This Pirate Relies on Justice

Chapter 202: Recruit Senor! Pride's Surprise Gift! (Thanks sauce...

Hearing the devil's speech like the card master, Senor felt a little bad.

The young master has contributed to the family, and the young master has shed blood for the family.

Is this how you treat your beloved young master?

Senor gritted his teeth and looked at the senior cadres who frantically winked at him, and finally followed.

Trizer had a rough idea of ​​the thoughts of the Don Quixote family members who winked at Senor.

It is nothing more than feeling that the card master treats Senor differently.

Perhaps through him, Doflamingo can be freed.

Whimsical idea for these guys.

Cui Ze has only one sentence.

"Anilu, they handed it over to you. Don't kill them, many of them are quite precious devil fruit power users~"

Senor turned around in astonishment, and lightning suddenly bloomed in front of him.

A large number of members of the Don Quixote family, including Vergo, who could not afford to be seriously injured, were covered by the thunder of Anilu, and they were vibrated by the electricity, and they were covered in smoke.

"See? This is the usual ending after the pirates are defeated."

Cui Ze walked to Senor's side and looked at the Don Quixote family members who were dying of electric shock with a calm expression.

Senor's expression was angry, he clenched his fists, his arms trembled slightly.

At this moment.

Senor was thinking about whether to use his life to avenge the family members.

But Cui Ze's next few words caused Senor's brain to crash.

"You must have background, power, and strength when you come out to mix.

"Otherwise, no matter how many things you do, others will only call you a 'little bastard'.

"For example, Don Quixote Doflamingo."

Cui Ze glanced at Senor dazedly, and patted the other party's shoulder.

"How about it, do you want to recognize a new boss? By the way, become the new head of the Don Quixote family?"

The Don Quixote family has a strict hierarchy.

Doflamingo is on top.

Below him are the four senior cadres: "Plum" Torrepol, "Diamond" Diamanti, "Spade" Pica, and "Heart" Vergo (Rosannadi).

Under the four senior cadres, there are a bunch of middle and low-level members.

To be honest, Cui Ze still has some interest in Doflamingo, after all, he is a B-level expert.

But Cui Ze didn't have much interest in those so-called "senior cadres" and most of the "middle and low-level members".

Select some suitable people from the Don Quixote family to inherit the power of the original Don Quixote family, and then take this "new Don Quixote family" for their own use.

This is Cui Ze's internal handling of the Don Quixote family!

But it can be picked and picked, and in the Don Quixote family, Cui Ze can only see Senor.

Therefore, the opportunity to become the new leader of the Don Quixote family fell on his head.


Senor suddenly found that he had become a little inarticulate, and took a deep breath before he managed to calm down the chaotic mood.

"I am a member of the Don Quixote family, and the leader of the Don Quixote family will only be Doflamingo! I will never have any thoughts of betraying Dover!"


Cui Ze frowned.

He was originally very optimistic about Senor's love and righteous character.

In the original book, Senor did not hesitate to wear baby clothes that did not match his age in order for his brain-damaged wife to be able to smile again, regardless of the wanton ridicule of others, and she wore it for more than ten years.

How many men can you find out of men who treat their wives like this?

But when Cui Ze wanted to recruit Senor, the other party's love and righteousness became a troublesome point.

It's like Boss Cao sends money and horses to Guan Yunchang, but the other party only cares about his uncle Liu Huang...

Cui Ze thought for a moment, intending to break through the predicament from another angle.

"You should know that the Don Quixote family is a pirate organization, right?"

Senor didn't know why, "How about that?"

"You should know that what Ms. Lucian hates the most are pirates, right?"

Senor's expression changed greatly, he actually heard the name from the card master's mouth that could never be known by the other party!

"Lucian! Where on earth did you know the name?"

"Your fate is not a secret to me."

Cui Ze took out the [Doflamingo] card, and the card with the picture of Hai Gang spun gently on his fingertips.

"Seignor, you don't want Lady Lucian to discover your identity as a pirate one day, right?"

Senor suddenly felt that his previous knowledge of the card master was still a little higher.

"Bank clerk? Oh, how can there be a bank clerk who wanders abroad all the year round?"

Cui Ze put away the cards and said to Senor without saying a word.

"When you are fighting around with the Don Quixote family, please put your eyes back on Ms. Lucian's side, or you may be greeted with a lifetime of pain."

Senor said hoarsely: "Card, what do you mean?"

"I mean, 'family' and 'family' are two different things after all."

Cui Ze said in a calm tone.

"The Don Quixote family, with Lady Lucian, and yours, um, I remember it seems to be called Hamlet?"

"It's Gimlet! What's wrong with him!?"

Senor's expression was even more shocked than when he heard Lucian from Cui Ze just now.

If the existence of Lucian is said to be the fact that the other party has inquired about his information in advance...

Then Jimlet is just a newborn baby!

How would the card master know of his existence! ?

Could it be that the card master can really see through the fate of other people as he said?

"poor child…"

Cui Ze shook his head.

"There is a doom that is hanging over him."

Senor only felt that he was caught in the most difficult decision ever made.

It is like a man, choosing a family;

Or do you choose your family like a man?

This question is very tangled for Senor.

But when he made a decision, he felt that everything was not as painful as he imagined.

Cui Ze's [Heart Gang] has already captured Senor's shallow thoughts.

"Mr. Senor, please take good care of Madam Lucian for a while. Someone will be waiting for you to take over as the new head of the Don Quixote family."

Senor didn't say a word, seemingly acquiescing to Cui Ze's words.

He intends to return to Lucian's side as soon as possible after the events in Mignon Island are over!

Compared to "family".

The real family is the most important thing!

At this decision point in life, Senor, a real man, has made his final choice.

The officials of the Don Quixote family have been swept away by Anilu.

Seeing this scene, Cui Ze took out the phone bug and contacted Xiang Pride.

The old-fashioned forces in Beihai have been penetrated by him, and the rest is to let Praide take over the power territory of the Don Quixote family.

"Father, do you think you have dealt with the Don Quixote family in Beihai?"

Pride's surprise voice came from the phone bug.

"Yes, is everything going well on your side?" Cui Ze responded.

"Everything is going well! Thank you, Father, for your concern!"

Pride is planning to report to Cui Ze the results of his work during this period of time.

But Cui Ze has no interest in inquiring about those aspects at present.

"Are you able to take over the Don Quixote family's power in the North Sea first?"

"Is it necessary to replace Doflamingo?"

Praide immediately gave up his report and took the initiative to answer Cui Ze's question.

"No, it's not necessary."

Cui Ze denied it.

"Brother Doflaming, the former Tianlong person, is already in the past tense."

"If you just take over the power of the Don Quixote family, there is no problem, Father!"

Pride made a guarantee.

For the four major outer seas, the King of Arms is not without business involvement.

The king of arms in the dark world, even if it is the four major outer seas, also has his own private power territory, among which the West Sea, where the mafia is born in large numbers, and the chaotic South China Sea are the most important!

But even so, the King of Arms is not without any "tentacles" within the North Sea.

It's just that due to the existence of the Don Quixote family and the Kingdom of the business of the King of Arms in the North Sea has been crowded out by their two forces, and the prospects are very uncertain.

But now, my father has solved the Don Quixote family, the strongest local snake in the North Sea...

Pride thinks it's time to bring Beihai into the domain of the King of Arms!

The West China Sea, the South China Sea, and the current North Sea, as long as the East China Sea is included...

Father father can become the de facto king of the four seas!

One step closer to being the king of the world!

"Very good, if you don't have anything to deal with urgently, come to Beihai first."

Cui Ze said to Pride.

"By the way, bring some more Hailou stone shackles, and some other gadgets... Those things are really useful sometimes."

"I see, Father-Master Captain!"

Pride said.

"By the way, my father, during this time, the world government has rewarded me with a devil fruit, which is of the animal type. Do you need me to take it to Beihai?"

Pride has a surprise gift?

Cui Ze responded immediately.


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