Although Lu Tianhao was sitting in the car, he had a very good view, even though it was late and the forest was very dark.

But this did not affect Lu Tianhao's vision.

Lu Tianhao felt that his eyes were like a cat's, and could switch according to the brightness of the light.

Lu Tianhao leaned on the seat and vaguely saw a person coming at the end of his vision, and picked up the binoculars in the storage rack.

With Lu Tianhao's current vision changes, he could see the person clearly without binoculars.

However, after being a person for a long time, Lu Tianhao was not very accustomed to various physical changes for a while.

Through the binoculars, Lu Tianhao saw that there was a person walking towards him in the distance.

This person was covered in blood red, with disheveled hair and ragged clothes, and ran towards Lu Tianhao.

"It looks like he is fleeing." Lu Tianhao put down the binoculars.

"Alice, come out for a moment." Lu Tianhao called Alice out.

[What's the matter with the host? Is there anything else to steal? 】Alice jumped out and asked happily.

Lu Tianhao didn't know what to say. Are assassins nowadays full-time thieves?

"Can you drive this car?" Lu Tianhao pointed at the wheeled assault vehicle.

Lu Tianhao remembered that Alice was a soldier king system. Although she was an assassin, she should be able to drive this wheeled assault vehicle.

【No problem, host. 】 Alice nodded.

"I'll go down and see what's going on. If there's an emergency, just fire directly, okay?" Lu Tianhao ordered.

【No problem, host, I'll shoot at you. 】 Alice smiled very happily.

"I asked you to cover me, not to shoot at me!" Lu Tianhao felt that Alice's brain had become a little abnormal since she was beaten.

【Isn't it the same? If those people attack, they still have to attack you. As long as they blow up all the enemies around you, you will be safe, so they can only shoot at you. Aren't you safe? 】Alice felt that her explanation was perfect!

"You're going to blow me up too!" Lu Tianhao shouted.

[Host, have you forgotten that your ability to resist attacks is not afraid of shells! ] Alice clapped her hands and smiled brightly!

"You can't fire at me! Is your purpose to blow me up? I warn you, don't mess around! I can deal with the enemies around me, you just deal with the enemies far away from me!" Lu Tianhao pointed at Alice and shouted loudly!

Alice pouted, and finally compromised [I will try to land the shells far away from you. ]

Lu Tianhao twitched his mouth, "Your promise makes me feel very uneasy!"

While saying this, Lu Tianhao still handed the console to Alice.

Then he turned on a pair of radio headsets and threw one to Alice, "Try it and see if it works. There are no satellites in this world, so we can't use mobile phones. We can only try to communicate by radio."

Thinking of this, Lu Tianhao suddenly thought of something, can we move Mu Xuanzhen's test site here?

Anyway, this world is not afraid of nuclear leakage, chain reactor explosion, etc.

We can also launch satellites and build communication stations.

I just don't know if the thrust of the new engine is enough with this fifty times super gravity.

They are all in the same universe. Except for the problem of gravity, Lu Tianhao thinks that the principles of the four basic forces should be the same.

"Ah~~~!" Alice shouted into the headset.

Lu Tianhao was startled and stared at Alice, "What are you doing? You suddenly shouted so loudly!"

Alice held two radio headsets and asked in a silly way, "Didn't you ask me to try?"

"Me!" Lu Tianhao was speechless for a moment and let out a long breath. He felt that he would live at least ten years less if he stayed with Alice. He picked up the radio headset and smiled gently at Alice.

He said in his heart, 'Don't be angry, don't be angry, I did it myself. '

Turning around, pushing open the door and jumping off the wheeled assault vehicle, he took out the rifle box from the Xumi Ring after getting off the vehicle.

After the scene of shooting wolves with a pistol just now, Lu Tianhao thought that the pistol was no longer very useful in dealing with the wild beasts in Xuantian Realm.

Maybe it can make wild monsters feel pain, but it is not enough to kill with one shot, so this time I will switch to a rifle.

If it doesn't work, switch to a work machine gun.

Of course, sniper rifles cannot be used, the firing is too slow!

It would be better to replace it with a sniper grenade with an armor-piercing bullet. It is not only powerful, but also drum-loaded, ensuring the efficiency of continuous firing.

After opening the box, Lu Tianhao was stunned. There was not a rifle in the box at all, but disassembled parts.

"Oh my God!" Lu Tianhao slapped his head and said, "This Chen Fei is too unreliable. He gave me a bunch of"It's a joke to bring the parts here!"

"Forget it, assemble it yourself!"

Lu Tianhao took out the gun body, and then took out the barrel, scope, trigger and other parts, put them on the ground, and looked at them for a minute.

Lu Tianhao simply poured out all the parts in the box. Fortunately, there was a long drawing on the ground.

"Well, it's okay with the drawing." Lu Tianhao sat on the ground with the drawing in front of him, holding the barrel in his hand, and started to assemble.

Three minutes later, Lu Tianhao sat up from the opposite side, brushed off the dirt on his body, and inserted the magazine.

"Finally finished, it's a bit unfamiliar for the first time." Lu Tianhao held the rifle.

"When did you learn to assemble the gun? Did you learn it at the shooting range?" Lu Rong appeared on Lu Tianhao's shoulder.

"This was stolen from Lin Chen. "Lu Tianhao seemed very proud.

Lin Chen's master-level gun skills also include shooting after assembly, isn't it, Azu!

It's just that Lu Tianhao was not very skilled in using it for the first time.

Lu Tianhao walked forward with the gun in his arms!

After walking for about three minutes, the other party also found Lu Tianhao. He was stunned at first, then frowned, and then waved and shouted to Lu Tianhao, "The person in front, don't go forward anymore. There is a level 5 beast in front. Go back quickly."

Lu Tianhao heard the blood-stained man shouting loudly, and for the first time he had some good feelings for this person.

As a stranger who actively reminds you that there is danger ahead, at least he is not a bad person.

It may also be that Lu Tianhao does not have the unique aura of the protagonist, so that people who see him will not have hostility.

"I want to go to Fenglin Town, and I must pass through here." Lu Tianhao pretended to be a passerby.

"Fenglin Town? "Hearing Lu Tianhao's words, the ragged man suddenly froze, and then shouted frantically, "You didn't come out of Fenglin Town."

"You went the wrong way, the road behind you is the way to Fenglin Town!" Lu Tianhao looked at this confused guy and wanted to laugh. He was afraid that he was beaten silly by the beast.

I only saw the ragged man holding his head and shouting, "It's over, it's over, I went to Fenglin Town for help but I didn't expect to go the wrong way!"

Lu Tianhao heard the ragged man's words, why did he feel so familiar.

Isn't this the classic rhythm of the person who asked for help running the wrong way, not finding help, and then waiting for the protagonist to come to the rescue.

Fantasy literature is different from urban literature.

The classic routines of fantasy literature can be roughly summarized as heroes saving the beauty, taking drugs to upgrade, and college copies.

Without these three routines, do you still have the face to say that you are the male protagonist?

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