This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 112: Another person was caught

  Chapter 112 I caught someone again

   Martial law lasted for nearly a month before the entire city was unsealed.

However, this movement is not trivial. The round-the-clock hunt for the rebel party has caused public grievances. Since half a month ago, the hunt for the rebel party has been considered serious. After a long time, they come here every day. It has to be said that it is possible to harbor rebel members and slander the other party members without giving any benefits.

   At this time, it can be said that everyone is complaining. The martial law cannot be opened, and there is no income and they have to be blackmailed every day. Who can bear it.

   According to this style of work, those who have clues will not say anything.

  Foolishly go up to report clues, do you really think there will be rewards for you?

   Maybe even kill you and pretend to be a remnant of the rebel party to take credit for it.

  So I searched for a month, not to mention betraying the party, but there is not even a clue.

  Finally, a few days ago, it was announced that the rebels would arrest all of them, and their heads were beheaded at the entrance of the vegetable market in the west of the city. Their heads had been hanging on the poles for several days.

   As for the actual situation, I don’t know.

   It is only now that martial law has been lifted in desperation.

  Not only the common people and merchants in the city couldn’t bear it anymore, but also the lords above couldn’t bear it anymore. After nearly a month of blockade, the rise in prices is nothing. They have money and have nowhere to buy.

  Do you really think that all the supplies come from the city?

How is this possible? Most of the agricultural products come from the countryside outside the city, and even the food in the inn these days has deteriorated. If the city is under martial law, I am afraid that the people in the city will have to do it without the rebel party. First send the warlords in the city to the road.

  However, the price has risen again, and the preparatory ticket has also depreciated greatly.

   Fortunately, with such a flood outlet, the whole city gradually began to recover.

  Chen Xiyi didn't feel much about it. After all, his money was all dishonest money, and he didn't earn it by himself, so he didn't feel bad about spending it, so naturally he spent it extravagantly.

  After the martial law passed, Chen Xiyi naturally went out of the city to fish and practice.

  【You fished with a fishing rod and caught Li Zhao, a student】

   "Tsk, another person has been caught, now it's over, how should I explain?"

  Chen Xiyi has some numb claws, so he can't kill them, so let's collect them.

   What's more, the other party seems to be a group of students who are responsible for themselves.

  【Student Li Zhao, health: 24%, state: drowning, coma, serious injury】

  【Ability 1: Unyielding Will】

  【Ability 2: Political Management】


  【February: Escape from serious injuries from warlords】

  【January: Chased by warlord soldiers】


   "Serious injuries and coma are easy to deal with, but I can't do anything about drowning. You can't let me give him artificial respiration, and what are the first aid measures after falling into the water?"

  He seems to vaguely remember to press his chest?

  The past life is too far away from the present, and many things have long been forgotten.

   There are only a few things left that are not so easy to forget.

   For example, first aid, for Chen Xiyi, who has been stable for so many years, he has long forgotten it.

   "Wait, I don't seem to need to know first aid, isn't it just to get rid of the negative state." Chen Xiyi realized one thing, he doesn't know first aid, but he can make the negative state disappear.

   casually took off his alloy helmet and put it on for Li Zhao.

  【Enchantment: Tenacity takes effect, student Li Zhao is exempt from state: coma】

   "Ouch~" Li Zhao woke up leisurely, and vomited a lot of water from his nose and mouth as soon as he woke up.

  【Enchantment: Tenacity takes effect, student Li Zhao is exempt from status: drowning】

   Seeing this scene, Chen Xiyi pulled his alloy helmet off the opponent's head and put it back on.

  He estimated that the negative state of serious injury would be regained even if he was exempted. This negative state came from Li Zhao's only 24% health, rather than external reasons.

   "Cough, this..." Li Zhao looked around blankly. He remembered that he was still in the city before, so why did he come here suddenly.

   But don't think about it, it must be saved by the person in front of you.

   "Thank you for saving your life, Li Zhao."

  【You have rescued the student Li Zhao, and the student Li Zhao has a good opinion of you +1, and the current good opinion is 2 stars】

  【You added a friend: Li Zhao, a student】

   "." Chen Xiyi has black lines all over his head, good guy, you have to save your life to add friends?

  Looking at Li Zhao who turned into a green light spot, this guy not only added friends, but also turned into a green unit.

  Different from Wu Xiu, it also adds a little favorability, but Li Zhao starts with 2 stars.

  Chen Xiyi found that Li Zhao was looking at him, but there were many wounds on his body, and he was seriously injured, which made him very weak.

   "I didn't expect the student party to slip through the net. How did you survive for a month before running out of the city?" Chen Xiyi was a little puzzled.

  Li Zhao was also silent. In fact, he hadn’t left the city at all, but fell into the water after being betrayed.

   And then, this comes out.

  He felt that he should have been washed out of the city along the river. Although he didn't know how he got out, since he was alive, he didn't need to remember too many things. After all, he had already drowned and passed out at that time.

   "There is no need to mention the past, the student party has become a thing of the past." Li Zhao said with a wry smile.

There is no need to have the intention of harming others, but it is necessary to be defensive. Li Zhao must have been taken in by someone in the past month, otherwise he will never be able to escape such a large-scale search. It will definitely affect Chi Yu, so even if he dies, he won't say anything.

   Chen Xiyi asked after introducing himself.

   "What are your plans now, are you going to continue to make trouble? Or should you stop and change places to make a living?"

To be honest, Chen Xiyi is still very curious about Li Zhao. Among other things, the ability of unyielding will is likely to be some kind of innate ability, just like the Lu Xian he caught before, with a scheming ability.

  Chen Xiyi had heard a little about Lu Xian before, and became Wang Li's queen, and many subsequent policies were formulated by Wang Li with the assistance of Lu Xian, and her ability can be said to be very good.

   And now Li Zhao also has the ability of unyielding will, which must be special.

   "I am going to develop in other cities. Although we have failed here, I believe that only if everyone can unite, those warlords are just ordinary people." Li Zhao said forcefully.

   In his tone, there was endless hope.

  Chen Xiyi could see that Li Zhao must have a high status in the student party, otherwise he would never have such a warm heart.

   "Really, then who do you think owns the world?" Chen Xiyi pulled the fishing rod and caught a ball of kelp.

   "Of course it belongs to the common people." Li Zhao said without hesitation.

  Indeed, this idea is correct, but there is a small premise, that is, there is no such super-standard existence of alchemists in this world.

   It just looks like a chaotic period of warlord chaos, not a real warlord chaos.

   "Well, I think so too. If there is nothing wrong, I will keep you soon. After all, your identity is very sensitive. If people see it, it will easily hurt me. You should understand."

  Although this Li Zhao has been recognized as his friend by Homeland Games, Chen Xiyi doesn't want to get involved with this Li Zhao.

  No matter how you look at it, this Li Zhao is a big trouble, and Chen Xiyi hates trouble.

   "Understood, if brother Chen needs me in the future, it's okay to say." Li Zhao said with his fists clasped.

  He didn't say that he wanted to pull Chen Xiyi into the gang. Everyone has their own ambitions. If he insisted, wouldn't he be no different from those warlords?

   Only like-minded people can work together.

   Otherwise, his student party would not have grown so strong, but it was a pity that it was eventually destroyed.

   "Walk slowly, don't send it off." Chen Xiyi waved his hand, but he didn't really care about it.

  Seeing Chen Xiyi's casual attitude, Li Zhao felt a little envious in his heart. If he hadn't had great ambitions, he might have lived this kind of life.

   "Farewell." After speaking, Li Zhao turned and left.

  After taking three steps, he fell straight upside down.


  Chen Xiyi noticed the movement, the black line at one end, and looked at the opponent's health, it had dropped from 24% to 16%.

   "Sloppy, this guy still has a negative status of being seriously injured. It is probably due to his unyielding will to be able to chat with me for so long." Chen Xiyi looked at the humble Li Zhao, feeling a little helpless.

  Obviously, the other party was tenacious and talked to him with a serious injury, but this also aggravated his own injury in disguise.

  If Chen Xiyi hadn't caught him, he would either have drowned or died of serious injuries. He would definitely not survive.

  So he is now facing a question, to save or not to save?

   If you can’t save it, take another shot now, and there will be no follow-up events after collecting.

   If you are saved, you will probably be able to gain a friend, and there may be a follow-up plot branch, but risks and troubles will naturally follow.

   "With my running speed, the troubles and risks definitely can't catch up with me. After all, I'm still a good friend." Chen Xiyi thinks, since it's a green name plus a friend, it's better to save a wave.

  And as far as the other party is concerned, there will be more or less benefits.

  Chen Xiyi took out a portion of broth from the inventory, pulled Li Zhao's mouth and poured it in.

  Although he is not a good person, he is not a bad person either. Judging from Li Zhao's words and experience, he can be regarded as a good person. If there are more good people, people like him can live more comfortably.

   After pouring a bowl of soup into it, Li Zhao's status bar naturally has two more states: slow recovery of health and vigorous energy.

  Although the recovery of health is slow, it is based on a percentage. The so-called slowness is only for the rules of the game.

  Thinking about recovering 1% of health per minute, it is probably better than no recovery in the game, but if this rule is implemented in reality, it is simply against the sky.

   Not long after, Li Zhao's health recovered to 69%, and then he woke up. He smacked his mouth and felt a little fragrant.

  And the most important thing is that the pain in the body has disappeared. Although he is still a little weak, his mental strength is very good.

  He also understood that Chen Xiyi must have saved him.

   "Thank you for your kindness, Brother Chen, Li Zhao has recorded this love." Li Zhao didn't ask the other party how he saved him.

  【You have a conversation with the student Li Zhao, the atmosphere is harmonious, the student Li Zhao's favorability towards you +10, current favorability: 3 stars]

  ‘Why did I have a conversation before I even opened my mouth, and the atmosphere is harmonious. Is this the reason for the harmonious atmosphere? '

  ‘And what the **** kind of favorability is this? I’ve never seen it before, but today it has risen to 3 stars all of a sudden. If it continues to rise, you won’t be sworn in with me, right? '

  ‘Gan, it would be great if this was a beautiful woman. '

  Chen Xiyi's face was expressionless, and his heart was full of crap. It was obviously a life-saving grace. Why didn't the previous Lu Xian have such a situation?

"Well, I get it. If I have anything to do, I will definitely go to you. I won't be polite." Chen Xiyi just said so. To be honest, if this guy wasn't his friend, he wouldn't have saved him. .

  For Chen Xiyi's perfunctory and straightforward words, Li Zhao didn't feel any disrespect, but felt that the other party was genuine.

  What is this called?

  【You have a conversation with the student Li Zhao, the atmosphere is harmonious, the student Li Zhao's favorability towards you +1, current favorability: 3 stars]


  Chen Xiyi didn't know whether it was because Li Zhao liked brain supplements, or because it would be easier to increase his favorability after he got up, but the game log that was refreshed from time to time made him feel a little silly.

   "If brother Chen has any needs, I will do my best, so I will leave first." After Li Zhao finished speaking, he was ready to leave again.

"Wait, now that you've said that, it won't make sense if I don't help you." Chen Xiyi took out a handful of oceans, coins, and preparation tickets from his pocket and threw them to Li Zhao: "Development requires For funds, just treat it as me supporting you."

   Li Zhao accepted the money from Chen Xiyi. He originally wanted to refuse, but when he thought that he was alone, it was really hard to move without money.

"Thank you." This time, Li Zhao didn't say anything more, but solemnly thanked Chen Xiyi and left. At this time, in Li Zhao's eyes, Chen Xiyi's image had become a good person who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside, but his mouth was stubborn. Ken said that.

  【You gave currency to Li Zhao, a student, Li Zhao’s favorability towards you +30, current favorability: 4 stars】

  Looking at the figure that was fading away, Chen Xiyi was a little skeptical about life. This increase is a bit scary. Is this 4 stars?

It’s definitely useless to throw money, and it’s not like he hasn’t spent money before. The driver Zhang Laoliu he hired before only increased his favorability by 1 point, but Li Zhao directly increased his favorability by 30 points. Look at the star rating, but this is the first time I have seen it rise so much.

"Forget it, let's treat it as an investment, but don't die, I don't have the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the ground to save you." Although Chen Xiyi felt that he was not familiar with this Li Zhao, this level of goodwill and friends couldn't do it. Fake.

  (end of this chapter)

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