This Pirate Relies on Justice

Chapter 288: Because it is the king's 7 Wuhai, so I can do whatever I want...

This pirate is backed by justice Chapter 288 Because it is the king under the Seven Wuhai, so I can do whatever I want!

Even if they don't report their family, the other party's remarks and outfits have already confirmed their identity and origin.

The World Government's espionage organization - CP!

Cui Ze's eyes skipped Anilu, who was constantly coughing, and carefully looked at the CP personnel who appeared beside him.

The head is a well-proportioned man, wearing a white top hat, a white suit, a dark purple scarf between his neck, embellished with blue polka dots, and a white long trench coat on the outermost layer.

The most eye-catching thing was the man's face. He wore a white mask, and there was a slanted scar under the corner of his right eye. His eyes were black and white, full of weird colors.

Cui Ze had a vague impression of this CP member.

The CP0 agent directly under the command of Tianlongren.

The point is.

This black-and-white-eyed man intervened and directly affected the peak battlefield of Wano Kingdom on the normal timeline-that is, the battlefield between Kaido and Straw Hat Luffy, and indirectly caused Straw Hat Luffy to "sit up" again, thus awakening "Five gear" ability.

And behind this "acquaintance" of CP0, there are two other CP9 members.

The one on the left wears a pitch-black mask, but the eyes that emerge from the hole in the mask are no different from Pride;

The one on the right also wore a mask, with long black curly hair scattered behind his head, and a small and lovely white dove standing on his shoulders.

"Cough! Where did the miscellaneous come from!"

Anilu coughed again, then raised his head and looked at the three CP members who suddenly appeared.

"Also invited by the World Government... Who do you think you are!?"

A wisp of white thunder and lightning snaked around Ainilu's body, ready to go.

"Raiden Anilu, you don't know our identity, this is normal."

The black-and-white-eyed man said in a calm tone.

"In the eyes of ordinary people, there are eight espionage organizations under the World Government, CP1-CP8, but there are actually two hidden organizations—"

"CP9 and CP0."

Cui Ze leaned back, obviously sitting in his seat, but his gaze towards the three CP members was full of looking down.

"The world government intends to invite me to serve as the new king, Qiwuhai? Oh, why isn't this kind of thing left to the navy to handle?"

For a long time, Cui Ze has been negotiating with the Navy Headquarters about his invitation to the identity of the King Qiwuhai.

Cui Ze originally thought that the news of "the location of the King's Seven Wuhai" would also be conveyed by the Navy Headquarters.

The result was unexpected...

The efforts of the navy headquarters seem to have no effect at all.

The Five Old Stars unilaterally decided on the candidates for the new Qiwuhai, and the personnel dispatched were also from the CP department.

Cui Ze guessed that the navy might not even know that he was accepting the invitation from Shichibukai.

this situation.


"It's a decision from above."

The black-and-white-eyed man shook his head without explaining much.

"Card master, what's your opinion?"

"My opinion?"

Cui Ze glanced at Anilu next to him.

"Go and test the quality of this Mr. CP0... After all, in my impression, not every cat and dog can be a CP0."

"my pleasure!"

The first time he received the captain's news, Anilu started to eject, and a thunderbolt instantly approached the black-and-white-eyed man's side. His right leg, which was condensed with infinite thunder, was like a whip, slamming the black-and-white eyes fiercely. man.


The black-and-white-eyed man's reaction speed was extremely fast, and with the help of the advanced application method of Six Styles and Shaved, he avoided the thunder and lightning flying kick of Anilu.

The invitation of the King of the Five Old Stars, Qiwuhai, is not only an "invitation", but also includes a test of the card master's ability.

It's just that the black-and-white-eyed man didn't expect that before he had time to test the card master, he was turned back by the other party.

Seeing CP0's chief fighting directly with the other party, the pigeon man who was standing behind him couldn't help but raise his hand, but his companion directly raised his hand and stopped him in front of him.

"Quiet, Leopard."

Pride under the dark mask, Dan Dan opened his mouth and said.

"This is not our place to intervene."

Pigeons, and "leopards".

As soon as these two iconic characteristics were spoken, Cui Ze on the side knew the identity of the last CP9 member who came with CP0 members and Pride.

Known as the strongest fighting genius and killing machine in CP9's eight hundred years, Rob Luigi!

'genius? ’

Cui Ze raised his eyebrows, and [Talking] directly communicated with Prade who was standing opposite.

'In CP9, is there another member named Foz Fou? ’

'That's right, Father! ’

The black mask version of Pride quickly responded to Cui Ze's question in his heart.

‘However, not long after I entered CP9 as a cuddling Yamamako, Fuzz Fu was thrown directly into the secret prison because of the failure of the mission, and he is still being held in the prison. ’

Fuzz Fu, who claims to be a CP9 genius not inferior to Rob Luigi, is one of the six flying pirates of the future Beast Pirates!

Cui Ze recalled Foz Fu's intelligence information.

Maybe Fuzz Fu's words are mixed with some boasting elements, but his strength is indeed not weak, and he will even be stronger than Supernova Drake in the future!

Cui Ze gave an order to Prade who was facing him with [Telephony].

'If there is a chance, assist Foz Fu to get out of the CP prison and guide him to come to me. ’

'understood! Father! ’

Just when Cui Ze and the black mask version of Pride communicated with each other.

The battle between Anilu and the black-and-white-eyed man is developing in a bad direction.

First, after the three-day **** battle with the sand crocodile, Anilu's state was not at the peak, and he wanted to use the "Thor Fluid Technique" to teach the black-and-white man a hard lesson.

It's a pity that Anilu's physical skills, who have become a monk halfway, are the opponents of the black-and-white man who has been specializing in Six Forms for decades?

Several times of "Thor Fluid Technique", not only did not pose any threat to the opponent, but the opponent caught several flaws.

If it wasn't for the functionality of the Thunder Fruits being too comprehensive, Anilu would probably have been beaten back to Cui Ze's side by now.

"Okay, Anilu, come back."

After finishing the private conversation with Pride, Cui Ze observed the battle of Anilu for a while and called him back.

"It can be confirmed now that this guy is indeed the top agent of CP0. After all, such a smooth six-style and extended application is not something that a small agent can do."

Anilu reluctantly returned to Cui Ze's side.

Even if he didn't fall behind this time, but he failed to defeat his opponent, he was a failure!

Anilu silently decided that after he had rested, he would go to the pointed monster of Green Pepper and exercise frantically!

Be sure to supplement all aspects of "Thor Fluid Technique"!

Experienced Anilu's sudden move.

The black-and-white-eyed man lost the idea of ​​testing the card master's abilities.

Even though Anilu's physical skills were full of flaws in his eyes, his lightning ability would not be fake.

There is no doubt about the strength of the card master who can suppress the Raiden with such strength.

The black-and-white-eyed man went straight back to Rob Ludge and Pride.

"Contact the big man behind you."

Cui Ze glanced at the black-and-white-eyed man, raised his hand and motioned for him to ask for convenience.

"This kind of big thing, I want to see the attitude of the real powers of the world government."

The black-and-white-eyed man glanced at the card, then silently took out the phone bug from his arms and dialed the Holy Land Mary Joa.

"Respected Five Old Stars, I have already met the card master and the Destiny Pirates."

The phone bug transformed into the face of a bald old man, and said slowly, "How is it?"

The black-and-white-eyed man glanced at Cui Ze and Anilu beside him, and said respectfully to the phone bug: "I haven't played against the card master, but the opponent's Raiden Anilu is very strong."

Before waiting for the black-and-white-eyed man to tell Cui Ze's request.

The voice of the bald five old stars came from the other end of the phone bug.

"I want to talk to him directly."


The black-and-white-eyed man held the phone bug in both hands and walked in front of Cui Ze, making the phone bug and Cui Ze's line of sight parallel.

"Card Master Tracy Fett!"

The bald-headed five old star-like phone bug stared at Cui Ze's face, vividly imitating the majestic tone on the other end.

"CP0 should have already told you that the world government has the idea of ​​inviting you to serve as Qiwuhai. But before that, you must first solve a hidden danger!"


Cui Ze raised his eyebrows.

"Wu Lao Xing, shouldn't you be talking about me?"

"You know who I'm talking about."

The tone of the bald five old star is very indifferent.

"O'Hara's only survivor, the devil's son Nicole Robin, is she by your side? Give her to the World Government!"

Robin on the side was startled when she heard this, and subconsciously grabbed Domino's arm next to her.

Miss Bastard blinked, and then generously hugged Robin into her arms.

"Hey! O'Hara, who touched the taboo, was already destroyed by the slaughtering order. It's ridiculous that the dignified world government still bites a weak woman."

Cui Ze sneered, and had no intention of obeying the words of the bald five old stars.

"Robin is mine! If you want her, you can send someone, whether it's a top CP0 agent or a general of the Navy, I welcome her."

The other end of the phone bug was silent for a while, and then came a sneer.

"Hmph... Taboo... It seems that you also know some things that you can't touch."

The final speech of the bald five old stars was passed on through the phone bug.

"In that case... I would like to make an official invitation on behalf of the World Government to invite you to join the 'Seven Wuhai' under the King!"

"Your Majesty's Qiwuhai? Let me state in advance, I won't be like Sand Crocodile or Moonlight Moria, who will live in the paradise stage for a long time."

Cui Ze was not surprised by the final opinion of the five bald-headed stars. There are really not many great pirates with strength and reputation in the ocean who are more willing to serve as Qiwuhai.

"My goal, your world government should also be clear."

"Oh, of course..."

The bald five old star laughed a few Of course he knew the real goal of "The Little Prince of Tobias Kingdom".

"If you're willing to compete with that monster woman in the new world... the world government is happy to see it."

"In that case..."

Cui Ze nodded lightly.

"I accept this invitation from the Seven Martial Seas under the King!"

"Then in a few days, the world government will announce that you, as well as the little girl from Nine Snake Island, will become the king of the Qiwuhai at the same time."

With the sound of Katcha, the other end of the phone worm hung up the communication.

"Looking forward to the day you break into the new world."

The black-and-white-eyed man put away the phone bug and said to Cui Ze: "There are other precautions regarding the request of the king to go down to Qiwuhai, and others will report it to you later. As for us, we will leave first."


Cui Ze glanced at the black-and-white-eyed man and stood up slowly.

"I think you'd better stay here, Mr. Agent CP0."

Look at the unabashed hostility of the card master.

The black-and-white-eyed man frowned.

"Although the notice from the World Government has not come out yet... But the card master, you are already under the King's Qiwuhai!"

The implication of the black-and-white-eyed man is that the CP department and Wang Xia Qiwuhai belong to the world government, and they should not be hostile to each other, or even fight!

"The Ronin from Douluo"

"Yeah, just because I'm already the king of Qiwuhai."

Cui Ze stepped forward and walked towards the black-and-white-eyed man.

"In the legal garb of world government.

"I can do what I want now!" +Bookmark+

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