Nan'an was extremely happy looking at the crazy bullet screen, the continuous [Dragon Seal] and the rapidly growing attention.

He said in a soft and cute voice, "Brothers, Nan'an will not sing today. Today, Nan'an wants to play games with brothers!"

[Okay! Okay! ]

[What game are you playing! ]

[Is it a game where you run in front and I chase you from behind, and you let me play when I catch you? ]

Looking at the bullet screen full of people who want to catch little Lolita to play games, Nan'an couldn't help but complain in his heart, 'What a bunch of LSPs! This body belongs to me alone! One person! One person! Important things should be said three times. '

Nan'an opened the League of Legends game icon calmly, "Nan'an downloaded League of Legends on purpose to play with everyone, but I'm still a newbie, please take me with you!"

Nan's coy posture of pretending to be delicate and cute made people love her very much.

The bullet screen soon became a stage for showing off the rank.

[I'm a diamond in Zone 3, I'll come, I'll come! ]

[How dare you be so arrogant in Zone 3, my master in Zone 3 hasn't said anything yet! ]

[How dare you be so arrogant in Zone 3, my king in Zone 3 hasn't said anything yet! ]

[Huh? King in the border zone, I think you're as bad as a master, my king in Zone 1 hasn't said anything yet! ]

The barrage fully shows what a strict hierarchy is!

Because the world where Nan'an lives doesn't have the game League of Legends at all.

Nan'an had learned about the game before.

With the blessing of full mastery of heroes, Nan'an quickly understood the game mechanism of League of Legends.

Nan'an logged into his account, and his ID appeared in the live broadcast room without concealment.

However, because Nan'an had previously set a rejection of adding friends, he was not afraid of being disturbed.

Nan'an said in a soft and cute tone, "Brothers, Nan'an is in the first zone. Since I didn't play the placement match, I'm only a black iron."

"If there are people who are willing to help Nan'an to rank up, please send barrages like crazy. Nan'an will select one person from the barrage to play with in each game!"

Is watching female anchors play games for watching games?

It's for watching female anchors!

Therefore, when Nan'an asked if there was anyone who could lead her, not only did it not cause the audience's disgust, but the audience became even crazier.

Because men are creatures with a strong desire to show off, except for Lin Chen.

Nan's saying that he needed someone to lead him, of course, gave them a chance to show themselves, and they were all very excited!

Nan did not choose a five-person row, but a double row.

Nan came to the conclusion by understanding the game League of Legends.

If you play in a five-person row, even if you get a pentakill or a super god, people will say that your teammates let you go, not your true strength.

Of course, it is best to play alone, so that you can show your invincible strength.

However, this would not show the effect of the show, so Nan'an decided to play in a double row.

As soon as Nan'an finished speaking, the bullet screen came out like an avalanche, layer upon layer, almost covering the entire screen.

What is the purpose of playing games? Of course, it is to bring girls, otherwise it is for dreams!

After waiting for about ten seconds, Nan'an pressed the screenshot button and selected a double row friend!

The selected water friend immediately became the next firepower point of the barrage, and the density of the barrage was even more than when Nan'an selected the water friend just now!

Nan'an directly sent a private message to the water friend with his mobile phone, added a friend, and turned on the voice.

There was a rough male voice on the other side of the voice, and the voice revealed an excited tone "Wow, it's really the anchor, it's really Nan'an, it's really a loli! I'm so excited!"

The three really reflected the man's shock.

When Nan'an heard the man's voice, he had already equated the man with the middle-aged weird uncle who lured the little loli, and he felt disgusted.

But she still had a sweet smile on her face. "Yes, brother, but my rank is relatively low, and I haven't played any ranking matches yet. Can your account be ranked together?"

"Oh, Lolita girl, to be honest with you, this account is just level 30 from the shopping cart platform, and I haven't played any ranking matches! My own account is also a king in the first district!" The rough male voice called Lolita girl one by one like a familiar person.

Nan'an got goose bumps all over his body!

"Lolita girl, I can play any position you want. I will fill in for you and guarantee that you will be super god every time!" The man continued before Nan'an spoke.

"Well, brother, I play mid." Nan'an said in a cute voice.

"Okay, then I'll play jungle, and I'll stay in the middle!" The man replied with a smile.

After chatting with the water friends, Nan'an clicked the start matching button. Because the rank was very low, the two of them had less than three people.Ten seconds later, she entered the selection page.

Nan An looked at every hero in her account, and for a moment she really didn't know who to play, because she knew all of them, and they were all at the mastery level.

Nan An looked at the barrage again, and began to ask for help in a cute way. The real purpose was to increase the barrage volume and increase her popularity. "Brothers, who do you think should I choose?"

The barrage was even more diverse.

[Of course it's the most handsome guy in the canyon: Urgot, the most suitable for the cute little loli! ]

[Nonsense, it's obviously enough to have hands, Camille, the most suitable for newbies! ]

[No, no, no, I think Kog'Maw, who can be both tanky and run, is the most suitable for novices! ]

Nan An looked at the pits dug by the audience in the barrage, and thought to herself, if I hadn't mastered all heroes, I would have been fooled!

At this moment, a row of neat barrages appeared in the barrage of everywhere [Annie! Annie! Little Loli Annie! 】

After this row of neat bullet comments, the audience also reacted!

Yes, Annie!

Little Loli Annie, the most suitable little Loli in front of her!

Then there was an overwhelming cheering for Annie.

Nan'an saw that the audience asked him to choose Annie, so Nan'an simply chose Annie.

The moment Annie was chosen, Nan'an imitated the voice selected by Annie, "Have you seen my little bear?"

Nan's voice and Annie's voice in the game overlapped, like a cheerful duet.

Hearing Nan'an imitating Annie's voice, the audience started a new wave of bullet comments.

[Wow! This is the voice of a real Lolita, Annie in the dubbing is weak! ]

[Anchor, come one more, come one more! ]

The bullet comments asking Nan'an to come again filled the entire screen, and gifts followed the countless bullet comments and fell towards Nan'an.

Nan An imitated several lines of Annie before the game started, which made the audience cheer.

Soon they entered the game. Although Iron was a low rank, the players already had a certain understanding of the game. At level 1, they unconsciously gathered together and walked towards the river.

Both sides put out a ward in a very tacit understanding and dispersed.

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