In addition to equipment, Lu Tianhao was also thinking about other things.

"We should also buy some daily necessities." Lu Tianhao thought, "What about self-heating hot pot, civilian military rations, medical first aid kits, diesel generators, bulletproof off-road vehicles, and relocatable small villas."

Shuanghua and Lu Rong were all black. Lu Tianhao's words were getting more and more outrageous. This posture was really going on vacation.

"Oh, right!" Lu Tianhao suddenly remembered that the most important thing was currency.

He vaguely remembered that a time traveler in a certain anime was killed many times by a killer because he had no money to buy apples!


It must be because he had no money to buy apples!

"By the way, Lu Rong, do you have the currency there?" Lu Tianhao asked.

"I don't have any. I don't use currency when I go there. I usually leave after updating the treasures in the secret realm." Lu Rong shook her head and said.

Listen to the word update used by Lu Rong!

Doesn't this mean that the secret realm is a level, the natives are the players responsible for brushing the map, and Lu Rong is the GM?

"What should we do? If we need to pay a city entrance fee, we can't just beat up the soldiers guarding the city." Lu Tianhao spread his hands. "If that's the case, we really can only kill our way in."

[This is easy, just give it to Qian Duoduo. ] Shuanghua said nonchalantly.

"Oh, yes." Lu Tianhao remembered that as long as it was money, Qian Duoduo would have it with a wave of his hand. "Duoduo, can you get some coins from Xuantian Realm?"

[You can, but I have to see the coins from Xuantian Realm before I can. ] Qian Duoduo looked at Lu Tianhao with a smile and answered very cautiously.

Compared to Yu Xuanji's shyness, Qian Duoduo was more obedient.

Lu Tianhao looked at Lu Rong again. After all, Lu Rong had been to Xuantian Realm and should know the customs and practices of Xuantian Realm.

I just don't know. Can I ask Tiandao, who manages Xuantian Realm?

Lu Rong pointed at the holographic projection. "Xuantian Realm has two currencies, and it uses a strange 'dual-track currency system'!"

Lu Tianhao looked in the direction of Lu Rong's finger at the holographic projection.

Only six currencies, or two sets of currencies, were seen on the holographic projection.

Lu Rong walked to the holographic projection and pointed to a row of gold coins, silver coins, and copper coins.

All three currencies are round, with a diameter of about two and a half fingers wide. The front is printed with a capital 'One', and the back is printed with two rows of small characters 'Xuantian Realm Mint System'.

"The set of currencies on the left is what we often see. Gold coins, silver coins, and copper coins constitute the basic currency of most people in Xuantian Realm, and the exchange rate is 1 to 10."

After that, he pointed to the three currencies on the right, which looked like glass, frosted glass, and milky white glass.

"The currency on the right side said that these three types are called spirit stones, which are low-grade spirit stones with scarce spiritual energy, medium-grade spirit stones, and high-grade spirit stones."

"The exchange rate between spirit stones is 1:100,"

"Usually, gold coins can only buy some regular items and ordinary items."

"Items above ordinary items need to be purchased with spirit stones."

"Ordinary people can also exchange spirit stones, but the price is very high. Generally, 100 gold coins can be exchanged for one low-grade spirit stone, and it can only be exchanged at the exchange points designated by the major sects, and a 1% handling fee will be charged." Lu Rong introduced the basic situation of Xuantian Realm in detail.

Qian Duoduo opened his eyes wide and looked at the most expensive high-grade spirit stone for a few times.

Suddenly picked up a glass of water on the table and put it on his hand!

Just like a magic trick, not a drop of water in the teacup fell into Qian Duoduo's hand.

On the contrary, Qian Duoduo had an extra high-grade spirit stone like mutton-fat jade in his hand.

Lu Tianhao looked at the top-grade product in Qian Duoduo's hand and picked it up. He shook it with his hand and found it very heavy.

It was only the size of a one-yuan coin, but it weighed about ten kilograms.

The material looked like jade but not jade, like emerald but not emerald, like glass but not glass.

It looked like some kind of milky white liquid solidified.

Just based on the weight, there was no need to bother to distinguish the authenticity. Just by weighing it with your hand, you would know it was real.

Lu Tianhao marveled at the magic of the top-grade spirit stone. "Is this a real top-grade spirit stone? Qian Duoduo can even create top-grade spirit stones. Doesn't this mean he is invincible in any world?"

Lu Rong rolled her eyes at Lu Tianhao. "What do you think?"

Lu Rong leaned back on the sofa and stretched her body as if she was tired. "Otherwise, why would we desperately try to capture space-time disorderers?"

"The destructive power of space-time disorderers on the current order is unprecedented and unmatched."

"In terms of ability, every space-time disorderer is invincible!"

"If they are not invincible, how can they be calledBe a time-space disorderer? "

"Is that the system you often talk about? Which system in the system text you know is not invincible!"

"Invincible! That is the standard configuration of the system in the system text!"

"It's just that I met you!" Lu Rong rolled her eyes.

Lu Tianhao thought about it, Lu Rong was right, which system is not invincible!

It's just that they all fell into his hands in the end.

"Oh, by the way, in addition to coins, there are also costumes, customs and so on. "Lu Tianhao thought to himself that he was not a newbie in time travel.

At least he had read a lot of novels of this type!

As a time traveler, there are several embarrassing points.

First: I don't understand the currency system, and I always use the currency of the parallel world to buy things in another world.

Second: The clothes are different. Wearing modern clothes to the parallel world will be regarded as alien by the natives of the parallel world.

Third: I don't understand the customs and habits, and I always say something that makes the natives of the parallel world angry.


It seems that there is no fourth. After all, the whole universe speaks Mandarin. Lu Tianhao feels that he doesn't need to bring a translator or anything. He can communicate well in Xuantian Realm.

As a person who is good at various time travel, the above points must be avoided.

The first point is to dress like a native, or the tall, rich and handsome one among the natives.

The second point is to pretend to be a local. After all, there is no guarantee that things like cheating tourists will not happen in the other world.

The third point is that if your strength is not strong, you must act very strong.

"The information about Xuantian Realm is in your gloves. You can read it yourself when you have time. "Lu Rong said as she became the size of a figurine, opened the space door and disappeared.

Lu Tianhao turned on the holographic projection, and the information about Xuantian Realm appeared in front of Lu Tianhao in an instant.

Xuantian Realm, a world that regards the mysterious system as the only truth.

A very small number of people born in Xuantian Realm will awaken their spiritual roots.

Talents are divided into four categories: holy, immortal, spiritual, and ordinary.

The skills are divided into four categories: heaven, earth, mysterious, and yellow.

Spiritual roots are divided into five categories: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Cultivation is divided into seven levels: Qi training, foundation building, golden elixir, Yuanying, transformation, Mahayana, and tribulation.

Weapons are divided into eight types: ordinary weapons, treasure weapons, spiritual weapons, magic weapons, mysterious weapons, immortal weapons, divine weapons, and holy weapons.

After practicing to the point of overcoming the tribulation, one can ascend to heaven and go to another world through the Ascension Platform.

The world map is divided into the outermost mortal world, the second circle is the four continents of Central, South, North and South, and the center is the Central Continent.

The Ascension Platform of Xuantian Realm is also in the center of Central Continent.

As for the dress, it is somewhat similar to the ancient ones, with a white robe, a long sword, a hat on the head, and a chivalrous and brave appearance of a chivalrous hero.

In terms of accommodation, there are inns in the city.

Outside the city, you have to protect your own safety, because there will be all kinds of ferocious beasts that treat weak humans as food at any time, or heroes in the world will lend you some indefinite loans, etc.

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