This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 109: old and new disputes

  Chapter 109 New and old disputes

  The parade passed quickly, and the streets became much calmer, at least on the surface.

  Chen Xiyi didn't know the more specific situation, and he didn't get involved in this matter, but he knew that it might be over on the surface, but the follow-up turmoil must be not small.

   It's just that these have nothing to do with him, and they have nothing to do with him.

  Before, he was so cheap that he destroyed the entire Dongtai City. If he is so cheap again, who knows what will happen again.

  After laying down for a whole day, Chen Xiyi's eyes were a little dazzled from reading, and he couldn't bear it anymore. He thought about going to the lobby of the inn to sit for a while, anyway, all the parades had passed.

  If it weren't for the unfamiliarity of the place here, he would have wanted to find a place to go fishing.

   Slowly went downstairs, there were not many people in the inn at this time, only a few sparse ones.

  After he randomly chose a position against the wall, he called the waiter over: "What's the signature dish?"

The waiter in the shop swiftly pulled out the rag, wiped it on the table and said: "Then guest officer, you are right, my drunken duck stewed chicken and roast goose is a must in the local area, and the three-year spring entrance is soft and sweet. , even the commander-in-chief has to say hello after drinking it."

   "There are also these three delicacies assorted and **** vinegar fish. If you taste it, I guarantee that you will have endless aftertaste."

  The waiter in the store chattered a lot, which made Chen Xiyi a little helpless, he couldn't eat after you said so much.

"Okay, you want to stop talking, this continuous talk is like a machine gun, why, your mouth is rented by a monthly subscription, and I'm sorry that you can't pay the monthly subscription fee if you say less." Chen Xiyi couldn't help but complain.

  Hearing his untimely complaints, the waiter in the store was also embarrassed. Although he couldn't understand what Chen Xiyi meant, he also understood that the other party disliked him and broke his mouth.

  Therefore, I could only say a little awkwardly: "Guest officer, I'm getting used to my mouth. You are so tolerant, so tolerant."

"That's it. Let's be concise. I've been covered by what you said. Let me see what I can do." Chen Xiyi is not a bad person. Speaking of targeting Chen Xiyi, he didn't have to make things difficult for him.

  After randomly ordering three dishes, it was over.

  The waiter in the shop also felt amnesty, and hurriedly left to go to the back kitchen to report the dishes.

  Because no one was eating during this time period, the food was served very quickly.

   "Let me ask you, what kind of caravans in this city can go west?"

  After the food was served, Chen Xiyi called to the waiter, and then took out a 100 yuan denomination ticket and handed it over.

After the waiter in the shop took the tip into his arms, he thought for a while and said: "It's a bit of a coincidence that the guest officer came here. There were some days ago, but now it's gone, but if the guest officer is willing to wait, count the days." At most one month, the Bai family caravan will come here, they are going west."

  When Chen Xiyi heard this, he couldn't help but get a black line. Obviously, the Baijia caravan has a fixed time and route, and it should pass by here every year. If it is normal, it will arrive in about a month.

   But the problem is that it is not normal now. Whether the Baijia caravan can leave Dongtai City is a big problem, and they still come here.

   "Are there other caravans or the kind that can be partnered with?"

Chen Xiyi has a bit of knowledge, and he 'picked up' two inheritances along the way. Obviously, the number of these Fengshui masters, warlocks, etc. is not small, and if he really goes on the road alone, the speed will definitely be very fast. But in the middle, many opportunities to 'pick up' inheritance will be missed.

  Anyway, the item at his destination won’t run away, so it looks like it’s either buried underground.

  Not only are there no white spots around it, but they are not even moving, so it must be an unowned object.

   "Maybe there is." The waiter also said a little embarrassed, how did he know these things.

  Chen Xiyi calmly took out another preparatory ticket and stuffed it into the waiter's hand, this time it was in a denomination of 1,000 yuan.

   This reserve ticket is not worth much, but there are quite a few types of denominations. In addition to one yuan, ten yuan, and hundred yuan, there are thousand yuan, ten thousand yuan, and one hundred thousand yuan.

   Judging from the current situation, the one-yuan denomination ticket is basically no one uses it. After all, after drinking soy milk, you need a one-hundred-yuan ticket.

  The waiter in the store was also a little helpless, he meant that he had no choice but not to ask for a tip.

   "Guest officer, I will try my best to help you pay attention." Although the inn has a lot of people, not only eating but also staying in the inn, most of them are local, and it is rare to say that they will go out.

  Chen Xiyi knew that this matter had to wait for a clever word, and if it was unlucky, there was nothing he could do.

   "Then I'll trouble you to help me out." Chen Xiyi didn't force the other party, after all, there is nothing that can be done even if forced.

   It happened to stay here for two more days, and it would not be too late to make plans after he finished learning the Nine Chapters of Dinglong.

   "Guest officer, you are welcome. This is what should happen. If there is nothing else, I won't bother you for dinner." The waiter smiled and was about to leave.

  Chen Xiyi called to stop the other party: "Wait a minute, I still want to ask, are there any good fishing places such as rivers or lakes nearby?"

  Being idle is also idle. It’s not good to lie down and read a book all the time. It’s just good to go fishing and read a book. Anyway, what he fishes is the progress bar, and he doesn’t really rely on the fish to take the bait.

  As long as the progress bar is full, you can definitely catch something.

   As for what to catch, it can only depend on luck.

  Of course, what is more important is that the riverside is full of water vapor and earth qi, so that the pupils can absorb more water vapor and earth qi when they are running aura, so as to speed up the cultivation of the primordial spirit.

  The shop waiter is a bit weird, do you still have the mind to go fishing these days?

   But he didn't show it, and he's not stupid. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this scholar is a man who is not short of money, so what do he do with his heart.

   "There is really a place to go, but it's outside the city." The waiter blurted out.

   "That's okay, please explain in detail." It didn't matter to Chen Xiyi.

   "This is out of the south gate, all the way along there."

  Since Chen Xiyi didn't mind, the shop waiter naturally wouldn't say anything, so he had to tell Chen Xiyi the direction in detail.

  Although this guy's mouth is a little broken, what he said is really detailed, his mouth is sharp, and he is a very good person.

"Well, how about this, you go and hail a carriage for me, together with the driver, wait for me at the door of the inn tomorrow morning, rent it for a month first, and I will give you any more." Chen Xiyi took out fifty copper coins Come.

  The clerk in this store's eyes lit up, and he really didn't lack money, so he casually took out fifty copper coins.

   Those coachmen probably didn’t have these coppers in their entire property, but they still used reserve tickets. Even he didn’t have so much in a month, and the reserve tickets were converted into only twenty coppers.

   But even if it is the same amount of reserve tickets, it is not worth the copper.

   This reserve ticket is falling every day. Now that the situation is these days, you can still buy some oil, and tomorrow there may be some vinegar left.

  So the value-preserving copper and silver dollars are naturally the most popular, not to mention that the copper itself has a lot of value.

   "Don't worry, it will be properly arranged for you tomorrow morning." The waiter took the copper and naturally understood what Chen Xiyi meant.

  Chen Xiyi wanted to save trouble and only looked at the results rather than the process, so he let him do it.

  The money is enough, but he needs to decide how much the price is, and how much money can be negotiated, and the excess is his.

Of course, he didn't dare to make a fuss. After all, he was a guest in the inn. If he was asked to do business, if he dared to find any carriage or coachman for black money, he probably would have trouble with the shopkeeper. He might have to suffer. It's okay to be criticized, it's fine if you lose your job.

  In this era, there are not many things, but there are many people.

  Without a waiter like him, the inn can still go around, not to mention that there is not only a waiter like him in this inn, and it is still doing business without him.

   "Well, let's go." Hearing the other party's reply, Chen Xiyi waved his hand to indicate what to do.

  Looking at the surrounding situation casually, he listened to whether these diners revealed any valuable news while chatting.

   It's just that most of them are eating, and the chat is also a few short sentences, which don't involve other things at all.

   Probably afraid of something happening.

   After a glance, a middle-aged man dressed in a white gown walked into the inn.

   "The shopkeeper, the third one." The middle-aged man yelled as soon as he came in.

  The shopkeeper behind the counter is no stranger to it, obviously he should be a regular customer.

   "Okay, Master Feng, three springs and two liangs, half a roast chicken, and a stack of side dishes." The shopkeeper yelled to the back kitchen.

  The shop waiter also hurried over to say hello: "Come, Master Feng please."

This middle-aged man surnamed Feng is also familiar with the shop and followed the waiter. He only walked halfway, and suddenly saw Chen Xiyi, and his eyes lit up: "Don't be busy, go help me and ask this little brother if he can fight for a table. It is rare to meet a scholar with the same fame and fame at the beginning of the year."

  The store clerk was also embarrassed when he heard this, so he had to bite the bullet and ask.

  Chen Xiyi was also confused when he heard this?


   But I didn’t refuse.

  The middle-aged man surnamed Feng heard that Chen Xiyi didn't refuse, so he naturally sat across from him, and said, "I've met my little friend, I'm Feng Peng, who was a talented scholar in the ninth year of Qing Dynasty in the past, and it's really an honor to see my classmate again today."

  Obviously, the other party misunderstood, he is not a scholar, he is just wearing a scholar's fashion.

  Chen Xiyi also noticed that the other party didn't seem to regard the students who marched before as scholars, but instead regarded himself as a fellow scholar, which was a bit curious.

  Since the other party introduced himself, Chen Xiyi also introduced himself, but he didn't say that he was a talented person for several years.

  During this period, he compared the similarities between the other party and himself, intending to find similarities or characteristics that the other party thinks he is a scholar.

   Finally locked on the gown.

   At this time, he also understood, no wonder people in this world recognized him at a glance.

  These scholars all wear long gowns, while the common people basically wear short gowns with other clothes.

  That's why I recognized him as a scholar at a glance.

  From the communication with Feng Peng, Chen Xiyi clearly felt his dislike for those parading students, and denounced them as evil ways.

   "Neither read the classics of sages, nor do stereotyped essays, but study those things to learn about knowledge, people's livelihood and economics, it is simply insulting to the gentlemen." Feng Peng is not a little angry.

  Chen Xiyi understood the cause and effect, co-authorship is a dispute between the old and the new.

  This group of students who represent the stubborn old school of feudalism who are unhappy with the new school is caused by learning foreign ideas, but Chen Xiyi thinks that it is more likely that the students' parade has affected Feng Peng's interests. Otherwise, how could he say such a thing?

   And the long gown he was wearing was also mistaken by the other party for an old school scholar.

  The other party's mood was a little unstable, so Chen Xiyi was very cautious in making routines. If the other party was calm and calm, he might not be able to extract anything valuable from the other party's words.

  (end of this chapter)

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