This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 103: rebellion array

  Chapter 103 Rebellious Qi Returning Soul Formation

   "Check it out for me and find out who is blind and dares to be a monster on my territory."

  Xu Jingshou slapped the table and roared.

The few officers on the side couldn't help but lower their heads and didn't dare to say anything. What Marshal Xu said was simple, but the matter was not done by him, it was done by his subordinates. If there was any danger, it would not be his turn. Naturally A thorough investigation was ordered.

   "Marshal, this matter still needs to be discussed in the long term, and we can't act rashly." An officer bit the bullet and said.

"A long-term plan? My dignified Xu Jiajun's adjutant's house has been pried away. You tell me to take a long-term plan. Do you have to wait until my commander-in-chief's mansion is gone before you can move." Xu Jingshou raised his brows, and his eyes showed A violent look came.

  The officer was helpless, and hurriedly said: "Don't dare, it's just that we can't investigate this matter. It's either the high-level Xu family army or the powerful and wealthy businessmen in Dongtai City."

  The meaning is obvious, you have to let them and these people cooperate, and these people like yourself are mild-mannered, but you can't afford to offend them.

   What's more, they don't know whether this group of people will vent their anger on themselves, and they are just getting some military pay from you. It is impossible to say that they really work for this so-called Dongtai City.

  Those high-ranking and well-paid people all had accidents, and in the end they were asked to stand up to them, and they could agree with their mouths, but no one was convinced in their hearts.

Xu Jingshou didn't seem to understand the officer's inner meaning, but instead threw the pipe in his hand at the officer: "You also know that these people are the ones who have been busy all night without even a fart. If you find it, you dare to mention it to me?"

  The officer had black eyes and was even burned, but he didn't dare to refute, so he could only promise: "I will find out as soon as possible."

   "Then get out of here, a bunch of trash." Xu Jingshou was also furious, completely reckless of the consequences.

   Seeing this, these officers left the Marshal's Mansion in a hurry.

  Xu Jingshou who was sitting in the study also calmed down.

   "Why hasn't Wang Jiu delivered the goods yet? This counter-qi return to the soul array has affected me."

  Xu Jingshou glanced at the jade pendant hanging around his neck, and now there are a lot of cracks. If it weren't for this jade pendant, he might not be able to calm down.

   "It's not like something happened on the road. If you don't come in the afternoon, you can only go shopping in person."

  Xu Jingshou knew that because there were not enough people and goods to provide nourishment for the rebellious soul array, he had already started to eat himself back, but it was not the time yet.

  Although Wang Jiu is not the only magician who does black work, the others either need some time or have just set off, which led to the interruption of the personnel he needed.

   It was originally unnecessary, but since many houses disappeared, resulting in the loss of the soul-returning array. If it didn't collapse, the quality of his large array was good, but the consumption increased all of a sudden.

   "Where did Mr. Feng Shui see something and deliberately sabotage my plan, or is there some weirdness bred in this formation?"

Xu Jingshou's expression was a bit dignified. If someone came to destroy it, now is not a good time. If he really wants to destroy him in order to reverse the aura of a city and turn it into a soul aura to cultivate a primordial spirit, it is not the time to come, this time Not a good time to sabotage at all.

  Different from other people who intend to become qi refiners, Xu Jingshou's method of refining qi and cultivating the spirit takes a long time, but it is not dangerous, but the conditions are a little harsher.

  However, he himself is also very powerful. He saw that the time of the war was chaotic and became a warlord. More importantly, after becoming a warlord, he did not forget his original goal, which is to become a Qi refiner.

  So the entire Dongtai city and even his Xu family army are essentially serving him as a Qi refiner.

Since occupying Dongtai City, he has generously transformed the entire city into an array of rebellious souls, so this has led to the most stringent thing in Dongtai City is housing construction. Whether it is ordinary people or wealthy businessmen, if they want to expand, Any remodeling of the house must be approved by his commander in chief.

   After being strict for several years, no one changed it anymore.

   It's just that I didn't expect such a big trouble to happen in one night last night.

According to Xu Jingshou's estimate, the rebellious qi returning to the soul array will run for about three years to make the rootless purple qi on his body resonate with the resentment, death and yin qi in his commander's mansion, and then turn into soul qi The primordial spirit has come to be raised.

   It has been six years since the Resurrection Soul Formation has been in operation.

   Nothing happened.

   "Could it have come in with this Bai family caravan?"

  Xu Jingshou set his target on the Baijia caravan, mainly because the Baijia caravan had an accident when it first arrived, so it is hard not to associate it.

   "The possibility is very high, otherwise, ordinary warlocks don't have the ability to see through my rebellious spirit formation, and at most they will only see my commander's mansion become a place of great danger."

  You must know that his Rebellious Qi Returning Soul Formation uses a city as the base of the formation. If he enters, he is basically in the middle of the game, because the formation is too big to be seen at all.

   And if he is outside the city, he is overwhelmed by popularity and yang energy, and there is no clue.

  So people who can see this formation are definitely not ordinary.

   As for being a Qi refiner?

  Xu Jingshou doesn't think so at all. Anyway, even if he has become a high-ranking warlord and commander-in-chief, he has never seen a Qi refiner since he was born, so he doesn't think so at all.

  If it wasn't for the rootless purple qi and the effect of the reverse qi returning soul formation on him, he himself wouldn't believe these things to be true.

   "Marshal, someone came to report again, and his house disappeared." Outside the study, his personal soldiers reported after a report.


  The crisp cracking sound of the jade pendant sounded, which made Xu Jingshou look even more ugly.

   "Check it out for me, let the Xu family army move." Xu Jingshou's face was full of ferocity, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.

  Then hurriedly took out another jade pendant from the drawer of his desk and brought it to himself, and then he calmed down.

   Randomly took off the cracked jade pendant and threw it on the table. The moment it fell on the table, it shattered.

   "Fortunately, I prepared an extra copy of this jade pendant, otherwise it would really be affected." Xu Jingshou said with some distress.

  This is a magic weapon, how can it be so easy to make.

The method of refining qi and cultivating the spirit of the Niqi Returning Soul Formation is indeed not dangerous, but the premise is that you can afford it. Now that there is no human material as nourishment, the Niqi Returning Soul Formation can't restrain the dead energy, resentment energy and Yin energy. up.

  Because these three qi mechanisms are guided by the reverse qi returning soul formation, only Xu Jingshou is recognized and will not affect other people in the Marshal's Mansion.

  Unless the Qi-Returning Soul Formation really exploded, as long as this formation is in place for a day, the Marshal's Mansion and Dongtai City will be fine.

This is also a very normal thing. Xu Jingshou needs these three kinds of qi to be refined into soul qi. Even if these three kinds of qi are not good things, they cannot be transferred to others. If they are transferred, then he will lose his share. It's not that the soul energy refining failed.

  So this can be regarded as one of the risks, but as long as the Niqi Returning Soul Formation is not damaged, at most it will affect his emotions, making him irritable, easy to sad, etc.

   And this jade pendant for pure heart and spiritual rejuvenation is to prevent this kind of situation from happening.

   But if the formation is damaged or the damage is too severe, not only Xu Jingshou will have to bear the backlash, but the entire Dongtai City will also suffer the backlash. After all, the entire Dongtai City has already been covered by the big formation.

   "Go to Wei Sheng to solve this matter, and just say I said it." Xu Jingshou said suddenly.

  The soldiers outside the door responded: "It's the commander."

  His angry words just now were actually very unreasonable. There was no clear order for Xu Jiajun to dispatch, so the personal soldier never left, waiting for his next order.

   Then he took out the calendar and began to compare and speculate. He was calculating when he could start refining a jade pendant for pure heart and spiritual rejuvenation, which required accurate time and date.

   After all, there is only one piece of the jade pendant left on his body now, if there is another problem, it will be miserable for him.

  In addition to the jade pendant for purifying the mind and nourishing the mind, it is necessary to repair the loopholes in the Niqi Returning Soul Formation as soon as possible.

  Chen Xiyi is controlling five alloy pickaxes to demolish the house continuously.

  Don't say it, it's comfortable to demolish other people's homes.

  Of course he didn't know the real background of that Marshal Xu, and he didn't know that the whole Dongtai City was actually written by this Marshal Xu.

  On his game map, Marshal Xu’s nickname is [Xu Jingshou of the Warlord Commander]

  The commander of the warlord is the certification given to Xu Jingshou by Homeland Games. In fact, he is indeed the commander of the warlord. Wanting to become a Qi refiner is just one of his methods, not his identity.

   Therefore, Chen Xiyi made a wrong judgment.

   But even if he knew it, he wouldn't take it to heart. No matter who arranged the entire Dongtai City, it wouldn't affect Chen Xiyi's inheritance of tearing down the house and 'picking up' the other party.

   No matter who it is, Chen Xiyi just needs to go over in a low-key way, and then do it.

  Currently, as long as he doesn't encounter Qi refiners, Chen Xiyi is confident in what he does, even if he is an enemy of the entire Dongtai City, he has TNT.

   That's right, TNT is great.

   "It's done. According to the speed of my house demolition, I can probably demolish the rich and powerful people on the list tonight, and I can rush to demolish that street in the middle of the night."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the open space where there was only dirt left, and packed up the wooden storage boxes.

  If it weren't for the fact that this world is not suitable for Gou, he might find a place to install a small villa to enjoy himself.

   "But I made such a big move, it seems to have affected the big formation in Dongtai City, so it won't explode." Chen Xiyi felt a little guilty.

   "Probably not, just digging a few houses, not blasting a street."

  Chen Xiyi subconsciously ignored the matter of digging the street at night.

   "It's okay, I believe that expert's means, after all, he can use a city to set up an formation, such a small matter must be done at his fingertips."

  Chen Xiyi thinks that the other party has real skills, and he can take care of the aftermath for him.

  Well, it's just that Chen Xiyi thinks so, without any real evidence and confidence in hand.

   "Besides, with such a sophisticated formation, there will never be any problems just because I demolished some houses. If this is the case, then this expert is too bad."

Chen Xiyi judges people by himself. He thinks that those who can arrange large-scale formations are definitely not ordinary people. For example, with his current theoretical situation, if he can use his mouth to arrange formations, he will definitely be able to do it. Let's get started with the gun, let's think about how to demolish it faster and more practical.

   After tidying up the demolition site, Chen Xiyi compared the addresses, pulled five alloy picks and headed towards the next victim.

   It seems that because of his reputation, after a day and a night of fermentation, there are no people in these mansions, and they all went out to seek refuge.

   This made Chen Xiyi feel extra comfortable during the demolition.

   "TV, tape recorder, small phone, and all kinds of lights, tsk tsk, it really opened my eyes."

  (end of this chapter)

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