This Pokémon trainer is too strong

Chapter 361 We still don’t know what’s going on with Su Yuan’s XP system

Well, Su Yuan is not Karna, so he naturally doesn't know anything about [Sun Wheel, Submit to Death].

Sunny Day, it's just an ordinary sunny day.

However, even so, this battle still ended very quickly because of this sunny day.

It was so fast that it still bypassed the Pokémon such as Mongoose Inspector. The two Poké Balls had already accumulated power and were about to rush out. Lan Mantis and Tengchu Xiaojiang had no time to release the ball, and the battle was over.

The light brought by the sudden opening of the sunny day was dazzling in this extremely dark environment.

Especially for Mongoose Young, Mongoose Inspector and Zubat, Pokémon who have lived in this dark environment for many years and whose eyes have long been accustomed to the darkness, the light of the sunny day flickered and they couldn't open their eyes!

Hikaliooooooo! ! ! ! ! (Light!!!!)

[PS: I automatically imagine someone's human body emoticon package (]

Seizing the precious opportunity of a moment, after completing a period of meditation, Gardevoir's body erupted with a strong mental wave, causing the surrounding space to distort slightly!!

Even such a dazzling light could not escape the blockade of this mental wave!

Mental power!!!


The mental power of the several mongoose boys who pounced on them first was blown away, and the air blades launched by Zubat were bounced back, and they were completely unable to approach the space around Su Yuan and Gardevoir.

Immediately, the whole cave trembled faintly, and the bodies of the mongoose boys and Zubat were embedded in the stone wall at this moment, and they fainted.

The former was purely because of the real The first is the difference in strength, and the second is the restraint in attributes.

Although there is no danger to life, the current situation of these Mongoose Young Masters and Zubat is really miserable.

After imagining the pain that Mongoose Young Masters and Zubat might suffer, Su Yuan couldn't help but shudder, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead carefully, and looked at Gardevoir with red eyes with lingering fear.

Gardevoir: (▼へ▼メ)! !

No one really thinks that the red light in Gardevoir's eyes is a special effect? ​​? ?

At this moment, the only one who is in a better state is the Mongoose Inspector who used the "Iron Head" move and restricted his physical movements with Gardevoir's powerful mental power.


A low roar came from the mouth of the Mongoose Inspector. , in the confrontation between the two moves of Iron Head and Psychic Power, Psychic Power is obviously more advantageous.


Mongoose Inspector's limbs exerted force to light up the light that only appears when using a move, but he still couldn't break free from Gardevoir's restraints.

His eyes were fiercely looking at Gardevoir!

Su Yuan immediately knew what Mongoose Inspector meant.

"Feeling hopeless to break free, use intimidation instead?"

Su Yuan's mouth twitched unconsciously, and he mourned for Mongoose Inspector for a few seconds in his heart.

If it was Kirlia, then it might be scared away by Mongoose Inspector's glare and ghost face.

But unfortunately, in front of Mongoose Inspector was a fully mature Gardevoir, and a Gardevoir that copied the "intimidation" characteristic!


Feeling that the Mongoose Inspector still had the strength to resist, Gardevoir tilted its head cutely, and the moment it raised its left hand, several clusters of blue will-o'-the-wisp appeared and floated towards the Mongoose Inspector's position very skillfully.

Su Yuan swore that the last hit of Gardevoir was definitely not his command.

It seemed that it was Gardevoir's own idea.

It was done well, but the pattern was still a little small.

If it were Su Yuan, he would definitely let Gardevoir use will-o'-the-wisp, electromagnetic waves, and hypnosis together.

Because in this way, it would be stable enough! !

Gardevoir's will-o'-the-wisp fell squarely on the fur of the Mongoose Inspector, and then drilled into its body.

The blue flames moved inside the Mongoose Inspector's body, and it seemed that it was not affected by the "intimidation" of the Mongoose Inspector.

When it was over, Gardevoir let out a "terrible" roar at the Mongoose Inspector.

Su Yuan was so scared that he covered his heart with both hands again and shouted "AWSL".

Isn't it just a bluff! ?

Who wouldn't say the same thing! ! !

Inspector Mongoose: ? ? ?

The damage is not... ahem, the damage is also quite high, but it is more insulting!

To be honest, Su Yuan thinks that the strength of this inspector mongoose is really quite strong among wild Pokémon.

If it were an ordinary wild Pokémon, it would have eaten the mental shock and will-o'-the-wisp of Gardevoir after meditating for a while.

Not to mention that it still had the strength to confront Gardevoir, it was lucky that it didn't immediately fall into a "near death" state.

Su Yuan still carried a few Poké Balls on his body.

The real world is not exactly the same as the game.

Pokémon trainers who accept the test, even if they have not passed the test, have the right to capture the Pokémon that appears in the test.

From the perspective of other Pokémon trainers, this inspector mongoose is undoubtedly a good target for capture.

"But I refuse!!"

My favorite thing is to say "NO" to the self-righteous guy and refuse him! !

No way, no way, no one really wants to conquer Inspector Sichuan Mongoose, right? ?

Maybe other trainers would choose to subdue him, but Su Yuan would definitely not!

Su Yuan is a good-looking guy.

And Inspector Mongoose doesn't thrive on his XP system at all.

"If it had been Miss Skirt, the Apocalypse Mushroom, or Bulbasaur, it would be about the same."

Miss Quer, that is Su Yuan's XP system.

After commanding Gardevoir to completely defeat Inspector Mongoose, Su Yuan also restrained the light of the sunny sky.

Under the reflection of super power, the two elf balls "hidden" floating next to Su Yuan vibrated a few times with slight dissatisfaction.

I've got my posture right, and the battle is over? ?

Su Yuan took out a Poké Cube again and regained his strength.

According to his judgment, their current location was in the middle and back half of the lush cave. If they walked forward for a while, they would probably reach the deepest part of the lush cave.

That’s where the Overlord Pokémon is! !

"Keep exploring."

After raising his head and taking a gulp of water, Su Yuan continued to spread his spiritual power around and gradually moved forward.

In fact, although the internal route of the lush cave is not so complicated that people can get lost, it will not allow trainers who come to challenge for the first time to go all the way smoothly.

The reason why Su Yuan did not go into a dead end was due to the detection of spiritual power and the "radar imaging" of danger prediction.

The ability to foresee danger, from a certain perspective, is indeed the most versatile of Su Yuan's characteristics.

In the surrounding space, Su Yuan will sense where danger signals are coming from and where traces of these danger sources remain.

Coupled with the detection ability of spiritual power, this combination allowed Su Yuan to find a correct path to the depths of the cave.

Although this has something to do with the complexity of the lush cave.

ten minutes later.

As long as you pass the corner ahead, you can reach the location of the Overlord Meerkat Inspector.


The expression on Su Yuan's face suddenly became strange, and in the space around the corner, light from moves lit up from time to time.

"If you want to win against hairy crabs, use enhanced fists!!"

No pigeon

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