of the Hundred Beasts Pirates rushed from other places on Onijima.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The majestic Pirate Emperor!

The strongest creature in the world!

Beast Kaido!

Couldn't even catch the enemy's blow, and was directly sent flying?

"Are you kidding!? That's Boss Kaido!"

"Boss Kaido was directly sent flying?! What kind of monster is this!"

"Cui Ze is so strong! Cui Ze is great!"

Some ear-piercing compliments were interspersed among the noisy conversation of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

Cui Ze looked at the middle and senior cadres of the Hundred Beasts Pirates who had gathered around, moved his fingers lightly, and finally left them to the members of the Destiny Pirates who were rushing to Ghost Island.

Returning to Runti and Peggy Wan in an instant, Cui Ze signaled them to quickly enter the [Pseudospace] without being indulging in the flattery of the two brats.

"This level of battle is not something you can participate in at this stage."

Cui Ze opened the entry portal of [Pseudospace].

"Even if it's just onlookers, if you are a little careless, you may die on the spot."

Peggy Wan immediately pushed his elder sister towards [Pseudospace].

Before entering, Runti said another word.

"Cui Ze, teach Kaido a good lesson!"

"This kind of thing, even if you don't say it, I will."

Cui Ze looked at the phantom dragon in the sky, driving the orange-red flame cloud, flying towards this side at a high speed, and patted Runti on the head lightly.

"I've been looking forward to this battle for a whole year!"

Almost at the same time that Runti and Peggy Wan entered the [Pseudospace].

Kaido landed on the ground of Onijima again.

The cadres of the Hundred Beasts Pirates immediately discovered that their governor not only had a high swelling between his chest and abdomen, but also a lot of blood was stained between his mouth and nose.

Obviously, the power of the punch just now far exceeded the expectations of many people including Kaido.

After landing this time, Kaido finally didn't continue to push him any further, he directly entered the strongest human-beast form of [Phantom Beast - Blue Dragon Fruit], transforming into a ferocious and powerful dragon man!

I saw that Kaido's upper body barely maintained a human form, his arms and even his back were covered with a layer of blue tough dragon scales, and a thick and powerful dragon tail swayed behind him. "The above all keep the shape of a beast, and there are even a few dragon horns growing on the top of their heads.

I did not know where to pull out the mace eight fasts.

Dragon man Kaido carried it on his shoulders, and his cold and ruthless golden pupils watched the card's every move.

"I haven't felt such a powerful fist for many years!"

A gleam of red light flashed in Dragonman Kaido's eyes, and the knowledge-colored arrogance of [Future Foretelling] instantly turned on, indicating that he has entered the posture of fighting with all his might.

"Hey! Card, how many surprises can you give me?"

boom! boom! boom!

Cui Ze took a step forward and walked towards Kaido firmly and steadily. Every step he took would bring a roar like a mechanical engine, and the wild and domineering arrogance vented from his body, shocking the scene.

"So, do you want to see my full strength?"

The fifth watch is here! !


Sure enough, the work and rest are all upside down...

Is this supposed to be all night?

I still owe [3] more!

Ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month!

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