This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 101: house demolition expert

  Chapter 101 The little expert who demolishes the house

Chen Xiyi looked at the roster in his hand. This roster was very complete. It not only contained names, but also addresses, military ranks, companies, and other notes. At a glance, he could tell who the important people were, and even their phone numbers. need.

   It can be said that once this roster falls into the hands of foreign enemies, it can basically destroy the old background of Dongtai City.

  However, there is also a small fly in the ointment, that is, Chen Xiyi knows the address, but does not know how to get there.

  He is not a local, he must not know where such and such a street is, and where to go from such and such an alley.

  ‘So, why don’t I go down the wire? ’ Chen Xiyi is not feeling well.

   After briefly flipping through the roster, Chen Xiyi put it in his arms.

   It can't be said that it is useless. The roster is obviously arranged. As long as one family is found, the residents of the surrounding houses can be easily found.

  The concept of community has not yet been formed, not to mention how those upper-class people are so willing to share a piece of land with others.

  ‘Okay, let’s knock on a house first at night, and the sound will come out on the hour. '

   After distinguishing the surrounding environment, Chen Xiyi judged which way to go.

  ‘Do I need to learn some hypnotic abilities? Although illusion can meet the requirements, it’s still a lot worse. ’ Chen Xiyi wanted to learn it, mainly because the inheritance he learned didn’t seem to focus on this aspect.

   It is estimated that except for him, a new Qi refiner of Yehu Zen, other Qi refiners do not need hypnosis. They themselves are a BUG.

  With hypnosis, the authenticity of the news he gets can be greatly improved.

  After confirming the route, Chen Xiyi set off at a trot all the way.

  ‘If I really move all the things away, it will definitely attract the attention of Dongtai City, and it will even lead to the black hand behind the scenes later, so you have to be careful at that time. '

  Chen Xiyi knew that his idea was not a trivial matter. If he really wanted to make a move, it would definitely attract the attention of the entire Dongtai City senior management.

  If these are a few poor people, then there must be nothing wrong.

  How many poor people can afford a house with electricity?

  Maybe after tonight, the entire Dongtai City will not only be in panic but also under martial law.

   "Fuck, this covers an area of ​​1,000 square meters."

  When Chen Xiyi arrived at the door of the first victim's house, he couldn't help complaining that this already looked like a small villa. Even if he saw it directly with the naked eye, he probably had one-tenth of his own home.

  'You big dog, if I don't pry away all your concrete floor today, I will lose my identity as a sandbox player in vain. '

  For this big family, what he hates is the itching of his teeth, mainly because of the area occupied by the other party.

   After looking around and finding no one there, Chen Xiyi took out the alloy pickaxe and started to tear down the iron door in front of him.

  【gorgeous iron gate】

  【Durability: 100/100】

  【Strength: 100】

  【Comfort: 10】


  Durability and strength are normal, but this is the first time he has seen a door that can actually bring comfort, which is simply ridiculous.

  ‘It can’t be that these walls also bring comfort. '

  Chen Xiyi felt that this was outrageous.

  ‘My Palace of Yongning seems to have brought it too. '

  He was preoccupied with dismantling it before, but he didn't take a closer look at it because he didn't have enough time. When he recalled it now, it seemed that the various building materials of Yongning Hall also brought comfort.

   After packing and coming to this world, I was delayed by a series of things, so I didn't take stock.

  ‘Forget it, never mind, I’ll take it apart first. ’ Chen Xiyi looked at the brightly lit western-style buildings not far away, or it would be more accurate to say that they were villas.

  He just swaggered through the hall, climbed onto the roof of the villa, and then started to swing the alloy pickaxe.

   Every time you swing, one unit of building materials is picked up.

   Then Chen Xiyi put it into a wooden storage box.

  ‘Is it a bit immoral for me to poach other people’s homes for no reason? '

   After finishing knocking on the roof, Chen Xiyi suddenly thought of such a thing when he started knocking on the furniture.

   Then he decisively slapped himself.

  ‘Damn me, let’s put this work aside, how can I still think about it, and how can I do big things after being so distracted. '

  Chen Xiyi resolutely put immoral thoughts behind him, and he will think about immorality after he has demolished all this family.

  As for harming this family?

  When playing RPG games, the behavior of going to the NPC's house to rummage through boxes and cabinets is not similar to Chen Xiyi's behavior.

   It’s just that those RPG games can only be rummaged in boxes and cabinets, but cannot be demolished.

  Chen Xiyi's home game is a bit more flexible, and he can dismantle the house to obtain building materials, furniture, etc.

  If the RPG game can tear down the house, it is guaranteed that even a chair will not be left for the NPC.

   After demolishing the top floor, Chen Xiyi was about to go downstairs to demolish the stairs, when he suddenly realized: 'Will my doing this make me change from lawful good to chaotic good? '

  He was silent.

  ‘My homeland game doesn’t seem to have a camp setting, so I won’t be deflected from lawful good to chaotic good. '

  As long as the game does not have this setting, I can set it myself. As for whether it is kind or not, that is another matter.

  Double standard is double standard, but Chen Xiyi is shameless, double standard is also normal.


   Behind him, a young man in pajamas and holding a cup that looked like milk swallowed.

   There was unparalleled shock on his face.

   It wasn't that he was shocked when he saw Chen Xiyi, because Chen Xiyi had an illusion, so the other party couldn't see him. The main reason was that the fourth floor of his house was gone, and he could see the night when he looked up.

  The cold wind poured in directly, waking him up like a dream, the drink in his hand fell on the stairs, and he ran downstairs screaming.

   "Ah this."

  Chen Xiyi was a little embarrassed, as if she had been exposed.

  That can only speed up the speed.

  He had just knocked down a flight of stairs, and there were several hurried footsteps behind him.

  Before the people stopped, they saw a staircase disappearing under their noses, as if swallowed by some invisible thing.

  Suddenly, everyone felt a chill behind their backs.

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi didn't intend to take the blame for it, he felt that the cold air from the other party's back should be the reason for the freezing weather.

   "Go, go, there are dirty things!!" A middle-aged man headed by hurriedly shouted.

  Of course, there was no need for this person to remind them of this, and the crowd hurriedly retreated. If they did not retreat, what if they disappeared with the stairs.

   That's not how you sell your life.

   It came in a hurry, and it went in a hurry.

  Anyway, after Chen Xiyi knocked on another floor, everything was quiet.

  'Gan, go back and leave the car for me. '

  Chen Xiyi poked his head out and looked over, and saw a car driving away from the small villa with its lights on.

  ‘What did I do wrong? ’ Chen Xiyi couldn't help but reflect on his actions tonight.

'Understood, I didn't restrain this group of people in time. If I hadn't been blinded by greed to demolish the house first when I came in, if I had **** all these people, then I would definitely not have lost anything. up. '

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi was heartbroken. He just lost a car for nothing.

  ‘And my efficiency is a bit too slow, it would be great if I could be faster. ’ Chen Xiyi was thinking about this matter, his efficiency is really slow.

   After all, he only has one person, even if he is talking about one manuscript, but if he really wants to dig three feet, it must be too slow for him to dig alone.

  But if you let other people come, you will definitely expose yourself, so you can only start from other aspects.

  ‘I don’t know if the alloy pickaxe can be manipulated with the Imperial Talisman? ’ Chen Xiyi thought about this matter.

  If possible, with his current level of primordial spirit, he can probably control five to ten imperial talismans at the same time, which is equivalent to five to ten times the efficiency.

  As for why the multiples are so different, it’s because he hasn’t tried it.

  Currently, Chen Xiyi is still in the learning stage, not the practice stage, and handles many things in an extremely rough way.

But I have to say, crushing is cool, why do you have to play tactics cautiously if you can crush, people who play tactics are very dirty, people like Chen Xiyi who only read the sage books like Spring and Autumn will never use tactics, of course, On the other hand, he knows that playing tactics with his IQ is simply asking for humiliation.

  ‘Try it tomorrow, if it succeeds, everything is easy to say. '

   It is definitely impossible to try it now, and there is no way for him to draw an imperial talisman, because he has no raw materials.

  At this point in time, he couldn’t buy the materials. After all, everyone was asleep. He had to wait until tomorrow when the merchants selling yellow paper and cinnabar opened their doors. Then he could buy them.

  Of course, he doesn't know where these shops are, and the work is half done, so it's not good if he really has to leave.

  So I can only wait until tomorrow to inquire about it.

  In fact, he can also use Yuanshen to control multiple alloy pickaxes, but it doesn't last for a long time, and it can last for .3 minutes at most.

   And if the Primordial Spirit is paired with the Imperial Object Talisman, the duration will be longer. As long as the energy in the Imperial Object Talisman is not exhausted, it can be used all the time.

   It's not that Chen Xiyi is not as good as an imperial talisman, it's mainly because of his specialization in art.

  The imperial talisman is a tool, and with the tool, everything will be more efficient.

   Just like digging, Chen Xiyi came to ask for a shovel to dig. Although it was faster than using his hands, if he drove an excavator, it would not be faster.

  Although the efficiency of the imperial talisman may not be as good as that of an excavator, it is also much faster than Chen Xiyi's digging efficiency.

  After all, he really doesn’t have an excavator. If he had an excavator, he wouldn’t need to demolish the house with an imperial talisman, but just use an excavator to demolish the house.

  When Chen Xiyi took down the last wall and stacked the wooden storage boxes and put them in the inventory, he was relieved.

  ‘The efficiency is not bad, but I am a little tired. It would be great if the climber can fly. '

  Chen Xiyi can't fly, if he has a strong soul in the follow-up.

  'Wait, can the imperial talisman work on me? '

   This Imperial Talisman can enable him to control a certain object, and even make it fly, so if he gives himself one and controls himself as an object, wouldn't he be able to fly?

  ‘You can try it, if it succeeds, it can be used as a flying talisman. '

  However, Chen Xiyi felt that the possibility was not high. He had the impression of the imperial object talisman before, but he hadn't seen it yet.

   This is an important talisman in the Nine Chapters of Dinglong in the acquired environment.

  After all, you can’t say that you really do it yourself or hire people with great fanfare. If you want to do it yourself and save effort, you must develop and research this aspect.

  ‘Let’s talk about it in the morning, I remember that there seems to be a big family nearby. '

  Chen Xiyi silently took out the roster, checked the address, and confirmed that there really was one nearby.

   Picking up the pickaxe, I checked the approximate location and set off.

  ‘Strange, why is it so noisy at night? ’ Chen Xiyi watched as a group of patrolling soldiers passed him by, heading towards the direction where he had just demolished the house.

   But this matter has nothing to do with Chen Xiyi, because he has already entered the home of the second victim.

  (end of this chapter)

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