This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 126: Spells with one-sided painting style

  Chapter 126 Spells with a different style of painting

   "Huzi, cheer up, Huzi, I didn't mean it, wake up!!"

  Chen Xiyi looked at the tiger demon that died suddenly, and his whole body was in a bad mood. He didn't expect that the tiger demon could not help causing harm, but it was only after moving some of its more important parts.

  The moment the tiger demon's health was emptied, Chen Xiyi felt that he couldn't even breathe.

   "I haven't finished the experiment yet, what should I do if you die like this, you are the main ration producer of the corpse monster, if this burden falls on the water monkeys, it will be a big mountain."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the dead tiger demon, and collected it with tears in his eyes.

  【You collect the corpse of the tiger demon that died in the experiment, you get: tiger bone, tiger skin, tiger meat.】

   "It seems that the tiger demon's ability to create ghosts is closely related to its life. After I dug it out, not only did the tiger demon die suddenly, but even those ghosts disappeared. It's a big loss."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the large mass of flesh and blood organs in his hands, and couldn't help but say.

Not long ago, after he finished fixing the BUG of the invisible qi, and further optimized the overflow of the qi machine and the remote control ability, the invisible qi can no longer be used for melee combat and body protection, but can also be thrown out as a long-range weapon. Attack, and even be able to adjust various parameters to achieve the strength, angle, etc. he said he needed.

   And added some qi machines into it. Although it was not able to reach the level of immunity to elemental damage, it also had extremely high resistance.

   Afterwards, Chen Xiyi felt that the spell of invisible qi could be suspended first, and turned to study the much-needed soul-absorbing spell.

  For example, if he wants to know something, what if the enemy refuses to answer?

  If you torture him, the other party's bones are hard, so what should I do if I don't say anything?

  What if the content of nine truths and one falsehood deceives me after I say this?

  So, he took a fancy to the ghost ability of the tiger demon. This research should have been put on the agenda long ago, but the development potential of the invisible qi is too great, so it was put on hold for a while.

   Now that the Invisible Gang Qi version has been updated and the bugs have been fixed, it is natural to change to another project.

  Then today, I was careless, maybe because my brain twitched when I started, and I killed the tiger demon, but this ghost ability is very useful.

   None of the ghosts under the control of the tiger demon did not hate the tiger demon, but they had no way to resist. Everything was done honestly.

  Chen Xiyi is a more serious person, he doesn't need the front part to say no, he just needs to be physically honest.

  Although it is said that the ability of ghosts is quite different from the spells Chen Xiyi needs, there is no other way.

  The spells he has inherited have similar effects, but the problem is that he can't use them. Those spells require a specific soul to use, and he can only stare at them.

  So he can only make enough food and clothing by himself, otherwise he can be so stupid that he doesn't have to go around a lot by himself if he has ready-made things?

   It's just that Chen Xiyi discovered that the ability of this ghost, the more he researched, the more he deviated from his idea.

   On the contrary, it was Husha's ability, which was easily compatible with the invisible qi, which allowed Chen Xiyi to release something similar to coercion.

  Especially this coercion is more powerful because of the purple qi, evil qi and other qi in the invisible gang qi. As long as it is used, it is just like the gods suppressing mortals in the novels of cultivating immortals.

  He tried it, and the corpse demon could be intimidated, and the others trembled even more, as if they were being watched by some kind of terrifying existence.

  Chen Xiyi, who added the coercive ability to the invisible qi, was full of crap. The ghost's ability went to a place he didn't need, but it gave the invisible qi another update.

   This can't be blamed on Chen Xiyi, it can only be said that the compatibility of the invisible qi with the addition of the coexistence structure is too great, and it can completely be used as the core ability of his qi refining system in addition to the sense of qi.

  Anything can be stuffed into it, and even after he has gained popularity and yang energy, he can carry out physical nourishment and enhancement.

  The eight-pack abs that people can only get by going to the gym every day, Chen Xiyi can hang up for him by hanging up with invisible qi. Of course, this is the follow-up plan.

   Now it is necessary to find a way to bring back the ghost's ability. With his further research, he has discovered the suitable method for the ghost's ability.

  If this continues to be studied, the soul-absorbing spells he needs will be gone.

He wanted to change it halfway, but when he thought that the ability of this ghost could form a super-powerful domain-type passive ability with the invisible qi and the ability of the soul returning to the first realm, it made him He was a little cautious.

  Especially the combination of ghosts and soul formations might allow Chen Xiyi to take off immediately.

   "It's not just the back-to-soul array of Soul Returning to One Realm, but also the beast spirits of the Myriad Beasts Unbounded Technique in the Yunzhuan Daolu, the soul boy in the Evil Soul Boy, and the home battle of Dinglong Jiuzhang."

"If Yin Qi is the dominant factor, combined with the abilities in these inherited abilities, the ability to devour souls and souls to raise ghosts can not only provide me with a field-type magic force field, but also raise a large number of ghost puppets to form a numerical advantage and devour souls." In the end, it can also be turned into the primordial spirit, even if there is no energy mechanism, it can be strengthened by Tongmu with aura."

  Chen Xiyi was tempted by this, perhaps only this world has aura, and he certainly won't stay in this world forever.

  If he leaves this world, what should other worlds do if there is no energy mechanism?

  He doesn't think that the Zhoutian Qi Xing Module can be strong enough to change a world, so if he doesn't want his Qi Refiner system to have a follow-up, he must either train to the full level in this world, or find a way to solve the trouble of continuing to become stronger.

  Now, Chen Xiyi has a solution.

The Niqi Returning Soul Formation can reverse the external Qi into Soul Qi, and Chen Xiyi uses this to transform it into merits, while the soul boy and beast spirits come from the soul, Chen Xiyi connected and improved it with the Niqi Returning Soul Formation. Raw materials.

  After dozens of days of deleting, deleting, modifying, and experimenting with various parties, Chen Xiyi has completed the first draft. The difficulty is not small, but the potential is not low.

"The potential of the ghost's ability is not lower than the ability of this corpse, or the potential of the core ability of all ghosts and ghosts is not lower." Chen Xiyi thought of the substitute death of the water ghost, the water monkey's watery strength, and so on. is a good ability.

  If it is further developed, although it is a bit deviant from the Qi Refiner's system, its power is definitely not inferior to these spells.

  Maybe the spells in his inheritance might have been developed with reference to the abilities of these demons and ghosts.

   "However, if this spell is really successful, I'm afraid it will hurt the peace."

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi was still quite hesitant. Although this spell was only a first draft, it already had a foreseeable future development progress.

  Even if this spell is completed, it is still relatively weak in the initial stage, and a lot of souls must be filled in it to turn it into a ghost puppet.

  A soul, a puppet.

  Chen Xiyi hasn't estimated the upper limit at the moment. After all, it's just a first draft, but if you really want to make it big, you need a lot of souls as resources.

  Chen Xiyi feels that he is not a good person, but this kind of evil method, which looks like a demon, seems a bit out of line with his identity.

   How can I say that I am also a serious scholar.

   "It doesn't seem to be a problem. I can just set a valve. If it only targets red-named NPCs, then it's fine. Red-named NPCs are all malicious to me. Don't kill them and save them for the New Year?"

  Chen Xiyi suddenly realized that he is not the kind of person who likes to kill innocent people indiscriminately. He would not say to kill white-named NPCs, but only target those red-named NPCs.

  As for the green-named NPC friends, naturally he won't touch them, he still wants to be brothers with them.

   "The core of this spell is still Yin Qi, and only Yin Qi, which is extremely universal, can become the core of this spell."

"The system of this qi refiner seems to be mainly based on yang energy, because they are all human beings, while demons and ghosts are yin qi, and only yin qi can help them achieve changes, such as the corpse transformation of zombies, the birth of ghosts, the birth of monsters, etc. Kai Zhi and so on, can't get rid of Yin Qi."

   "If Yin Qi is crucial to the abilities of demons and goblins, then if I use Yang Qi to conduct ability experiments with people, will I be able to create spells that are more suitable for me?"

   "But I don't have yang energy in my body. This is a big problem. No, it should be popular. Alas, a half-finished game that is cheating."

  When Chen Xiyi was thinking about yin qi, he couldn't help but think of yang qi. As the representative qi of human beings and demons, these two qi mechanisms seemed to him to have great potential.

  The qi refiner system is mainly based on yang energy and human energy, but it doesn't mean that all of them are based on these two types of energy mechanisms. Doesn't the soul return to the world still use the soul energy synthesized by oneself.

   "Soul Qi, tsk, when my foundation is a little more solid, can I use these Qi mechanisms in my body to synthesize my unique Qi mechanism."

   If all the qi mechanisms are integrated, then this will be of great help to Chen Xiyi's own future path.

  As a just-started qi refiner, Chen Xiyi felt that there were various ideas in his head that he wanted to practice, but he was distressed because he was alone and couldn't split into many people.

  If he doesn't try his best, how can he catch up with other Qi refiners, who are old monsters who have lived for countless years.

  Although he has not met any Qi Refiner, he can feel the pressure from that Eternal Being.

He is not a genius, and other qi refiners are not idiots in those novels about cultivating immortals with no brains. In terms of the control of the machine, the so-called physical weakness is only relative to the primordial spirit of the qi refiner, not ordinary mortals.

In Chen Xiyi's current thoughts, he has long since abandoned the idea that Qi refiners are weak. Even if it is him, a game player without yang energy and popularity, has become a powerful man under the spell of invisible qi. A qi refiner who is infinite, invulnerable to swords and guns, and invulnerable to water and fire, this is just a magical blessing.

  At this time, Chen Xiyi had truly started as a Qi refiner.

  Although he was a self-proclaimed Qi Refiner before, he was only able to bully demons, ghosts, or people who were weak in strength. Compared with a real Qi Refiner, it was a world of difference.

   "It's no wonder that there are so few qi refiners, and the threshold is much higher than I imagined."

  Don’t look at just refining Qi and cultivating the soul to become the primordial spirit. If it is really so easy, how can there be only about a hundred people who refine Qi, this world is not small.

  In retrospect, if it weren't for the Zhoutian Qi Xing module and the Qi machine blessed by the fairies, and let him practice in a casual way, I am afraid that he would never be able to become a Qi refiner for the rest of his life.

"Cheng Zhen, I'm afraid I have underestimated the difficulty of becoming a Qi refiner. Even if I sell all my gold ingots, it may be difficult to raise a soul." Chen Xiyi couldn't help but think of selling himself the inheritance of the Nine Chapters of Dinglong Cheng Zhen.

  (end of this chapter)

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