Hearing Mu Xuanzhen say this, Lu Tianhao was stunned.

Mu Xuanzhen is indeed qualified to say that all these are the drawbacks of the old era.

Mu Xuanzhen will open the curtain of the next technological era.

Lu Tianhao has all the technology that Mu Xuanzhen has, and even if he doesn't have it, he can ask for more money.

But, this is different!

What Lu Tianhao has is unique!

Mu Xuanzhen mass-produced and standardized every technological item,

Then he could reduce costs, complete assembly line production, and promote the progress of the entire era.

What excited Lu Tianhao was never the birth of some new technology, but Mu Xuanzhen opened the door to a new world.

Lu Tianhao didn't finish the game and quit the game "Can I try other games?"

Lu Tianhao found that there were racing games, music games, and even some role-playing games on the desktop.

"I just need to find someone to try it out. You try it out. I'll go out and see the experiment on the new generator." Mu Xuanzhen took the white coat from the hanger and put it on.

"Don't you need to watch me experiment?" Lu Tianhao asked.

"No, I have a recording device installed on the tablet. I can just export the data when the time comes." Mu Xuanzhen waved to Lu Tianhao and walked out.

Lu Tianhao heard Mu Xuanzhen go out, but he didn't call him again and started a new game.

No, a new test.

Lu Tianhao played every game on the tablet once, opened the search engine to search, and browsed the game forum.

After some experience, Lu Tianhao didn't feel any difference from the 'universal gloves'.

"How does it feel?" After an unknown period of time, Mu Xuanzhen came back.

"It feels great." Lu Tianhao quit the game "Help me take off the helmet on my head."

Mu Xuanzhen stepped forward and took the helmet off Lu Tianhao's head.

"Can this virtual helmet be mass-produced now?" Lu Tianhao looked up at Mu Xuanzhen who was arranging the helmet.

"Although we have applied for the patent, we don't have a production line yet, so we can't mass-produce it, and there are still many problems that have not been solved."

"For example: durability, comfort, etc., this requires the work of product designers." Mu Xuanzhen arranged the helmet and pulled a chair over to sit next to Lu Tianhao.

Lu Tianhao touched his chin, as if thinking about something.

"What are you thinking about?" Mu Xuanzhen saw Lu Tianhao touching his chin and thinking about something.

"I wonder if this mind control can only be attached to the head?" Lu Tianhao pointed to the red mark on his forehead caused by various coils.

"It seems so now, but it can be improved. You must know that the progress of science is to break the existing laws and cognition. If you think that all laws and cognitions are unbreakable, then you are wrong." Mu Xuanzhen leaned back in the chair lazily.

"For example, after launching a rocket, humans invented pressure suits in order to walk in space." Mu Xuanzhen gave a simple example.

Mu Xuanzhen's words suddenly enlightened Lu Tianhao. Lu Tianhao was still thinking about how to bring Mu Xuanzhen to the 'Xuantian Realm' without getting hurt. He had completely forgotten about the pressure suit!

"Mumu, if the gravity of a planet is fifty times that of the Earth, can a person wearing a pressure suit walk on this planet?" Lu Tianhao asked.

"Don't ask if it's possible, you should ask if it can be made. Theoretically, there is no problem. Make an air pressure change device inside the pressure suit and drive it with power outside, just like a mecha or Gundam. There is no problem at all. Why are you still thinking about alien planets?" Mu Xuanzhen frowned. She thought it was a bit strange that Lu Tianhao kept asking about a planet. This was not like Lu Tianhao's character.

Of course, unless there really is such a planet, and Lu Tianhao has really been there.

No matter how he thought about it, Mu Xuanzhen thought it was impossible.

Lu Tianhao only asked this question. He decided to take Mu Xuanzhen with him when he went to Xuantian Realm next time.

"By the way, I asked you to come here today to show you these things." Lu Tianhao opened the notebook and handed it to Mu Xuanzhen.

Since there was only one folder on the desktop, it was easy to identify, so Mu Xuanzhen opened the folder.

There were hundreds of engineers in the first subfolder.

"I know some of them, and I've heard of some of them. Most of them are top experts in materials science, ergonomics, aerodynamics, etc., and they should be serving in the 'Li Group' now. Are you going to poach them?" Mu Xuanzhen scanned the names one by one, her face calm.

"I want you to see if there are any people worth poaching." Lu Tianhao decided to find Li Che to buy them with money today.People.

Li Che couldn't sell the company, and Lu Tianhao didn't want the company either, so he just wanted the people.

"They are all worth digging. You don't think that the current sports equipment is as simple as it looks, right? It is the essence of modern industry. Both the production of equipment and the training process have surpassed the imagination of ordinary people."

"For example, some running shoes in international competitions weigh only 150 grams. For example, the clothing fabric that protects athletes from being scratched by ice skates in short track speed skating is a polyethylene fabric with a tensile strength 15 times higher than that of steel. This is the highest strength material that humans can synthesize."

"In the future, the high-tech equipment on athletes will be more advanced and diverse. Sometimes a country's performance in sports events can also be seen as a reflection of a country's industrial strength." Mu Xuanzhen rolled the mouse and looked at the names on the screen. "If you really want to build a high-end sports brand, I suggest you dig them all back."

Lu Tianhao looked at the list and nodded, calculating how much money to give Li Che.

In Li Che's view now, as long as he gives him money to chase Su Xiaoxi, they are all friends.

Anyone who tried to stop him from pursuing Su Xiaoxi would be an enemy.

Lu Tianhao naturally wanted to be friends with Li Che, and the best of friends.

As long as Li Che had something to sell to Lu Tianhao, Lu Tianhao would give Li Che whatever he wanted.

Who made Lu Tianhao lack everything except money?

Mu Xuanzhen opened the folder of patents and training projects at the back, browsed through them, and raised her lips, "You want to swallow up the Li Group in one go? If the Li Group sells all these things to you, the Li Group can just wait for its collapse."

Lu Tianhao smiled confidently, "The Li family will buy it!"

After that, Lu Tianhao hugged Mu Xuanzhen and gave her a kiss. After a while, they separated.

Lu Tianhao closed his notebook, looked at Mu Xuanzhen in his arms and said, "I have something to do at noon today. I'll come to see you in the evening."

"Yes." Mu Xuanzhen nodded.

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