[Mu Xuanzhen's favorability towards you +10]

[Current favorability: 100 (live and die together!)]

[Reward: Technology Atlas! ]

As expected of Mu Xuanzhen, this reward is not just money!

Three hours later, Lu Tianhao finally subdued Mu Xuanzhen.

Mu Xuanzhen's newly bought clothes had been torn to pieces and thrown on the ground one by one!

Lu Tianhao looked at Mu Xuanzhen sleeping in his arms, holding his arm tightly, and patted his head, "I didn't come here for this, did I?"

"Isn't the purpose of coming here to let Mu Xuanzhen help look at quantum communication? How did it get reversed!"

Lu Tianhao wanted to get up and drink some water to pull his hand away.

As soon as he moved, Mu Xuanzhen hugged him tighter, and heard Mu Xuanzhen choking and saying, "Don't go, don't go, I will never put those things again, never again, okay!"

Lu Tianhao was stunned. Mu Xuanzhen was talking in his sleep just now, as if begging for mercy?

Did Mu Xuanzhen do something bad?

Like putting pop candy powder on Lu Wanqing's clothes?

Lu Tianhao didn't ask, but touched Mu Xuanzhen's hair to comfort her.

After a while, Mu Xuanzhen fell asleep again.

Mu Xuanzhen slept for four hours, and it was already eight o'clock in the evening when she woke up again.

Even though it was midsummer, the sky outside had already darkened.

Mu Xuanzhen rubbed her eyes, with a dazed look that made people love her. She looked up at Lu Tianhao, then got into Lu Tianhao's arms, and curled up on him.

She seemed to be afraid of something, without the majesty of a female man at all. On the contrary, she looked like a little girl acting coquettishly, with a kind of pleading and pitiful expression on her face.

"Are you going to continue with this expression?" Lu Tianhao didn't quite understand what Mu Xuanzhen meant.

Mu Xuanzhen shook her head, resting her head on Lu Tianhao's chin, and tapping his chest with her fingers. "Can you stay here tonight? I'm a little scared!"

Lu Tianhao was suddenly troubled when he heard Mu Xuanzhen's words.

He didn't want to be a scumbag, but it was really hard to explain to his family!

"Just stay. I want you to know something later!" At this time, Lu Rong's voice also rang in Lu Tianhao's mind.

Compared to the previous playfulness, Lu Rong's voice this time was more low, a kind of heaviness when encountering some difficult problem.

Since Lu Rong had something to do with him, Lu Tianhao felt that this was still a more valid reason.

At least he had a clear conscience!

Lu Tianhao picked up Mu Xuanzhen, let her sit on him, propped up his upper body, hugged her and kissed her, "It's so late, do you want to eat something?"

Mu Xuanzhen shook her head obediently, "I'm not very hungry!"

Lu Tianhao asked again, "Do you have classes tomorrow morning?"

"No tomorrow morning, afternoon classes!" At this point, Mu Xuanzhen suddenly screamed, "My class! I have my class in the second period this afternoon. It's all your fault that I overslept!"

As she said that, Mu Xuanzhen coquettishly hit Lu Tianhao's chest a few times.

"It doesn't matter. They are all college students. They can study the content you taught them one week before the exam by themselves."

Mu Xuanzhen pouted, "You mean I am useless!"

Lu Tianhao suddenly understood that you should not preach to a woman. This sentence does not look at academic qualifications and IQ. "That's not what I mean. It's okay for you to let them study by themselves for one class!"

"That won't work. I am a teacher. I still have to talk about teacher ethics. I have to find time to make up for this class." Mu Xuanzhen rolled off Lu Tianhao, picked up her phone and started to look through the class schedule.

"If you really make up for them, they will not think about your teacher ethics, but will be annoyed with you. Why don't you teach faster in the next class and cover the content of the two classes!" Lu Tianhao shook his head. How can there be students who like to attend classes!

How can there be employees who want to work overtime!

Unless they are paid three times the salary and the taxi fare is reimbursed.

"You are right!" Mu Xuanzhen thought about it and put down the phone.

"Are you not going to the laboratory tomorrow morning?" Lu Tianhao asked this question again!

"Go, the theoretical experiment is over. We need an experimental base now, but as you know, the state has very strict control over nuclear use."

"Without a ten-year laboratory, you can't apply for it. And enriching uranium 235 also requires state approval. The experiment has basically stagnated at this point." Mu Xuanzhen had a disappointed look on her face.

"What if we do the experiment on an island?" Lu Tianhao remembered that in the original book, Mu Xuanzhen conducted experiments on an island.

"It depends on the specific situation. The difference between islands is not good enough.The equipment is not very large, and if a tsunami hits, it will cause irreparable damage to the equipment. "

"If possible, I still hope to conduct experiments on the mainland! ”穆玄贞思考着陆天豪的话。










“对了,我看新闻说可控核聚变烧海水就行了,为什么还要用浓缩铀啊。 "Lu Tianhao asked naively.

Mu Xuanzhen lay on the bed without a look. "No experiment is accomplished overnight. All experiments must start from the existing mature technology and make little changes. Any mistake may cause irreversible losses."

After that, Mu Xuanzhen quickly hugged Lu Tianhao again. "Once the experiment begins, I may not see you for a few years or even more than ten years. I will miss you!"

"Me too." Lu Tianhao pinched Mu Xuanzhen's cheek, and then looked at Mu Xuanzhen's room, which seemed to have been torn down by a husky. "Let's live together in Lu's Building today! Let's have dinner together!"

"Okay, I'll take a shower!" Mu Xuanzhen moved her hair, got up and walked towards the bathroom.

Seeing Mu Xuanzhen close the bathroom door, Lu Tianhao immediately called out Lu Rong. "Lu Rong, Lu Rong, what do you want to talk to me about? Before she comes out of the bathroom, can we finish talking? Otherwise, I'll go out to buy pizza? "

"I'm going to take you to my office, where the flow of time is still compared to the real world. When you come back, she will still be in the same position as when she left." Lu Rong rolled her eyes.

"Your office? Are you taking me through a wormhole?" Lu Tianhao suddenly felt nervous as if he was taking a plane for the first time.

"Don't be nervous, it's safe. "Lu Rong waved her hand. "As long as I don't want to, at least no one in this universe can kill you."

Lu Rong suddenly became extremely domineering, and glanced at Lu Tianhao, and a kind of aura that looked down on the world spread out.

Although it was cute in Lu Tianhao's eyes!

Then Lu Tianhao's eyes suddenly flashed, and everything around him changed.

Lu Tianhao was still in Mu Xuanzhen's room a second ago, and now he appeared in a semicircular space.

There was no carpet or wooden board on the ground, not even tiles, but square bluestone slabs.

There was a burgundy flag on the wall with a woman's profile printed in the middle, and this profile made Lu Tianhao feel very familiar.

What made Lu Tianhao even more weird was that there was a round protruding stone platform in the middle of the room.

On the stone platform was a pure black trapezoidal box, one end was big and the other end was small!

Lu Tianhao thought that this should be the legendary main tomb!

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