This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 106: As soon as I swelled, I was beaten by reality

  Chapter 106 I was beaten by reality as soon as I swelled

  Chen Xiyi looked at the qi mechanism around him and thought about the confusion. A large amount of dead energy, resentment energy and Yin energy scattered like mozi mixed into the water.

   "Ah, I seem to have dug a great position in the formation."

  These three qi mechanisms are constantly colliding with the popularity and yang qi of the whole city.

   This is not a problem, but the problem is that the entire formation is not completely damaged and is still running.

  So this caused a large amount of qi to be poured into Xu Jingshou's body.

  The particularity of Xu Jingshou made these three qi mechanisms further mutate by combining popularity and yang qi.

   "Sickness, pestilence, plague."

  Chen Xiyi watched as the three types of qi were continuously disturbed into three new types of qi in the entire formation, and then spread continuously.

  He couldn't help taking a breath: "This wave is too big."

  He didn't expect the plot to develop like this at all, and more importantly, he found that Xu Jingshou's light spot on the map had disappeared, and he was distracted when he was digging the power station before.

   As a result, when the three qi mechanisms mutated, the opponent's light spots disappeared.

Death energy, resentment, and yin energy are nothing. There is so much yang energy and popularity in Dongtai City that they are enough to dissipate them. Sickness, no big problem.

  But now due to various factors, it has mutated into sickness, plague, and plague, which is directly the rhythm of the plague killing people.

   As for where did the plague come from?

   It must have come from the dead Xu Jingshou, where else could it have come from.

   Otherwise, the front and rear feet are such a coincidence?

  Chen Xiyi looked at the three kinds of air mechanisms gradually spreading, and gritted his teeth, changing from five alloy picks to ten alloy picks for digging.

   "Grandma, now I have to dig the Marshal's Mansion, the time is a little too late."

  As the three qi mechanisms of disease and plague circulated continuously with the entire formation, the human qi and yang qi were also polluted sickly, without any spirit.

These three qi mechanisms, the first way to trigger the plague is to weaken it, weaken the popularity and yang energy of the person, and then increase it, that is to make the disease that may not break out suddenly become stronger, and then erode into the human body .

If Chen Xiyi hadn't loaded this week's qi movement module before, he would definitely not be afraid, because there is no corresponding state in his state, yes, he will not get sick, at most it will deduct some blood, but he has a full set of equipment Not afraid at all.

   But it is different now, even if he will not be infected with the plague because of this, he will still be passively infected with three kinds of auras: sickness, plague, and plague.

  These three kinds of qi mechanisms need popularity and yang qi to resist, and he doesn't have them.

   Neither purple qi nor spiritual qi can deal with it. This thing is called specialization in art.

   In this way, he is guaranteed to be infected with the negative status brought about by the three auras of the plague.

  【You have been attacked by sickness, you have obtained a state: weakness in limbs】

  【You have been eroded by the plague, you have obtained the status: headache and brain fever】

  【You have been attacked by the plague, and you have obtained a status: Weakness】

   "Holy shit, how did this expand so fast." Chen Xiyi suddenly felt that his whole body was not well, and all three pathological states broke out.

  【Aura is eliminating the erosion of sickness, pestilence, and pestilence, time required: 23:59】


   "Your countdown is falling for me, why is it always in a 24-hour cycle?"

  Recovery is possible, but it takes 24 hours to clear these three negative states.

  But every time the time dropped to 23:59, it didn't take long before it jumped back to 24:00.

He knew that this was because he was within the envelope of these three qi mechanisms, so even if his unique qi mechanism, such as aura, could help him eliminate disease qi, pestilence, and epidemic qi, it could not keep up with these three qi. The machine kept pouring into his body.

  【Enchantment: Tenacity takes effect, you are exempted Status: Limbs Weakness】

  【You have been attacked by sickness, you have obtained a state: weakness in limbs】

  【Enchantment: Toughness takes effect, you are exempted Status: Headache and brain fever】

  【You have been eroded by the plague, you have obtained the status: headache and brain fever】

  【Enchanting: Toughness takes effect】


   Then it was this constant refreshing that he was exempted and got it again.

  What I feel now, is that I have strength one second, but not the next second.

  Either I have a headache every second or so, and then recover in the next second.

   In other words, life points will not be deducted, otherwise Chen Xiyi would have seen more game logs generated.

  Anyway, the tenacity enchantment of his alloy helmet is compatible with these three negative states. Fortitude can make Chen Xiyi exempt from most of the negative states, but he is always in the environment of negative states.

   "So the four negative states of low temperature, frostbite, high temperature and lack of water are tough and cannot be exempted?" Chen Xiyi didn't know the reason for this, but he knew one thing, the power station had to be dug out as soon as possible.

  Because Wei Sheng has already brought people over.

   He saw this from the game map.

  The reason why these people are fine is because they have yang energy and anger in their bodies. They may have been infected at present, but they haven't exploded yet.

  Chen Xiyi found that the power of public opinion brought by kingship has not played a role at all.

  He suspected that it was because the other party didn't know who he was, so even the public opinion ability with game logs and kingship didn't take effect.

  Because there is no subject, unlike the previous world, those who hate him know how to ascend to immortality, so he can receive it.

  Even if Dong Shen fooled the rebels before, it was indeed aimed at him, and this was able to generate hatred for him from an unknown distance.

   But this time, neither Xu Jingshou nor Wei Sheng knew that there was such a person as him, so the hatred must be hatred, but the question is who to hate?

  I can't find the other party at all, so I have hatred, but I don't have hatred, and I seem very aggrieved.

   Otherwise, Chen Xiyi's game log, which has been strengthened with king power and public opinion ability, must be refreshed immediately.

   This also shows from the side that Chen Xiyi is doing well. At least no one knows that he did it when he turned the entire Dongtai City upside down.

   Knocked away the last set of generators, and after packing them up, Chen Xiyi immediately took out an alloy horse from the inventory, added 10 units of charcoal to it, and headed all the way to the Marshal's Mansion.

   And he was very thieves and didn't go through the main entrance, but ran away by knocking a big hole from the fence with an alloy pickaxe.

   To be honest, it is also thanks to Xu Jingshou that he transferred all the Xu family troops away. After all, the main force guarding this power station is his direct army.

   Once this person left, he would feel a lot more relaxed.

   "It's a pity that there is still half a street left that I couldn't take away."

   "But it's just right, I went to see what the opponent's big formation is, and I don't know if I can find the inheritance of this thing."

  Chen Xiyi actually no longer has the hope of finding the other party's inheritance, and this inheritance should not be carried with him.

   If there is no one, then you can only run away. Although you have lost an inheritance, you will get a lot of rewards, which is acceptable.

As far as the current operation of this formation is concerned, if it stays longer, a new negative state may appear. It should be in the early stage of the plague. Probably tomorrow, everyone in Dongtai City will have the third symptom on his body, and then As time goes by, more symptoms will gradually appear, until death or successful treatment.

   As for getting Dongtai City out of this state, there is something, and Chen Xiyi is doing it now.

   As long as the formation is stopped, at most it will be a disease and it will be fine.

  The sun can dispel these three kinds of qi by providing yang qi.

   Then it will be business as usual.

  The speed of the alloy horse is not slow, and its flexibility is far stronger than that of the alloy carriage, so he soon arrived at the gate of the Marshal's Mansion.

Taking advantage of the darkness, he put away the alloy horse and climbed over the wall to enter the Marshal's Mansion. Following the route that the eye of hope had walked before, he easily found Xu Jingshou's bedroom. Of course, thanks to the continuous escape of terror.

   "How many people have to die now to be so old." Chen Xiyi couldn't help complaining, but he didn't enter the bedroom.

   Mainly there is a white spot in the bedroom.

  Chen Xiyi reckoned to be Xu Jingshou's wife, so he had to get rid of her first.

  Looking at the alloy musket in his hand, he thought about what he could get by killing such an NPC.

"The protruding front and the back warping don't seem to allow me to collect more materials. Forget it, let her go." Chen Xiyi took out the magic weapon of the fox head. This thing has not become a prop in the Homeland game, but it is full of cracks from the top Judging from the current situation, the durability should not be high.

It's one thing for him to toss about, another thing is that when the artillery and firearms exploded, they hit the illusion formed by the magic weapon head-on, and Chen Xiyi's crazy output made the magic weapon unable to withstand his output. appearance.

  After closing the five senses of the person in the bedroom at will, Chen Xiyi pushed the door and walked in. After confirming the location of the basement, Chen Xiyi knocked on the floor and went down directly.

   It is a very simple sacrificial environment, and a jade tablet is enshrined in the center, which is as weird as blood red.

   Surrounded by a large number of rotting bones, the smell almost didn't send Chen Xiyi away.

  The death energy, resentment energy, and yin energy continuously emanated from the bones, followed by the formation and circulated to the entire Dongtai City, and then transformed into the three types of air mechanisms of disease and plague.

   "Sure enough, cremation is the big deal. If so many corpses are left decomposed and left untreated, it's no wonder that a plague can be produced."

  Chen Xiyi wanted to grab the blood-colored jade tablet as soon as he got started. This jade tablet was a magic weapon. Chen Xiyi guessed that it was not only the eye of the formation, but also the inheritance of Xu Jingshou's lineage.

   It was easy to take it off, without any strong suction or terrifying coercion.

   This thing is actually enshrined by Xu Jingshou. Even if it is the core of the entire formation, it is impossible to say that there is such a thing.

  The moment he took it down, all the air machines in Dongtai City that were operated by the large formation stopped at the same moment.

   Then, Chen Xiyi discovered one thing, that is, he was stupid.

  Because there was no formation, the death, resentment, and yin qi instantly lost control, and became unscrupulous like a mad dog.

  He crawled out of the basement, and reinstalled the knocked-off floor. Fortunately, this is a sandbox game, otherwise he would have to find cement to wipe it for him.

   After that, of course, a fierce son rushed out of the bedroom, rode on the alloy horse and ran away.

  Recalling the detailed map of Dongtai City that the Eye of Hope had seen in his mind, he ran all the way to the gate of the city.

  Before he thought that everything would recover after stopping the formation, but it turned out that innocence is not the problem, the real problem is ignorance, and Chen Xiyi fell into such a problem.

  The death, resentment, and yin qi that erupted now rushed into the sky. Without the transformation of the formation, they directly intertwined with the sickness, plague, and plague, forming an even more terrifying situation.

  Chen Xiyi didn't know what the consequences would be. He only knew that if he didn't run away, he would really die.

  (end of this chapter)

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