Gu Bei turned around and saw that it was actually Du Ge and Li Shuang.

Du Ge and Li Shuang were childhood friends and had played together since they were young.

Since they lived in the same community, Li Shuang often took Du Ge to and from school by bike!

The high school final exam of Beishan No. 4 Middle School lasted half a day.

The first day was in the morning for Chinese and mathematics, and in the afternoon for a break.

Therefore, the candidates from No. 4 Middle School who finished the exam in the morning all rushed into the Internet cafe at noon!

Including Du Ge and Li Shuang, they did not go home, but stayed in the Internet cafe.

Because there were not enough seats, Du Ge and Li Shuang had been playing games one by one.

This Internet cafe was not the Thunder God Internet Cafe, but a small Internet cafe in a residential building not far from the school.

It used to be a black Internet cafe, but later it became a regular one.

In fact, it was just a one-room residential house, with the windows facing the street knocked out and a door pressed in!

Since the two rooms on the left and right were rented and connected to each other, the area was not small, with more than a hundred machines.

If calculated by distance, the Internet cafe is only 500 meters away from No. 4 Middle School.

But the teachers of No. 4 Middle School don't bother to care!

After all, No. 4 Middle School is not even a key middle school, and the undergraduate rate is less than 30%.

Sometimes there are only one or two students in a class who can go to undergraduate, and sometimes the whole class will be wiped out!

The teachers don't care about this most basic behavior of skipping classes to go to the Internet cafe!

Even in the second year of high school, the parallel class will not make up for the lessons, but will have summer vacation as usual.

No one cares about their final exam results.

The students don't review, and they will rush into the Internet cafe after the exam.

Where is Du Ge.

He is also one of the most fierce people chasing Yan Xianxin.

Originally, because Yan Xianxin's attitude towards Gu Bei was better than him, he was already dissatisfied with Gu Bei in his heart!

Yesterday, Gu Bei actually took Wu Lang's money to help Wu Lang chase Yan Xianxin!

That's absolutely unbearable!

As for whether he really took it or not, it's not important. What's important is that he just wants to vent his anger on Gu Bei!

The person who exaggerated the matter in the class group yesterday was Du Ge!

"Gu Bei played well today, he is now Silver 1, and he has made some progress recently."

"No wonder Wu Lang asked you to be an undercover agent. Do you think you can become a great god if Wu Lang teaches you a few tricks?" Du Ge said sarcastically.

"A rookie like Wu Lang is not qualified to teach me!" Gu Bei said disdainfully.

"Rookie, you are so bold to say that. I don't know who was still level 1 for 10 minutes yesterday. I forgot that you were acting!" Du Ge slapped his head and remembered something!

Gu Bei listened to Du Ge's exaggerated and sarcastic words and clenched his fists.

"Get up, noob, your time is up. Don't occupy the computer. Li Shuang and I have to play duo."

"We are going to strive to get to Platinum today. You, a silver player, should stop occupying the toilet!" Du Ge patted Gu Bei's head.

"You two noobs, you said you would get to Platinum since the beginning of the school. You have been in Gold II for a semester. You think you are Gold II."

"Don't waste your Internet fee. Can't you have a good meal? You are really noobs and love to play! You must have received money from Happy Company to be real NPCs for players!" Everyone is at the Silver and Gold level, so they are naturally good at scolding people. Gu Bei immediately fought back!

"You, a silver player, dare to say that we two gold players are noobs. Don't you look at your usual operation? If you throw the keyboard into the zoo, the gorilla will beat you with its feet better than you play!"

"Don't you know that the RANK level is strict!" Li Shuang also wanted to get on the computer quickly. After all, it was six o'clock in the afternoon, and his parents had to go home before get off work. It was almost four o'clock now!

"Do you want to play solo?" Gu Bei asked coldly.

"Oh, you dare to play solo with a silver? Okay, how about a father-son game!" Du Ge didn't take Gu Bei seriously.

"Father-son game, father-son game!" Gu Bei immediately entered the prefix code on the computer "Li Shuang, enter the last four digits of your ID card!"

According to the law, minors are not allowed to go to Internet cafes.

But Internet cafe owners always have a way, usually to get two systems to avoid inspection!

One is a regular system for dealing with inspections, and the other is to avoid the regular system, so that minors can go online.

Li Shuang was confused, what does this have to do with him!

"Li Shuang, let him play solo with me first, and give you money, go buy two bottles of drinks, big buckets!" Du Ge gave Li Shuang twenty yuan and asked him to buy drinks.

"Okay!" Li Shuang happily took the money and threw his ID card to Gu Bei. "Before I come back, you will leave in disgrace while calling me daddy. It doesn't matter!" Gu Bei took Li Shuang's ID card and entered the last 4 digits.Enter the computer interface of the Internet cafe, open the online game, and enter the League of Legends!

Du Ge's position was back to back with Gu Bei. He opened the custom game, pulled Gu Bei into the game, and asked in the headset.

"What is SOLO, you choose!" Du Ge said in a tone that no matter what you choose, you are dead.

"Fizz!" Gu Bei showed a mocking smile.

"Fizz? Okay!"

This SOLO game doesn't need much to be said. In less than three minutes, Gu Bei used Tidewater to kill Du Ge's Tidewater at level 2.

After taking the first blood, Gu Bei took off his headphones and threw them on the table.

He stood up, turned around and patted Du Ge on the shoulder, and said mockingly, "The one your father played is called Tidewater, and the one you played is called Tidewater Seafood, my dear son!"

"I just let you kill me accidentally, let's try another round!" Du Ge said unconvinced, "This time we will use Leblanc, the Deceiver!"

Gu Bei wanted to say that he would play another round, so he played another round.

But when he heard about changing heroes, he stopped playing immediately, pretending to be a master and said, "Then you should not play Leblanc as a rookie!"

"There is no point in playing SOLO with a rubbish like you. It's like fishing a fish out of water. The rhythm of playing on the chopping board is more stable than your hand!"

"I don't have time to play games with my son now. I have to go home to review. Goodbye!"

After saying that, Gu Bei was about to leave when he saw Li Shuang coming back with two bottles of big fat otaku happy water, and then took a bottle from Li Shuang's arms.

"Hey, you..." Li Shuang was about to stop him!

Then he heard Gu Bei say, "Thank you, son, for being filial and buying drinks for dad!"

After saying that, he left without looking back!

Li Shuang asked tentatively, "Did Du Ge lose to Gu Bei in a solo match just now?"

Du Ge said bitterly, "I was careless for a moment, log in!"

As soon as Li Shuang sat down, he found that Gu Bei's account had not been logged out. "Hey, Du Ge, Gu Bei's account has not been logged out!"

"Not logged out!" Hearing that Gu Bei's account had not been logged out, Du Ge became alert, "Don't log out, don't log out, wait for me to buy a plug-in and block his account!"

"Are you still selling plug-ins now? Kaixin Company has recently blocked more than a dozen plug-in workshops in a row!" Li Shuang said, "And the rules have been revised. As long as you use plug-ins, you will be permanently blocked!"

"That's why you use plug-ins. Don't worry, I have 9.9 plug-ins that are specially used to cheat people. I guarantee that the account will be blocked!" Du Ge smiled sinisterly!

Since Kaixin Company was acquired by Lu's, it has begun to work hard to crack down on plug-ins!

Now plug-ins have changed from a tool for self-interest to a means of harming people!

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