This Pirate Relies on Justice

Chapter 706: A powerful goddess with no dead ends! Insight into the future [lights]! …

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: [Aibilou]https://The fastest update! No ads!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The masters of light and darkness constantly collided and merged together in the palace of Pangu City. Every time they touched each other, there would be a short collision sound, and every contact would stir up the originally distinct light and dark environment in the palace of Pangu City.

As time goes by bit by bit.

Cui Ze's [Heaven Piercing Sword] collided with Yin Mu's fist countless times.

And Yin Mu finally has no extra experience to eliminate the aftermath of the battle between the two.

Immediately, the majestic and magnificent palace of Pangu City suffered an extremely tragic "aftermath devastation".

Large and small potholes are scattered in every corner of the palace of Pangu City. Some potholes left traces of light and burning, and some potholes left dark raging ravines, and all they saw was a mess.

The huge throne located in the north of the Pangu City Hall and the legendary weapons on the platform in front of it are not bad.

On the contrary, the steps below the platform, as well as the rusty old weapons on the first platform, were almost completely destroyed in the aftermath of the battle, leaving nothing left.


Cui Ze and Yin Mu collided fiercely again, and the deafening roar resounded endlessly in the vast and vast palace of Pangu City, and the rolling shock wave vented and surged towards the surroundings with the two as the core.

Under the cover of [Siren Scale Clothes], Cui Ze couldn't detect the expression on his face.

But Yin Mu's expression on the opposite side was still relaxed.

As the battle progressed, Yin Mu quickly regained his combat experience and combat status back then, and when he fought against Cui Ze—or Jin Jiaren—an opponent whose overall strength was already inferior to hers, he felt like a fish in water.

"You're really not Joey Boyin! His [Nica Fruit] doesn't have the power to manipulate light energy like this."

Yin Mu resisted Cui Ze's [Heaven Piercing Sword] with his fist, and said in a calm tone.

"But your strength... I recognize it!

"For hundreds of years, I have never seen an existence comparable to your strength."

Cui Ze didn't show any extra emotions because of Yin Mu's sudden praise, he just continued to attack with a knife like a cold-blooded robot.

In between the battles, Cui Ze was also seriously considering the battle strategy.

As the battle progressed, Yin Mu did gradually regain his previous state, but Cui Ze also roughly estimated Yin Mu's comprehensive strength by virtue of this!

Ocean ceiling level...this is crap!

Strictly speaking, Yin Mu has no dead ends in terms of his physical fitness, domineering ability, fighting skills, and even the development of devil fruits!

If you want to use the light curtain to make a comprehensive evaluation of Yinmu, this goddess of the night is definitely a proper "hexagonal warrior"!

Muscular strength, agility, endurance, domineering, control, devil fruit...

All of them are peerless ruthless people of a+++ level!

In all fairness, an opponent of this level is not Cui Ze—not the "golden armored man" who can do nothing.

Cui Ze prepared various abilities for the "Golden Armored Man", including [Plasma Spark Tower], [Siren Scale Clothes], [Heaven Piercing Sword], [Sunshine], and even the genuine [Joe Yin Boyin] will There are several abilities.

For example, what to say about [Domineering], [Listen to the Voice of All Things], [Drum of Liberation] and so on.

These abilities are enough for Cui Ze to remain undefeated in the battle with Yin Mu.

But want to beat each other...

That's tantamount to a fool's dream!

Even if it is Cui Ze's big online, that is, the card master.

Unless Ozawa doesn't care about the physical exertion, the life cost, or the consequences, and directly uses super-standard ex-level ability props such as [Bamen Dunjia], [Flowing Blade Ruohuo] or [Yindian Star] and so on.

While destroying the sea, kill Yimu by the way.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Cui Ze to pose any real threat to the hexagonal warrior Yin Mu.

Some people always say that Admiral and Pirate Emperor are powerful without dead ends.

But Cui Ze has fought more than one admiral and beaten more than one Pirate Emperor, so he knows that these words are completely giving these people "face".

But Yinmu is really powerful without dead ends!

Originally the top powerhouse in the sea, after eight hundred years of honing, Yin Mu has already cultivated all the abilities he can cultivate to the ceiling level of the sea!

Cui Ze doubts whether Luffy, the straw hat kid on the normal timeline, can overthrow Yoon Mu...

Unless [Sun God Fruit] can continue to evolve!

Pulling away, cough cough.

all in all.

With all the strengths that Cui Ze has shown so far, he can't compare to Yin Mu.

In this case, Cui Ze had no choice but to hang up on the spot and directly...

Speed ​​up!

【Speed ​​Force】!

On the surface of the body covered by the golden battle suit, several golden lightning bolts bloomed and swam. Cui Ze's [Agility] attribute was continuously improved under the blessing of this lightning power, faster and faster.

Immediately, Yin Mu felt a pressure!

At this moment, a ray of red flashed in Yin Mu's eyes, and her innate special color of knowledge [lights] was instantly turned on, giving insight into future changes.

If [Listen to the Voice of All Things] represents the limit of [Legiliency].

Then [Lamp] represents one of the extreme development directions of [Predict the Future]!

Although Yin Mu's [Lamp] cannot see through people's hearts, it can see through history!

Relying on Yin Mu's [light] power, the world government is aware of those special characters who will have a severe impact on the situation in the sea in advance, so as to solve them in advance.

Such actions are often called "turning off the lights" by the world government.

Of course, Yin Mu's [Lamp] can do more than just these.

For example, as mentioned by Elbaf's giant elder, Yinmu's [Light] can fully achieve "everything that has something to say must be known".

In layman's terms, if someone talks about Yin Mu, Yin Mu's [Light] can directly sense what the other party is talking about, and can lock on the other party to launch a strike!

From this point of view alone, Yin Mu's [Light] color of knowledge also incorporates the powerful feature of [Super Range Perception]!

It's just that in the current battle, Yin Mu doesn't need to use this feature of [Lights].

Come back to the fight.

At this moment, Yin Mu's [Light] has already detected the future changes of the golden armored man in advance, and she has even seen in advance the moment when she was hit by the golden armored man.

In order to avoid such a future, Yoom chose to dodge in advance.

Cui Ze, who exploded with [Speed ​​Force], rushed forward again, trying to fight Yin Mu.

But unexpectedly, Yin Mu did not collide with him head-on this time, but avoided his attack like a prophet.

'【lights】? Or [Future Prediction]? '

Cui Ze frowned slightly, but he didn't feel that it was too difficult.

For [Future Foretelling], Cui Ze is still very good at dealing with it.

[Domineering] The power wraps around the whole body, completely restraining Cui Ze's own breath, and at the same time shields the perception from knowledge.

This is the feature of [Knowledge Shielding] of [Overlord Color Domineering]!

Even if it is [Lights], there is no way to completely isolate the a+++-level [Domineering] to spy on Cui Ze's actions, and the effect of spying on the future has been greatly reduced.

Yin Mu's eyelids twitched slightly, her [light] was useless at this moment, and she could only follow another method.

[Goddess of the Night] The third authority is the hidden power!

Some are similar to the power of [vanishing], but the effect is not on the enemy, but on oneself.

With the gushing out of this force, Yin Mu disappeared into the space without a sound. The scene was very similar to Cui Ze's appearance when he used [Breath Blocking].

If any other top powerhouse in the sea was present, even if it was the lone red who was particularly good at knowledge and domineering, it would never be possible to perceive Yin Mu's exact position.

And for this...

Cui Ze didn't respond at all, not even the slightest bit of hesitation, he drove [Supernatural Speed ​​Force] and rushed to a certain position in the palace of Pangu City with [Sky Piercing Sword] in his hand.

Yin Mu's [Secret] power is indeed exaggerated.

But it is very unfortunate that Cui Ze's [Listen to the Voice of All Things] especially restrains this kind of ability.

Under the listening of [Listen to the Voice of All Things], Yin Mu seems to have perfectly concealed her personal existence, but in fact, her "voice" is louder and grander than anyone else in Marie Giovanni!

The successive avoidance methods were cracked by the enemy one by one, and the corner of Yin Mu's mouth twitched undetectably, somehow destroying her incomparably pure temperament.

Seeing the gold-armored man rushing towards him, Yin Mu immediately changed his fighting thinking.

Since you can't avoid it, then take the initiative to attack!

As long as you interrupt the opponent's continuous speed-up process, you can avoid future situations!

Yin Mu resolutely exerted his fruit power honed to the top of the sea.

[Yeye Fruit] The third ability is the ability to manipulate the dream field, which can silently pull the enemy's consciousness into the illusory dream, creating an illusory dream comparable to reality.

At this moment, Yin Mu has used most of her methods.

But as soon as Yin Mu's [Dream Power] spread, he found that he couldn't penetrate the defense of the man in golden armor and affect the opponent's soul.

What the goddess of the night doesn't know is that Cui Ze only wears a layer of [Siren scale clothing in fact...

[An ideal township left alone in the world] Protect the cards at all times!

Cui Ze didn't notice Yin Mu's "secret methods" at all, and only wanted to kill people.

bang bang bang!

At this moment, Cui Ze's heart suddenly let out a roaring sound like an engine, and [Domineering] turned into a black and red arc and leaped across the sky chasing light and electricity, forcibly breaking through the invisible layer of protection that surrounded Yin Mu's body. , acting on her body.

Yin Mu, who was still full of energy just now, was suppressed by this unprepared [Domineering Qi], and his action speed immediately slowed down a bit.

‘The Drum of Liberation? '

While Yin Mu was being suppressed, his heart was full of inexplicable emotions.

‘The guy opposite is obviously not Qiaoyin Boyin, why does he have so many abilities like Qiaoyin Boyin! ? '

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