The heavy rain stopped for a while, and a magnificent blue building that fits the e-sports atmosphere appeared in front of us.

This blue building looks like a huge crown-shaped building composed of countless blue blocks.

The top is an inverted equilateral trapezoid, and the bottom is a square blue e-sports hall.

There is also a large square around the main hall of the e-sports hall.

And Lu Tianhao's car is now in the square.

"This building doesn't seem to have an underground parking lot." Lu Tianhao looked at the virtual map in the holographic projection.

Lu Rong explained, "In the plan, [Game City] and [International Park] are the same, private cars are not allowed to enter, and there is a shared bicycle rental service in the park."

"And this [E-sports Hall] is also very suitable for the design of [Game City] itself. There is no large underground parking lot designed inside, only a place to park bicycles."

Lu Tianhao leaned back in his chair and thought for a while, "Just do what my sister said."

As Lu Tianhao said, he drove and came to the eaves of the spacious [E-sports Hall] and stopped the car.

Due to the wide eaves and less rain, Lu Tianhao could not even feel the rain blowing in with the wind after getting off the car.

Lu Tianhao looked at Lu Rong who was still sitting in the passenger seat, "Don't you want to go in and take a look?"

Lu Rong pouted and said, "If I want to see, I can just use the holographic projection."

Although she said so, Lu Rong still got off the passenger seat and followed Lu Tianhao to the [E-sports Hall].

The gate of the e-sports hall is about five meters high and four meters wide. It is a very technological gate with a blue and black intersection.

As soon as Lu Tianhao arrived at the door, the gate seemed to receive some kind of signal and automatically pushed inward.

The furnishings in the hall are more futuristic.

After pushing the door and entering, there is a hall of more than 400 square meters, about ten meters high.

The black floor is a material with extremely low reflectivity, like frosting, but so bright, but the eyes cannot capture the shadows with contours from it like black tiles.

The roof is the same. Looking up, it looks like an endless starry sky, and the walls on both sides are pure white.

Walking inside, there are corridors about five meters wide on both sides, and there are stairs about ten meters wide on both sides of the corridor.

Going up the stairs, after a few turns back and forth, you will arrive at the main hall.

The hall is a sunken design, surrounded by high stands.

The center is a competition field about the size of three basketball courts.

There are two arc-shaped competition platforms on the left and right of the center of the competition field.

That is where the players compete.

Directly above, there is a thin pipe hanging.

Lu Tianhao stood at the highest point of the stands, a little excited.

Although this venue is no different from other competition venues, Lu Tianhao felt an inexplicable joy in his heart, just like a child getting a new toy.

"Not bad, really good, this will be the main hall of [Virtual Diva] in the future. In the future, not only can we hold challenge matches here, but also [Virtual Diva] concerts, which is very good." Lu Tianhao said happily.

"I don't think you are happy now." Lu Rong quickly poured cold water on Lu Tianhao. "The facilities in this building are a century ahead of the earth. Did you see the tube lowered from the ceiling? That's a holographic projector."

"The seat next to you also has a body scanning function. Only people with the same body shape can sit down, otherwise it cannot be opened."

"There is even a bionic man as the host on the stage in the middle. He will say what most of the audience want to hear based on big data. How can you maintain such an e-sports hall?" Lu Rong crossed her arms and looked at the stunned Lu Tianhao.

Lu Tianhao was indeed a little at a loss.

He was just so happy to get a new e-sports hall that he completely forgot about the maintenance problem!

Lu Tianhao suddenly remembered-damn!

He had never seen a building in a novel that needed maintenance. Isn't this thing built and can run automatically?

Why does it need maintenance!

Lu Tianhao is now like happily buying a luxury car, but found out that he doesn't have a driver's license. This is really interesting!

Lu Tianhao slapped his head and said, "You are right. This problem must be solved now!"

"I suggest you go to Mu Xuanzhen. The bionic man she has researched has been successfully developed and may be able to help you." Lu Rong gave Lu Tianhao a suggestion.

"Bionic man?" This sentence reminded Lu Tianhao.

Lu Tianhao suddenly remembered that Mu Xuanzhen seemed to have a lot of drawings of future technological products that surpass modern technology.

However, due to the short time, Lu Tianhao has not thought about going to Mu Xuanzhen yet.

After all, many advanced technology breakthroughs take several years or even several decades to complete.Ten years.

For example, the Arjun tank and the Tejas fighter jet of a world power took half a century to study.

Therefore, Lu Tianhao had no intention of disturbing Mu Xuanzhen's research work within a few years.

"You mean a bionic man?" Lu Tianhao was very excited when he heard the word "bionic man". "You mean the bionic man in the game Detroit: Become Human?"

In another world, Lu Tianhao was also a fan of 3A masterpieces. Lu Tianhao had completed Detroit: Become Human.

I like the bionic man that can work independently.

The bionic man that can complete the work independently can liberate a large number of labor forces.

Of course, when playing games, Lu Tianhao always wanted to tell the NPCs who protested against the bionic man that the bionic man could not take away your jobs, as well as the problem between productivity and production relations.

Lu Rong turned on the holographic projection, and a clip was played inside. "This is the footage of the 'bionic man' developed by Mu Xuanzhen's laboratory, which was captured by the surveillance camera."

"I will go to Mu Xuanzhen tomorrow to see it." Lu Tianhao raised his head, not knowing what he was thinking, and then returned to reality. "By the way, I have a question now, that is, will this [e-sports hall] really be considered to have always existed? To be honest, I am a little worried."

"Do you know what 'mind guidance' is?" Lu Rong asked.

"I don't know." Lu Tianhao shook his head.

"On the planet where you used to live. In the middle of the last century, someone did such an experiment." Lu Rong turned on the holographic projection.

"When a movie is playing in a cinema, a 0.01 second picture is inserted every ten minutes. The picture has the subtitles "Go to sell Coke" or "Go to sell popcorn", but because of the problem of human visual reaction speed, humans cannot see this picture in theory."

"But after a month, the sales of popcorn in the cinema increased by 67%, and the sales of Coke increased by 18%."

"This is 'mind guidance'." Lu Rong was very calm, but Lu Tianhao was horrified when she heard it.

"Is what you said true?" Lu Tianhao asked in disbelief.

"You can treat it as an urban legend, and it doesn't matter. This building will emit a wave that makes people believe in the existence of this building. The principle is the same." Lu Rong pointed to her brain.

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