Wu Song took Gu Bei to a capsule apartment.

Most of the people living in this capsule apartment are newcomers to Linhai.

And they live in groups of three or four.

The apartment is only about 20 square meters, but it includes an independent toilet and a stove. This means that if you want to sleep with multiple people, you can only sleep on a bunk bed, and there is no place for a wardrobe.

Wu Song took Gu Bei to the second room on the sixth floor and opened the door with a key. The environment inside the room was "clear at a glance".

The room was professionally soundproofed, and the floor was replaced with a long-haired soft carpet.

The room was very tidy, with only one bed and bedding on it.

Opposite the bed was a computer desk and a computer chair.

There was a monitor on the computer desk, a host under the desk, and an air conditioner on the right.

There was also a small refrigerator on the left.

"This will be your bedroom and your studio in the future. You will live here in the future." Wu Song said as he walked into the room.

Gu Bei was obviously surprised by the furnishings in the room. This room was exactly what he had always dreamed of!

Sitting in an e-sports chair and playing games in an air-conditioned room, is there any better lifestyle than this?

Gu Bei pointed at the room and then at himself, "Is this room for me?"

"You can use it during the contract period." Wu Song put the key on the table and turned away.

Wu Song walked very fast because he found that the phone in his pocket was vibrating, so he put down the key and left in a hurry.

After going down several floors in a row, Wu Song took out his phone and saw that it was Shangguan Qin calling.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Wu Song asked.

"Mr. Wu, there was an accident when Nan'an was live streaming last night. I may not be able to live today. Please forgive me." Shangguan Qin apologized.

"I know about that incident. Let Nan'an rest first."

Since the incident of Nan'an spitting out rainbows last night, Wu Song, who is smart, didn't know what to do next and could only wait for Lu Tianhao's instructions.

Before Lu Tianhao's instructions were issued, Nan'an could only take a break.

After hearing Wu Song's words, Shangguan Qin felt relieved. "Thank you, Mr. Wu, for your understanding."

"Anything else?" Wu Song said calmly.

"No, just this." Shangguan Qin's voice was apologetic.

"I'll let you know if there's anything." Wu Song hung up the phone and called Bai Jun with another phone.

On the other side, Lu Tianhao finished his work for the day and was boredly logging into the Universe WiFi and browsing information.

Lu Tianhao gradually figured out what the so-called Universe WiFi meant. It was an internal LAN, or a work group.

Tiandao spokespersons in various parts of the universe sent some recent events to Tiandao, which screened and recorded them before sending them to the Tiandao Data Center.

After screening by Tiandao, they were archived and recorded.

Therefore, the uploaded files were extremely complex, ranging from the relief of national leaders to the changes in geological conditions, and the evolution of species to extinction.

Lu Tianhao glanced over them, and these records were vast.

"To sort these things out, I have to sit in front of the computer for several hours a day." Lu Tianhao looked at the huge amount of data.

"For Tiandao, this amount of data can be analyzed in the blink of an eye." Lu Rong said while sitting on Lu Tianhao's desk.

"You can also write some down and upload them to the Tiandao in your world." Lu Rong continued.

"Hmm???" Lu Tianhao thought for a while, "It seems that there is nothing to write about recently. There are no changes of heads of state, large-scale wars, etc."

"It's not just those things that can be posted, anything can be posted, just like your short video platform, your own things can also be posted, you can look at what other Tiandao spokespersons have posted."

Lu Tianhao was bored and flipped through the information uploaded by Tiandao spokespersons in various worlds.

It's really varied.

There are advertisements for their own worlds, self-shot videos, and promotions for products in this world!

Anyway, uploading serious videos is much less than these varied videos!

Lu Tianhao really wanted to ask, where did Tiandao find these top-notch people? This is too unreliable.

Speaking of this striptease girl, you are already wearing a bikini, can't you wear less?

Does Tiandao still care about clothes?

Skipping these meaningless videos, Lu Tianhao was attracted by a title.

Is the sudden emergence of the [virtual singer] economy the last straw that breaks the economic crisis?

Lu Tianhao saw the familiar words [virtual singer] and clicked to check.

The content of the article is very simple, without using professional terms, instead it is like a reporter reading to the massesA report.

The person who recorded the video looks exactly like humans on Earth, at least in appearance.

His meaning is roughly as follows: their world has entered the late stage of the tenth technological revolution. The current level of technology can no longer promote the progress of the times. Businesses have shifted from developing new technologies to integrating technologies, catering to the needs of the market, and working hard to make money. In recent years, the economy has entered a period of rapid growth.

The growth rate has exceeded expectations, which may be a precursor to an economic crisis.

In the past two days, a mysterious buyer appeared and bought 50 sets of costumes and special effects at an auction for 80 billion.

This is far more than the price of each set of [virtual singer] costumes and special effects.

This has brought the [virtual singer], which was eliminated in the last century, back to life again, and many people are hyping that the [virtual singer] era will come back.

The stock prices of several sunset industry companies operating [virtual singers] have skyrocketed in recent days.

Therefore, the person who recorded the video suspects that the rapid growth of the [virtual singer] economy this time will be the last straw that crushes the current economy.

After watching the video, Lu Tianhao scratched his head and said, "Could it be that Sylvie and the others did this? They have a universal pass with unlimited spending."

"Whether it is or not, it can be seen from the video that the economic crisis of that civilization is unstoppable. Sylvie just made the economic crisis come faster." Lu Rong said indifferently.

"By the way, do you have any way to stop it?" Lu Tianhao asked.

"For the affairs within the civilization, we have an agreement on the principle of non-interference. Besides, the economic crisis will not cause an irreversible impact on the civilization itself, so there is no need for us to take action. Civilization, like people, must learn to grow on its own." Lu Rong turned to look at Lu Tianhao, "Do you have a way to stop this economic crisis?"

"I can't do anything about it." Lu Tianhao shrugged.

At this time, Lu Tianhao's phone rang and it was Bai Jun calling.

"What's the matter?" Lu Tianhao asked as he picked up the phone.

"Chief, there is something about Nan'an. I want to ask what to do next." Bai Jun asked!

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