Qian Duoduo asked Wu Song and Zhou Yuan to tell the Su family that Su Xiaoxi secretly sold the pink diamond necklace in order to make Su Xiaoxi despair and then win over Su Xiaoxi.

Is this a sinister scheme?

Not really, it's just a simple alienation scheme.

How did Lu Bu kill Dong Zhuo in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" - alienation!

How did Zhuge Liang get Jiang Wei in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" - alienation!

Alienation can be said to be a scheme that pays the least and gains the greatest benefit.

Su Xiaoxi felt only fear when she heard the woman's accusation.

The woman did not do anything to Su Xiaoxi in public, but just threatened lightly, "You'd better think about how to explain this matter after you go home, otherwise - you're dead."

The woman handed the pink diamond in her hand to the clerk, with a mercenary look on her face, "You must identify it carefully, this pink diamond was bought at a high price at the auction venue, and it is worth 100 million!"

The fact that the pink diamond was bought by Qian Duoduo for 100 million last night has long been spread in the rich circle.

Especially for low-level circles like them, who are thinking about how to curry favor with high-level circles every day, how can they not pay attention to Qian Duoduo who bought the pink diamond with 100 million last night.

They want to curry favor with Qian Duoduo but it's too late.

As for why Qian Duoduo gave the pink diamond to Su Xiaoxi, the Su family didn't know.

When the shopping guide heard that this pink diamond was the one bought at the auction venue for 100 million, she almost threw the pink diamond in her hand away. The price was too high and she felt that she couldn't control it.

"Okay! Okay!" The salesgirl trembled as she carried the diamond to the appraisal room.

The woman turned her head and rolled her eyes at Su Xiaoxi, "You won't get any dividends from this sale."

Su Xiaoxi's face revealed not anxiety and reluctance, but fear, and she just lowered her head and said nothing.

Su Xiaoxi was as humble and cowardly as Cinderella in the story of "Cinderella" facing her sister.

This may be the source of Su Xiaoxi's tragedy.

This is also the source of the tragedy of many female villains.

Is Su Xiaoxi pitiful?


Is she hateful?


Su Xiaoxi's character is actually the character of the "evil female villain" in the classic Western opera. She makes a disgusting appearance and has a tragic core.

For example: the lady in "Resident Evil: Village" is exactly the same as Su Xiaoxi.

Wu Song and Zhou Yuan were sitting in the breakfast shop across the street, using a hidden camera to transfer the picture to their mobile phones to watch everything.

After a while, the female shopping guide came out, holding a pink diamond necklace in her hand. Her face was no longer as cautious as before, but was smiling.

I don’t know what the female shopping guide said to the woman, but the woman’s face showed an angry look and began to quarrel with the female shopping guide.

Because the female shopping guide had received strict training, she was unmoved by the woman’s spitting, and her face was still professional.

Later, the woman’s anger turned into pleading.

“She seems to be bargaining.” Wu Song looked at Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan knocked on the table and said, “I can read lips. She is indeed dissatisfied with the price of the necklace.”

The woman seemed to find that no matter how she persuaded, she could not increase the price of the necklace, so she slapped Su Xiaoxi in the face.

The pleading on her face turned into anger, and she shouted at Su Xiaoxi.

But Su Xiaoxi just covered her face, her hair was disheveled, she didn't dare to resist, she was whispering something in her mouth, but she was slapped by the woman on the other face, almost knocking Su Xiaoxi down.

Su Xiaoxi looked aggrieved, but she didn't dare to cry, she could only endure the woman's insults.

The woman scolded for a while, took the pink diamond from the salesgirl, put it back into the box, put it in her handbag, grabbed Su Xiaoxi's hair and pulled Su Xiaoxi away.

Qian Duoduo hung on Lu Tianhao like a monkey, and Lu Tianhao was watching the screen broadcast by Wu Song and Zhou Yuan.

Lu Tianhao frowned and looked at Qian Duoduo, "Duoduo, who are these two men and women? They look fierce."

"mua~~~" Qian Duoduo kissed Lu Tianhao on the cheek, then jumped off Lu Tianhao with a playful look on his face, "This woman is Su Rong, the eldest daughter of the Su family, and this man is Su Chang, the youngest son of the Su family."

Lu Tianhao asked in confusion, "Who is Su Xiaoxi?"

"Su Xiaoxi was picked up by the Su family. They say she is an adopted daughter, but they have always treated Su Xiaoxi as a servant. She has a bad relationship with the Su family. We can win her over as long as we make a move." Qian Duoduo said happily.

Lu Tianhao looked down at the earth, looking at the bright sunshine and the towering buildings in the morning.

Lu Tianhao said to Qian Duoduo, "Su XiaoxiIf they come to you, you must ask clearly whether the Su family asked Su Xiaoxi to curry favor with you. You can treat Su Xiaoxi as a double agent, use counter-espionage or instigate Su Xiaoxi to let Su Xiaoxi betray us at a critical moment. "

Qian Duoduo was a little at a loss, "Dad, why would Su Xiaoxi please us?"

"From the Su family's behavior, it can be seen that they are spineless. If they think you are easy to deal with, they will bite you like Li Che. If they think you are difficult to deal with, they will curry favor with you and regard you as their master. Don't be polite to these people. They are not good dogs. If they can curry favor with you, it means that you are still valuable for them to use. Don't give such people a good fruit, otherwise they will let you eat the good fruit. "Lu Tianhao frowned.

Qian Duoduo narrowed his eyes, and a complete plan appeared in his mind, and then he pulled Lu Tianhao's arm, "Dad, I have something to ask you to cooperate with."

Lu Tianhao was confused, "What do you want me to cooperate with."

"That's it! "Qian Duoduo whispered in Lu Tianhao's ear...


Su Xiaoxi had two fiery red slap marks on her face, kneeling in front of Su Dajiang.

Su Dajiang is the father of Su Rong and Su Chang, and the head of the Su family.

Su Dajiang is not a ruthless person in the traditional sense, but he is very good at flattering the strong and exploiting.

Su Dajiang held the pink diamond necklace in his hand, looked at Su Xiaoxi again and again, "You said that this is what Li Che bought for you after he discussed it with Qian Duoduo?"

Su Xiaoxi nodded, "Yes. "

Su Xiaoxi was also very smart. She knew to hide the conspiracy between her and Qian Duoduo. After all, Qian Duoduo wanted to make money with her.

She pushed everything onto Li Che. After all, the Su family didn't have the courage to question Li Che, at least not now.

Hearing this, Su Rong immediately retorted, "Su Xiaoxi, you are still lying. Did you steal money from your family to buy it secretly? This is not the pink diamond necklace at the auction. Even if it was Li Che, why would he spend 100 million to buy you a necklace?"

Su Rong's words not only contained hatred, but also jealousy. Su Rong thought she looked good, so why didn't anyone pursue her? However, Li Che seemed to be brainless and licked Su Xiaoxi.

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